In the Leaky Cauldron, Tom ordered some simple desserts and ate them while waiting for Hagrid's arrival.

Just after taking the first bite of the small cake, Tom Mu felt a little regretful.

He almost forgot that British desserts are generally very sweet.

That's definitely not a sweetness that suits Tom Mu's taste.

This made Tom Mu take the first bite and he was so excited that he didn't want to take another bite.

But it didn't want to waste food, so it finally chose to squeeze the cake in front of it.

Under the pressure of the cat's paw, the cake became smaller, but it still looked the same as a brand new one.

"Hey! Tom, I kept you waiting."

Hagrid's voice sounded behind him.

As soon as Tom turned around, he saw Hagrid's tall figure, and he had to raise his head to look at him.


Tom handed the small cake on the plate to Hagrid.

Hagrid was so moved that he bent down and hugged Tom before taking the cake and swallowing it in one gulp.

This half-giant has a particular fondness for magical beasts.

Therefore, his favorable impression of Tom Mu's cat was extremely high from the beginning.

It also made him very enthusiastic towards Tom Mu, and he also enjoyed Tom Mu's kindness to him.

"Thank you for the cake."

As Hagrid spoke, he bent down and grabbed the suitcase next to Tom, and said, "Professor Dumbledore has agreed to meet you. Let's set off now."

After hearing that he could finally go to Hogwarts, Tom immediately cheered up, jumped off his chair, and followed Hagrid out.

Tom originally thought that Hagrid would ride the motorcycle that Sirius gave him to Hogwarts.

As a result, after leaving the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid waved his umbrella and summoned a three-decker knight bus.

This is the public transport used exclusively by wizards.

From this point of view alone, Tom could be sure that Hagrid most likely did not intend to send it directly on his bike.

In fact, Hagrid also had his own considerations.

He could tell that Tom was a foreign cat.

I am not very familiar with London, or the wizarding world in Britain as a whole.

In this case, as the host, he still has the obligation to introduce the situation here to Tang Mu.

"Two people, 22 silver coins, thank you."

As soon as Tom and Mu got on the bus, someone started to collect the ticket money.

It wasn't cheap, but Hagrid gave it to him without any hesitation.

Tom knew Hagrid's character.

Therefore, I did not compete with him to give him money. It would not be nice to argue with him when the time came.

Just give Hagrid some gifts later.

There are no seats on the Knight Bus, just beds.

Logically speaking, a sleeper car like this should drive slower, or at least steadily.

But the driver of this car obviously didn't think so.

Before the two of them could even sit down, the driver had already stepped on the accelerator and sped off!

Hagrid steadied himself.

Tom Mu was thrown directly onto the rear windshield of the bus, making a "pop" sound!

Hagrid was startled and ran over to pull Tom off the glass.

Who knew that Tom was even tighter than he thought.

Hagrid used a lot of strength, and the muscles on his body bulged, and with a "pop" sound, Tom Mu was pulled off.

At this time, Tang Mu's entire face was flat, and he was still staggering when he walked.

When Hagrid saw this, he suddenly became anxious.

He had never seen a creature like Tommu before.

I was afraid that something would happen to Tang Mu.

Fortunately, Tom Mu just shook his head and quickly returned to his original state.

The Knight Bus still showed no intention of slowing down and kept running wildly on the road.

The magic is.

As the Knight Bus passes by, cars on the road, mailboxes, phone booths, street lights and other objects on both sides of the road will automatically jump to both sides, revealing a wide road for the Knight Bus to pass.

These roads will not return to normal until the Knight Buses leave.

In such a magical scene, all the ordinary people on the road didn't say anything and were still minding their own business.

Apparently some magic had been cast on this bus too.

Now Tom Mu could understand why the driver drove so fast.

If it has this condition, of course it will want to race at will, and it will be as happy as it wants.

It didn't take long for the Knight Bus to arrive at their destination - King's Cross Station.

As a well-known station in London, Tom has heard about this.

But in the world of "Harry Potter", when Hagrid brought it here, obviously the only possibility was to take the Hogwarts Express.

"Come with me."

Hagrid took Tom Mu out of the car and walked directly into the station following the flow of people.

As he walked, Hagrid took out two tickets from his pocket and waved them to Tom Mu: "If you want to travel in the future, it may be like us today."

Tom looked at the ticket.

【London to Hogwarts

One way ticket

Platform 9 (3/4))]

Sure enough, it is the famous platform nine and three-quarters.

Hagrid and Tom Mu were chatting, and the two of them had arrived between Platform 9 and Platform 10.

"Go in here."

Hagrid said, gave a demonstration to Tom Mu, and rushed straight towards a stone pillar in the middle of the platform!

