Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 472: Modifying Hermione's School Shopping List


Hagrid scratched his head and said, "I may not be able to help you with this. As far as I know, no one has ever been able to set up a store in Hogwarts since its establishment."

When Tom heard this, his expression immediately dimmed, and his ears, which had been erected, drooped down.

Hagrid felt a little sorry for this, and hesitated for a while. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Although I can't guarantee that you can set up a store in Hogwarts, I can try to talk to Professor Dumbledore and let you meet. Maybe you can convince him yourself."

Tom immediately put away his depressed expression and laughed happily.

As long as he could meet Albus Dumbledore, it would be fine.

As the headmaster of Hogwarts, if he could deal with him, Tom's mission would be half completed.

Seeing the happy look of the cat in front of him, Hagrid also smiled.

Then, as if remembering something, he spoke again: "I don't know if you know the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy. In short, you should try to avoid using magic in front of Muggles."

"Unlike others, your image is very eye-catching. If something goes wrong, the Ministry of Magic may find you, which is very troublesome."

Tom bowed his hands and thanked Hagrid for his kind reminder.

Tom knew the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy.

It was signed by the magic world in 1689 and formally established in 1692. It belongs to the law of the magic world.

The main purpose of this law is to protect the entire magic world from being discovered by Muggles.

Although the official statement is to protect Muggles.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that the main protection of this law is actually the wizards themselves.

Because once the magic world is exposed to the eyes of Muggles on a large scale, with the increasingly powerful technological power of Muggles now, it is difficult for wizards to win on the front battlefield.

Although most wizards don't want to admit this.

But the fact is that it is irrefutable.

Unless they can find a way to coexist peacefully with each other.

Otherwise, once exposed, it will be a bet on the kindness of the Muggles.

Tom didn't care about the existence of this law.

His mission this time was to make the greatest possible transformation of Hogwarts within a school year.

Time was tight, and the mission location was still in Hogwarts, so Tom himself would not often appear in front of Muggles.

There was no possibility of violating this law.

After the two finished their butter beer, Hagrid stood up.

The tall Hagrid looked down at the cat and smiled: "Are you going to visit Diagon Alley? I still have to write a letter to Professor Dumbledore."

Hagrid didn't say much.

But Tom quickly understood what the other party meant.

He should write a letter to Dumbledore to explain his situation first.

After all, Hagrid was going to bring Tom to his house.

In this case, it is better to explain in advance.

This is basic courtesy.

Whether the host refuses or not.

Tom immediately expressed his gratitude.

So, Hagrid took Tom to the back of the Leaky Cauldron.

The half-blood giant Hagrid held an umbrella and knocked on the wall in front of him with the tip of the umbrella.

There was a "rustling" sound.

The bricks and stones on the wall in front of Tom suddenly seemed to have life, and they turned one after another and retreated to both sides.

Bright light shone in from the big hole in the brick wall, and a quaint and prosperous street appeared in front of him.

It turned out that this was a secret door hidden in the Leaky Cauldron.

Behind the door was a famous street - Diagon Alley!

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!"

Hagrid stood beside Tom, bowed to Tom very gentlemanly, and raised his hand to signal Tom to move forward.

This magic street is almost the first stop for every little wizard before class.

And for those little wizards who were born in Muggle families and just entered the magic world.

This is their first stop to enter the magic world.

Under Tom's feet is an alley paved with cobblestones.

Although it is an alley, it actually covers a large area.

On both sides of the cobblestone road, there are many shops that are very old.

As the center of London's magical world, Diagon Alley is very prosperous.

There are many pedestrians on the street, people are well-dressed, walking around the streets and alleys, and people are crowded and shoulder to shoulder.

"Be careful."

Hagrid squatted down, picked up Tom and put him on his shoulders.

Now Tom's vision is even wider.

Looking around, the whole street is really full of people.

Tom thought that this scene could only be seen in the food street of China.

"It's July now, and Hogwarts has started to send letters to the young wizards who are enrolled. These parents are bringing their children here to purchase the items they need for school."

"It will be fine after school starts on September 1st. At that time, Diagon Alley will also be very lively, but there won't be as many people as during this period."

Listening to Hagrid's explanation, Tom also found many children in the crowd.

Most of the time, there are two or three family members around a child.

They hold the enrollment list in their hands and are checking the surrounding stores according to the content on the list.

"Hey, sir, I'm sorry, I think we need your help."

Hagrid and Tom walked forward, and at this moment, an apologetic voice suddenly came from the side.

Hagrid and Tom turned their heads and immediately saw the people coming.

It was obviously a family of three.

Both parents looked thin and restrained.

But between them, there was a little girl who looked very eye-catching.

The girl was about 12 years old.

She had thick brown curly hair and a cute angelic baby face.

The pair of brown eyes were bright and looked particularly confident and calm.

Tom recognized her, Hermione Granger.

One of the three protagonists in "Harry Potter", a very likable and smart girl.

"Hello, we are looking for a crucible."

Hermione's father, Mr. Granger, handed a list to Hagrid.

Hagrid saw at a glance that this family was obviously also a family of students who would be attending Hogwarts this school year.

But Mr. Granger and Mrs. Granger should all be Muggles who don't understand magic.

Although the blood of wizards is inherited.

But there are also cases where both parents are Muggles, but they can give birth to wizards.

Due to the prejudice of Muggles against wizards, even if the little wizards from such families receive admission letters, Muggle families may not allow them to enroll.

Meeting such an open-minded parent, Hagrid is naturally willing to help.

What's more, he is willing to help others.

"A standard-sized No. 2 pewter crucible, a set of glass or crystal small medicine bottles, a brass scale, and a pestle and pestle, um, these are all things needed for potions class."

