
Dumbledore saw the cat crawling into Malfoy's back without paying attention to anyone, and subconsciously raised his hand to stop it.

But his action was obviously a little late.

Or rather, Tom's speed was too fast.

Dumbledore and Snape had just discovered Tom, and the cat had already completely crawled into Malfoy's body.

Snape widened his eyes and subconsciously took out his wand from under his black robe.

This was a subconscious behavior, because Tom's behavior was really shocking to outsiders.

But before Snape raised his wand and made further reactions, Dumbledore next to him reached out and pressed his wand down.

"Professor Dumbledore?"

Snape turned his head to look at the white-haired old man next to him.

"Don't be too nervous, Severus."

Dumbledore smiled and looked at Malfoy with a strange expression in front of him: "Tom should have no ill intentions, why not see what he wants to do."

Snape frowned, his face was not very good.

Tom's performance seemed too threatening to him, no different from the Unforgivable Curse.

But since Dumbledore had spoken, he couldn't say anything.

"Master? Are you okay?"

The house-elf Dobby stood at Malfoy's feet, his eyes like ping-pong balls full of tension.

Dobby's hands were twisted together, his body hunched, and he looked a little cramped.

"It's all Dobby's fault! It's all Dobby's fault! Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

Dobby looked around and didn't find anything handy, so he rushed directly to the wall next to him, supported the wall with both hands, and banged his head against the wall!

Dobby was an outlier among the house-elves who longed for freedom, but he was still a house-elf with a master after all.

Malfoy was in a strange state at this time. As an elf in the Malfoy family, Dobby noticed something was wrong and naturally began to punish himself.

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

Dobby banged his head against the wall, and soon it turned red and bled.

Just as Dobby raised his head again and was about to hit the wall hard, a hand reached out from behind and gently rested on Dobby's shoulder.

This made Dobby pause and turn around to look behind him.

That was his master, Malfoy.

But now Malfoy looked like his eyes were not eyes and his nose was not a nose. He was aristocratic, but his hair was disheveled and he had his golden hair in his mouth. He looked very embarrassed and even a little stupid.

"Master... Master?"

Dobby tilted his head and looked up at Malfoy in a strange way.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Malfoy opened his mouth, obviously wanting to speak.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, the golden hair on his temples would fall into his mouth.

There was no way, Malfoy could only spit out the hair that fell into his mouth, and then subconsciously raised his head and looked at people with his nostrils.

Until now, Tom finally understood that Malfoy always looked at people with his nostrils when he appeared in the early part of the movie. It turned out that this was the reason why he would not eat hair.

No wonder Malfoy looked much more normal after he appeared with a ponytail.

Without thinking too much, Tom, who had already occupied Malfoy's body, cleared his throat, looked at Dobby who was looking up at him, and smiled kindly.

Seeing Malfoy's smile, Dobby's eyes, which were as big as ping-pong balls, suddenly widened!

As if he had seen a ghost!

There was nothing more frightening than a kind smile on Malfoy's face.

Tom didn't care about that. He only knew that Dobby, whom he wanted to find, had come to him, and he had to seize this opportunity.

His butt was a little itchy, so Tom scratched it, and then a cat tail emerged from behind Malfoy.

Under Dobby's strange gaze, Tom casually took out a sweater and handed it to him.

This move made Dobby obviously stunned.

But soon, he immediately realized what the situation in front of him represented.

In the setting of "Harry Potter", house elves must serve their masters loyally, generation after generation, until death.

If you want to regain your freedom, you must get a piece of clothing from your master, even socks.

But house-elves can be said to be the status symbol of the top nobles in the wizarding world.

Therefore, it is rare for house-elves to regain their freedom.

Behind the desk, Dumbledore watched this scene, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He now understood what the cat was thinking.

"It seems that it won't be long before we can see a cooking competition."

Dumbledore looked at Snape with a smile.

Snape looked puzzled, not knowing what Dumbledore was suddenly talking about.

How did the topic change so quickly, and what does this have to do with the cooking competition?

Dumbledore turned his head and looked at Malfoy controlled by Tom regardless of Snape's reaction.

Dobby was a little absent-minded when staring at the sweater handed to him by Tom, but he quickly reacted, raised his hands, and took the sweater from Tom's hands.

Holding the sweater with both hands, Dobby's eyes gradually brightened.

"Dobby... is free!"

As he spoke, Dobby unconsciously clenched the sweater in his hands.

"What am I doing! What happened! Why is this happening!"

Malfoy suddenly woke up, and then fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

Tom achieved his goal and climbed out from Malfoy's back with a comfortable look.

"It's you? What did you do to me?!"

Malfoy was not stupid. He had memories of when Tom entered his body, but he had no control over his body at all.

This made Malfoy feel even more terrified.

He had never seen this kind of magic before. He had seen Legilimency. Malfoy thought that although he was not a master of brain occlusion, at least if someone cast a magic similar to Legilimency on him, he would at least feel it even if he could not resist it.

Tom's words were too exaggerated. He had no ability to resist at all.

This reminded Malfoy of the mysterious man he had been loyal to - Voldemort!

Thinking of Voldemort's face, Malfoy's face turned pale in an instant!

Tom kindly helped Malfoy zip up his back, and suddenly sniffed, slowly turned his head, and looked at Malfoy with a smile.

It smelled the breath of fear.

So Tom took out a chopstick, pointed it at Malfoy and yelled at him: "Avada, eat the big melon!"


Malfoy was scared to death by Tom's yell!

He jumped up from the ground like a spring, regardless of his image, and ran out of the principal's office in a panic.


Seeing Malfoy's embarrassed appearance, Tom's prank succeeded, and he happily lay on the ground and laughed!

