Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 398 Spider Monster (6,000 words more for monthly tickets)

Takeda Yuzo was shouting to find his elder brother Takeda Shinichi.

Everyone was attracted by the shouting, and the anxious Takeda Yuzo quickly told everyone that Takeda Shinichi had disappeared!

He searched the house but couldn't find any trace of Takeda Shinichi.

The plot began

Hearing this message, Tang Mu suddenly understood.

"Where is the warehouse? Have you looked for the warehouse?"

Takeda Ryuji also asked Takeda Yuzo nervously, and his bare feet almost stepped through the entrance and stepped on the mud outside.

"No, I looked for it but didn't see it."

Takeda Yuzo answered with sweat on his forehead.

Tang Mu climbed onto Huiyuan Ai's shoulder and meowed twice in her ear.

Xiao Ai nodded, raised her hand and pointed to the second floor of the warehouse, saying: "Have you looked for the second floor of the warehouse? The window there is open."

"How is it possible?"

Hearing this, the Takeda family also looked towards the second floor of the warehouse.

Although it was dark now, the moonlight showed that the window was indeed open.

Takeda Ryuji was surprised and said, "Two people hanged themselves there. Everyone avoids that place. It is said to be a cursed place. No one should go near it."

"Anyway, let's go and take a look."

Huihara Ai turned her head and looked at the maid behind her, Shioya Miyuki, and asked, "Do you have a flashlight at home?"


The maid looked at Ai calmly, and immediately nodded with a blush, and quickly went back to the room to find a few flashlights to distribute to everyone.

But just as the group approached the warehouse with the help of the flashlight, a dark figure suddenly flashed out and rushed straight towards Officer Megure in front of the team!

Everyone was shocked, but Tang Mu reacted quickly, and jumped directly from Ai's shoulder, and kicked the black shadow out in the air with a cat kick!

Flashlights quickly shone in the direction of the black shadow!

The existence that appeared in front of everyone startled everyone.

It was a thin and dark figure.

This was not a metaphor, but a real, strange figure with a black body and only white eyes and teeth.

This classic look, isn't it the black shadow man in "Detective Conan" who was in a mysterious state before the criminal was caught - Xiao Hei?

It's out of the ordinary! There really is a black shadow man!

Tang Mu had only seen Xiao Hei at comic exhibitions before.

This kind of detective world, the real Xiao Hei is the first time to see!

Not to mention, the genuine Xiao Hei is really different from the comic exhibition, it is really black, and even has the lines of chest and abdominal muscles.

There is no difference from the image in the anime.

Tang Mu is very curious about this black shadow man.

He wants to study it carefully to see if he will really keep this appearance and not reveal his true identity until the case is solved.

But before Tang Mu could make another move, the black shadow man who had just been kicked away by Tang Mu once again performed a performance that stunned everyone.

The body of the black shadow man, who was originally in human form, suddenly began to mutate. In less than two or three seconds, he changed from a black shadow man to a copper-green humanoid spider monster.

This monster has hands and feet like humans, and stands upright on both feet.

But its head is obviously the head of a spider.

Six compound eyes, sharp mouthparts, and six spider legs extending from the back of the spider monster.

All of this tells the fact that the spider monster is not human!


"Spider! It's a spider! This must be the curse of the spider fairy! I didn't expect the legend to be true!"

The people of the Takeda family were frightened by the sudden appearance of the spider monster.

Takeda Ryuji was so scared that he fell directly to the ground.

Even Huiyuan Ai, who was always calm and composed, turned pale. Looking at the hideous and terrifying monster not far away, she was reminded of the days in the Institute of Zhinao Group.

"This guy! Is it Gurongi?"

When Officer Megure saw the belt emblem on the abdomen of the Spider Monster, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately recalled the scenes of fighting with unconfirmed life forms three years ago.

So he quickly took out his pistol and aimed at the Spider Monster.