Hagrid bent down and glanced at the items on the list, then raised his hand and pointed forward, saying: "You can go to the Partridge Crucible Shop over there, the first shop behind the north side of Diagon Alley."

"In addition, the scales and other things need to go to the Wezeacre Magical Supplies Store."

"I see, thank you very much for your help, sir."

Mr. Granger thanked Hagrid.

There are too many people here, and Diagon Alley is not small. They can't find the place after walking around inside.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do."

Hagrid smiled and said, "Do you have any Galleons? To buy the items on the list, you need the currency of the wizarding world. If you don't have any, you can go to Gringotts over there and exchange them for pounds."

"Thank you very much. We just came out of Gringotts."

Mr. Granger smiled and thanked again.

Originally, he and his wife were a little worried that these wizards would not be very friendly.

But since entering Diagon Alley today, they have been helped a lot.

Although they have been given cold eyes, it's also very good.

Although they are both Muggles, they are both dentists and have received higher education. They know how to get along with people and know the value of knowledge.

Therefore, they also exchanged a lot of gold Galleons at Gringotts Bank this time.

In addition to buying the items needed on the list, they also plan to buy more books about the wizarding world for Hermione.

Both of them are Muggles, and when it comes to magic, they can only do this for their daughter.

While Hermione and Hagrid were chatting, Tom quietly climbed down Hagrid's shoulders and slipped behind the Grangers.

Seeing that no one noticed him, he pretended to be fine, whistled, and took out the list from Hermione's small bag with his back turned.

Quickly scanning the list, Tom took out a pen and quickly wrote a few lines of text at the end of the list.

Seeing that Hermione seemed to want to turn around, Tom quickly threw the revised list into Hermione's basket, and then quickly grinned and waved at Hermione.


A big question mark suddenly appeared on little Hermione's head.

She couldn't quite understand why this cat ran behind them.

But Tom raised his cat paw to say hello, and Hermione also raised her little hand and waved.

"Okay, Hermione, say goodbye to Mr. Hagrid, we're leaving."

At this time, the Grangers seemed to have finished chatting with Hagrid, so they greeted Hermione.

Hermione immediately withdrew her gaze from Tom and bowed slightly to Hagrid: "Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Hagrid."

"I hope you can have a good time in Hogwarts, kid."

Hagrid put his hands on his knees, squatted down and waved to Hermione.

Both parties said goodbye and left.

Hermione and her family soon disappeared in the crowd.

"Well, I'm going to mail the letter too. You can go around and meet me at the Leaky Cauldron later."

Hagrid told Tom.

Tom made an "OK" gesture to indicate that it was okay.

Seeing Hagrid leave, Tom's face suddenly showed a smug smile, and his eyebrows raised.

Just seeing Hermione's list, Tom immediately thought of a good way to open the Oriental Store.

Every year, new students need to buy the necessary items for admission according to the list.

What is this?

This is a golden direct sales channel.

As long as you add your own products to the admission list, won't your store be able to gain a foothold immediately?

However, this method still requires some operations.

Admission letters to Hogwarts are all sent by the school's owls.

Thom must start from the source and let the owls send the revised list.

As for those who have already received the letter, they must also send another one.

To accomplish this, you must enter Hogwarts.

I hope Hagrid can bring good news.

Otherwise, if Tom does it himself, it may not be good news for Hogwarts.

As Tom thought about it, he began to look at the shops around him again.

When his own shop is opened, he will be their peers.

He must confirm their products and compete with differentiation.

Wandering around like this, Tom really discovered some details that he didn't notice when watching the movie before.

Tom found that many store signs have two overlapping triangles.

After asking around, I found out that it means they all come from the same chamber of commerce.

The scale of the chamber of commerce seems to be quite large, but the business seems to be quite ordinary, and it is not as attractive as those old-fashioned shops in Diagon Alley.

On the other side, Hermione and her family had already walked out of the magic supplies store.

A brass scale costs 3 gold galleons.

A set of glass vials costs 5 gold galleons.

If converted into the purchasing power of Chinese currency, it is about 2,040 yuan.

It is not cheap, but the Granger family can still afford it.

But this does not include the other things on the list.

If all are bought, it will be a lot of money.

A wand alone costs 7 gold galleons.

Textbooks have to be bought by yourself, and the advanced potion making textbook costs 9 gold galleons, which is about 2,300 Chinese currency.

Quite a huge profit.

No wonder the Weasley family, who are in a tight financial situation in the original work, can only use second-hand items.

It often happens that the brother gives the things he has used up to the younger brother.

"Let me see what else we haven't bought."

Hermione took out the list from the small basket and unfolded it.

At first, the little girl's expression was quite normal.

But as she read, Hermione's brows furrowed slightly.

What's going on?

Were these things on the previous list?

Hermione puffed up her chubby face and read out the contents of the last few rows on the list word by word.

"One elementary school student backpack (with patterns such as Armor Hero and Sailor Moon), one pencil case, one black, blue, and red ballpoint pen, one correction tape or correction fluid, and one 2B pencil and eraser."

"To protect textbooks, it is recommended to buy book covers to wrap books. Please come to the Hogwarts Oriental Store to buy them after school starts."

"In addition, our store also provides red scarves and new Oriental style school uniforms to choose from. We look forward to your visit."

After reading the contents of the list, Hermione looked up at her parents with a puzzled look on her face: "Were these things on the list before?"

The Grangers were in a trance for a moment, and then they said affirmatively: "Yes, aren't the things sold there quite normal? We also need similar things when we go to school."

Hermione thought about it and it seemed to be true.

"Then let's go to the canteen to buy these things after school starts."

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