Dobby looked at the cat who was laughing wildly on the ground, and then looked at Malfoy's back disappearing at the door. The corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he also smiled: "Thank you, Dobby."

You're welcome.

Tomb was a little tired of laughing, and when he heard Dobby's thanks, he turned over indifferently and waved his hand.

"What a shameful guy."

Seeing Malfoy's sudden visit and his embarrassed escape, Snape commented disdainfully.

Then, Snape looked at Dumbledore again and said, "But is this really okay? After all, he is Malfoy and a school director."

Dumbledore turned his head and smiled at Snape, and winked mischievously, saying everything.

Snape was speechless, threw his robe, and walked out.

When passing by the cat, he looked down at Tom and said, "Don't steal my class anymore."

Tom grinned with a big white tooth, acting like a harmless cat.


Snape was very unhappy with Tom's performance and left in a hurry.

He could see that this cat was not obedient at all, and was simply the devil of Hogwarts.

What was even more infuriating was that Dumbledore didn't know what was wrong with him, and he actually followed the cat to mess around.

The playground outside the castle.

Draco, who was stretching, saw his father's familiar figure coming out of the castle, which scared him. Just as he was about to go up to say hello, he found that his father left quickly without looking back.

The back looked embarrassed and hurried.

Draco had never seen his father like this before, which made Draco's little face look a little panic.

He admired Malfoy and regarded him as his role model.

Following Malfoy since childhood, Draco was also imitating his father's behavior intentionally or unintentionally.

In Draco's eyes, Malfoy's image has always been extremely tall and majestic.

Malfoy's appearance at this time made Draco feel unbelievable as if he saw his idol collapse.

Staring blankly at Malfoy's back gradually going away, Draco felt quite complicated.

Not long after, Tom came out of the castle with Dobby.

At this time, Dobby had changed into the sweater knitted by Tom, and the whole person looked much more energetic.

Draco noticed this scene. Although he didn't know the cause and effect, his intuition told him that this matter must be related to Tom again.

Dobby, who was following Tom, was the most direct evidence.

If something strange and incomprehensible happened in Hogwarts, it was probably caused by Professor Tom, and the other two-tenths were caused by the Weasley twins. This has become a consensus in the eyes of the young wizards.

"Is that a house elf? Does Hogwarts have house elves?"

On the playground, other students who were taking physical education classes also saw Tom and Dobby, so they whispered to each other.

The house elves in Hogwarts usually don't show up, so few freshmen know that Hogwarts has house elves.

In the original book, it was not until Harry and his friends were in the third year that they discovered the existence of these elves.

Children's minds are always more active. After seeing Dobby and Tom together, they naturally gathered together and talked and speculated with each other.

"What is a house elf?"

Harry, who had just entered the magic world, was full of confusion and turned to ask Ron and Hermione beside him.

Ron was about to speak, but the elementary school bully Hermione next to him had already given Harry the answer in advance.

This made Ron's mouth close reluctantly, and he mumbled softly, obviously complaining about Hermione again.

The young wizards' confusion did not last long. When the physical education class was over, they quickly got the answer they wanted on the radio.

Dumbledore obviously liked the campus radio system.

If there is anything, just broadcast it directly through the broadcasting room, and all the teachers and students in Hogwarts can hear it, which is very convenient.

"Ahem! Teachers and students, please pay attention. Some comrades have responded that Hogwarts has matured in all aspects after thousands of years of development. But for the physical and mental health and balanced nutrition of students, Hogwarts' kitchen should add some new recipes. According to the meeting, I and a group of professors decided that the decision-making power of this matter should be handed over to the students."

"Therefore, we decided that a week later, the Great Hall will hold a cooking competition between Hogwarts Kitchen and Professor Tom. The contestants of the competition are Don New and Dobby, and the judges of the competition will be all the teachers and students of Hogwarts. Whoever finally conquers the stomach of teachers and students will be the final winner!"

"The winner will contract the catering of Hogwarts teachers and students in the future. Of course, some classic dishes that were previously loved by teachers and students will continue to be retained."

"That's it."

With a burst of electric sound, Dumbledore's broadcast ended.

The broadcast had just ended, and the discussion of the little wizards suddenly rang in the school.

They obviously didn't expect this to happen.

But at the same time, they were still young, and they also had strong expectations for this interesting thing.

The Weasley twins, who were more active in their minds, had even opened the market and let the students bet on the winner in their minds.

As for the lower grade students, it was not until now that they knew that the food they usually ate was actually made by the house-elves of Hogwarts.

In their opinion, the cooking skills of the house-elves of Hogwarts were already quite good.

Since they had not eaten Dobby's cooking, without comparison, they naturally preferred Tang New.

Tom also knew this, but he didn't care.

There was still a week left, and Tom was confident that he could train Dobby into a top chef who was proficient in Chinese cuisine.

House-elves were very talented in housework, and their teacher was himself, so there was no reason for them to lose.

However, during this week, Tom had to take Dobby away from Hogwarts temporarily and go out for devil training.

I hope that the teachers and students of Hogwarts will not miss me too much during the days I am away.

Time flies, and seven days have passed.

Hogwarts also ushered in their first cooking competition.

Just like the opening ceremony of the school, the teachers and students of Hogwarts have already arrived in the auditorium.

The only difference is that the original seats of the principal and teachers have been transformed into two long stoves.

Next, Donny and Dobby will compete here under the witness of all the teachers and students of the school.

Dumbledore saw that the time was almost up, and took the microphone very actively to serve as the host: "The first Hogwarts cooking competition will start in one minute!"

"According to the rules of the competition, all late contestants will be disqualified! No mercy!"

The teachers and students looked at each other when they heard this.

Harry looked around for a while, and suddenly scratched his head and said, "Strange, why haven't Professor Tom and the others come yet?"

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