
Bean-sized raindrops hit the lid of the trash can, and the broken water splashed everywhere.

The rainwater was stained with the stench in the trash can and flowed into the trash can through the gap.

This made Tom, who already had a sensitive sense of smell, even more unbearable.


A sound of pulling out the cork bottle cap sounded, and Tom pulled his nose directly off, and then used a black brush to paint his nostrils black.

Now Tom is a cat without nostrils.

Naturally, he can no longer smell the stench in the trash can.

Originally, Tom wanted to get out of this dirty place quickly.

But before Tom could make any move, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the alley where the trash can was located, and there was a dissatisfied conversation between two people.

The kitten pricked up his ears sharply and heard the conversation between the two people in the rain.

It was Japanese, but Tom could understand it.

"Where did the cat go?!"

"Such a big cat, it should be obvious, I just saw it run in here."

After hearing the content of the conversation, Tom knew that the cat they were talking about was himself.

Now Tom has not checked the system son's panel, and does not know the situation of this world, nor does he know what his mission and world identity are.

In order to avoid any mistakes, it is better to hide for a while.

Listening to the footsteps outside the box stepping on the rain getting closer and closer, and then listening to the footsteps gradually going away.

Tomb, who is really playing hide-and-seek, was slightly relieved.

After pricking up his ears and confirming that the stranger who was looking for him was really far away, Tom hurriedly turned out of the trash can.

Shake the body hard.

Get rid of the dirt and rain on the body.

Tomb gestured at his height, and he was 1.2 meters tall when he stood up.

In other worlds, especially the world of "Tom and Jerry", it is quite normal.

Tom often stands taller than his owner's waist.

It is a real big cat.

But it seems that he has been wanted in this world since the beginning.

In order to avoid trouble, he still has to disguise himself a little.

So, Tom, who can grow and shrink freely, shrank his body.

In the alley on a rainy night, Tom, who was originally 1.2 meters long, slowly became a normal size of 50 centimeters.

A 1.2-meter British shorthair is very conspicuous, and there is almost only Tom.

But after becoming 50 centimeters, Tom seems much more common.

This is just the size of an ordinary adult British shorthair cat, or even a little smaller.

How many cats like Tom are there in Tokyo?

Tom is not afraid of being checked now.

He walked a few steps forward along the alley.

The kitten noticed a poster next to him.

It was a soap advertisement.

It looked a bit old.

A corner of the poster even curled and fell off.

On the poster, there was a picture of a blonde beauty wrapped in a bath towel, holding a shower head in one hand and soap in the other, taking a bath.

Tang Mu immediately took two steps back and looked up and down at the poster under the street light from the alley.

The cat immediately looked constipated.

This is not taking off pants to fart.

Who would take a bath wrapped in a bath towel?

As a Japanese poster, it is not open at all.

Tang Mu stretched out his claws and snatched the soap and shower head from the blonde.

Then he hid under the shed to take shelter from the rain and took a beautiful hot bath, ignoring the sudden confused expression of the blonde in the poster.

After all, Tang Mu just climbed out of the trash can.

It was rained again, and the kitten couldn't stand staying in this dirty state.

And it is common sense to take a hot bath after being rained.

Otherwise, it is easy to catch a cold.

He stuffed the soap and shower head back into the poster and gave it back to the blonde. Amid her screams, Tang Mu grabbed her bath towel and wiped the wet hair on his body very calmly.

After doing all this, Tang Mu threw the bath towel to the blonde in the poster.

The blonde took the bath towel with a lot of cat hair, and wrapped her body again in panic. She was so angry that her head was steaming, and she bared her teeth and got angry at Tang Mu outside the poster!

Tang Mu didn't care what the poster girl thought.

After taking a hot bath, the whole cat felt much more comfortable.

Now he could finally breathe at ease.

He looked around.

It was still raining outside.

Tang Mu had just finished taking a bath and didn't want to get his body wet again, so he could only spread his hands and directly dismantled the awning on the wall of someone else's house, and carried it as an umbrella and walked away.

