Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 390: Give Gin a Little Tom Cat Shock (4000 words plus more)


Gin's right index finger instantly turned into a gray-white tentacle, which was extremely tough and fast, and directly pierced the door lock in front of him.


Gin gently pushed open the door without a door lock, and slowly walked into the office.

As soon as he entered, Gin's eyes stayed on the cat's paw prints on the ground.

Following the cat's paw prints, Gin also came to the desk.

After a rough search, Gin squinted his eyes and picked up a supermarket promotion list.

Turning on the desk lamp, Gin saw some handwriting marks on the advertisement leaflet.

Among them were the four words "Miyano Akemi".

Obviously, this advertisement leaflet was used as a table pad by the uncle detective before.

While the detective uncle was sorting out his thoughts while sorting out some information, he left marks on the advertisement leaflet after writing.

Gin is very smart and has clear ideas.

When he found that someone was following him and investigating him, he immediately found out the identity of the uncle detective.

So while sending his men to chase the cat, he went directly to the uncle detective's office to look for more information.

At first, Gin thought that some righteous people in the society had learned the truth about the Zhinao Group, so they invited the detective to investigate.

After all, most of the employees in the Zhinao Group are weirdos, Orphino.

At present, the president has no plan to expose Orphino to the society.

So once this level of investigation occurs, the news must be strangled to the source.

The general public must never know their existence.

But now seeing the name Miyano Akemi, Gin knew that he guessed wrong.

In this way, it is not a big deal to be exposed.

This also made Gin feel a little more relaxed.

Just like Tom.

After seeing Miyano Akemi, Gin also guessed who the client was immediately.

"Ah~ Shirley~"

Gin sighed like a pervert: "After escaping, you still want to find your sister, what a little girl."

After getting useful information, Gin no longer stayed in this office.

He turned and left the office, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and called Zhinao Group.

He seemed to be asking something in his words, but was covered by the sound of heavy rain.

On the other side, Tang Mu, relying on his identity as a cat, took several buses and came to the address on the commission letter.

As the bus arrived at the station, the door opened.

Tang Mu jumped directly from the bus to the bench on the platform.

At this time, the rain outside stopped and the sky was getting light.

The same time period.

Some people have already gotten up early.

Some people haven't even slept yet.

After rummaging through his pockets, the kitten took out the commission letter from his pocket. Holding the letter paper, Tang Mu stood up, looked around, and finally found the address on the letter.

Putting the commission letter back, Tang Mu ran quickly towards a low-rise apartment.

This apartment looks a bit old. On the way up, Tang Mu didn't hear how many people were in the apartment building.

Following the address, Tang Mu went directly to the third floor. Looking at the door in front of him, Tang Mu jumped up and pressed the doorbell.


The doorbell rang for a few seconds.

Tang Mu pricked up his ears and soon heard a series of light footsteps from inside.

At this time, he came over after just ringing the doorbell.

It seems that the client inside has not slept well recently.

"Who is it?"

A cold little girl's voice sounded from inside the door.


Tang Mu called softly, then grabbed a piece of paper with his claws and retreated a few meters away, so that Huiyuan Ai inside the door could see him through the cat's eye.

Huiyuan Ai inside the door stepped on a small stool, her eyes facing the cat's eye on the door.

She did see Tang Mu's movements and saw the words written on the paper clearly: "Sharks in the deep sea."

This is a code.

It is used by the uncle detective and Huiyuan Ai to meet.

But I have to say that this is actually meaningless.

People have already come to your door, what's the use of the code.

If it is a bad guy with ulterior motives, he can break in.

Seeing that Ai Huihara was quite cute, Tom did not complain.

Inside the door, after seeing the secret code, Ai Huihara fell into silence for a while.

I don't know if it was because of the arrival of a cat that Ai Huihara did not react.

But not long after, there were only a few "clicks" of locks.

The door in front of Tom Mu, which had been locked for several times, was finally opened.

In front of Tom Mu was a cute little girl about seven or eight years old, expressionless, and with short brown hair.

It must be said that Ai Huihara's usual look at people like scum can really poke some people's XP.

