Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 481: Wizards also have to take physical education classes

Tom had left half way through Potions class.

The fun was over, and Snape's lessons were far more boring than Tom imagined, so he didn't stay long.

However, this time of listening in, Tang Mu had a new idea.

As long as it is completed, the process of changing this magic academy will take a big step forward.

With this thought in mind, Tom jumped up and ran towards Dumbledore's office.

"Ah ha! Hello! Kitty!"

From the corridor floor, a ghost with a wide face and big mouth, bright eyes, wearing colorful clothes, a top hat, and open-toed tattered leather shoes suddenly jumped out and stood directly in front of Tang Mu.

This is Peeves.

A mischievous ghost in Hogwarts who likes to play pranks.

Although it is not a ghost per se, it can switch entities and touch objects.

Peeves has been around since the beginning of Hogwarts.

Because of its nature of playing pranks, it caused a lot of headaches for the teachers and students at the school.

People have made concerted efforts to drive Peeves out of Hogwarts several times, but they have ultimately failed.

Fortunately, Peeves is like a naughty child who never grows up. He is loyal to Hogwarts and is at least willing to obey some teachers' restrictions.

After agreeing not to enter the classroom and cause trouble during class, people gradually accepted such a free and easy existence in the castle.

Peeves suddenly appeared, startling Tom, and the hair on his body exploded.

Seeing Peeves laughing in front of him after his prank had succeeded, Tom also recognized this strange ghost.

But Tom didn't want to pay much attention to it, so he walked around Peeves and continued walking forward.

Peeves had long been accustomed to such treatment, and his mood was not affected at all. He kept lying on his side, floating next to Tom Mu, chattering incessantly.

"Hey! I've been following you for a long time! Do you like to play pranks as much as I do? Stop pretending, brother, I saw you selling strange potions to those students, and even turning Harry Potter into a girl."

Peeves seemed to have ADHD. He was flying around Tom as he said, "Maybe we can cooperate and have some fun with everyone in this castle!"

When Tom heard this, he suddenly stopped and looked at Peeves and raised his eyebrows.

"How's it going? Aren't you very excited!"

Peeves laughed shrilly.

It was undeniable that Tang Mu was indeed a little moved.

Fox and the Sorting Hat are Tom's friends and helpers, but there are limits to how much they can help.

Peeves is naughty though.

But for my own goals, it is an undeniable big help.

This guy knows the castle and the teachers and students very well. As long as something happens, he will help seriously.

Cooperation between the two parties seems to be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Tom stopped, grinned his big white teeth, showed a kind smile to Peeves, and extended his paw in a friendly manner.

Seeing Tom Mu's reaction, Peeves let out a cheer!

First, it spiraled up to the ceiling!

Then he jumped out from the wall next to him, and then stood in front of Tang Mu. He pretended to straighten his collar, then coughed lightly and said with a smile: "I knew I was right about the cat. You are indeed the same as Wei." Sly’s twin boys are the same.”

As he spoke, Peeves stretched out his hand and shook Tom Mu's paw.

This action represents the successful alliance between the two.

But Peeves' hand had just grasped Tom Mu's paw, and "crackling" thunder and lightning suddenly spread all over Peeves' body!


Peeves was immediately shocked by Tom Mu and started to break dance on the spot. The electric light on the surface of his body flashed. Although he obviously had no bones, he still showed the shape of the bones in his body.

"You, you——"

Peeves was so electrified that his whole body was smoking, and his blue hair under his top hat was so electrified that he fell to the ground limply.

When Tom saw Peeves's appearance, he suddenly smiled proudly and opened his palm to it. There was a small power generating device there.

This was considered revenge for Peeves deliberately scaring himself.

Peeves looked at the prank prop in Tom Mu's palm. Although his body was still smoking, he gave a thumbs up: "You are indeed the cat I have fallen in love with!"

After saying that, Peeves opened his mouth and spit out a puff of black smoke, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Tom knew Peeves.

Others may be a little off.

But when Peeves plays pranks on it, it becomes happier.

Seeing that Peeves would have no other reaction for the time being, a refreshed Tom left the scene of the crime and went to find Dumbledore.