While moving in the alley, he wanted to leave the area searched by the enemy first.

Tang Mu also opened the panel of the system son at the same time.

He wanted to see what world he had come to this time.

World: Kamen Rider.

World Mission: Defeat the hostile villain in another world.

World Mission Reward: Settlement after the mission is completed.

World Identity: A detective cat that helps humans solve crimes.

World Identity Reward: 5% progress in transformation.


Kamen Rider?

Interesting, I just went to the world of Ultraman, and this time it's Kamen Rider.

It has already been to two of the three major special effects in Japan.

I don’t know if I will have the chance to visit the world of Super Sentai in the future.

But then again, both Kamen Rider and Ultraman can be regarded as Tom’s childhood memories.

Tom feels like a dream come true when he can make such a trip in person.

However, like Ultraman, Kamen Rider also has many parts, and Tom doesn’t know what the worldview of the knights in this world is like.

We still need to continue to observe in the future.

As for the world mission, there is actually nothing to say.

A very conventional infinite flow type of mission, compared with his previous mission, it seems ordinary and nothing new.

Tom seriously suspects that the system son is dead.

The only thing to pay attention to in this world mission is the statement of another world.

But now there is too little information, so there is no need to think too much.

Anyway, it is right to beat up the villain when you see him.

As for the world identity...

This is a bit interesting.

It is the first time I have seen a world identity with such a long prefix.

This time, the restrictions on its identity are much more than before.

A detective cat that helps humans solve cases.

This kind of setting can be drawn in a detective comic.

Speaking of Kamen Rider and detective.

The first thing that Tom thought of was "Kamen Rider W".

However, Tom recalled some memories brought by this world's identity. It seems that W does not exist in this knight world, and there seems to be no Fuuto.

But Tom found something more interesting in his memory.

After seeing those memories, it is no wonder that Tom has the identity of a detective cat.

Let's sort out recent memories.

Tom's partner, a middle-aged uncle, has become a well-known detective in Tokyo with the assistance of the cat detective.

It was on a calm day that the uncle detective received a commission.

The commission looks simple, just a commission to find someone.

Finding cats, dogs, people, and mistresses, this is the daily life of ordinary detectives.

Not all detectives are qualified to accept major criminal commissions.

Death God Elementary School Student, Holmes, and Poirot are all exceptions among exceptions.

The uncle detective saw that the client gave a lot of rewards, so he accepted it.

Up to this point in the memory, everything seems normal.

But the person the mysterious client is looking for has a complicated name.

Her name is Akemi Miyano.

When Tang Mu saw this memory, he couldn't help but grin.

The world chosen by the system's son really won't disappoint.

I thought it was just an ordinary Kamen Rider world.

Unexpectedly, there are characters from "Detective Conan" in it.

No wonder his identity in the world is a detective cat.

After accepting the commission, the uncle detective immediately started to take Tang Mu to act.

In the process, he did gain a lot.

It's just a pity.

This commission provoked an organization that shouldn't be provoked, and also provoked some people who shouldn't be provoked.

In the end, the uncle detective and Tang Mu were discovered.

In the chaos, the uncle died on the spot, and only Tang Mu took the uncle's notebook and escaped.

Because of this, after Tang Mu crossed over, he hid in the trash can.

Now with this memory, Tang Mu immediately knew what to do next.

Although the mysterious client did not reveal his identity, Tom, who had watched Conan, guessed that the other party was most likely Miyano Akemi's sister, Miyano Shiho.

She also has another more famous name, Haibara Ai.

Now he has been exposed.

The uncle detective is dead.

The other party will definitely find something unusual.

After all, the uncle detective is also a well-known detective.

There is nothing good about seeing a detective near his home.

Tom is also worried that the other party will follow the clues to find his client Haibara Ai.

So it is better to find Haibara Ai before the other party and take her to a safe place.

It is not that Tom is making a fuss or being overly sensitive.

Mainly through the memory in his mind, Tom also knows who he and his former partner are investigating.

