Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 385 Residents of the Deserted Island

Thompson in the wild town didn't know what happened to the unlucky Robinson.

After entering the town, he found a wild supermarket directly.

The supermarket looked normal, but as soon as he entered it, he knew what it meant to be a riot of demons.

All kinds of wild rice, flour and oil smoke were running all over the ground, and there were also some women's underwear, wandering in the air like jellyfish.

"Daidai! Let's go catch jellyfish!"

Thompson suddenly turned his head to look at the screaming chicken Daidai next to him, showing a pair of big front teeth like SpongeBob.


Daidai tilted his head and looked at Tompson, obviously unable to understand Tompson's meme behavior.

But Tompson didn't care about it.

It didn't think Daidai could understand its meme.

Coming to this wild supermarket, Tompson mainly wanted to see if there was anything similar to Poké Balls here.

If not, it would have to make it itself.

In the end, it was a bit of a pity that Tompson didn't find anything similar to Poké Balls in the supermarket after visiting it.

This was a waste of expression.

It was obviously a town with a layout very similar to that of Pallet Town.

It would not be out of place if a yellow electric mouse suddenly jumped out of it.

But there was no soul item Poké Ball.

If the orthodox game does this, Tom will have to refund.

Well, it may not be refunded.

In the end, it depends on whether the game is fun.

Although the manufacturer continues to perfunctorily develop.

But as an old fan of Pokémon, I still can't help but buy it.

It's just that Tom is not so fanatical that he would buy two versions for a legendary beast.

After leaving the Wild Supermarket, Tom had to do it himself without Poké Ball.

Originally, Tom wanted to cut some trees and use the wood to rub a few Poké Balls by hand as before.

But not too far away, Tom found a large number of spherical and heart-shaped stones at the edge of the town and the woods.

Picking up a spherical stone, Tom held it in his paw and rubbed it, and then shook the weight.

His eyes suddenly lit up!


This is a good thing!

It's perfect for making Poké Balls.

Tom doesn't even need to rub it again.

So, Tang Mu quickly called Dai Dai to come and help pick up the ball.

Tang Mu held the snakeskin bag in one hand, bent over and threw stones into the bag with the other hand.

On the other side, Dai Dai also came over obediently.

He stood there for a while, then lowered his head without any focus to peck at the stones at his feet.

After a few pecks, he suddenly opened his mouth and caught a heart-shaped stone.


As soon as Tang Mu saw it, he knew that this stupid chicken must be up to no good again.

Sure enough.

Dai Dai is still a genius on the road to suicide.

After holding a stone, Dai Dai did not realize that the stone was not edible.

He just tilted his head and swallowed it!


A heart-shaped stone slid down Dai Dai's esophagus directly, and then it got stuck halfway.

Then Dai Dai might have felt the feeling of suffocation, and his round eyes suddenly widened, full of bloodshot.



Daidai was so anxious that he walked back and forth in the same place, twisting his long neck left and right, and then kept pecking at the ground, as if he wanted to spit out the stone in his neck.

Seeing that it was like an ant on a hot pot, Tommy was helpless and could only grab Daidai, turn it upside down, and pull the stone out of Daidai's mouth with his hand.


The stone fell to the ground.

Daidai was also put on the ground by Tom.

Seeing that Daidai had just escaped from life danger and immediately pecked at the heart-shaped stone again, Tom was also helpless.

Anyway, he didn't expect Daidai to come to help.

It's good enough that he didn't make trouble for himself again.

But this time, Daidai didn't go to hoard the heart-shaped stone again.

Instead, he picked out the heart-shaped stone from the spherical stone and piled it aside.

Tom had reason to believe.

Daidai was almost killed by this heart-shaped stone just now.

The masochistic Daidai must have fallen in love with the heart-shaped stone that could kill him.

Just like Daidai fell in love with the rope that almost strangled it.

It was just this back view of collecting heart-shaped stones.

It reminded Tangmu of a movie star in the entertainment industry.

He also loved to give his love stones to various female stars.

At least that star was not as good as Daidai in one respect.

