Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 474 The cat that can demolish houses

Dumbledore's office is definitely the most interesting one in Hogwarts.

It is a large, beautiful, round room filled with funny little noises.

On the spindly-legged table, there are many strange silver objects. They rotate and emit small puffs of smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits of former headmasters, both men and women, who are snoring softly in their frames.

There is also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs. On a shelf behind the table, there is a tattered, wrinkled wizard hat.

Tom knew that thing was called the Sorting Hat.

Turning his head to look at the desk on the staircase, Tom saw the wise and kind old man behind the desk at first glance. He had long silver-white hair, a long silver-white beard, half-moon glasses, and a wise and kind look.

The old man was wearing a robe and a purple cloak that was long enough to drag on the ground.

Tom was lying on the ground, and through the bottom of the desk, he could see clearly that the old man was wearing a pair of high-heeled boots.

Albus Dumbledore obviously did not expect Tom's action. Who would lie down to look at someone's shoes when they just met?

It was the first time he met someone like Tom.

Well, Tom was not a human either.

Anyway, Tom made a deep impression on Dumbledore when they first met.

Tom's face was normal. He had to see Dumbledore's outfit clearly, otherwise he could not describe it in detail.

The cat in front of him stood up again, and Dumbledore calmed down and said with a smile: "You are the friend introduced by Hagrid, called Tom, right?"

Tom nodded and gave a thumbs up, indicating that the old man had a good memory.

Dumbledore was a little helpless, but he was already quite old and had met many people, so he could still keep a calm mind and continued, "The name Tom reminds me of someone. Tell me, why do you want to open a canteen in Hogwarts?"

"In fact, Hogwarts has not had such a tradition since its establishment. Our little wizards don't seem to have the need to shop."

"The school can provide meals, and if you really need something, you can go to Hogsmeade Village not far away."

Dumbledore said so much, and the meaning was actually quite obvious. He politely rejected Tom's idea.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, as the future of the British wizarding world, its safety is of paramount importance.

It is impossible to let Tom, an outsider who doesn't know where to go, easily settle in.

When Tom heard this, he immediately lowered his head, drooped his ears, and looked dejected.

After a second or two, the cat slowly raised its head again, staring at Dumbledore with a pair of cute big eyes, trying to use cuteness to make the old headmaster change his mind.

Generally speaking, Tom's cuteness is very effective.

No one can resist the request of a cute cat.

If Hagrid was in front of Tom now, I'm afraid Hagrid would turn into a dog on the spot, and Hagrid would give him whatever Tom wanted.

But unfortunately, Dumbledore's reaction was quite flat.

"Maybe you can consider going to Hogsmeade? I believe the wizards there will welcome you."

Dumbledore found another way for Tom.

He was already friendly enough.

Most people would definitely accept it at this time.

But Tom was a cat, so he planned to make trouble.

Tom took out a helmet from behind and put it on his head with his claws, and then took out a stack of folders from somewhere and handed it to Dumbledore.

Seeing the cat in front of him suddenly act like a business person, Dumbledore was full of confusion, not knowing what it was doing.

But out of politeness, Dumbledore still took the document and read it carefully.

The more he read, the higher Dumbledore's eyebrows were raised.

The pages of the document were "swish", Dumbledore slowly put the document down, staring at the kitten in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know how to describe his emotions.

"You said that Hogwarts has been built for too long and is already a dangerous building, so it should be demolished?"

Dumbledore was a little amused, and at the same time felt that the kitten in front of him was really a little rude.

This is clearly a threat.

I don't know where Hagrid found such a strange guy.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore, who usually doesn't use Legilimency, directly used Legilimency on Tom.

Harry is going to enter school this year, and the Tom in front of him is just too suspicious.

Tom's mind was blank, and he immediately felt that Dumbledore was checking his memory.

But Tom was not worried about this.

What good things can there be in Tom Cat's brain? It's all little Tom Cat.

He doesn't worry about this kind of attack at all.

Dumbledore just used Legilimency, and suddenly felt his eyes go black, followed by a pain in the back of his head.

He only felt that he had just entered Tom's brain, and then he was put in a sack from behind, and then hit with a brick.

The next second, Dumbledore fell into a baby-like sleep.

On the shelf on the right side of the desk, the old Phoenix Fawkes saw this scene and his eyes widened.

Tom glanced over, and Fawkes immediately turned his head and pretended that nothing happened and held his feather in his mouth.

"Good night, Makabaca."

Tom jumped onto the desk, grabbed Dumbledore's right hand and pressed his handprint on a new document, and then left with satisfaction.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, outside the gargoyle, Hagrid paced back and forth with an anxious look on his face.

He liked Tom very much.

But he also knew that Tom's goal would not be so easy to achieve, so he felt anxious.

If possible, he didn't want to lose Tom, his new cat friend.

Not long after, Tom came down the spiral staircase behind the gargoyle.

Hagrid immediately stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

Tom confidently raised his thumbs and proudly said that it was no problem!

"Haha! Great!"

Although Hagrid didn't know how Tom did it, he was very happy about it.

"Let's go, stay at my house tonight. My house is quite big."

Hagrid immediately took Tom downstairs.

His home is on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, not far from Hogwarts Castle.

The next day.

It was dawn.

Dumbledore, who was sleeping on his desk, was suddenly awakened by a noise.

Dumbledore opened his eyes immediately after hearing the sound!

After realizing that he fell asleep after using Legilimency yesterday, he instantly became energetic!

There are not many people in the entire magic world who can resist Dumbledore's Legilimency.

It's the first time I've seen someone who can make me unconscious in an instant!

This made Dumbledore instantly realize how strong Tom's power is.

Because he had been sleeping on the desk, Dumbledore's robe was a little wrinkled at this time.

