Tom Cat breaks through the dimensional wall

Chapter 483 Parents go to school

It's night.

Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England.

This is Draco Malfoy's home.

It was not yet time for the holidays, so Draco was still living in Hogwarts.

In the huge Malfoy Manor, there were only two couples, Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Malfoy.

Apart from that, there was only one house elf, Dobby.

It can be said that the Malfoy family lacks nothing but popularity.


Still short of electricity.


Suddenly there was a loud crashing sound from the corner of the manor's master bedroom.

Narcissa turned her head when she heard the sound, and at a glance she saw her husband grinning, lowering his head and rubbing his feet through his shoes.

Apparently, because of the dim light in the manor, Malfoy accidentally kicked the heavy cabinet next to him.

Fortunately, Malfoy, who considered himself a noble, did not have the habit of wearing slippers at home. Otherwise, if he stepped on it, he would probably be extremely painful.

Although Malfoy was in pain now, he wanted to face it even more.

So when he noticed his wife looking at him, Malfoy stiffened his expression.

It only took a second for the pain to quickly turn into haughty indifference.

He pulled off his well-tied shoelaces like a normal person, and then tied them again under Narcissa's disgusted gaze.

"I've told you before, our home is too dark. If you really don't want to use Muggle lights, just like Hogwarts, you might as well install more candles."

Narcissa's tone didn't change much.

However, Malfoy, who was a somewhat low-ranking younger brother in the family, did not dare to refute anything. He could only mutter a few words casually: "This is more in line with the temperament of the Malfoy family."

Narcissa was helpless and did not want to damage Malfoy's remaining face in front of her over such a trivial matter, so she changed the subject: "Draco has a letter."


Malfoy stood up, straightened his clothes, held a snake-headed cane in his hand, raised his head proudly, slowly walked to Narcissa, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Draco's letter was expected.

Before Draco went to school, Narcissa told Draco that after a few days of school, she would tell her family about the school situation.

Malfoy felt that Narcissa was making a fuss out of a molehill.

But Narcissa loved Draco as her son.

Malfoy had no say in his son's affairs.

Calculating the time, this letter from Draco should have been sent to explain his current situation at Hogwarts.

Malfoy didn't really want to read the letter.

In his opinion, life at Hogwarts was nothing more than that, and it wasn't like he hadn't read about it.

Nothing has changed at that school.

In fact, Malfoy had originally planned to send Draco to Durmstrang.

But this idea was rejected by Narcissa.

Durmstrang was too far away, and as a mother, Narcissa still wanted her son to be closer to home.

After the owl that delivered the letter flew away, Narcissa opened the envelope and read it carefully.

After a while, Narcissa suddenly said: "Gryffindor."

"What Gryffindor?"

Malfoy wondered.

Narcissa didn't even look at her husband and said casually: "Draco was sorted into Gryffindor."


Malfoy couldn't sit still for a moment, and his butt that had just touched the chair suddenly bounced up! He stood up directly!

But soon, Malfoy came back to his senses. His reaction was really rude, so he coughed dryly and immediately adjusted himself.

He raised his head proudly and pretended that nothing was wrong.

Narcissa knew her husband very well, so she ignored him and continued to read the letter in her hand seriously.

Just looking at it, Narcissa couldn't help but frown.

Although Malfoy was looking at people through his nose, he still saw something was wrong with his wife's expression, so he asked, "Is there anything else?"

Narcissa placed the letter on the table, and the letter automatically flew to Malfoy.

Malfoy frowned as he looked at the letter from his son in front of him.

After looking at Narcissa and then at the reply paper, he reached out to take it and looked at it carefully.

Looking at Malfoy's expressionless face, it looked even colder.

After a while, Malfoy put away the letter and said, "It seems I have to go to Hogwarts."

Narcissa nodded, that's what she meant.

It didn't matter that Draco unexpectedly got into Gryffindor, but she just saw in the letter that Hogwarts suddenly had a convulsion.

A cat was actually recruited to be a physical education teacher.

It was precisely because of this so-called physical education class that my precious son exercised for a long time for no reason, which eventually led to muscle soreness when he woke up the next day and was tortured when he went downstairs.

Draco didn't seem to want to go to gym class.

The letters were full of complaints.

Narcissa and Malfoy also felt that wizards' physical education classes were just nonsense.

They are elegant and noble pure-blood wizards, and they cannot accept that their sons are as smelly and sweaty as Muggles.

That is really undignified.


Malfoy yelled.

Dobby, the Malfoy's house elf, immediately appeared in front of Malfoy, bowing his head respectfully, as if he was waiting for orders.

Dobby, the house elf, does not look much different from other elves in appearance.

But in fact, this house elf is definitely an outlier among elves.

Because it is one of the very few house elves that yearns for freedom.

Other house elves would sneer at the opportunity for freedom and dismiss it.

In their view, serving their master loyally is the most proud and fulfilling thing.

Because of this, in the original work, the rest of the house elves actually looked down upon Dobby.

"Dobby, get ready, we are going to Hogwarts."

Malfoy raised his head proudly, glanced sideways at Dobby, and then walked out of the room.

"Yes Master, Dobby knows, Master."

Dobby lowered his head and quickly followed Malfoy.

On the other side, there are also some small changes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Tom Mu believed that since he had become a physical education teacher, it was time to speak out for the physical education teachers.