Officer Megure watched the monster in the moonlight in front of him vigilantly, holding the gun in one hand, and reaching into his pocket with the other hand, throwing his mobile phone to Xiao Ai, and said nervously and seriously:

"I will try my best to delay it later, you and Tom run quickly, and in addition! Call Xun Ichijo immediately and tell him that Gurongi has appeared again, and he must notify No. 4. And! Tell Midori that I love her very much."

Seeing Officer Megure acting like a tragic hero there, Tom was moved and a little funny, and quickly "meowed" to comfort Officer Megure.

It's just a monster.

It's no big deal.

Tom felt very excited at this time.

It's obviously a world of Kamen Rider, but it has been traveling for so long, and it has only met the monsters of the Knight world for the first time. It really made it wait for a long time.

Every man has a dream of transformation.

Whether it is turning into Ultraman or Kamen Rider.

Although it has turned into a cat now, if there is a chance, of course I still want to try this feeling.

And don’t forget, Tom actually has a knight’s transformation device.

Time monthly ticket.

It is not only a certificate for driving the time train, but also a transformation prop for Kamen Rider Den-O.

It’s just that Tom didn’t have the opportunity to use it before, so he never used it.

Under the astonished gaze of Inspector Megure, the cat stood up, holding the monthly time ticket in one paw, and meowed softly.

A star-like light flashed by, and a belt was worn on the waist out of thin air!


Watching Tom's action, Inspector Megure couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The Takeda family behind him were a little at a loss.

Seeing this, Ai Huihara's eyes suddenly lit up, full of expectations.

"What are you?!"

The Spider Monster seemed to feel a different momentum from Tom, and began to become serious.

"It's just Tom Cat who broke through the dimensional wall, you remember it!"

Tom rarely spoke, and with a "click" sound, he was about to close the belt, and at the same time, the monthly time ticket in his right hand swiped towards the belt!


A white light flashed, which was more obvious at night, and a set of armor instantly covered the cat's body, and Tom, who had completed the transformation, appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Tom's height returned to 1.2 meters, and the armor on his body was exactly the armor of the Den-O platform form.

It just changed to blue and white, and it also had cat ears and a cat tail.

"Change! Transformed!"

The brothers Takeda Ryuji and Takeda Yuzo were stunned.

The corners of Huiyuan Ai's mouth curled up, and she said nothing.

Inspector Megure looked at the transformed Tom, and the sense of déjà vu three years ago became stronger. While being shocked, he did not forget to quickly take out his flip phone and take pictures with the camera function of the current era, which was still relatively low in pixels.

Whether it was the reappearance of Gurongi or Tom's transformation, it was information that a special department of the Metropolitan Police Department must pay attention to.


The Spider-Man roared, opened his arms and rushed directly towards Tom.

Tom was not in a hurry, and deliberately tested the opponent's strength, and then stood still and let the opponent attack.

After all, it has been a long time since I fought seriously, and I want to reminisce today.


The Spider-Man popped out two claws from the back of his hands, and hit Tom's chest twice!

The chest armor was hit by the Spider Monster's claws, and sparks flew everywhere. Tom felt the force of the opponent's attack and took a step back.

He had a good idea of ​​his own defense and the strength of the enemy, so Tom was ready to fight back.

The Spider Monster swung his claws again, Tom bent down to avoid it, and punched the Spider Monster's abdominal belt hard!

This place is the weakness of the Gurongi clan.

Sudden heavy blow, the Spider Monster screamed and took two steps back.

Tom's attack was like a mountain, not fast or slow, but full of oppression.

Not for anything else, just because it's more powerful to fight like this.

It feels like a big boss.

The Spider Monster retreated, and the armored cat slowly stepped forward.

When the opponent adjusted to attack, Tom raised his arm to block it easily, and pulled it with the momentum, leaving the Spider Monster with a gap. Tom hit the monster's ribs with another fierce right hook!

Before Spider-Man could get up and fight back, Tom's left hook had already hit Spider-Man's chin, knocking him backwards.

Before he was about to fall to the ground, Spider-Man reacted in time, and the six spider legs behind him supported the ground and pushed himself up again.