Daidai's stones were at least collected by him personally.

Although that star claimed to have collected them herself, it turned out that she bought them all online.

Daidai collects Daidai's, and Tangmu collects Tangmu's.

A chicken and a cat are quite harmonious.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long for Tangmu to pick up a sack of spherical stones.

Clapping his hands, Tangmu put his hands on his waist, looked down at the sack of stones he collected, nodded with satisfaction, and then turned and walked towards the supermarket.

After a while, Tangmu took out a few buckets of paint from it.

These wild paints are quite crazy.

It was not until Tom drank a bucket of white paint in front of them that all the paints were frightened by Tom and dared not move.

After living for so many years, it was the first time for the paints to see such a ruthless person!

He even dared to drink paint.

It was unimaginable.

If they really provoked this cat, Tom would do something else.

But the paints didn't know.

When Tom was drinking white paint, he had changed the name of the barrel to milk.

In fact, what Tom drank was milk.

Of course, he could drink paint, but he was not stupid.

That stuff was not tasty.

After threatening the paint, Tom took out a hammer and put it aside, threatening the stone balls.

Under Tom's power.

These stone balls could only jump into the paint bucket one by one to color themselves.

After the color was dyed, they ran back to the bag and stuffed themselves in.

Under this truly fully automated operation, Tom soon had a bag full of Poké Balls.

Although this Poké Ball was heavy.

But look at its half red and half white appearance.

Who can say it is not a Poké Ball?

It can be thrown out and can capture the target after hitting it, then it is a Poké Ball.

Holding the stone Poké Ball, Tom was naturally eager to try.

The cat's eyes searched around and soon locked the target on a bench beside the road in the town.

A wild bench appeared!

The bench seemed to have noticed Tom's malicious gaze.

Glancing at the stone in Tom's claws, the bench turned around and ran without saying a word.

The wild bench tried to escape, and Tom immediately chased it and threw the Poké Ball in his hand at the bench!


The Poké Ball thrown by Tom made a whistling sound in the air.


It hit the wild bench directly.

A big bump suddenly rose on the backrest of the roadside bench, and it was wobbly when it walked.

Under Tom's gaze, the bench took two steps forward and finally fell to the ground.

When Tom came to the bench, the bench that was knocked unconscious by the Poké Ball slowly woke up.

But the bench that woke up again seemed to agree with Tom and did not try to escape again.

Tom picked up the stone Poké Ball on the ground with satisfaction, expressing his satisfaction.

Although it was not like a real Poké Ball, after hitting the target, the target could be collected into the Poké Ball.

But at least the final effect is similar.

Tom happily sat on the bench, and then let the bench move its four legs and took Tom to stroll around the town.

Tom, who got a big bag of Poké Balls, instantly turned into the big devil of the town.

Along the way, Tom saw something wild, picked up the Poké Ball and threw it over!

While throwing, he was still laughing.

He was like a lawless devil.

The whole town was in chaos, and everyone cried for their parents wherever Tom passed.

There were abstract creatures everywhere that were knocked unconscious by Tom's stones.

The scene was quite "bloody" and it was simply impossible to look directly at.

After a day and a night of turmoil, this town finally ushered in peace on the morning of the next day.

The ferocious Tom spent a whole day conquering the entire wild town.

After conquering this town, Tom's quality of life instantly rose several levels.

Most of the items needed for modern life are available in the town.

But the quantity is limited.

But even so, after conquering the wild town, Tom still lived a very comfortable life for a few days.

There are even computers in the houses of the residents in this town.

Although there are no games or entertainment content.

But Tom didn't want to be a cat who only seeks enjoyment.

So after staying in the town for a few days, Tom was ready to set off again to explore other places.

But Tom hadn't set off yet.

On the street, Tom saw several dark shadows floating on the sea surface over the pier.

Tom took out a telescope and looked.

It turned out to be a raft and two canoes.

The raft and canoe were full of savages.

Among them, Tom even found the figure of Robinson.

Oh, poor Robinson.

It's only been a few days since we last met, and you have become a captive of the savages.