It makes them feel very excited.

Tom Mu is a healthy cat, of course, there is no strange sexual fetish.

The reason why he came here in such a hurry.

In addition to liking the character of Ai Huihara and not wanting her to have any accidents.

There is another more important reason.

That is to find another suitable partner.

After all, its identity in this world is arranged in some detail.

It is a detective cat that helps humans solve cases.

In other words, if Tom wants to solve a case, he can't do it by himself.

He must have a partner, and then use the identity of this human partner to solve the case.

The previous uncle detective is dead.

After thinking about it, it seems that only Huiyuan Ai is more suitable at present.

Under Huiyuan Ai's gaze, Tang Mu walked into her house slowly and naturally.

Looking down at the blue and white British shorthair cat passing by her feet, Huiyuan Ai frowned and looked towards the stairwell.

Tang Mu turned around and saw Huiyuan Ai's action, and immediately knew that she was looking for the uncle detective.

After all, outsiders only thought that the uncle detective was a famous detective.

But they didn't know that the uncle detective's cases were basically solved by a kitten next to him.


Tang Mu sat on the chair very familiarly, stretched out his paw and patted the table in front of him, indicating that Huiyuan Ai should stop looking and come to serve the guests.

When guests come, they should always serve a cup of tea.

This is basic etiquette.

Huiyuan Ai looked at the cat in the room who looked like a human being, and frowned even more tightly.

Looking back at the stairwell, Huiyuan Ai was sure that the uncle detective would not come.


What's the situation with this cat?

Since she chose to entrust the uncle detective, Huiyuan Ai must have done some research in advance.

I know that when the uncle detective goes out to investigate, he will bring a British short cat.

But the cat is said to be very special, more than one meter long.

The cat in front of him is not even one meter long.

It's just an ordinary blue and white British short cat.

Tang Mu saw that Huiyuan Ai neither served tea nor spoke, but just stood there frowning and looking at him after closing the door.

He immediately knew what this girl was thinking.

Tang Mu took out a small notebook and put it on the table, and pushed it in the direction of Huiyuan Ai.

Huiyuan Ai looked at Tang Mu, then looked down at the book, hesitated for a while, and finally walked forward, reached out to take the notebook, opened it and read the contents.

After just a quick glance, Ai Huihara knew that this was a notebook that helped detectives sort out intelligence.

It recorded a lot of investigations on Zhinao Group, Gin, and Miyano Akemi.

Seeing these notes, Ai Huihara looked at Tang Mu again.

Now she could confirm that the cat in front of her was indeed related to the uncle detective.


What about that uncle?

It seemed that he saw Ai Huihara's doubts.

Tang Mu immediately jumped off the chair and performed a non-physical performance.

In Tang Mu's slightly exaggerated scene restoration performance, Ai Huihara knew that in order to investigate the whereabouts of Miyano Akemi, the uncle detective had unfortunately been killed by Gin.

This made Ai Huihara's expression a little lonely.

In any case, it was indeed she who commissioned the uncle detective.

So she was also responsible for the detective's death.

Ai Huihara looked at Tang Mu again.

Seeing the cat's leisurely appearance, she felt even worse.

Although she had just met Tom for a short time, Ai Huihara could tell that this was a very smart and human cat.

Although she looked indifferent now, she must be very sad that Uncle Pillow died.

Even so, she still handed the detective's investigation notes to me.

What a good cat.

The good cat in Ai Huihara's eyes, she picked her ears out of boredom, rolled up the fur on her left arm, and revealed the pink cartoon watch underneath.

It had been a long time since I left the office.

If Gin and the others wanted to find it, they might have found it here.

In order to ensure that they would not be disturbed frequently in the next period of time, it would be better to take Ai Huihara to another place first.

Ai Huihara has now become a child.

People in the Zhinao Group should have never seen this look.

Just like me.

As long as I am not hit at this critical moment, I will not be recognized immediately even if I appear in front of them in the future.

The image of a little girl and a little cat is naturally a disguise.

Seeing that Ai Huihara seemed to be completely unaware of her situation and was still flipping through her investigation notes.

