Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 397 Marketing Detective

Takeda Nobu put his arms around Mitsunaga Hyakuta's neck and whispered in his ear: "I'm ashamed to say it, but I think Mr. Negishi was killed by someone in our family. So you have to have a bottom line in your heart. If you know the murderer, If it is who it is, you must tell me first.”

After saying that, Takeda Shinichi released Mitsunaga Hyakuta's neck.

Mitsunaga Hyouta adjusted her clothes and looked at Takeda Shinichi with an inexplicable expression.

He also felt something strange about this man.

But Mitsunaga Momota is a professional detective after all.

This professionalism is not only reflected in his detective ability, but also in his attitude towards his clients.

Detective is just a profession.

It is a profession used to make money and become famous.

He has nothing to do with justice.

Therefore, in most cases, Mitsunaga Momota would choose to turn a blind eye when faced with some of the client's little secrets.

Mitsunaga Hyouta looked down upon those people who spoke righteously and were full of unrealistic idealism.

After so many years in this industry, Mitsunaga Momota has even honed this sense of smell.

You can tell someone you hate at a glance.

For example, there is Ai Haibara, Officer Megure and Tom Cat, a combination of two people and one cat.

Especially the little girl and the cat, their gazes made Motte Mitsunaga feel very uncomfortable.

He seemed to have noticed Mitsunaga Hyakuta's gaze.

Takeda Shinichi also turned his attention to Tang Mu and his party, and asked doubtfully: "By the way, are these people your assistants? I remember you said that you came here alone."

"No, I have nothing to do with them. If anything, it's probably a competitive relationship. After all, the little girl with the cat is also a detective."

When Mitsunaga Momota said this, she crossed her arms and still looked a little unhappy.

"What's going on?"

Takeda Shinichi looked at Tom Mu and the others with some disbelief on his face.

After all, in the eyes of normal people, Haihara Ai's identity as a detective is really a bit nonsense.

Seeing this, Officer Megure had no choice but to briefly explain the matter of the commission letter, and then introduced the identity of their group to the Takeda family.

When he mentioned that Officer Megure was a criminal police officer, Takeda Shinichi's expression was also a little stiff.

But he didn't say anything.

At this time, Taylor, who still looked a little sad, greeted Takeda Shinichi: "Mr. Takeda, hello."

"Ah, it's Rob-kun. It's been a long time. You came here during the summer vacation three years ago, right?" Takeda Shinichi looked at Taylor and quickly squeezed out a smile. He stepped forward to talk to Taylor like a friend he hadn't seen for many years. greet.

"If I may excuse you, I am here to visit you this time to express my gratitude for what happened three years ago."

Taylor bowed seriously to Takeda Shinichi.

As soon as he mentioned what happened three years ago, Takeda Shinichi knew what he was talking about. He immediately waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Just treat this place as your own home. The two children, Sae and Sawei, get along best with you. They just happened to go home with their parents this time."

While speaking, Takeda Shinichi looked in the direction behind Taylor and said, "Oh, you guys are coming out too."

Everyone turned around following the sound and saw a pair of twin little girls standing there looking at them.

Taylor also saw the cute twins and immediately smiled: "Sae, Emo, you have grown so big."

But in the face of Taylor's kindness, the twins didn't seem to appreciate it at all. They stared at Taylor with two pairs of hateful eyes and said coldly: "Murderer."

The sound of murder made Taylor, who had just squatted down, freeze on the spot, his expression full of astonishment.

"She's here to kill again."

Nine-year-old Sae looked at her twin sister with a worried look.

"That's right."

Emo also had a worried look on her face, and she and her sister secretly glanced at Taylor, who was becoming even more uncomfortable.

"How terrible."

Keep up the good work.

"I'm so scared too."

Emo is indeed a twin, her tone of voice and demeanor are the same as those of her sister.

"Okay! You two kids are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Listening to the conversation between the two sisters Sae and Emo, their mother Takeda Yoko suddenly became anxious and couldn't help but raise her voice to stop them.

After being yelled at by Takeda Yoko, the two children yelled "Mom is so scary" and ran away together.

"I'm really sorry. The child is still young and talked nonsense."

Takeda Yoko apologized to Taylor, hoping that Taylor could forgive him because the twins were still young.


What else could Taylor say in this situation? He could only smile and wave his hands, indicating that it was all a trivial matter.

"No matter what, everyone has come from afar, let's have dinner together first, the house is ready."

