"Yerengou?" Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi glanced at each other.

They had heard of that place, but they didn't know if there was a tomb there.

After dinner, the three of them discussed it and decided to go to Yerengou.

Yerengou is located in the deep mountains and old forests, rarely visited by people. There are too many dangerous things, not only ferocious wild beasts.

The severe weather changes and natural environment alone can be fatal. If you encounter a big bubble and get trapped in it, you can only wait for death.

Yan Zi's father couldn't persuade everyone, but he was worried, so he had to say

"I can't take you there myself because I'm worried. The biggest danger in Yerengou is not the wild people, but the complicated terrain. In winter, the white wind blows and it's easy to get lost. But it's summer now, so don't worry about it. You must find a good guide if you want to go there, and bring a few mastiffs. The village has raised several mastiffs over the years, and I'll bring them all with you."

The next day, Yan Zi found the only best guide left in the village - Yingzi.

Yingzi was just 19 years old, a rare Oroqen

"Among the younger generation, she is the best hunter, no one is better than her!"

"She had been hunting with her father in the forest since she was a child. She was a famous sharpshooter in the mountains and was very familiar with the nearby forests.

She also raised two mastiffs in the village herself."Yanzi introduced Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi.

"Brother Hu, Brother Wang, hello, I am Yingzi"

"Hey, Yingzi, I remember that back then, you were only as tall as my legs, but now you are an excellent hunter."said Wang Pangzi.

After not seeing each other for many years, the girl has changed a lot.

Yingzi was wearing a tight suit, with short hair covering her ears fluttering in the wind. She looked heroic and heroic, and she was carrying a hunting rifle behind her.

Before setting off, several people prepared some glutinous rice, black donkey hooves, crowbars, a large barrel of vinegar, liquor and other things.

After packing up, Feng Yuanqing and the other two, each leading a horse, carrying things, followed Yingzi and headed towards Heifengkou.

Yingzi led eight big dogs in front to open the way, walking all the way, passing through the vast and endless primeval forest.

When hungry, she would hunt some wild game in the mountains and forests, roast them, and eat them with dry food and water, which was quite unique.

The primeval forest in summer was dense, and even the sun could not shine in some places.

It was covered by layers of dense leaves.

After traveling all the way, they finally arrived at the mountains and ridges on the border between China and Mongolia,

""Big sister, what's going on in Yerengou? Are there really wild men? Have you seen them?" the fat man asked as he walked.

""An Ye doesn't know what a wild man is. I heard from my father that many people have seen them over the years, but no one has ever caught one alive. I haven't seen one either, so I don't know what's going on." Yingzi turned around and replied

"There are legends about wild men in many places, such as Shennongjia, where there have always been legends about wild men, but no one has ever seen one. Maybe they are monkeys or gorillas, and they may look like humans."Feng Yuanqing also said

"That's true." Hu Bayi agreed.

"However, the Wild Man Valley at Heifengkou was not called the Wild Man Valley in the past, but the"Dead Man Valley". In earlier times, it was called the"Moon Holding Valley", which was the cemetery of the nobles of the Jin Dynasty."

"Later, the Mongols defeated the main force of the Jin army at Heifengkou, and the corpses piled up like a mountain. The Mongols dumped the corpses into the ditch. It is said that the entire valley was almost filled up, so the name was changed to"Dead Man's Ditch". Later, someone saw wild men in the valley, and it gradually became Wild Man's Ditch."Yingzi continued

"It's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of savages. We still have guns and eight mastiffs. What's there to be afraid of? If there really are savages, they should be the ones who are afraid of us."Feng Yuanqing said calmly.

"That's true."The fat man thought it made sense.

The group traveled in the morning and slept at night. After another six or seven days of traveling in this primeval forest, they finally arrived at Heifengkou on the Sino-Mongolian border.

This place is rarely visited by people all year round, with dense trees, and no sunlight can reach the ground at all.

Even in broad daylight, there is only a little light, and some places are as dark as night. There is almost no place to stand in the depths.

Various cold-resistant tree species such as red pine, larch, birch, and poplar.

There are layers of dead branches and leaves piled up on the ground, which have not had time to be decomposed by microorganisms.

Horses will sink into the ground and can't move if they step on it.

There are no telling how many years of rotten branches and leaves have been piled up below.

In summer, the temperature is high and the molecular movement is the most intense. Waves of rotten smells permeate the forest.

Mixed with the fragrance of red pine and wild flowers, it smells very heady.

Going up to a raised hillside, the view is wide and you can see the situation below clearly.

Feng Yuanqing looked around, The mountains on both sides of Yerengou are gentle, the valley runs from north to south, and there are hills on the east and west. In the middle is a valley that is gloomy all year round. There is insufficient sunlight all year round, and the valley is full of rotten branches and leaves.

Except for some bushes, there are no tall trees, and the trees are even rarer in the valley. The original forest ends here.

Outside is a vast grassland.

The Guanshan Zhimi Fu inherited by Feng Yuanqing is a kind of Feng Shui inheritance, from the perspective of Feng Shui.

The terrain here is majestic, with a momentum of swallowing up all things. On one side is the grassland, and on the other side is the Greater Khingan Range. The Outer Mongolian grassland is like a sea, and Yerengou is a river that flows into the sea.

Although the Feng Shui here is magnificent, it is not enough to bury the emperor, but it is more than enough to buy a prince or a general.

After looking at the Feng Shui, Feng Yuanqing went to prepare dinner.

Hu Bayi also took out the compass and compared it with the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret he learned to carefully check the terrain in the valley, and identify the eight trigrams according to the compass.

"Finally found the right place, there must be a noble tomb in this valley!"Hu Bayi said with a hint of excitement

"Old Hu, did you see it? There is really a tomb here?" Fatty Wang quickly ran to Hu Bayi and asked

"That's right, wait until the moon is at its highest point in the sky, and the moonlight will point out the location of the ancient tomb for us." Hu Bayi said

"That's great, we can go find it after dinner."

Yingzi still had a few roe deer and rabbits left from the ones she had hunted before, so Feng Yuanqing just started a fire to roast them.

Barbecue requires patience, and one cannot be too impatient. If the flames are too close, the outside will be burnt and the inside will not be cooked.

Cooking soup is the simplest, as long as you boil water in a pot and put everything in.

The soup was cooked first, and several people drank a bowl of soup to whet their appetite.

Soon, the meat was also roasted, and the four of them sat around the campfire eating barbecue and drinking soup, feeling very comfortable.

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