The next day.

The day of the first physical education class at Hogwarts finally arrived.

After breakfast, as mentioned in the broadcast yesterday, the new timetable has been distributed.

Physical education has indeed been added to the curriculum of Hogwarts.

The little wizards have their own ideas about this new course.

But Snape was a little unhappy.

Because the appearance of physical education squeezed some of his and other teachers' class time.

Other teachers didn't care, but Professor Snape didn't want to endure it.

So, the moment he got the new timetable, Snape went directly to Dumbledore and wanted an explanation.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

The door of Dumbledore's office only rang three times perfunctorily, and before Dumbledore could speak, the door was pushed open.

Dumbledore, who was sitting behind his desk, didn't react and was startled by Professor Snape who suddenly broke in.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Snape walked in aggressively.

As soon as he saw Dumbledore holding a milk bottle in his hand, sucking the pacifier in his mouth happily.

This scene stunned both Snape and Dumbledore.

Snape turned around and wanted to leave.

Dumbledore quickly reached out and called Snape: "Severus! Wait a minute!"

Snape turned around.

Dumbledore quickly handed the milk bottle to Snape and explained: "I'm not really drinking milk. This pacifier is candy, and the milk powder is strawberry-flavored milk powder. This is a dessert."

Snape's face twitched, but he didn't leave in the end. He walked up to Dumbledore and put the new schedule in front of Dumbledore, wanting an explanation.

As a result, he looked down and saw that Dumbledore's desk was full of all kinds of desserts.

Some of the candies looked familiar to Snape, and he knew at a glance that they were products from the Oriental Convenience Store.

Now Snape knew that the old man in front of him must have been bribed by Tom's desserts and candies.

So, Snape turned around and wanted to leave again without saying a word.

Fortunately, Dumbledore stopped him again.

Now Dumbledore finally looked like a headmaster, if you ignore his little action of quietly putting candies in his pocket.

"I know what you are thinking. When Professor Tom found me yesterday, I had the same idea as you. But it convinced me that you should know that Voldemort's shadow has not completely dissipated, and the current environment is not safe."

"The knowledge taught in the school today may not be able to protect the children when the disaster really comes. The little wizards need more self-protection methods."

As Dumbledore said, he had left the desk and walked in front of Snape.

Snape was not afraid of Dumbledore at all. He looked at the old man expressionlessly and said slowly: "Just relying on that physical education class? Excuse me, Dumbledore, wizards don't need the same muscles as Muggles to fight."

"If you want students to learn something really useful, maybe you should let me teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Snape has always wanted to be the professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

It's a pity that this idea has never come true.

Dumbledore seemed to have expected Snape to have this idea.

He shook his head and said: "I thought the same as you before, but Professor Tom's physical education class is indeed very suitable for wizards."

As he said, Dumbledore looked at Snape with a secretive smile on his face: "Do you know Gandalf?"


Snape was stunned.

Dumbledore said again: "Do you know Zhang Sanfeng?"


This name is even more difficult for Snape.

Dumbledore smiled proudly and said, "Professor Tom said that I am a bit like them. Look at me."

As he said that, Dumbledore began to stretch his muscles and started punching in front of Snape!

"Catch! Transform! Send!"

"Five Lightning Whips!"

"Aha! Aha! Aha!"

Seeing Dumbledore in front of him punching like a convulsion, Snape was shocked!

He was almost attacked by Dumbledore's right whip kick and left kick several times, and he quickly retreated with his back against the wall.

"People who practice martial arts pay attention to stopping at the right time. Don't worry, I won't hit you."

When Dumbledore saw Snape's appearance, he immediately showed a smile like a hermit.

When he was in a good mood, he wanted to eat something sweet.

So he took out the milk bottle candy, put it in his mouth and sucked it again.

Snape looked at Dumbledore in front of him and wanted to use his original form to see if the old Dumbledore in front of him was the real Dumbledore.

You are a wizard!

How did he become a martial artist in just one night!

