Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 391 The commission the cat acknowledges


Tang Mu ran with Huiyuan Ai in a hidden place on the street.

Before they ran far, they heard a huge explosion behind them.

Then there was a very obvious tremor coming from underground.

The kitten and the little girl looked back at the same time.

They saw a black shadow in the alley that exploded and was directly blown into the sky, turning into a shining meteor in the distance.

The trap prepared by Tang Mu had such a cartoon effect in the end.

Although the explosion seemed to be quite loud.

But in fact, it did not have any effect on the surrounding things.

Having said that, the big explosion still scared the pedestrians around.

Some people who were still in their dreams were also awakened by the sudden explosion, thinking that they had encountered some terrorist attack.

They were all scared.

Before Tang Mu and his friends had walked far, they had already heard the urgent sirens from all directions.

Police cars with flashing red and blue lights passed by quickly. Ai Huihara was still standing there blankly, looking at Gin flying in the sky with her mouth wide open in disbelief.

It was not until Tang Mu impatiently pulled her trouser legs that she hurriedly followed the kitten and left the crime scene.

As long as they left here and moved to another place to live, they would cut off their previous contact.

With their current image of a little girl and a kitten, they no longer had to worry about being hunted down by the Zhinao Group.

Anyway, Tang Mu speculated that the people of Zhinao Group did not know that Shiho Miyano had become Ai Huihara.

Otherwise, Ai Huihara would have been arrested long ago.

It would be impossible to wait until now.

On the other side, the headquarters building of Zhinao Group.

The current president of Zhinao Group, Hanagata, who is only over 50 years old but has the temperament of an old man, is sitting in the president's office on the top floor.

One side of the office is full of floor-to-ceiling glass.

Sitting here, you can easily overlook most of Tokyo.

President Hanagata, who had come to the office early in the morning, also saw the explosion in the distance.

When he saw the explosion, President Hanagata nodded thoughtfully, tapping his fingers unconsciously on the armrest of the chair.

"It seems that Gin has run into a tough guy, is it the cat you mentioned?"

Hanagata's chair turned, no longer looking at the scenery of Tokyo outside, but looking at a corner of the office.

A vague human figure appeared on the smooth metal wall.

A buzzing sound that normal people could not hear echoed in the office.

The figure in the reflection did not speak, but just looked at President Hanagata quietly.

Hanagata had long been accustomed to this.

He did not expect that mysterious person to chat with him.

He casually picked up a bottle of decanted red wine on the table, opened the bottle and poured himself a glass, then said: "I have done what you said. After a while, I will let Gin stop chasing the girl and the kitten, but..."

Having said that, Huaxing paused again, holding the goblet and toasting to the figure in the reflection: "I hope you didn't lie to me."

The figure in the reflection didn't react until then.

He nodded to Huaxing, then stepped back and disappeared.

"Mirror world, it's really a magical system."

Huaxing raised his head and drank all the red wine in the glass in one gulp, his eyes were a little complicated: "After all, just like us, they are just a group of monsters pursuing life. All creatures on this planet are no exception. Either you eat me, or I eat you."

After a little sigh, Huaxing looked at the place where the explosion happened before.

"I hope that cat can really bring some changes."

Tang Mu, who was inexplicably noticed by the top leaders of this world, didn't know all this.

Now Tom just wants to act at his own pace.

Now that Ai Haibara has been found, the next step is to find a house to live in.

But considering that Ai Haibara is now a child and Tom is a cat, the arrangement of this residence still needs to be cautious.

Although Tom can handle many things.

But when necessary, it is better to have a few adults around.

Apart from anything else, Ai Haibara now really needs an open guardian.

Speaking of guardians, Tom first thought of Dr. Agasa in "Detective Conan" and Maori Kogoro and his daughter.

But Tom took Ai Haibara to search in Tokyo for a day, but in the end, he found nothing.

Tom did not search aimlessly.

For this reason, Tom even used some unconventional means.

But in the end, there was still no one.

Not to mention Maori Kogoro and his friends disappeared.

