Time passed quickly, and a year had passed.

With his ability to find bargains, Feng Yuanqing became a little famous in Panjiayuan, and his shop was doing well.

The name of the shop was Guanshan Pavilion, which also indicated his identity - Guanshan Taibao.

People in the underworld who knew the business also knew his identity.

However, in the past year or so, he had not participated in any tomb-diving activities. When someone invited him, he refused on the grounds of going to school.

This also led to many people in the industry questioning his identity, but he did not care.

This year, he studied and researched with Professor Sun while practicing, and his progress was gratifying.

Feng Yuanqing was very clear about Professor Sun's identity, but he only treated him as an ordinary professor until Professor Sun made his identity clear to him.

Usually, Professor Sun took good care of Feng Yuanqing, and even wanted him to move in with him, but Feng Yuanqing declined.

Since the first sign-in, the rewards for the subsequent sign-ins have become much more ordinary, mostly some elixirs for supplementing cultivation, and some swords and other items. However, the annual sign-in gave a book of talismans, which is a good thing.

He did not practice the Guanshan Qi training method because there are better ones. The

Xiantian Yiqi Zhenjing--Lianqi Volume, is profound and extensive. And the true qi he practiced is of very high quality.

As the origin of life, the Xiantian Yiqi is also growing stronger with practice, driving Feng Yuanqing's comprehensive improvement. With strong physical fitness and more outstanding temperament.

Under the leadership, Xingyiquan has also easily practiced to the master level, and dozens of people together are not his opponents.

He has also practiced the paper man technique to the level of master.

Injecting true qi, the paper man can transform into a human form and has a good attack power.

As for the witchcraft and insect repellent technique, he did not practice it in depth because there are no suitable materials.

He is not interested in ordinary insects.

The talisman technique is one of the key points of Feng Yuanqing's practice.

At present, he has mastered the drawing of amulets, exorcism amulets, evil-repelling amulets, and fire amulets.

From this, we can see that this world is not as simple as it seems.......

In the office on the 3rd floor of Guanshan Pavilion, Feng Yuanqing was looking at the jade pendant in his hand.

It was sold to him by a fat man named Wang who resold tapes not long ago, for 30,000 yuan.

Through contact and observation, he found that this Fatty Wang was most likely the Fatty Wang in the tomb-raiding trio.

So he took advantage of the situation and deliberately made friends with him, and they became good friends.

Fatty Wang no longer resold tapes, but was recruited by Feng Yuanqing to set up a stall not far from the store to generate income for the store.

With his outstanding eloquence, Fatty Wang successfully fooled a group of people who came to pick up bargains in just over ten days and made a lot of money.

Feng Yuanqing's Guanshan Pavilion also grew and developed.

He recruited more than a dozen people in finance, warehouse management, business, and sales clerks, and the store expanded several times. He also took over several storefronts next to it.

"Jingjue Jade Key, it seems that the archaeological operation of Jingjue Ancient City will start soon!"

Putting the jade pendant into the portable space, Feng Yuanqing continued to study the I Ching Bagua and its own Feng Shui inheritance.

""Knock, knock, knock~"

At this time, there was a knock on the door

"Come in!" Feng Yuanqing said.

Fatty Wang opened the door and walked in, followed by a man in his thirties, who was thin but very capable.

"Mr. Feng, I hope I didn't disturb you." The fat man said awkwardly.

"No, Fatty, what can I do for you? Who is this?" Feng Yuanqing asked

""Master Feng, this is my childhood friend, Hu Bayi, who came to Beijing to seek refuge with me. I would like to ask you to arrange a job for him." The fat man said sincerely.

Upon hearing this, Feng Yuanqing carefully observed Hu Bayi, and he was similar to the Hu Bayi in his memory in his previous life.

"Okay, then let's work together with you, Fatty."

"Hehe, thank you, Mr. Feng. Old Hu is much better than me. His family has a book of Feng Shui secrets, and he has been learning it since he was a child. He knows much more than me. If you accept Old Hu, you will definitely not suffer any loss."said Fatty Wang

"Thank you, Mr. Feng. I will work with you in the future. I know the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique passed down in my family. I have experience in Feng Shui and antiques. I will not let you down."Hu Bayi said.

Afterwards, Feng Yuanqing invited the two to the mutton hotpot restaurant for a meal, which was very enjoyable.

The next day, Hu Bayi followed Fatty Wang to set up a stall.

Feng Yuanqing went to the Archaeological Institute of Jingcheng University.

Professor Sun informed him that he would come over today.

When he arrived at Professor Sun's office, he saw a gray-haired figure sitting at the desk, holding a magnifying glass in one hand and carefully studying the ancient books, and holding a pen in the other hand, writing and drawing on paper.

After a while, Professor Sun discovered that Feng Yuanqing, who was sitting next to him,

"I called you here for something. Professor Chen is organizing an archaeological research activity for the ancient city of Jingjue, and you can participate in it. Go to Professor Chen's office later and go through the formalities."

Professor Sun then told him some other things.

After leaving Professor Sun's office, Feng Yuanqing went directly to Professor Chen.

After knocking on the door and entering, he saw Professor Chen talking to a young woman.

That was Yang Xueli, who was also an acquaintance of his. He could often see her at Professor Chen's place.

"It's Xiao Feng, come and sit down."Professor Chen said

"Professor Chen, my teacher just told me that you have organized an archaeological team to the ancient country of Jingjue in the Western Regions. I came to report to you!"

Feng Yuanqing was not polite and said after sitting down.

"Yes, I have been studying the Jingjue civilization for decades, but I have never had the opportunity to investigate. This time I finally got the chance!"Professor Chen said with emotion.

Then, Feng Yuanqing filled out some information and submitted the application.

The three tomb raiders of Gui Chuideng have gathered.���The first archaeological activity is about to begin.

Feng Yuanqing thought silently

"Yuan Qing, long time no see."

Yang Xueli's queen-like voice sounded.

"Yes, the last time we met was a few months ago, right? How long will you stay in China this time?"Feng Yuanqing said

"I will return to the United States after the archaeological operation of the Jingjue Ancient City is completed."Yang Xueli replied with a smile.

Feng Yuanqing has a strange attraction that has always attracted Yang Xueli.

Every time they meet, she can feel the changes in Feng Yuanqing, and the attraction is stronger.

Then, the few of them chatted for a while, and Feng Yuanqing left.

After leaving Professor Chen's office, Feng Yuanqing returned home and began to practice at night.

As usual, he practiced talismans for a while, drew some talismans, and put them into the portable space.

Then he practiced the exercises and refined the essence into qi.

The true qi circulated in the meridians in the body, the twelve meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and the true qi moved the great circle.

Every time it circulated a circle, it could become stronger.


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