Smart Brain.

Abbreviated as SB Club.

However, this name is too ugly, so Tom is still used to calling it Smart Brain Group.

Smart Brain Group is the monster group in "Kamen Rider 555" and is also the largest physical enterprise in Japan.

As a high-tech company, the technology products of Zhinao Group are very common among the Japanese people.

It can be said that it is a large company with great power in both business and politics.

For such a company, in a capitalist country like Japan, it is not too easy to make up its mind to find someone!

Moreover, don't forget that this is not just a world of Kamen Rider.

"Detective Conan" is also mixed in.

You may not believe it.

In Tom's memory, it was actually Gin who was chasing it.

That's right, it was Gin who was surrounded by undercover agents and was tired just thinking about it.

It's just that in this world, Gin did not work in the winery.

Instead, he became a senior executive of Zhinao Group.

Although Gin has changed in many aspects because of the difference in the world.

But some places have not changed.

According to Tom's memory, if their investigation results are correct, the disappearance of Miyano Akemi in this world is also related to Gin.

The power of the Zhinao Group is already big enough.

Now there is a hardworking person like Gin, Tom must hurry up and find Huiyuan Ai before them.

Following the memory, Tom finally came to the downstairs of the uncle detective's office.

The uncle detective's office is on the second floor.

You can go directly in through the stairs outside the building.

There is also a small sign on the outer wall of the office, which is very easy to identify.

The rain is still falling, but there is an eaves on the stairs, so Tom doesn't have to carry the awning anymore.

Throwing the awning aside casually, the cat used all four limbs to quickly climb the stairs to the second floor.

Classically, a key was found under the carpet in front of the door. The cat jumped up, inserted the key into the keyhole, and then twisted the key on the door handle.


The door lock was opened.

Tang Mu's weight naturally pressed the door handle down.

With a "creak", the door of the office opened.

Tang Mu didn't care about his wet feet, and ran directly into the office, stepping out one plum blossom mark after another on the clean floor.

Tang Mu had a clear goal, and ran directly to the desk after entering the office.

With a slight force, Tang Mu jumped onto the chair and then onto the desk.


He stretched out his furry paws and pulled the desk lamp cord on the desk.

The warm orange light immediately illuminated the entire desk.

Tang Mu licked his paws, listened to the sound of rain outside, and silently searched through a large stack of documents on the desk.

Finally, after a few minutes, he found an envelope among those documents.

He took out the commission letter in the envelope and looked at it.

After confirming that he had found it correctly, Tang Mu nodded with satisfaction.

This letter was suspected to be the commission letter sent by Huiyuan Ai.

It also wrote the address where Huiyuan Ai could be contacted.

This is what Tang Mu needs.

But then again.

If the client is really Huiyuan Ai, this security awareness is really lacking.

He dared to reveal his real address when investigating Zhinao Group.

Sure enough, he stayed in the laboratory for too long and didn't know how sinister people are.

After putting away the commission letter and the uncle detective's investigation notes, Tang Mu turned off the lights, took an umbrella and left the office.

It had to find the address on the commission letter quickly to meet Huiyuan Ai.

It can be said that Tang Mu's decision was quite correct.

He did not underestimate the enemy, which allowed it to temporarily gain the upper hand.

Not long after Tang Mu left the office.

A tall figure had already arrived at the door of the office.

This man was 1.9 meters tall and had a tall and strong figure.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, no umbrella, and a black hat on his head.

Drops of water were sliding down the brim of his hat.

Under the hat was a very eye-catching silver-white long hair.

The man had a gloomy temperament, his eyes were covered by the shadow of his bangs under the hat, and his exposed skin was very white, even a little pale.

This man was the Gin in Tom's memory.

Standing in front of the office, Gin looked at the carpet under his feet, then looked at the door handle in front of him, and suddenly realized that he was still a step late.

The cat had left before him.

But Gin did not leave directly.

Looking at the door lock in front of him, Gin slowly raised his right hand.

There will be more updates today

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