Tom shook his head, but did not act rashly, still holding the telescope and observing secretly.

The rafts and canoes of the savages were all on the shore, and the thin and weak Robinson was also pushed onto the pier.

The savages tied up Robinson's hands and feet and threw him on the dock.

Two of the savages looked at Robinson.

The other savages started to light a fire, as if they wanted to hold some wild ceremony here.

Or they wanted to eat Robinson.

After all, there were many scenes of cannibals in the original Robinson Crusoe.

Tom, who was secretly observing, saw that Robinson seemed to be really eaten by the savages, so he couldn't continue to watch the show.

He casually touched a handful of pot ash, painted his cat face black, and tied a few bird feathers on his head. Tom, who quickly disguised himself as a savage, walked straight towards Robinson.

The two savages who were guarding Robinson saw Tom coming over and opened their mouths and talked a lot.

Tom also said a lot of things in a babble.

The two guards were a little dumbfounded when they heard it, and then ran anxiously towards the other busy savages.

Tom then hurried to Robinson's side, untied the rope on Robinson, and smiled at him.

Looking at the cat dressed as a wild man in front of him.

Robinson was a little dazed.

These days, he almost thought he was going to die.

Unexpectedly, he was saved by Tom again.

After being rescued three times in a row, even a man like Robinson wanted to worship Tom as his master.

But now is not the time to reminisce about the past, Tom took Robinson away from here first.

Along the way, Robinson told about his experiences these days.

It turned out that after being captured by the savages.

Robinson was locked in a hut and had to have children with white women every day.

As time went by, Robinson became weaker and weaker, so he was brought here for a ceremony.

And eaten by the way.

Hearing about Robinson's experience, Tom was a little stunned.

You know it without thinking.

It was obviously not a good fortune.

It was just that the savages wanted to increase the population.

Foreign blood can reduce the deformity rate of babies born between close relatives.

After Robinson finished speaking, because of his experiences these days, he closed his eyes and fainted.

Fortunately, there is a wild doctor in the town.

After being knocked unconscious by Tom with a stone, he was able to help treat the disease obediently.

Tom blew a whistle.

A stretcher ran out by itself.

Tom threw Robinson on the stretcher.

Without Tom's instructions, the stretcher ran to the town clinic by itself.

Robinson was not needed for the time being.

Tom fell back again, holding a Poké Ball in his hand, and when he saw a savage, he threw a Poké Ball at their head!

For a moment, the whole dock was full of "bang bang bang" sounds.

A series of savages fell on the dock and fell into a baby-like sleep.

On Robinson's side, after the doctor's diagnosis, the rare comfortable environment also made Robinson unable to stop his sleepiness, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

Wait until the next day, Robinson slowly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a large group of savages standing by his bed and surrounding him.

This scared Robinson!

The whole person collapsed directly from the hospital bed!

He thought he was going to be eaten by the savages.

Unexpectedly, these savages looked apologetic and guilty.

One of the leading savages said embarrassedly: "We are very sorry to scare you. It is our fault. We will not do such barbaric and unreasonable things again."

Seeing this, Robinson's expression became more exciting.

I always feel that I am still in a dream.

But everything around me seems very real.

At this moment, there were two knocks at the door.

Robinson and his friends turned their heads to look at the door.

I saw Tom standing there and smiled at Robinson: "Old Lu, do you want a wife? If you want, I will bring her to you now."

Robinson was confused.

Tom had already pulled a white woman in.

When he saw this person, Robinson opened his mouth wide.

This woman was the woman who was imprisoned by the savages with him.

At this time, this woman was also pregnant with Robinson's child.

During the time when Robinson was unconscious, Tom went to the island of the savages and brought her over.

By the way, all the savages' heads were smashed with Poké Balls.

The savages nowadays are even more civilized than most modern people.

The reason why Tom did this was very simple.

He just wanted to turn this deserted island into a modern one.

A deserted island lacking vitality naturally needs indigenous people.

So many people can help Tom a lot.

It will be just around the corner to complete the world mission.

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