Even people with Snape's personality couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

"How is it? Are you interested in physical education now? Do you want to go to the playground?"

Dumbledore invited Snape.

Snape said with a dark face: "No need."

After that, Professor Snape turned around and left.

There is no need to communicate with Dumbledore anymore.

With the old man's appearance, physical education class will definitely not be cancelled.

It has only been a few days since the start of school, but Snape has noticed that Hogwarts has become more and more unfamiliar.

In this regard, Snape can't help but feel a little confused.

Snape had just walked out of Dumbledore's office when a very exciting music "March of the Athletes" suddenly sounded on the radio throughout the school!

The teachers and students of Hogwarts were still unfamiliar with this song.

Only Tang Mu from China knew that this song was definitely a song that could be engraved into people's DNA.

Until long after graduation, whenever I passed by the school and heard this song, I would inevitably feel a sense of pressure in my heart.

I believe that it will not be long before the students of Hogwarts will also feel the magic of "March of the Athletes".

On the playground built overnight, Harry, Ron, Hermione and other freshmen have all changed into sportswear sold in the canteen as required.

Tang Mu stood in front of many little wizards, looking at them wearing Chinese school uniforms, with a satisfied smile on his face.

If you don't make it clear, just pull a passerby over, who can tell that these little brats in front of them are actually wizards who have mastered supernatural powers.

"Professor Tom, I want to ask, what do we need to do in PE class?"

Hermione was the first to raise her hand to ask a question.

Of course she knew what PE class was, but this was Hogwarts' PE class after all, and as a top student, Hermione had to make it clearer.

When Tom saw Hermione asking the question, he happily raised a finger.

The children's eyes were curiously cast at Tom, so Tom left quickly like a gust of wind, and rushed back at an even faster speed the next second.

Under the puzzled gaze of the little wizards, Tom began to perform a vivid stage play.

The cat was wearing a wizard robe, a sorting hat, and holding a branch in his hand as a wand.

The children knew at a glance that it was now playing the role of a wizard.

In front of Tom were three fully armed knights.

These knights were very familiar to the students.

It was the knight armor that was enchanted in the corridor of Hogwarts Castle.

There was no one in these armors, but they had a certain self-awareness and could move and attack freely.

They usually exist as the defense system of Hogwarts.

Now they are taken by Tom and serve as assistants temporarily.

Of course, Tom will not let them work for nothing.

In return, Tom drew a pair of eyes on their helmets with crayons.

After the eyes are dotted, the three armors will truly have their own consciousness and become a new armor life form, which is much better than the previous muddle-headed appearance.

It is precisely because of this that the three armors are very happy to help Tom.

The students are not stupid. As soon as they see this posture, they know what Tom and his team are going to do.

Sure enough, when Tom is ready, the three armored knights on the opposite side immediately take action.

Among the knights, one holds a bow, one holds a sword, and one holds a hammer.

All three of them also have shields.

The students are nervous. Although they often hear about it, they actually have no experience in fighting.

In fact, let alone these little wizards.

Looking at the entire wizarding world, only Ao Luo and a few wizards know how to fight, and they are not even proficient.

It is really hard to say that a group of people who can only stand and fight against each other have any combat awareness.

Let alone fighting, there are very few wizards who are proficient in armor for self-protection.

It is no wonder that the dark wizards can cause such heavy casualties in the wizarding world.

Although the wizards in the world of "Harry Potter" have many magical magics.

But perhaps because the original work is a fairy tale, the wizards in this world are different from those in other worlds. They have not delved too much into combat magic and skills.

Instead, they excel in life magic.

If it is a peaceful time, it doesn't matter.

But now there is a Voldemort who is not good in pattern but very capable in the dark, and their current state is obviously not suitable.

Tom plans to change Hogwarts from now on.

When Voldemort resurrects and starts to make trouble, give it a surprise.



The sound of armor colliding rang out.

Two melee knights raised their shields and approached Tom step by step.

The archers in the back directly drew their bows and shot arrows!