Even the well-known high school student detective Kudo Shinichi is nowhere to be found.

Until then, Tom could confirm that there were really no characters from Conan's world in this Knight's world.

But think about it.

After all, this is a world dominated by Kamen Rider.

It's not Conan's world.

But then again.

Tom still found something else during today's search.

Although there are not many people from Conan's world in the Knight's world.

But among these people, the police officer Megure is also here.

Coincidentally, Officer Megure is also a good friend of Tom's former partner.

When Tom sneaked into the police station to check people today, he happened to see Officer Megure investigating the case of the uncle detective.

He looked very angry.

From Conan's episodes, it can be seen that Inspector Megure's character is still guaranteed.

Tom thought that if he couldn't find another suitable guardian, he would take Ai Huihara to seek refuge with Inspector Megure.

But that's all for later.

After wandering around outside for a day, Tom and Ai were tired.

Let's find a place to stay for one night.

Originally, I wanted to find a hostel or hotel.

But Tom turned his head and looked at Ai Huihara beside him, and then looked at the small bag on her back.


For long-term considerations, it's better to save some money.

Speaking of saving money, Tom remembered a documentary he had watched before, which seemed to fit their current situation.

"Hey, Tom, where are we staying tonight? Hotel?"

Ai Huihara already knew Tom's name.

After this period of contact, Ai Huihara no longer regarded Tom as an ordinary cat.

After all, no ordinary cat can talk, disguise, set traps, or hypnotize.

However, Ai Huiyuan was not too surprised.

After all, she also came from the Zhinao Group.

There are more monsters inside than normal humans, and she has long been used to it.


Tang Mu shook his head and raised his paws to rub his fingers.

Xiao Ai immediately understood what Tang Mu meant.

Now they don't have much money on them, and there is no income for the time being, so it's better to find a place to save money.

But Ai Huiyuan spends most of her time in the laboratory, and she really doesn't know much about the outside world.

Asking her to find a suitable and economical place is really a bit difficult.

Tang Mu volunteered to pat his chest, saying that there was no problem, just leave it to the cat.

Then Tang Mu asked other cats on the roadside for directions, and took Ai Huiyuan to a certain direction.

About ten minutes later, one person and one cat finally arrived at the destination.

This is an Internet cafe.

Staying here for one night, in this era, is about 2,000 to 3,000 yen.

If converted to RMB, it is about more than 100.

This price is already quite cheap.

Although you can find cheaper ones.

But the accommodation environment in such a place will be even worse.

Although they want to save money, they won't abuse themselves.

In comparison, staying in an Internet cafe is really a good choice with good value for money.

After all, there are private rooms, free hot water for bathing, free comic books, free snacks and drinks.

It's really worth it.

Otherwise, there won't be so many people who live in financial difficulties who choose to become Internet cafe refugees for many years.

Generally speaking, if you want to stay in an Internet cafe, the store still has some restrictions.

Luggage exceeding a certain volume cannot be brought in, after all, the space in the Internet cafe is limited.

So Internet cafe refugees will store their luggage nearby in advance, and then bring some small gadgets with them.

Huiyuan Ai only has a small backpack, which is not affected by this.

But Tang Mu doesn't know whether this Internet cafe accepts children and kittens.

So there is no way. After entering, Tang Mu can only take out his pocket watch and hypnotize the store clerks first.

Ai Huihara paid for a private room. As a kitten, Tang Mu couldn't expect him to pay.

So there was no choice but to let Xiao Ai take care of him for the time being.

Each Internet cafe charges different fees, and the conditions are naturally different.

Some Internet cafes have very luxurious facilities.

But the one that Tang Mu and his friends stayed in today was a little worse.

The space in the private room is very small.

An adult can only lie down in it, and will hit the table if he moves a little bit.

But for Tang Mu and Ai Huihara, the space problem is not a big deal.

After all, they are not big.

And this private room is the kind that is rarely locked with a key, which makes it more private.

The private room is rectangular, and you can see everything at a glance as soon as you enter.

There is a suspended table in front, which is convenient for guests to put their feet under.

