After returning to the village, several people found the old branch secretary and told him about the Xiaorizi Fortress.

The old branch secretary was very surprised:"I didn't expect that you guys are really capable. You really found the underground fortress that has been rumored for so many years!"

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi told the old branch secretary about their ideas.

The old branch secretary immediately smiled.

A large amount of supplies were stored in the fortress. Although several decades have passed, many things are still usable, which is more than enough to improve the lives of the villagers.

The old branch secretary immediately summoned the villagers and gathered the remaining young and strong laborers and young women in the village.

The matter of the Xiaorizi Fortress was announced.

The whole village was in an uproar. Everyone was very active, prepared donkey carts and horse carts, and carried large and small bags on their backs.

The mighty convoy headed towards the Xiaorizi Fortress.

After more than ten days of transportation, the villagers were like bandits crossing the border, leaving no grass behind.

The fortress was looted clean.

Everything that could be moved was moved away, and everything that was easy to dismantle was also dismantled and moved back.

There were gasoline, machines, coats, iron racks, etc. in the fortress.

There were also many guns and cannons placed in the open space of the village.

Those who didn't know thought that a bandit's nest had come.

After this, the village suddenly became much richer, and the lives of every family improved.

Afterwards, the old secretary also reported to the county government that he had discovered the underground fortress where they lived in those days.

The county immediately sent a team of experts and the Ministry of Public Security to the countryside.

All those guns and cannons were confiscated to prevent dangerous unrest. As for supplies, it didn't matter.

Experts were also sent to the fortress to investigate.

As for Feng Yuanqing, he had already returned to the capital. There were three people when he went, but he became four people when he came back, with one more Yingzi.

In a small mountain village, what can a powerful hunter do? She is still a village girl. In this era, there is no future to speak of.

And now, there is an opportunity to enter a big city, a top metropolis like Beijing.

Yingzi's parents agreed without hesitation.

So Yingzi followed Feng Yuanqing and the other two to the capital.

Along the way, Yingzi's face was filled with a happy smile.

Feng Yuanqing arranged Yingzi to work as a clerk in the store.

Although Yingzi lived in a small mountain village since childhood, he also went to school and had some basics.

So Feng Yuanqing hired a tutor for Yingzi to teach him various knowledge from elementary school to high school, and let him go to college in the future to learn some professional knowledge to help himself more.

It was only 2005, and the housing price was still at a very cheap price.

The housing price in Beijing was only 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per square meter, and the courtyard house was also very cheap.

Feng Yuanqing has been signing in for more than a year, and the most reward is money, which is the most common among all the rewards.

Add to that the income from the antique business.

At this time, Feng Yuanqing's net worth is already tens of millions.

So Feng Yuanqing spent a lot of money.

There is a saying that only the money you spend is truly yours, and you have enjoyed the value of the money.

What is not spent will only slowly depreciate over time.

So Feng Yuanqing first bought a few courtyard houses.

During this period, many of the Siheyuans in the capital had been preserved as cultural relics and ancient buildings, and only a small number could be traded.

Many people had already shrewdly discovered this big piece of fat meat.

So Feng Yuanqing spent a lot of money to buy several Siheyuans in Yaer Hutong, Houhai, Shichahai, Gulou, Nanluoguxiang and other places.

These Siheyuans are expensive for more than 3 million yuan each, and the cheapest ones are more than 1 million yuan.

Except for the best one for living, the others can be regarded as investments, and they will get hundreds of times the return in more than ten years. Without billions of funds, it is impossible to get it.

From the perspective of Feng Shui, Houhai Yaer Hutong is located in the center of the water dragon vein of the capital, with an excellent location. It can be said to be the best location in the capital.

Feng Shui nourishes people, and living here is of great help to both career and life.

Here, a seemingly inconspicuous portal may be the former residence of countless celebrities or the mansion of princes. In later generations, they are all sky-high luxury houses. No matter how close you are, you may not be able to buy them even if you have money.

Most of the houses inside are constructed with precious golden nanmu, including the furniture.

It can be said to be very luxurious.

For the other houses, people are sent to clean and maintain them regularly, and they live there occasionally.

The best house in Houhai is a large mansion with five entrances. It used to be a prince's palace, and it will be used as his main residence in the future.

This house is also the most expensive. It cost more than 10 million to get it. At this time, it can be said to be a sky-high price.

After more than ten or twenty years, these courtyard houses will be worthless. More than 10 million thrown in will only be wasted. Throughout the year, there are only a few houses on the market. The key is that you can't buy them even if you have money.......

This is not the kind of courtyard for common people.

A proper courtyard house usually has more than three entrances. Once the gate is closed, the inner world is a world of its own.

The privacy here can be said to be the ultimate. Even if there is a lot of noise inside, it is difficult to spread it outside.

With so many assets, Feng Yuanqing set up an investment development company, and then set up several subsidiaries, using the investment development company to control its subsidiaries.

One of them is a construction company.

You can specialize in real estate business and take care of your own properties.

Real estate can be said to be a hot spot in the next ten years, an industry with hidden huge profits.

Countless wealthy people in later generations have made their fortunes by relying on real estate.

Now that there is this opportunity, Feng Yuanqing will take advantage of it.

First buy some courtyard houses, and then buy some ordinary commercial houses.

In the future, when the funds are strong enough, you can engage in real estate development, buy land and build houses, which are all later.

Let the manager of the real estate company under his name find a professional construction team, and Feng Yuanqing will come up with the decoration design and drawings himself.

Use the design concept of more than ten years later, ahead of the times.

He personally supervised the whole process to prevent the renovation and construction from being inconsistent with his goal concept. He spent millions on the renovation.

The original five-entry layout is still retained.

But most of the wing rooms divided into large and small single rooms have been demolished, leaving only the original main building.

On this basis, modern decoration is carried out.

The modern aesthetics of the post-modern world can be said to be a dimensionality reduction strike in this era.

Combining Chinese and foreign, the north and the south are shining.

In a quadrangle, there is not only the traditional beauty of Chinese style, but also the openness of Western style.

It combines the majestic atmosphere of the north and the elegant artistic conception of the small bridges and flowing water of the Su-style architecture in the south.

Here, you can feel the weight of history and the advancement of modernization, and have a full sense of experience.

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