After a brief fight, Spider-Man had already understood Tom's strength.

For a while, he was a little afraid to fight in close combat.

Don't look at Tom like this, after all, he has trained in the world of "Demon Slayer" for several years.

Funny anime characters can also suddenly change their style to hot-blooded action.

Pulling a certain distance from Tom, the six compound eyes stared at the armored cat tightly, and the mouthparts of Spider-Man squirmed wildly, and a huge spider web suddenly spewed towards Tom!

This kind of binding attack was disgusting to Tom, and he didn't want to take it randomly.

So he took out two knitting needles and knitted a sweater with the silk spit out by Spider-Man at a very fast speed.

Even a little bit disgusted, in the horrified eyes of the spider monster, he pulled out a large handful of it from its mouth.

At this moment, the spider monster only felt that his body was hollowed out, and the whole person was a little sluggish.

At this moment, a warm sweater was covered on it.

The spider monster seemed to feel the warmth of his mother.

But then it immediately reacted!

Damn it!

Isn't this the silk I spit out myself!

Why am I moved!

This cat is really a big problem!

The spider monster's eyes were vicious, and he immediately broke free from Tom, who was emitting maternal love, and pounced on Tom like a hunting beast!

The six sharp and slender spider limbs behind him stabbed Tom like six spears!

Tom was unable to dodge and was stabbed by the spider legs, and flew backwards in a burst of sparks!

With a "bang", a small tree on the edge of the forest was broken!

The trees fell, and the branches and leaves rubbed against each other, making a huge noise!

The sleeping birds in the forest were startled.


The Spider-Man saw that his attack was effective and flew over again, trying to chase Tom who had not yet gotten up.

Tom in the air was very calm. Although he was hit hard, he was actually not hurt at all.

He even took the time to eat a bowl of instant noodles while flying backwards. After eating the noodles, he took out a pillow and slept while flying in the air.

The cat slept soundly and couldn't help but lift his hind legs to scratch his chin.

The Spider Monster, who was chasing, saw Tom's action and was so scared that his eyes popped out.

That is, the Spider Monster has not seen Dragon Ball.

Otherwise, it would definitely understand Vegeta's despair when fighting Arale.

But now Tom is the enemy of the Spider Monster after all.

Even though he was very scared, the Spider Monster, who had already started to charge, chose to attack.

As for Tom, he woke up after hitting the tree. Seeing the Spider Monster rushing towards him, he yawned and took out a kitchen knife!

As blood spurted, several spider legs were directly cut off by Tom!

The spider legs were cut off, and the Spider Monster rolled on the ground and howled in pain.

But he quickly got up, spit out spider silk to stick to the big tree in the forest in the distance, and pulled it to escape from here.

Tom was naturally impossible to watch the enemy escape.

He threw away the kitchen knife in his hand and took out a toy gun for elementary school students.

The muzzle of the plastic toy gun was equipped with a red suction cup.

Maomao raised his gun, aimed at the Spider-Man in the air and pulled the trigger!

"Ha! A toy gun! Who are you trying to scare!"

The Spider-Man looked back and laughed.

The next second, the Spider-Man in the air was shot down by the suction cup bullet.

The Spider-Man fell to the ground like mud and raised his butt.

Tom immediately changed to plastic bullets and shot at the Spider-Man's butt.

With the sound of "biubiubiu", the Spider-Man's threshold for sustaining damage reached its limit.

With a "bang", it instantly exploded into a fireball of more than ten meters!

I don't know if he was shot to death or died of shame.

The fire from the explosion after the Spider-Man died illuminated everyone's faces.

Tom put away the toy gun, confirmed that the opponent was dead, and canceled the transformation.


I haven't tried this kind of hot-blooded comic fighting method for a long time. I must have been so cool just now!

This is the battle that hot-blooded comics should have.

Turning around, Tom looked at the people in the warehouse who were already dumbfounded, and was very satisfied in his heart.

"Let's go, we should go to the second floor of the warehouse to have a look." Huiyuan Ai squatted down, hugged Tom who ran back, put it on her shoulder, and then looked at the people of the Takeda family and spoke.