I remember back then, when Tang Mu was still in school, all the physical education teachers who were big and round suddenly became frail and frail, fell sick frequently, and then their classes were taken away.

Tom Mu feels that now is a good time to realize his dream.

Therefore, in the original classroom of Snape's Potions class, under the puzzled eyes of the young wizards, Tom Mu walked into the classroom in a swaggering manner.

"Professor Tom! Did you go to the wrong classroom? It's not your class now."

Draco was the first to raise his hand and stand up as a reminder.

Tom Mu had long expected that someone would ask him questions, and he had long been looking forward to this moment.

So as soon as Draco finished speaking, Tom immediately puffed up his chest and said in a deep and thick baritone: "The Potions teacher is sick, and there is physical education class today."

After saying that, I suddenly felt relieved.

Hearing this, the classroom suddenly burst into cheers!

Only a few sighed.

Although Draco described Tom's gym class as horrific in his letter.

But in fact, physical exercise requires a balance of work and rest, not to mention that with the help of magical medicine, it is not tiring.

You know, learning magic is actually similar to learning mathematics, physics and chemistry.

There are only a few people who have talent and love to learn.

Rather than letting them sit in the classroom all the time, they would definitely be quite happy to have a period of time in class where they can not use their brains and go out to relax and exercise.

What's more, every time after Tang Mu takes them to exercise, he will let the little wizards roam freely for the rest of the time.

Therefore, most students were extremely excited after learning that they would not have to attend Old Bat's class today.

Seeing this, Tom Mu whistled happily.

After attracting the attention of the whole class, Maomao took a step forward and waved fiercely!

The little wizards immediately cheered and rushed out of the classroom with Tom Mu.

When Malfoy came to Hogwarts holding a snake-headed cane, what he saw was the scene of Hogwarts students having physical education classes.

At this time, today's sports have ended and the students are having free time.

In order to prevent the little wizards from getting bored, Tom even gave them his childhood games.

It was as if right now, Harry Potter, the others, and Draco were playing hawk and chicken.

Harry plays the old hen, and Draco is the eagle who catches the chicks.

Yes, Harry has turned back into a boy under Tom's guidance.

Draco had a reputation for being rude.

Although Brother Drag looks like he dislikes this game as being childish, when it comes to actually playing it, he is better than anyone else.

Especially after he successfully caught the "chicken", he was out of control.

"Haha! Harry Potter! You can't stop me! I'm Draco Malfoy!"

Draco looked at Harry with a proud look on his face.

Harry had a grimace on his face and just opened his arms to block Draco's face.

"Master! Come on! Come on!"

Crabbe and Goyle, two fat little followers, shouted cheers from the side.

"Hey! Don't worry! Who am I! I am Draco from the Malfoy family! What can you do to defeat me? Look at my fake moves!"

Draco said, already jumping left and right in front of Harry, swaying repeatedly.


Malfoy saw how stupid his son looked, especially when he was wearing a sports suit. This made Malfoy, who considered himself noble, really embarrassed to recognize Draco in public.

"Damn it! Hogwarts, a shabby school, actually turned my son into such a shameful state. It seems that Dumbledore must give me an answer today!"

Malfoy turned and walked away.

Realizing that his little elf Dobby had been looking at the playground, he suddenly frowned and hit Dobby with a snake-head cane in dissatisfaction!

Dobby, who was in pain, quickly followed.

Tom noticed Malfoy and Dobby in the playground. He was stunned for a moment, and then happily followed them.

It happened to be looking for Dobby too.

Unexpectedly, before it even set off, he had already come to the door from the other side.

Dumbledore's office.

Malfoy took Dobby to the door of the office. He opened the door and walked in without knocking.

As a school director, he came here to investigate and prosecute, so of course he would not look good.

As soon as he entered the principal's office, Malfoy saw that someone had already come to complain before him.

The man was dressed in black robes and had shiny black hair. He was none other than Professor Snape.

"It's too much! It actually stole my class! It also made me fall asleep and dream about Li..."

When Snape saw Dumbledore's raised eyebrows, he shut up immediately and changed the subject the next second: "It also stuffed a bottle of shampoo for me! And called me Teacher Shen Teng! What do you think it means!"

Snape said, and put another bottle of Bee Flower shampoo on Dumbledore's desk, his face full of anger that he was insulted.

Dumbledore looked at the shampoo in front of him and smiled: "It's good, it's time to wash your hair."

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Snape saw that Dumbledore was still smiling, and his expression became more serious.

Seeing this, Dumbledore coughed twice and quickly adjusted his attitude: "Severus, don't be so hostile to Tom. I find that he is a good person. Although he has not been here for a long time, he has brought a lot of changes to Hogwarts."

Snape wanted to say something, but footsteps were heard behind him.

The two shifted their sights and immediately saw Malfoy coming in from the door, and their faces suddenly showed expressions of surprise and shock.

Malfoy saw this, although his face did not change, but he was quite satisfied with their expressions.

He thought, although he did not come to Hogwarts often, he was a noble Malfoy after all.

He did not expect Dumbledore and others to think highly of him.

Malfoy, who was proud of himself, did not notice that Dumbledore and others were not looking at him at all, but Tom who followed behind him.

The cat smiled and waved to Dumbledore, then stretched out his hand and directly pulled the empty "zipper" behind Malfoy from beginning to end.

Under the shocked gaze of Dumbledore and Snape, such a big cat, like putting on clothes, went directly from behind Malfoy!

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