The damage of the strong bow is very high. The physical fitness of the wizards is that they can only be penetrated if they are hit.

Tom chanted a spell and used armor to protect himself. A burst of yellow light spread throughout Tom's body and blocked the arrow.

Then Tom raised his wand and wanted to fight back.

But he was interrupted when chanting the spell, or blocked by the knights' shields.

There were exclamations from the audience.

Two melee knights had already rushed in front of Tom and waved their weapons directly at Tom.

Tom tried his best to dodge and even used Apparition in the end.

The students thought that Tom could escape smoothly by Apparition.

But the final result chilled them.

When Tom used Apparition, the knight holding the sword suddenly stabbed the sword into the space vortex.

Although Tom did teleport away in the end.

But the appearance of Tom who Apparated from the other side scared all the students present.

There was a wound on its chest pierced by a sharp sword.

If an ordinary person were to receive such an injury, there would be no hope of recovery.

In the original novel, the house-elf Dobby also died in this way.

It used Apparition to rescue Harry and the others, but during the teleportation, it was stabbed in the chest and finally died in the arms of its beloved Harry.

Tom wanted to use this actual combat performance to tell the students how dangerous a real life-and-death battle is.

Although magic is powerful, they must not only know magic.

In actual combat, any shortcoming is fatal.

The most important thing is that the cruelty of the battle must not be underestimated.

Tom looked at the frightened students in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that this actual combat performance has left them with a deep enough impression.

In order to avoid some slow reactions and not understanding Tom's meaning, the Sorting Hat acted as Tom's little bee loudspeaker and began to loudly repeat Tom's ideas to the students.

"Wizards have shortcomings when using magic. Once they are approached by an enemy who is stronger than them, they will be at a disadvantage! Because casting a spell requires chanting, which is far slower than a punch or a knife."

"Most people can't even learn to Apparate or cast spells quickly."

"At this time, having a strong physique will definitely give you a greater advantage in actual combat, especially when facing traditional wizards."

"Next, my good brother Tom will tell you what a real wizard fight is!"

After the Sorting Hat finished speaking, the little wizards below stared at Tom.

Hermione and others clenched their fists, looking very expectant and excited.

Draco whispered to the two followers beside him: "This is what I want to learn."

"But, Master, didn't you say that was the way of Muggles?"

The fat follower was talking about something else.

Draco pretended not to hear and ignored him.

Tom casually blocked the wound with a forked band-aid, which was considered as healing himself.

Then, Tom held the dumbbells in both hands and did two exercises casually.

Amid the students' exclamations, Tom had already turned into a muscular cat!

Tom casually did two bodybuilding poses, which stunned the little wizards.

"bloody hell! It's so strong!"

Ron swallowed his saliva.

"Humph! This young master can also become like that! It's just muscles, is it harder to practice than magic!"

Draco was actually looking forward to it.

"Watch out, kids!"

The Sorting Hat shouted.

The little wizards quickly focused.

Then they saw Tom abandon his wand and pick up a big sword.

Without waiting for everyone to exclaim.

Tom started with a flash spell!

The dazzling flash instantly covered the entire field!

In an instant, everyone in the playground lost their vision, and there was only a white expanse in front of them!

In the white light, the students could only hear a "ping-pong" sound of armor colliding.

After the flash faded.

Everyone slowly regained their vision and was surprised to find that the three armored knights who were so powerful had been torn to pieces.

Only the armor fragments were left on the ground.


Harry opened his mouth.

"Professor! I want to learn this!"

Neville Longbottom raised his hand and shouted!

The little wizards in sportswear made a noise.

Tom was quite satisfied with this.

After using the recovery to repair the three armors, the sorting hat immediately understood Tom's thoughts, so he shouted: "Physical education class has officially begun! Everyone! Jog around the field ten times first!"

The physical education class below finally officially began.

In the principal's office, Dumbledore silently closed the window.

"Flash magic plus muscle plus swordsmanship? It seems pretty good. Is this the true teaching of the wizard named Gandalf that Tom mentioned..."

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