After being reminded by Xiao Ai, the two Takeda brothers also reacted that they were going to find the missing eldest brother.

The group entered the second floor of the warehouse in a mighty manner, but found that the door of the room on the second floor was locked from the inside.

Only Officer Megure turned his head from time to time to look at the place where the Spider Monster exploded. As a policeman who had experienced the Gurongi incident three years ago, he was really too concerned.

But Officer Megure finally retracted his mind and shifted his attention to the warehouse.

After asking Takeda and others and learning that there was no key, Megure raised his leg and kicked a few times, and finally kicked the door open!

The door was opened, and the light from the corridor was not blocked and shone directly into the room.

Looking at the scene in the room, everyone was shocked.

Takeda Shinichi, who was still alive and kicking at dinner, was now tied with a hemp rope around his neck and hung in the air with dozens of silk threads wrapped around his body.

Like a prey caught by a giant spider.


Looking at Takeda Shinichi's appearance, Takeda Yuzo couldn't help but shout out.

"Everyone, don't move. Everything in this room must remain the same now!"

As a criminal policeman, Officer Megure's professionalism allowed him to control the scene as quickly as possible.

Huihara Ai also followed into the room and carefully observed Takeda Shinichi hanging in the air, saying, "He has been dead for about an hour, which is around nine o'clock."

"What happened here cannot be told to other people outside for the time being. I need to check the scene carefully."

Although Huihara Ai was small, she was very imposing. She looked at Officer Megure and said, "Officer Megure, please contact the police in Fukuoka Prefecture. A murder occurred here, and the local criminal police must be notified."


Officer Megure nodded and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Looking at the tragic death of his elder brother in the room, Takeda Ryuji said with some fear: "It must be the work of the Spider Fairy. This is the cursed place. Didn't we see the Spider Fairy just now?"

"It may not be it."

Gray Hara shook her head and looked at Tom again.

To really solve the case, it depends on this partner of his.

Tom was not careless. He immediately changed his clothes, put on the same hunting deer hair as Sherlock Holmes, held a pipe in his mouth, and began to observe carefully in the room with a magnifying glass.

Now that the plot has changed, even Gurongji has appeared, Tom is not sure whether the murderer's murder method is still the same as in the original book.

So to be on the safe side, he still has to investigate it carefully again.


Tom found the thumbtack through the magnifying glass, put on white gloves and picked it up to examine it carefully.

The surface of this thumbtack is rusty, but the iron needle is very clean, it should have been pulled out just now.

In this case, there must be a place where this thumbtack has been inserted before.

The cat took out the pliers to threaten the thumbtack again.

The trembling thumbtack immediately extended its hands and pointed the direction to Tom.

Tom looked up and looked in the direction of the air vent.

Sure enough, there was a small hole where the thumbtack had been inserted.

The room was locked from the inside, and only one air vent was open.

But this air vent was very small, and at most only a child could enter and exit.

If the murderer was an adult, he would definitely not be able to get in or out unless he knew how to shrink his bones.

From this point of view, this is a case of secret room murder.

At this time, the old lady of the Takeda family suddenly appeared behind everyone like a ghost, and suddenly said: "This is definitely the curse of the spider fairy."

The old lady didn't know when she appeared on the second floor.

When she spoke so suddenly, everyone was shocked.

Everyone turned around, only to see the short old lady looking at everyone with a gloomy face, and said in a hoarse voice: "The Spider Fairy must have used its long six claws to crawl in through the transom window, and then used our rope to hold her down. This kid was strangled to death."

"The purpose is to punish this kid, Shinichi, for building the warehouse in this place, so you'd better be careful."

After the old lady finished speaking to herself, she walked towards the stairs with her hands behind her back. As she walked, she said, "If you detectives talk about this murder case, you will definitely be cursed by the Spider Fairy."

It was clear that a son had died, but the old lady didn't seem to have any mood swings, which made Tang Mu and the others think deeply.

"She doesn't seem to want this case to be classified as a homicide?"