The portraits of past headmasters on the surrounding walls and Fawkes next to him were all looking at Dumbledore.

But Dumbledore couldn't care about anything else at this time.

There was obviously something going on downstairs, and he had to go and see.

Although Hogwarts School has an anti-disapparition spell, Dumbledore also has his own way to use Disapparition in the school.

As the space quickly compressed and twisted.

Dumbledore instantly left the office and came to the noisy sound downstairs.

He had a hunch that the mysterious cat must have caused the things here.

That's why he came here so anxiously.

Now it seems that it's really right.

Outside the Hogwarts castle, a group of professors and staff from the school were gathered there.

Among them were Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

At this time, they were watching a construction site.

Inside, there were heavy construction equipment used in the Muggle world.

Many cats wearing safety helmets and reflective vests, who looked exactly the same, were busy inside.

Tom was surrounded by stars, holding a bucket of red paint in his left hand and a big brush in his right hand, and casually drew a big circle on the outer wall of Hogwarts Castle!

The big red circle was extremely conspicuous.

Although Dumbledore didn't know what Tom was going to do.

But he instinctively felt that this was not a good thing.

"Why are you all watching here?"

Dumbledore asked.

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, but her eyes could not be taken away from the excavator at all, and she said without looking back: "I don't know either."

"Some kind of magic?"

Dumbledore wanted to go over and say a few words to Tom.

But as the arm of the excavator suddenly lifted up, as if there was some kind of magic, Dumbledore couldn't help but stop and watch the Muggle machine move.

Although he wanted to say that this thing was nothing good.

But he couldn't resist the charm of watching the excavator.

On the other side, Tom didn't stop, and had already picked up a brush and wrote a big word [demolition] in the circle with red paint.

With this word, no matter how magical this magic castle is, no matter how much magic is protected by it, Tom can demolish it.

In Tom's hometown, countless people are looking forward to this demolition.

But for Dumbledore, he is obviously unwilling to do it.

Even if Tom will give him a large compensation.

As the breaker slowly drove to the outer wall of Hogwarts, the rest of the machinery also slowly moved.

The tracks crushed the ground, as if Hogwarts was going to be razed to the ground today.

A strong sense of uneasiness filled Dumbledore's heart, which made Dumbledore get rid of the charm of the excavator and teleported to Tom.

Looking at the harmless cat in front of him, Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief. He had a lot to say, but he finally sighed and said, "Let's talk about it again."

So Tom took out two more contracts.

One was a demolition contract, and the other was a contract for the Oriental Store to move into Hogwarts.

Tom motioned for Dumbledore to sign.

Dumbledore took the contract and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

His handprint had already been pressed on it, but he still asked him to sign.

This cat is really shameless, but he still has some dignity.

But Dumbledore was sure that if he didn't sign, Tom would still force the contract with his handprint to take effect, and the store would eventually open.

Dumbledore was 110 years old and had long passed the age of impulse.

Although Tom's various behaviors were indeed a bit messy, he did not feel any malice towards Tom.

The strength of this cat was beyond imagination, and it should not be Voldemort's man.

The strong have their own dignity.

Dumbledore didn't think Voldemort could control the cat in front of him.

But we have to wait and see what Tom's purpose is.

As the greatest wizard of this century.

And in Hogwarts, this is his home ground.

If Tom really did something wrong, it would be the most dangerous to push him out of his sight.

On the contrary, if he stayed in the school and beside him, he could always keep an eye on him.

That was why Dumbledore had made his choice at this moment.


A feather pen flew out from Dumbledore's sleeve and automatically signed his name on the contract for entering the canteen.

The contract came into effect.

It was obviously not a magic scroll, but Dumbledore felt a similar breath.

"Roar, roar, ha ha ha!"

The goal was achieved, Tom showed a smug smile on his face, rubbing his hands, and the corners of his mouth stretched to the back of his ears.

He smiled like a little devil who had succeeded in his trick.

Dumbledore instinctively felt that something might be wrong.

Why did he feel like he had sold Hogwarts himself...

In any case, things had developed into this state, and Dumbledore had no other choice.

"Meow meow meow!"

Tomb threw away his helmet, raised his hands, and jumped in front of Dumbledore.

It meant that he was going to start choosing a location for his canteen.

Dumbledore nodded and sighed again: "Come with me."

Seeing the old man sighing, Tom kindly stretched out his arm and patted his back to comfort him.

This made Dumbledore a little bit amused.

He didn't even think about who was causing him so much trouble now.

Accompanied by Dumbledore, Tom walked around Hogwarts.

After thinking about it, Tom chose a room behind the entrance hall as the address of his canteen.

Generally, the canteens in schools are on the first floor, so Tom simply chose the first floor.

The canteen is very close to the entrance hall, the auditorium, and the rectangular courtyard where students usually rest and play. It is a good place.

Although the room is not very big, it is not a problem.

"Are you sure you're here?"

In the small room, Dumbledore looked around and asked curiously.

This room was also an empty room, and there were even spider webs inside.

But Tom had already made up his mind, and naturally he would not change it.

"Do you need me to cast the Traceless Extension Spell for you?"

Dumbledore asked again.

Tomb shook his head, indicating that he didn't need it.

Then Dumbledore saw the cat run directly to the wall, stretched out his hands and pressed on the wall and pushed hard, pushing the wall farther and farther!

This made the originally small room suddenly expand a lot.

Although Tom did not chant a spell, and there was no magic wave around, the cat did expand the space of this room several times!

Dumbledore sensed it and sighed.

The space expanded by the cat was actually much more solid than the Traceless Extension Spell.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The space of the store expanded.

Tomb took out another doorplate and put it under his armpit and walked out, and nailed it directly to the top of the door frame with a nail!

Oriental Shop.

From today on, I have officially taken root in Hogwarts.

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