Tang Mu walked over and pulled Ai Huihara's pants, motioning her to follow him.

Ai Huihara understood what Tang Mu wanted to say.

But she didn't understand why she had to leave here.

In desperation, Tang Mu had to start his exaggerated performance again.

He covered his head with a white mop, disguised himself as Gin, and gestured with a pistol to kill people.

Gin and Ai Huihara certainly knew each other.

In the research institute of Zhinao Group, Ai Huihara had to get Gin's consent if she wanted to meet her sister.

She had suspected it before.

Gin must have known about her sister's disappearance, and he might even have planned it.

Now the uncle detective's investigation has confirmed Ai Huihara's guess from the side.

Ai Huihara is not the kind of brainless character whose brain is offline.

Others said that there was danger and they had to leave quickly, but she didn't want to, and she had to regret it when she was about to die.

After Tom pulled Huihara Ai and signaled her to leave, Huihara Ai immediately packed her things, put on her small bag, and prepared to leave with Tom.

Although she had just entered society and lacked experience.

She made many mistakes and did not hide her tracks well.

But Huihara Ai herself was not stupid.

She made judgments quickly and had good mobility. She left as soon as she said she would.

And her bag was obviously prepared in advance.

It's just for the convenience of taking it with you when running away.

This made Tom feel very comfortable.

I'm not afraid of god-like enemies, but I'm afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

After quickly packing up her things, Huiyuan Ai opened the door and prepared to follow Tom to leave here.

The kitten ran downstairs in front, and the little girl followed quickly behind.

But just after running out of the low-rise apartment building, Tom, who was walking in front, stopped.

The cat, like petrified, pricked up its ears and shook.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming towards this side.

Although there was no evidence, Tom's intuition told him that the man was coming for them.

Sure enough, a tall man with long hair wearing a windbreaker immediately walked out from the opposite side of the alley in the next second.

It was Gin.

I don't know what method he used to find this place in such a short time.

The moment he saw Gin, Huiyuan Ai's body trembled with fear.

Seeing this, Tom had no choice but to use that trick.

"Da Da"

In the alley, Gin's leather boots made a clear sound when they stepped on the ground.

He walked towards the direction of the apartment building with a clear goal.

According to the intelligence, Gin has a 70% chance of being sure that Miyano Shiho is here.

Although he doesn't know which floor or which room it is.

But it doesn't matter, he has time anyway.

Just look for them one by one.

Thinking so in his heart, Gin passed by an old man sitting on a chair in the apartment building to bask in the sun.

Just after passing by the old man and taking a few steps, Gin turned back and turned his head to look at the old man who was wrapped tightly, and asked coldly: "Uncle, is Miyano Shiho here?"

"What Kung Pao Chicken?"

The old man replied hoarsely, as if his ears were not working well.

"Miyano Shiho!"

Gin raised his voice.

"Miyano social security? I paid social security."

"It's Miyano Shiho, uncle!"

Gin raised his voice again.

"I've already said that I pay social security, not insurance."

The old man also shouted loudly.

Gin was speechless and almost couldn't help but take out his gun and shoot the old man in front of him.

He was very surprised that he suddenly had a brainwave and came to ask the old man questions.

"Take a rest, old man."


Gin took two steps forward helplessly.

But before he walked far, Gin immediately realized that he was being fooled!

He turned back suddenly!

There was only a pile of clothes left on the chair where the old man was sitting.

As for the old man, he had disappeared long ago!

"Ka Ka."

Seeing this, Gin was so angry that he clenched his fists and strode towards the alley.

As a result, he just ran into the alley and stepped on a banana peel, and fell to the ground headfirst.

Before Gin could react, another iron bucket fell from the air and covered Gin's head directly.

The bitch urine in the barrel instantly splashed all over him.

The unlucky Gin threw the iron bucket above his head in anger, and the next second, he felt that he had stepped on something.

He looked down.

It turned out to be a big red button!


Gin cursed, and the fierce flames and the sky-high explosions had directly covered him!

4,000 more words for monthly tickets

Still owe 76,000.

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I will pay back these owed chapters in a flash!

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