Takeda Shinichi broke the embarrassment and invited everyone to eat together.

Although the letter of entrustment from Tom Mu and the others was not sent by the Takeda family, after all, the visitors were visitors, and they were also detectives who came to investigate, so the Takeda family did not turn them away.

What's more, there is a criminal police officer on leave in their team.

The identity of Officer Megure is relatively reliable in the hearts of Takeda Ryuji and Takeda Yoko.

Tang Mu is actually not used to eating Japanese dinners.

Today we had sukiyaki with other side dishes, but Tang Mu felt that it would be better to have a Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot.

But after all, the guests do as they please, and the cats won’t behave rudely. They just treat it as a way to experience the local customs and customs.

In fact, although Tom Mu didn't show anything, he was just eating normally.

But in the eyes of others, a cat eating like a human is already weird enough.

At the banquet, the elder of the Takeda family and the mother of the three Takeda brothers finally appeared.

Her name is Takeda Chie, and she is a short old lady who looks a little gloomy.

The old lady ate her meal slowly and ignored the many guests who suddenly appeared at home.

She didn't even look at Tom.

It was the twins who complained that they had no fish to eat.

Because the Takeda family did not expect the arrival of two people, Tom and a cat, which led to them buying less ingredients.

Officer Memu was relatively thin-skinned. After learning this, he felt a little embarrassed and his face turned red.

Tom Mu was thick-skinned and didn't care what others thought, but he didn't like eating fish other than boiled fish, so he gave the small fish on his plate to Sae and the others.

Although Hui Yuan Ai was cold, he still separated his little fish.

This made Officer Memu, who moved a beat slower, even more embarrassed. It was just a fish, and he didn't know who to give it to.

"Thank you Maomao! Thank you sister!"

The twins were immediately attracted by Tom and Mu.

Especially Haibara Ai, who looks to be the same age as the two sisters Sae and Esum, is more attractive to them.

"I'm stuffed."

The old lady Takeda Chie put down her bowls and chopsticks and was the first to leave. When she walked to the door of the room, she said coldly without looking back: "This place has been cursed. Don't go out casually at night, otherwise something bad will happen." "

After saying that, the old lady opened the door and walked out.

Everyone watched the old lady leave, and the atmosphere there seemed a bit awkward.

After all, there were guests at the table, so the old lady's attitude was a bit rude.

Fortunately, Takeda Shinichi, who was a little drunk at this time, also stood up and said unsteadily: "A puppet is almost ready, and it's time for me to make the final decoration. Mr. Mitsunaga, Officer Megure, Starting tomorrow, I will trouble you to conduct a thorough investigation."

"It's no problem, just don't cause trouble, kid."

Mitsunaga Hyouta, who also drank a lot, raised his bottle to confirm Takeda Shinichi, and at the same time, he did not forget to step on his colleague.

"Uncle, don't talk too much. In the end, the case won't be solved. It's very embarrassing."

Hui Yuan Ai is not the kind of person who likes to give in. This guy doesn't deal with her as soon as they meet, and now he doesn't forget to use words to provoke her. Of course, Xiao Ai won't give him face.

"Humph, I'm not looking down on you, little girl. Detectives are not something that a half-hearted brat like you can play casually with. Looking for cats and dogs in the city is the commission you should accept, not this kind of murder investigation. Have you ever seen it? How many times have people died?”

Mitsunaga Momota squinted his drunken eyes and looked at Haibara Ai, with deep disdain on his face.

He didn't like this kid to begin with, but after drinking, his emotions became even more difficult to suppress.

"Really? Then I would like to ask Mr. Mitsunaga, how many murder cases have you independently solved? Marketing, sales, detective, detective?"

Haibara Ai looked directly into Mitsunaga Momota's eyes, smelling the smell of alcohol on his body, with a cold expression and a stiff tone.

She may look like just a little girl, but her aura is even more powerful than Mitsunaga Hyakuta.

Being stared at by Haibara Ai's cold eyes, Mitsunaga Momota was so frightened that he shrunk his neck and sobered up from drinking.

Hearing the words "marketing detective", Mitsunaga Momota's neck turned red with anger, and he glared at Haibara with great dissatisfaction.

As mentioned before, in order to become a qualified partner of Tom Mu, Haibara Ai has been tinkering with detective matters during this period.

During this period, I read many reports about Wamitsu Hyakuta.

This famous detective was quite unworthy of his reputation in the revelations.

