"What?! Takeda Shinichi is dead?!"

The two people who had just returned were in disbelief when they suddenly heard the news.

Especially for Mitsunaga Hyouta, his client was already dead, so he suddenly no longer wanted to stay at the Takeda family.

It wasn't until Takeda Ryuji said he would pay the commission fee on behalf of his eldest brother that the marketing detective was willing to stay.

"By the way, why did you come back so early?"

Takeda Yuzo asked Taylor curiously.

After all, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and Meisha's cemetery is relatively far away. Logically speaking, he shouldn't come back so soon.

"It suddenly rained on the road, and avalanches of gravel blocked the way, and almost blocked our way back. Mr. Mitsunaga went to the forest to find wooden sticks to pry open the stones before we came back." Taylor scratched his head, concerned about the current situation. They were still a little bit at a loss. They had only been out for such a short time, but how come they were dead when they came back.

"Mr. Megure, how is the police doing? Are you here?"

Takeda Ryuuji looked at Officer Megure nervously.

Officer Memu just put down the phone, shook his head, and sighed: "The road is blocked by gravel. We have to come up tomorrow."

When everyone heard this, they immediately reacted.

Since the police can't come, they can only rely on them to make arrangements at this time.

Fortunately, there were detectives and police officers at the scene, so the situation was not lost.

Tom Mu lay on Hui Yuan Ai's shoulder and looked at Taylor. He thought of something and immediately patted Xiao Ai's shoulder and chatted a few words in her ear.

Haihara Ai immediately understood what Tom Mu meant, walked up to Taylor, stretched out her hand towards him, and said, "Please lend us your camera. I want to take pictures of the crime scene."


Taylor was stunned for a moment, but he still took off the camera from his neck and handed it to Xiao Ai.

As if to liven up the tense atmosphere, Taylor smiled again and said: "The little detective is quite reliable."

Unfortunately, everyone present was preoccupied and no one paid him any attention.

Seeing that Xiao Ai had obtained Taylor's camera, Officer Mu Mu, as a criminal police officer, also began to tell everyone not to go out at night. Everything should wait until the local police arrive tomorrow morning.

"Excuse me, what are you planning to do now?"

Thinking of the battle between Tom Mu and the spider monster just now, Takeda Ryuuji still felt a little safer around the cat.

"We're going to go to the second floor of the warehouse to see if we can find any other clues."

Without Tang Mu's instructions, Hui Yuan Ai had already guessed Tang Mu's thoughts and directly announced their next action plan.

"I'll go with you."

Officer Megure is a police officer after all, and he must be present in this situation.

Mitsunaga Momota walked out without saying a word. He really didn't like that little girl who spoke harshly, and he didn't want to be left behind by Haibara Ai in the progress of the case.

It was already raining outside at this time. Mitsunaga Hyouta just went out, then immediately came back, and borrowed an umbrella from the Takeda family before setting off again.

Mitsunaga Momota didn't like them, and Tom Mu didn't want to ignore Mitsunaga Momota.

The petty cat doesn't even want to hold an umbrella like Mitsunaga Momota.

So Tang Mu and the Takeda family borrowed an electric kettle, opened the lid of the electric kettle, called Officer Xiao Ai and Megure, and walked directly towards the rain curtain outside the house.

Seeing this, Officer Mumu didn't realize what Tang Mu meant for a moment, and wanted to remind Tang Mu that it was raining outside.

As a result, his mouth just opened and he couldn't close it in shock.

The raindrops falling from the sky saw the kettle in Tang Mu's hand, and feared that they would be burned, so they all moved away in fear.

This made Tang Mu and Xiao Ai stand in the rain, but not a drop of rain hit them.

Seeing this, Officer Memu opened his mouth, and finally he could only say helplessly: "You are getting more and more outrageous."

With that said, Officer Memu quickly ran out of the house and stood beside Tom Mu. The two of them and the cat headed towards the warehouse under the protection of the kettle.

As soon as Tang Mu left, everyone in the Takeda family also went back to their rooms.

They were all in a daze, and now they just wanted to take a good rest.

Go to Timeyong Baitai.

Although he took the first step, he did not actually go to the warehouse.

Ever since she was a child, Mitsunaga Momota has always been a person who must take revenge.

At today's dinner, Momota Mitsunaga was already unhappy with Tang Mu and his party.

They originally wanted to go out for a walk, but they encountered a landslide and their car was almost flooded.

Such an unfortunate thing made Mitsunaga Momota feel even worse.

Walking in the rain holding an umbrella, Mitsunaga Momota saw Officer Megure's car parked there, and his eyes suddenly became angry.