Officer Memu frowned, suddenly feeling that the old lady was a little suspicious.

If Tom had not defeated Spider Grunch just now, Officer Memu would have suspected that she was that Grunch.

When he cooperated with No. 4 to fight against the Gurungi three years ago, Officer Megure already knew that this ancient race could transform into human form.

In addition, the old lady was very thin and could fit through the transom.

If she were to carry out this case, there would be many possibilities.

"It could also be that the elderly are more old-fashioned."

Haiyuan Ai looked at the back of the old lady leaving alone, and had a rare word with Officer Mumu.

Tang Mu also came over at this time, put the thumbtack in a sealed bag and handed it to Hui Yuan Ai.

So Xiao Ai looked at the two Takeda brothers clearly and asked: "You have been talking about Spider Immortal before, Spider Immortal. So what exactly is Spider Immortal?"

Takeda Ryuuji looked at Tang Mu with awe at this time. When Haibara Ai asked, he quickly replied: "This is a legend we have here a long time ago. It is said that there once was a fairy-like creature in Puppet Ridge. Beauty."

"As long as someone passes by, she will stop them and ask, do you think the kingdom of heaven exists? Do you want to go? At this time, people who are tempted by the beauty of the beauty will answer that they want to go. After that, they will disappear In the forest, never to come back."

"Later, a puppet master heard about this and thought of a way. He put a puppet as tall as a human on the road and began to wait for opportunities."

"Not long after, the beauty appeared again and asked the puppet if he wanted to go to heaven. But the puppet naturally had no answer. After asking several times, the beauty became impatient, revealed the original shape of a giant spider, and began to Attack the puppets."

"When the puppet master saw this, he fired the rocket he had prepared and ignited the big spider. Then the spider, covered with fire, fled into the forest in panic. After the puppet master followed, he found that the big spider and a group of small spiders He was burned to death in his own lair."

"Later, the villagers were afraid of being cursed, so they built an ancestral hall at that place and worshiped her as the Spider Fairy. This place has since been renamed Puppet Ridge."

After listening to the story carefully, Hui Yuan Ai nodded and said, "Then what does it have to do with the curse you mentioned?"

Takeda Yuzo was a little depressed, but his second brother had just told the story, and now he answered Xiao Ai's question: "That's because the ancestral hall used to worship the Spider Immortal was built at the location of this warehouse."

"In other words, was the previous ancestral hall demolished?"

Haihara Ai asked again.

"Yes, after the eldest brother inherited his father's legacy and became a puppet master, he built this warehouse regardless of the opposition of the villagers. In the third year after the warehouse was built, the eldest brother's daughter Misa and his wife Kinuyo were found hanging by us. Died in this place.”

"Both of their bodies had turned into nests for spiders. It was really horrible. Then three years later this year, Mr. Negishi was also strangled to death by a rope here. When he died, his hands and feet were still wrapped with strings used to control the puppets. "

Takeda Ryuuji frowned and turned to look at Takeda Shinichi's body still hanging there in the room, his tone full of sadness.

Officer Megure nodded: "That's why this place is called the Spider's House in Puppet Ridge. In other words, someone may have used this legend to carry out a series of murderous plots."

Hearing what Officer Megure said, Takeda Ryuuji couldn't help but ask: "But, isn't that really what the Spider Immortal did? We obviously saw the Spider Immortal just now."

Takeda Ryuuji didn't actually believe in the legend of the Spider Immortal.

But just now I saw the battle between Tom Mu and the spider monster outside the warehouse.

Seeing was believing, which really made him wonder whether there was really a curse from the Spider Fairy in Puppet Ridge.

"Although I am not sure who the murderer is yet, I can roughly guess the method of committing the crime. That is something that can be done manually."

Hearing Tom Mu's "meow" sound in his ear, his partner Ai Haihara said the lines a detective should say,

At the same time, a roar of a car engine sounded outside the warehouse.

It should be Taylor and Mitsunaga Baita who went up the mountain to worship.

Still owe 56,000

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