Mitsunaga Hyouta actually has many assistants.

But every time the assistant found a clue or solved a case, Mitsunaga Momota would take the credit and publicize it in the media.

Over time, he developed a reputation as a famous detective.

But those assistants who were robbed of their credit were naturally unhappy, so they also reported the news to the media.

This resulted in Mitsunaga Hyakuta's reputation not being very good.

I don’t know what Takeda Shinichi saw in him.

Originally, Haihara Ai didn't want to pay attention to this man with a mustache.

But this guy was really too mean. He couldn't bear the fact that such a grown man was so hostile to a little girl like her.

Momota Shomitsu was so angry that his eyes widened. Xiao Ai didn't mean to be unreasonable at all. Instead, he added another blow and said:

"You and Mr. Takeda said that you are used to investigating cases alone, without assistants. But I remember, don't you always have a lot of assistants? What? They are all on vacation?"


Being stabbed twice in the heart by Haihara Ai, Mitsunaga Momota immediately woke up from his drinking. He slammed the table angrily and stood up. He pointed at Haihara Ai and gasped.

Yo ho! Dare you point fingers?

Tang Mu, who had been watching the show next to him, raised his eyebrows and looked at Mitsunaga Molota. He silently stretched out his feet and deftly tied the shoelaces on the mustache man's feet.

Everyone didn't notice Tang Mu's little move, but they all stood up when they saw the situation in front of them.

"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down."

Takeda Shinichi and others came up to persuade.

After all, Haibara Ai is still a child, so everyone still tried to persuade Mitsunaga Momota more in their words.

After Mitsunaga Momota calmed down a bit, the slightly drunk Takeda Shinichi left the banquet and went to his studio.

Watching his elder brother leave, Takeda Ryuji looked at Takeda Yuzo who sat down to drink and eat again and asked, "Aren't you going to help your elder brother?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? I'll go after I drink this cup."

Takeda Yuzo said as he began to drink by himself again.

"Um, can you lend me your car? I want to go and pay my respects to Miss Misa."

Taylor asked Takeda Yuzo.

"My car is parked in the backyard, here are the keys."

Takeda Yuzo was not completely drunk yet, and when he heard Taylor's question to him, he immediately handed his own car keys to Taylor.

"Thank you."

Taylor took the keys and thanked him politely.

Seeing that Taylor was leaving, Mitsunaga Baita didn't want to stay here any longer, so he stood up and said to Taylor: "I'll go with you. I just want to sober up. It's really uncomfortable to live under the same roof with someone."

Hearing Mitsunaga Baita say such deliberate words, Taylor was a little embarrassed and even began to hesitate whether to take this detective with him.

Mitsunaga Baita didn't care so much. After standing up, he walked directly towards Taylor.

As a result, as soon as he took a step, he was tripped by the shoelaces tied together on his feet and fell to the ground.

He kowtowed heavily to Taylor.

The next second, an obvious big bump swelled up.

"Detective Mitsunaga is really sincere in asking for help. Those assistants also asked for help like this, right?"

When Huiyuan Ai saw this situation, she knew that it was Tom who was making fun of him, so she immediately crossed her arms and said something weird to Mitsunaga Baita.

This almost made the mustache detective angry to death.

"You bastard!"

Mitsunaga Momota was so angry that he wanted to curse, but he finally controlled his temper. He untied his shoelaces while glaring at Huiyuan Ai.

"I tell you! No matter where you heard the rumors, I can definitely solve this case with my own ability. Instead, you should worry about yourself. Solving a case is not a little girl's house."

After saying this, Mitsunaga Momota rushed out of the door angrily.

Taylor smiled awkwardly, took the car keys, and hurried out.

Seeing that everyone in the room looked at him with strange eyes, Huiyuan Ai still had no expression on her face.

The end of the dinner was not so perfect. As more and more people left, the dinner was considered to be over.

The people of the Takeda family dispersed and went to do their own things.

Tang Mu and his group of guests were also arranged in rooms by Takeda's maid Shioya Miyuki.

In the room, Officer Megure finally looked like a criminal policeman and solemnly asked Tang Mu what he thought of this family.

Since arriving here, Officer Megure has been paying attention to Tom's movements, knowing that he must have discovered something.

The cat put his hands on his hips and nodded to indicate that he had indeed discovered something unusual, and there was something strange here.

The two people and the cat talked in the room for a while and were about to rest.

At this moment, they suddenly heard a shout from Takeda Yuzo outside!

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