He took out the self-defense folding knife he carried with him and walked directly to Officer Megure's car.

Looking at the car in front of him, Mitsunaga Momota thought of the valve core that was pulled out when he was in school.

His personality has never been very likable since he was a child. Therefore, people often secretly pull out the valve cores of bicycle tires.

Now he was going to imitate the enemies from his student days and give Mu Mu's car tires a few blows.

When the time comes, let’s see how they go down the mountain.

Mitsunaga Momota thought so and grinned happily.

Arriving next to the affordable car, Mitsunaga Momota couldn't help but sneer: "What a garbage truck. A person with no class can drive such a low-class car."

Mitsunaga Momota said, already squatting down next to the tire of the car.

He took out the knife and looked around like a thief. He found that no one was paying attention to him, so he raised the knife with excitement and anxiety.

But before Mitsunaga Momota's knife fell, the flashlight light shone on a small round ball that was half buried in the mud next to it.

Curious, he picked up the ball and looked at it, wondering: "That's strange, is this a BB bullet?"

Mitsunaga Hyouta, who was looking at the BB bullets, didn't notice that a shadowy figure silently came behind him at this time.

On the other side, the second floor of the warehouse.

While Mitsunaga Momota was still in a daze in the rain, Officer Tom Mu and Megure had already returned here.

Officer Megure is a professional and is responsible for taking photos of the scene.

Xiao Ai used her professional skills to examine the body of the deceased.

Taking a small bench to increase the height, Tom stood next to Takeda Shinichi and was looking at the back of the deceased's head with the magnifying glass that Tom forced on her:

"There were marks on the back of the deceased's head that he had been hit by something, which was very serious."

"The time of death was around nine o'clock, which was the time when we had just finished the dinner and the deceased left. Before he left, he said he would go back to making puppets."

"But Takeda Yuzo also said that since the accident in the warehouse three years ago, this original puppet house is no longer in use. There must be some reason why he suddenly came here tonight."

"Is it possible that the murderer asked him out?"

Officer Megure guessed.

"It's very possible." Hui Yuan Ai nodded: "After the murderer killed the deceased, he tied so many silk threads on his body to make him look like a spider preying on him. He probably wanted others to focus on the spider. The immortal is causing trouble above.”

After Xiao Ai finished speaking her thoughts, she looked at Tang Mu beside her.

Seeing Maomao giving him a satisfied thumbs up, the corner of Haiyuan Ai's mouth curled up slightly.

Officer Mu Mu listened carefully to Xiao Ai's analysis and nodded in agreement. However, looking at the surrounding environment, he was still very puzzled and said: "It's strange to say, how did the murderer escape from this kind of room?" Woolen cloth."

Xiao Ai also continued to raise doubts: "It is also suspicious that the deceased's flashlight and slippers were scattered on the ground. This warehouse has not been used in the past three years, and there is no dust on the floor and shelves."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a shrill scream coming from outside the air window!

Hearing the cry, Tang Mu quickly ran to the transom and stuck his head out of the window.

Although this window cannot allow adults to pass through, it is more than enough to peek through.

In the original Conan, the movement of this probe is also very important.

In this short period of time, a shrill exclamation sounded again in the rainy night outside.

Tang Mu looked intently and saw that it was Mitsunaga Momota who was running on the street and was being chased by a shadowy figure.

Before, Tang Mu was still wondering where Na Poujie had gone, but he ended up here.

The shadow man outside the warehouse obviously also saw Tom Mu, and showed a provocative smile towards Tom Mu. His body deformed, and the spider monster appeared in front of Tom Mu again!


Tom Mu really didn't expect the spider monster to appear again.

It didn't remember that Gurungi could be resurrected after death, and it didn't even seem to be weak at all.

The spider monster made a gesture of wiping Tom's neck, and then turned to look at Mitsunaga Hyouta, who was already frightened. He seemed to be ready to kill him.

Huh? You dare to provoke me? Do you think there's nothing you can do if I'm on top?

Tom Mu immediately blew an extremely loud whistle towards the spider monster.

Seeing the spider monster, he turned his head and looked over again.

Tom Mu immediately took out a high-definition photo of Peter Parker.

As soon as he saw the picture of Spider-Man Peter Parker, the spider monster's eyes turned red and his breathing became rapid.

I can’t say why, but he became very proactive~

Seeing the strange man in the photo, the spider monster couldn't restrain his urge to take a bite.

So he simply left Momota Mitsunaga, who was beaten to death with a bruised nose and face, and rushed directly towards the warehouse!

Seeing the spider take the bait, the cat suddenly showed a proud smile.