That’s right!

I feel a little embarrassed to bother Old Dengtou all the time, so I would like to bring him some gifts when I come to visit him.

Just when Tom went to find Dumbledore, Potions class was finally over.

Under Snape's gaze, an uncomfortable Harry Potter walked out of the Potions classroom smoothly.

After turning a corner and finally breaking away from Snape's direct gaze, Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

"Professor Snape is so scary!"

Harley patted her chest and said.

"But Snape really doesn't cause trouble for you anymore. Mr. Tom's potion is really useful."

Hermione said, taking a closer look at Harry, and then said: "But why did Snape not bother you after you became a girl?"

Harry shook her head, she didn't know why, so she looked at Ron next to her.

Ron sniffed: "Brother! You smell so good!"

Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes speechlessly when they heard this.

Ron himself suddenly felt a cold snake-like gaze.

Instinctively looking back, he saw Snape standing at the door of the classroom like a ghost, half of his face exposed, staring at him expressionlessly.

Ron was startled and shuddered all over.

"Let's go."

Ron pushed Harry and Hermione away quickly.

Looking at the backs of the trio gradually going away along the corridor, Snape's eyes gradually softened, and he murmured: "Lily..."

"Lily? What Lily?"

Draco asked when he came over.

Hearing this, Snape immediately calmed down and looked down at the Malfoy boy in front of him with a bad look: "What's the matter?"

Draco shrank his neck in fear, but still complained: "I saw Harry go to the store to buy potions. He became a girl because he drank Tom's potion."

"Okay, I know, Gryffindor boys don't come to me to complain."

Snape narrowed his eyes and turned away directly.

Draco was choked and suddenly felt depressed.

He always thought he was a Slytherin, but every time at this time, the reality of being a Gryffindor would always hit him coldly.

"We have to find Mr. Tom. I can't always be a girl. I have to change back."

On the other side, Harry and his trio walked quickly in the corridor of the castle. Harry expressed his concerns to Hermione and Ron.

"Should I go to the men's or women's restroom in my current state? Should I go to the men's or women's dormitory at night?"

Having suddenly become a girl, Harry still felt uncomfortable, even though Snape liked her.

Hermione rarely joked: "It's good to be a girl. At least you are beautiful now. I believe many people will like you."

Harry was helpless: "Stop joking."

"Let's just go find Mr. Tom. The potion is his. He must know how to change you back." Ron said what the three of them were thinking.

There was nothing wrong with what he said, but it was a pity that the three of them did not see Tom when they arrived at the Oriental Store.

The store opened.

But there were only Fawkes and the Sorting Hat as clerks.

Tom, the boss, was missing.

So Harry asked the Sorting Hat how to change back to a boy after drinking the Female Drowning Fountain, but the Sorting Hat and Fawkes did not know.

Then he asked them where Tom had gone.

They did not know either.

Helplessly, they had to leave the Oriental Store temporarily.

Hogwarts is so big that it is too difficult to find a cat.

Harry can only give up temporarily.

"Don't worry, I know an abandoned female toilet. There is only a Weeping Myrtle there, and no other students. If you want to go to the toilet, you can go there temporarily."

Walking in the courtyard, Hermione comforted Harry.

In fact, she also felt that it was good for Harry to become a girl.

This way she has an extra good sister.

Of course, Hermione also knew that Harry would probably not agree.

The three little ones were curious about where Tom went.

The answer was soon found in the afternoon.

Peeves listened to Tom and carried a backpack of small radios in the Hogwarts Castle.

Not only was one installed in each classroom, but even other places with large traffic were not spared.

Everyone naturally saw Peeves' actions, but they didn't know what this troublemaker was doing today.

Until a "rustling" sound suddenly sounded in the radios throughout the school.

This suddenly attracted the attention of all the teachers and students in the school.

"Hey! This thing can make sounds!"

"It seems to be a Muggle thing?"

"It shouldn't be? This is Hogwarts."

A burst of discussion suddenly sounded everywhere in Hogwarts.

"Hey! Hey! Sound check! Sound check!"

Just then, a familiar voice suddenly came from the radio.

"It seems to be Albus?"