From Tom Mu's perspective, Hagrid's tall body disappeared directly through the stone pillar without any stagnation.

The scene before him made Tang Mu suddenly think of the entrance to Meow City from the underground parking lot of Laojie Community.

Without any hesitation, Tang Mu followed and passed directly through the stone pillar.

When entering the stone pillar, my eyesight went dark, but the light quickly returned.

Tom has come out from the other side of the wall.

In front of it is a platform that belongs exclusively to wizards.

On the railway, an old-fashioned black steam train is parked.

It’s not the red train No. 5972 that students ride on, which only runs six times a year.

Steam curled up on the roof of the car, and the surrounding lights made them particularly obvious.

There are many adult wizards active on the platform.

This platform is not just for little wizards to use when school starts.

In addition to the beginning and end of school seasons, we will continue to operate during normal hours.

There are not a few wizards who need to travel.

Hagrid bent down and took the lead into a section of the carriage.

The two found their own carriage and sat down. Not long after, they heard a long whistle, and the antique train from 1692 finally started to move.

The familiar sound of wheels rolling over the rails reminded Tom of the green train he had ridden in his childhood.

It's just that the interior decoration of this car is better, and it lacks the smoke and smoke of a green car.

Tom Mu sat by the window and turned to look out the window.

As the platform and the city gradually faded away, they had arrived in the forest on the outskirts.

Although this steam train is called an express, it is actually not very fast.

The train departs from London, England and does not reach the Scottish Highlands until the evening.

Fortunately, it wasn’t too boring to see the scenery along the way and have Hagrid chat with us.

On the way, Tom Mu saw a steward pushing a cart passing by in the carriage aisle.

"Gentlemen, do you need anything?"

the flight attendant asked.

Hagrid looked at Tom. He didn't want to buy anything.

After thinking about it, Tom Mu took out a gold galleon and bought some snacks and drinks from the flight attendant's cart.

In the original book, Harry also made a similar move. He spent 11 silver Sickles and 7 copper Knuts to buy a bunch of snacks.

Tang Mu's gold galleons are more than enough.

Cat didn't want to eat these things, but mainly wanted to see what was being sold on the train in the wizarding world.

This trolley reminded Tom that in addition to the Hogwarts canteen, it might also be able to sell a dozen items on the train.

It's such a long train ride from London to Hogwarts, so Tom thinks it's time to give the little wizards something good to eat.

After all, this trolley will only be pushed here during lunch.

Bibi multi-flavored beans, Chuibao Super Bubble Gum, chocolate frog, pumpkin pie, crucible cake, licorice wand, iced pumpkin juice...

The variety is not particularly large.

The taste...

Tom Mu also tried them all, and they all felt pretty average.

Only the chocolate frog tastes good.

Although most little wizards in this world buy chocolate frogs mainly for the pictures in them.

The packaging of the chocolate frogs will come with a collection card showing the appearance of wizards and witches.

Many students at Hogwarts enjoy collecting and exchanging these cards.

This reminded Tang Mu of the raccoon crispy noodles he ate when he was a child.

There are also Water Margin cards to collect.

Because of this, the income of Little Raccoon Noodles began to rise steadily.

It has to be said that although the wizarding world is relatively closed-minded, the Frooms who invented the chocolate frog have quite good business acumen.

Seeing Tom playing with and studying the snacks he had just bought, Hagrid couldn't hide his curiosity and asked: "You said you want to open a small shop in Hogwarts, what exactly do you plan to sell?"

After hearing this, Tom Mu put down the chocolate frog card in his hand, thought about it for a moment, and then took out a list of goods and handed it to Hagrid.

Hagrid took it and looked at it, his face suddenly full of doubts.

Most of the things here were something Hagrid had never heard of, which made Hagrid very confused.

But then, he saw a name on the list that concerned him a lot.


Although he didn't know exactly what Charmander was.

But Hagrid could still understand the word fire dragon.

He has always wanted to raise a dragon, but this wish has never been fulfilled.

So the moment he saw Charmander's name on the list, Hagrid couldn't sit still.

He stood up from his seat, approached Tom Mu and said eagerly: "Can you get the dragon? Are you planning to sell the dragon?"

Tom nodded proudly and said that once the canteen opens, it will be able to sell magical creatures that Hagrid has never heard of.

Hagrid was quite happy about this.

But soon, he reacted again.

The premise is that the canteen can be opened.

But what if it can't be opened?

Can’t I buy a dragon myself?

Realizing this, Hagrid instantly became quite confused.

He knew that although Dumbledore had agreed to meet Tom, it was really difficult to open a canteen in Hogwarts.

