Hu Bayi followed Fatty Wang to set up a stall and help him. After a few days, he became familiar with the routine of setting up a stall.

With his eloquence and knowledge of Feng Shui antiques, the stall business was doing well and he sold a lot of things.

When it was time to pay wages, Fatty Wang got a salary of more than 10,000 yuan, which made him very happy.

This was much more profitable than when he went from street to street to sell tapes.

The profit in the antique business is very high.

As the saying goes, if you don't open a business for three years, you can make a living for three years after you open one.

This is because the things on the street stall are relatively cheap, so the salary is only more than 10,000 yuan.

Any item in the store would cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

Selling one would make more than what he earns now.

Hu Bayi has just arrived and will not get his salary until next month.

However, Fatty's salary still makes Hu Bayi very envious.

In this era, many people only have a salary of more than 1,000 yuan, or even a few hundred yuan.

Fatty's salary of tens of thousands is already very high.

So, Fatty talked to Hu Bayi at night, and wanted to return home with wealth to visit the elders and fellow villagers when he went to the countryside.

Fatty himself sold the jade pendant and got 30,000 yuan, plus a salary of more than 10,000 yuan, he had more than 40,000 yuan.

It was enough for them to buy some gifts and go back to see the fellow villagers.

So the two of them discussed and bought a lot of food and daily necessities.

They were all candied fruits, milk candies, canned food, chocolate, tea and the like, things that could not be eaten in the mountains.

There were also color TVs, telephones and other supplies.

Moreover, I heard from the old branch secretary before that there were some ancient tombs in the mountains, and you could go in and touch some artifacts, and you could make a lot of money by reselling them.

So I bought some necessary tools for going to the tomb, such as flashlights, gloves, masks, candles, ropes, kettles, engineer shovels, gas masks, etc.

Then they came to find Feng Yuanqing and talked about their plan to go to the countryside to visit the fellow villagers.

By the way, he also mentioned the tombs in Niuxin Mountain.

"In that case, take me with you, I am also interested in the ancient tomb over there!" Feng Yuanqing said

"Ah? This?"The fat man and Hu Bayi looked at each other, thought for a moment, and agreed.

"All right, then we'll rely on Master Feng."

So Feng Yuanqing made the decision,"Okay, then we'll leave tomorrow."

After Fatty and Hu Bayi left, they returned to the stall and continued to solicit business.

Feng Yuanqing went shopping.

He bought some bread and mineral water and put them in the space.

He also bought some high-quality gloves, masks, gas masks, toilet paper, nylon ropes, etc. He also got a few Gurkha knives, jungle machetes, and engineer shovels, all of which were also placed in the space.

In addition, a jeep off-road vehicle and several large barrels of gasoline were also placed.

It can be said that the preparations were very thorough.

A night passed peacefully, and Feng Yuanqing spent it in meditation and practice.

Early the next morning.

Feng Yuanqing put some of the items into a backpack and put them in the car.

Fatty and Hu Bayi also carried several large and small bags and stuffed them into the trunk and the back seat.

For this trip, Feng Yuanqing drove a Jinbei van. The interior space was large, which was more than enough to store these things.

After getting ready, the three of them set off and drove along the national highway for two days. They finally arrived at the county town, and drove for most of the day to the town.

Further down the village, there is no road to drive.

Ganggangyingzi is located in the mountains. The road leading to the village is all mountainous, and it takes two days to walk to get there.

So Feng Yuanqing rented a horse carriage, carrying the three people and a lot of luggage, and walked into the village on the mountain road.

On the way, they met the accountant who came out of the village to do business, and exchanged greetings.

After entering the village, looking at the familiar place, Hu Bayi asked:"Why don't we see any young men in the village?"

The accountant replied:"The young and strong in the village have all gone to work with the archaeological team. Wasn't there a big earthquake a few years ago? Although it is tens of thousands of miles away from us, experts say that it belongs to the same earthquake zone as our place, and it also cracked Niuxin Mountain, revealing the large tomb inside, which is like a palace."

"There were so many good things in there that many brave people went in to move things out. Later, the county government was alerted and an archaeological team came. They said it was the tomb of Empress Xiao of Liao Dynasty and they moved all the things out, leaving nothing behind."

"Then the archaeological team hired people to dig in Niuxin Mountain, saying that there were still many things to dig under the mountain, so they hired young and strong laborers from the surrounding villages to work, paying them and providing them with food. It has been several years, but it has not been completed yet, and many people are still digging there."

Hu Bayi and Fatty almost vomited blood when they heard this.

"It's really a pity that we two brothers are young, even the Buddha has lost his butt!" The fat man said indignantly.

But there is no other way, he can't go against the archaeological team and the public security bureau and grab the territory under their noses.

"It doesn't matter, since we are here, let's look for another place. Anyway, we don't know if there is another ancient tomb in Niuxin Mountain."Hu Bayi comforted him.

Feng Yuanqing had expected this and didn't seem to care.

"It's okay. There are plenty of ancient tombs. We just need to look for them. There must be news about this in the village. We will know if we ask."

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the village. The villagers did not get the news in advance, so there was no one to greet them.

So the three of them went directly to the old branch secretary's house to visit him.

The old branch secretary was old and hard of hearing. He couldn't hear anything clearly and was often confused.

So after the three of them left some gifts of cigarettes, alcohol, and candies, the old branch secretary watched them leave.

The three of them visited every household and chatted with the villagers.

Soon the whole village knew that the educated youth who had been sent to the countryside to work in the fields had come back to visit everyone.

At night, the three of them stayed at Yan Zi's house. The table on the kang was filled with fried pheasants and smoked venison, and in the middle was a pot of stewed goose in an iron pot. Yan Zi's husband was working with the archaeological team in Niuxin Mountain and had not returned, so Yan Zi stayed at the house.

���Dad invited Feng Yuanqing and the other two to have a drink and chat.

Hu Bayi asked about the Niuxin Mountain Tomb. By the way, he also asked if there were any other ancient noble tombs nearby.

Yan Zi's father was not opposed to tomb robbing.

Since ancient times, for mountain people, tomb robbing is a sideline job intended to generate income, and there is no moral issue.

The mountains are remote and life is difficult. For the sake of livelihood, people don't care so much. They live off the mountains and the water. In poor mountains and bad waters

, they live off ancient tombs. Those that are easy to dig or have obvious marks have long been dug up by the mountain people.

However, he still mentioned a place where someone had dug before, but no one knew what they encountered, and they all went there without returning.

Dad took a puff of his old cigarette and fell into memories.

"It is said that if you walk north from here, five days from Tuanzi Mountain, there is a Wild Man Valley at Heifengkou on the China-Mongolia border. It is said that there are tombs of the princes and nobles of the Great Jin Dynasty there. However, that place is rarely visited by people, and it is said that there are wild men there. Do you have the courage to go there?"

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