Feng Yuanqing opened his eyes dazedly and woke up from his sleep.

"Hey, where is this?"

Feng Yuanqing shook his dizzy head vigorously.

Everything in front of him was strange yet familiar.

Suddenly, a lot of information flooded into his mind. For a moment, Feng Yuanqing felt his head swollen, as if someone stuffed something into it.

Countless memories flashed.

After a long time, the uncomfortable feeling finally disappeared.

"I have traveled through time?"

Feng Yuanqing couldn't believe it for a moment. He could actually travel through time.

Before traveling through time, he was an ordinary office worker and otaku.

In his last memory, he was still drinking happy water and watching videos on Bilibili.

"Forget it, I've already put on the clothes, so let's just leave it at that."

Feng Yuanqing, who had integrated his memories, had adapted to his identity.

Not bad.

His original identity was a graduate student who had been admitted to the Archaeology Department of Beijing University. He was 23 years old and had already graduated. He had just arrived in Beijing a few months before the start of school.

His graduate supervisor was Professor Sun, who was an authority in this field.

What he didn't know was that he had actually been followed by Professor Sun, so he was able to successfully enroll in the Archaeology Department of Beijing University.

Feng Yuanqing was a descendant of the Guanshan Feng family, and Professor Sun was also from the Guanshan Feng family.

In his memory, it was now July 2004, only four years had passed since the millennium, and the new century had just begun.

"Great, postgraduates, much better than before I traveled through time, the value is also very high!"

In 2004, there were not so many college students at that time, let alone postgraduates.

This start can be said to be very good.

Just as Feng Yuanqing was imagining the future, there was a sudden change in front of him.

A gray-white box appeared, just like a simple game interface

"This is...Goldfinger? Finally arrived?"

The interface was divided into several areas, one marked with characters, one marked with benefits, and one marked with the mall. There was a lock icon on the mall, which seemed to be unable to be opened.

Thinking about it, the character panel opened.

Character: Feng Yuanqing

Skills: None

Equipment: None......

Empty, nothing.

Look at the benefits.

It says: Sign-in benefits.

There is also a message next to it: There is a newbie benefit to be claimed.

"Oh, the must-have gift pack for beginners at the beginning?"

The thought came to mind, and a line of words suddenly appeared in front of him: The gift pack for beginners has been received.

The gift pack is opened, please choose one of the following options as inheritance.

Option 1: Fa Qiu Tianguan, Tianguan blesses, no taboos, heaven-granted Qilin blood, eternal youth, blood restrains evil spirits, snakes and insects, obtains the Hanlong Sutra, strengthens both fingers, and strengthens physical fitness!

Option 2: Mojin Xiaowei, Feng Shui dragon search, gold division to determine the location, obtain the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret Feng Shui chapter, Mojin Fu, Vajra Umbrella, strengthen physical fitness!

Option 3: Banshan Taoist, good at the art of life and death, move mountains to fill Sea, cursed by the snake god, blood gradually turns yellow, obtains the art of moving mountains and filling the sea, Maoshan talisman art, and strengthens physical fitness!

Option four: Xiangling strongman, howling in the mountains, Xiangling unparalleled, obtains Xiangling armor, Xiao Shenfeng, and strengthens physical fitness!

Option five: Guanshan Taibao, descendant of the Feng family, Wuxia coffin mountain, heavenly book and strange artifact, paper-cut man, insect repellent Gu, obtains Guanshan Golden Order, Guanshan Zhimi art, Guanshan Qi training method, paper man art.

Five identities, all are very good options.

They are the five major branches of the tomb-robbing world, each of them is very strong and the rewards are also great.

A little tangled.

In the end, Feng Yuanqing made a decision.

"Choose Guanshan Taibao."

It's really that the inheritance of the Qigong technique is too attractive. Qigong and cultivating immortality is a dream that every Chinese has had. Countless emperors in ancient times dreamed of cultivating immortality and seeking immortality. Now, it is right in front of them.

Moreover, his surname is Feng, and he also has a connection with Guanshan Taibao.

Then, countless knowledge appeared in Feng Yuanqing's mind out of thin air, but it was not like the previous fusion of memories, which made his head swell and hurt.

This knowledge was like what he had learned himself, deeply engraved in his memory.

First of all, the most core inheritance, Qigong, practicing a body of true Qi, can By releasing the secret technique, one can also greatly enhance the quality of all aspects of the body. When practiced to a high level, those who eat air can live long and become gods.

Secondly, there are various Guanshan secret techniques, Fengshui techniques, paper figurine techniques, insect repellent techniques, witchcraft techniques, furnace alchemy techniques, etc.

In addition, there is a Guanshan Golden Order representing the identity of Guanshan Taibao, which was made by the craftsmen ordered by Ming Taizu.

The inheritance of Guanshan Taibao is mainly the inheritance of knowledge, and the only item is a golden order.

Unlike the other options, it can even enhance physical fitness.

Not enough, in front of refining qi and cultivating immortals, these are nothing!

"As soon as you arrive, you are given the choice of five tomb-robbing sects. Is this a world of tomb robbers?"

"But with the Guanshan inheritance, what does the tomb-robbing world have to do with it? Ancient tombs will become resources for my cultivation!"

Then, Feng Yuanqing turned his attention to the welfare panel.

There was still a sign-in function that he had not used.

With a thought, the sign-in panel changed, and a list of months appeared, from January to December, lined up in a row.

A check mark appeared after 7.

"Sign in successfully", a line of words appeared in front of Feng Yuanqing

"Sign in for the first time, get the skills: Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing-Qi Training Volume, boxing-Xingyiquan, a body tempering pill, portable space-100 cubic meters, cash 100,000."

Feng Yuanqing widened his eyes and his breathing stagnated.

I didn't expect the sign-in rewards to be so rich. I thought it was just an ordinary daily reward.

"It's a big hit! Even more luxurious than the novice gift pack!"

"Hehe, a handsome guy like me really has good luck!"

Feng Yuanqing smiled with a happy expression.

All the items he obtained were transferred to the portable space, and the knowledge passed on directly entered Feng Yuanqing's mind and he learned it directly.

With a thought, he took out the Tempering Pill from the space.

It was a black pill the size of a longan, exuding a strange fragrance.

Looking at the Tempering Pill in his hand, Feng Yuanqing's eyes appeared with the information of the Tempering Pill.

Tempering Pill: A product of the system, it can remove hair and cleanse the marrow, greatly strengthen the physique, and the effect is immediate.

Without the slightest hesitation, Feng Yuanqing swallowed the Tempering Pill in one gulp, and it turned into a stream of heat and entered his stomach.

Soon, a stream of heat flowed through his body, and he could feel Obvious changes in himself.

Countless impurities were expelled from the body, a layer of dirt appeared on the skin, and the stomach was rumbling.

Feng Yuanqing hurried into the toilet.

After a long while, Feng Yuanqing came out of the toilet.

His muscles became thicker and more angular, his skin became smooth and white, and he was refreshed, as if he had been reborn.

So Feng Yuanqing relied on the system's detection function to start a business of picking up bargains in Panjiayuan.

Until the start of school.

In the past few months, Feng Yuanqing made a lot of money with his 100,000 yuan capital, and also opened an antique shop, hired a few guys, and sold some handicrafts and antiques.

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