On the table is an ordinary computer.

In addition to the computer, there seems to be a DVD player, so you can watch DVDs here if you don't want to go online.


Tang Mu walked around the small box, then turned his head and looked at Huiyuan Ai and called out.

Huiyuan Ai was still looking up and down at the surrounding environment.

It was her first time to come to such a place.

Although there was still no expression on her face, Tang Mu could see that she was still quite curious.

Hearing Tang Mu's cry, Huiyuan Ai nodded and said, "This place is okay. If we can't find a place to stay for the time being, we can live here for a while."

Tang Mu heard that and gave Huiyuan Ai a thumbs up.

One person and one cat only stayed in the box for a while and then went out.

After all, it was late now, and they had been walking outside for a day.

Both Tang Mu and Xiao Ai were hungry.

I heard that there were free snacks here before, so Tang Mu and Xiao Ai went up to the second floor to take a look.

It turned out that there were indeed free snacks.

But those snacks had been taken almost, and Tang Mu and Xiao Ai tried them and felt that they were not very delicious.

So in the end, they decided to spend the money that should be spent.

They went out to eat.

The two did not walk too far, but found a ramen shop near the Internet cafe, and ordered a bowl of ramen for each person and cat.

Fortunately, Tom is a Tom cat.

He has the ability to subtly change the perception of people around him.

Otherwise, a cat eating ramen like a human being would not only attract more attention.

After dinner, Tom and Ai did not rush back to the Internet cafe, but strolled around.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the street lights were lit one by one.

Tom and Huiyuan Ai walked aimlessly on the street.

Beside them were passers-by with different expressions, either walking the same way or passing by.

The adults had no expression, wearing suits to suppress their spirits, and hurried.

Some were still working, and some had already got off work, but they still had to deal with the ways of the world, drinking and chatting with colleagues and seniors in the izakaya.

Fortunately, it was not early in the morning.

Otherwise, these office workers would be drunk and staggering.

The happiest people are probably the elderly and children.

They are all groups without any pressure or burden.

One was sitting leisurely on a bench by the roadside, and the other was laughing and playing with his friends.

Groups of people were running past them.

Interestingly, there were also elementary school students who came forward to invite Huihara Ai to play with them.

After all, Huihara Ai was really beautiful and was their "peer".

But after being coldly rejected by Huihara Ai, the little boy ran back amid the laughter of his friends.

Maybe he was a little shy because of the laughter.

The little boy was a little angry and immediately started playing with his friends, running farther and farther.

Tang Mu walked at Huihara Ai's feet and looked up at the girl.

Noticing that her eyes were always looking at the various people around her, Tang Mu guessed that she probably envied this group of people.

The Ai Haibara in this world seems to have stayed in the laboratory for a long time just like the Ai Haibara in the Conan world.

As a result, she has been out of touch with society for too long and is not good at dealing with other people.

Only Tom is a cat, and Ai Haibara is not as embarrassed as others towards Tom.


Although her embarrassment seems to be aloofness to outsiders.


The Ai Haibara who was walking next to her suddenly stopped.

Tom took two steps forward by inertia, and when he heard the voice of Ai Haibara, he immediately looked back at her in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but can you help me continue to investigate the whereabouts of my sister? In return, I will also meet your request."

Ai Haibara's expression looks very serious.

Now she has no one else to rely on.

Although Ai Haibara knows that her sister has been missing for so long, she is most likely killed.

But as her only family, Ai Haibara still wants to get the truth.

Whether this truth is good or bad.

It may be a bit strange to pin your hopes on a cat.

But Ai Haibara believes that the cat in front of her is very reliable.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Huiyuan Ai was indeed very insecure now.

If it weren't for Tang Mu by her side, she wouldn't even dare to go out shopping.

She would just hide in a dark corner like a frightened mouse.

Tang Mu didn't expect that Xiao Ai suddenly called him to say this.

He immediately smiled and took out Huiyuan Ai's commission letter and shook it.

The meaning was simple, her commission was not over yet.

There's more to come, I'll go take a shower first, and come back to code

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