Sure enough, no spider could resist the urge to bite Peter Parker.

The spider monster had already rushed over, so Tang Mu threw the photo away and put on an orange training suit.

There is also a traditional Chinese character "turtle" on the left chest and back of the training uniform.

After changing his clothes, Maomao, whose momentum surged, jumped out of his breath and punched the spider monster in the chest hard!

The spider monster's eyes suddenly widened and he spit out a large mouthful of green blood in mid-air.

The force of Maomao's fist was so great that the spider monster's chest was dented, and the whole person flew backwards again!

I still don’t believe it, you can really be resurrected infinitely!

Tom Mu thought about it and quickly caught up. When the spider monster got up again, he was punched by Tom Mu continuously!

The spider monster was like a lone boat in the storm, being staggered under Tom Mu's continuous attacks, and had no ability to fight back at all.

At this moment, the spider monster roared, and seemed to have lost his temper. He suddenly raised his right leg and kicked Tom Mu sideways!

At this time, Tang Mu was like a real martial artist, calmly raising his arm to block with his left hand.

The force he received went downwards, and the soil around Tang Mu's feet was suddenly blown away.

The side kick failed, and the spider monster swung his fist with his left arm in an attempt to attack Tom Mu's face.

But he was also blocked by Tom's raised arm.

The opponent wanted to attack, but Tom quickly interrupted him, and after holding the neck closely from behind, he continuously kneed the Spider-Man in the abdomen!

After Tom let go of the Spider-Man, the man was already a little unstable and staggered backwards.

Tom's attack did not stop, and he took a big step forward!

The force came naturally.

The Spider-Man, who was already a little weak, wanted to fight back. While Tom easily resisted, he used his right hand to hit the Spider-Man's throat from bottom to top, and then his folded elbow hit the Spider-Man's chest like a spear!

At the same time, Tom's right knee hit the opponent's crotch, and when he landed again, he had already stuck the Spider-Man's position.

This set of movements was smooth and completed in just one second.

To outsiders, it seemed that Tom took a step forward and knocked the Spider-Man away with his folded elbow!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The Spider-Man fell to the ground like a rag bag for several times before he stopped calmly.

This time, Tom didn't even play tricks against the Spider-Man. He just changed his clothes and solved the opponent.

"Ka Ka Ka"

The Spider-Man's belt broke into pieces on the ground. In the end, the Spider-Man couldn't bear the damage and exploded!

In the explosion, Tom also heard the Spider-Man's roar before his death.

"You're cheating!"

Maomao shrugged indifferently at this evaluation.

Tom thought he was very martial by not turning into a Super Saiyan cat directly.

The explosion in the rain was reflected farther, but the noise also attracted the Takeda family in the house.

"What happened?"

In the corridor, Takeda Yoko looked over here with her twin daughters.

"It's okay."

Inspector Megure and Xiao Ai had also run out of the warehouse and waved to the Takeda family.

Tang Mu turned around and walked towards Guangyong Baita, who was now completely frightened.

Everything that happened tonight was beyond his expectations, and it simply overturned his three views.

Looking at the kitten walking in front of him, recalling the fierce performance of the cat martial artist just now, Guangyong Baita immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Tang Mu.

He cried with snot and tears: "Don't hit me! I'm afraid of pain."

Tang Mu didn't say anything, but just shook his tail with disgust.

There are too many people like Guangyong Baita in society.

At this time, Megure and the others had also run over.

First looked at Tang Mu, then looked at Guangyong Baita: "Why did it suddenly attack you?"

"I don't know."

Guangyong Baita shook his head repeatedly, and his previous arrogance was no longer there.

He fell in the rain with a muddy body, looking very embarrassed.

"What's in your hand?"

At Tang Mu's signal, Huiyuan Ai looked at Guangyong Baita's right hand that had been clenched tightly.

Mitsunaga Hyakuta finally realized that he had been holding the BB bullet because of nervousness.

He opened his hand and presented the BB bullet in front of them.

"I picked it up on the ground, and then I was attacked by that monster."

While Mitsunaga Hyakuta was talking, Xiao Ai had already reached out and took the BB bullet from his palm, and looked up at the position of the air vent on the second floor of the warehouse.

"Let's go, go back to the room first, it's raining outside, and you have to treat your injuries."

Inspector Megure urged Mitsunaga Hyakuta to go back to the room. This detective probably can't help much now.

Seeing that the small-minded detective went back to the room, Tang Mu and the others also returned to the warehouse.

Just when I went back, I happened to see Takeda's maid, Shioya Miyuki, holding a stack of trays at the door of the warehouse.

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