Professor McGonagall, who was in class, turned her head to look at the small speaker on the wall of the classroom.

"Excuse me, I'm Albus Dumbledore."

The voice continued to come from the small radio.

"It's really Albus."

Professor McGonagall was stunned for a moment, then stopped teaching, turned sideways and looked at the small radio, wondering what Dumbledore was going to do.

But Dumbledore in the radio did not continue the topic, but there was another "rustling" sound, and he seemed to be talking to someone next to him.

"Tom, what is this button for?"


Before the voice fell, Dumbledore seemed to have pressed the so-called button.

The next second, the music of "Poor Forky" resounded throughout Hogwarts.

"You Forky"

"Sing the sunrise"

"Poor Haha"

"Sing the sunset"

"Harry Potter flies on a broom~"


As soon as the magical music came out, the faces of teachers and students in the whole Hogwarts suddenly became extremely exciting.

The students who were taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were no longer sleepy, and they all turned their heads to look at Harry in the classroom.

Harry subconsciously lowered her head in shame, but quickly raised her head and said to herself: "The song is about Harry Potter, what does it have to do with me, Harry."

Fortunately, Dumbledore seemed to be startled by the song. After reacting, he quickly turned it off before the magical song was finished.

Now Dumbledore seems to have figured out how to operate the broadcasting equipment, and the next broadcast will be much more normal.

"Ahem! I have two things to announce."

"First of all, thank Mr. Tom from the Oriental Canteen for sponsoring a set of broadcasting equipment for our school. In the future, anything will be broadcast to the whole school by this set of equipment, and occasionally music will be played to relax everyone's body and mind."

The students heard this and immediately started talking again.

"Music? It won't be the kind of music just now? I don't like it."

"I think it's fun."

The Weasley twins thought it was fun, but Draco thought it was quite boring.

Draco, sitting in his seat, crossed his arms and raised his head proudly: "That kind of music is really too low-level. Just listening to it once has polluted my ears."

Dumbledore ignored the discussions in the school and continued: "The second thing is also about Mr. Tom."

"Mr. Tom proposed to add a physical education class to the school to enhance the physical fitness of students. This will not only ensure the health of students, but also strengthen their bodies to better use magic."

"I think what Mr. Tom said makes sense, so I agreed. Mr. Tom will be the physical education teacher this school year. The new schedule is being discussed and will be sent to teachers and students after breakfast tomorrow."

"That's it, I'm done."

There was another "click" sound on the radio, and the whole Hogwarts fell into silence.

This silence did not last long, and louder discussions than before suddenly rang throughout Hogwarts.

Not only the students, but also the professors felt quite surprised.

Hogwarts added a new course, but this is not a trivial matter!


What is physical education?

Do wizards need physical education?

"What is physical education?"

In each classroom, a group of young wizards whispered to each other and asked their classmates.

Some wizards who have always lived in the wizarding world and rarely come into contact with Muggles naturally have no idea about this.

But there are still many young wizards in the student group who lived in the Muggle world before entering school. They even went to elementary school and have some understanding of this, so they told their classmates about the content of physical education.

It would be better if they didn't listen. Once they heard it, they were even more confused.

"Running? Playing basketball? Playing football? Throwing shot put? And skipping rope? But what's the point of this?"

The young wizards didn't understand.

Although wizards who have attended Muggle elementary schools can accept it, they don't really understand it.

"I don't think physical education has any meaning for wizards."

Draco crossed his arms and looked up, and he wanted to skip class.

He thought that wizards who were sweating profusely were simply detrimental to their demeanor, and that was not what wizards should look like at all.

Ron had just heard clearly from Harry and Hermione what physical education was for. He didn't dislike physical education, but sighed: "Will we have to call Mr. Tom the professor in the future?"

Harry said: "No wonder we didn't find Mr. Tom this morning. It turns out that he went to discuss this matter with Professor Dumbledore."

Hermione thought too much, she worried: "But, Mr. Tom is just a cat, right? How can he teach us physical education?"

In Hermione's impression, those physical education teachers don't say whether they have big bellies, but at least they are big and strong.

Harry: "We'll know when we have physical education tomorrow."

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