What's more, Tom Mu is a strange cat whose origin is still unknown.

This made Hagrid suddenly become quite frustrated.

Tom Mu, who was sitting next to him, tilted his head strangely when he saw Hagrid's emotional changes.

Seeing that Hagrid didn't respond for a long time, he just ignored him.

As the sky gradually darkened, the speed of the steam train also gradually slowed down.

Finally, with a whistle, the train slowly stopped at the station outside Hogwarts.

This train has stopped at several platforms after entering the Scottish Highlands.

Most of the people are going to Hogsmeade.

It is a village dedicated to wizards.

Although it is a village, Tom took a special look when the train stopped, and it was not much different from a small town.

As for Hogwarts, there were quite few people getting off the train.

Including Tom and Hagrid, only one faculty member got off the train.

"Go this way."

Hagrid took Tom to the lake.

Looking up, Tom saw a huge castle complex with bright lights in the night ahead.

That is the legendary Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

"There is a bridge over there, but it is closer to take the water route from here."

As Hagrid said, he shouted into the lake!


The lake water rolled violently.

Under the bright moonlight, Tom saw several extremely huge tentacles breaking through the lake water and rising high in the air!

A large amount of lake water was lifted into the air by the tentacles, and then fell from the air with a "splash".

The dark lake surface was suddenly slapped into circles of ripples.

Under the tentacles, there was a huge shadow.

People with deep-sea phobia would be scared to death just by seeing this scene.

Hagrid, however, seemed to be used to it and had a smile on his face.

It was a giant squid.

The giant squid looked very friendly, which was in stark contrast to its scary appearance.

It seemed to know what Hagrid wanted and quickly dragged a small boat out from the bottom of the lake.

Holding a lamp in his hand, Hagrid thanked the giant squid, and then asked Tom to take the boat with him to Hogwarts on the other side of the lake.

The giant squid had dived into the lake again.

The boat took Tom and Hagrid to Hogwarts in the north.

Because Hogwarts is generally built on rocks, there is a certain height difference with the lake.

So the first place they arrived was the boathouse below Hogwarts.

The boathouse, like the entire Hogwarts, is a pointed building.

After entering the boathouse, follow the winding open-air stairs all the way up to the entrance hall.

Entering the entrance hall is considered to be truly entering Hogwarts.

"That's the auditorium. After school starts, students need to go there for sorting and eating."

In the bright entrance hall, Hagrid briefly introduced the building of Hogwarts to Tom.

Seeing that Tom wanted to go there, Hagrid quickly grabbed it and continued to go up the stairs: "We have to go to the main tower to find Professor Dumbledore."

As Hagrid said, he also put Tom's suitcase in the entrance hall.

Things will not be lost if they are placed here. After meeting Dumbledore, they will come back to get them.

There are three connected small towers on the upper side of the main tower.

Dumbledore's office and lounge are inside.

Following Hagrid's footsteps, Tom looked at everything around him intently, his mouth opened involuntarily.

Entering Hogwarts, Tom finally entered this magnificent magical world.

Although he hadn't seen the wizards use magic yet.

But the moving paintings on the walls, the ghosts floating around occasionally, and the moving stairs in the main tower all made Tom feel quite interesting.


The two were walking upstairs when they saw an old woman wearing a wizard hat and a green robe coming down from upstairs.

She seemed a little surprised to see Hagrid, wondering what he was doing in Hogwarts at this time.

Hagrid also saw the old woman, and of course he saluted politely: "Good evening, Professor McGonagall, this is Tom, Professor Dumbledore's guest, I'm taking him there now."

Minerva McGonagall glanced at Tom through her square glasses, and was a little surprised to see Tom's cat-like appearance.

After looking at Tom for a while, she nodded and stopped asking questions. She passed by Hagrid and the others and left.

There are always some guests from outside the school coming to Hogwarts. Since Hagrid is with them, she doesn't need to worry.

"Let's go."

Watching Professor McGonagall leave, Hagrid continued to take Tom up.

While walking, he introduced Professor McGonagall to Tom.

It seems that he really wants Tom to stay.

Otherwise, there is no need to introduce so much.

"It's here."

As the two came to the eighth floor of the castle, Hagrid said the password to the gargoyle in front of him: "Lemon Sherbet."

The password was correct, and the gargoyle jumped aside immediately. The wall behind it also automatically split in half, revealing a spiral staircase behind it that slowly moved upwards.

As long as they pass through here, they can see the world of Harry Potter, known as the greatest wizard of the 20th century-Albus Dumbledore.

Hagrid stepped aside and signaled Tom to enter.

The next road, he needs to walk by himself.

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