After several months of renovation, the courtyard was finally completed.

Feng Yuanqing invited Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi, and Yingzi to come together to celebrate the move to the new house.

Near noon, Wang Pangzi handed over the stall to other guys and took Hu Bayi and Yingzi to Houhai Yaer Hutong. After entering Yaer Hutong, Hu Bayi keenly noticed the abnormal Feng Shui here.

"Fatty, the Feng Shui here is really amazing! It’s the center of the entire capital’s water dragon vein. People who live here are either rich or noble! Mr. Feng is really not an ordinary person!"Hu Bayi said to the fat man with emotion

"That's right, Lao Hu, I've long seen that Master Feng is extraordinary, otherwise how could Master Fatty have gotten to where he is now?" The fat man said proudly.

"Hey, Brother Hu, Brother Pang, didn't you see why that place is different from the other places in the alley?"Yingzi asked curiously.

When they got closer, they found that it was indeed different from the other courtyards nearby.

"Hey, we're here! This is it!" The fat man looked at the house number and said.

The gate and the wall of this courtyard house were rebuilt with bluestone. Although the gate still retains the style of the courtyard house, the wood and workmanship show that it was customized.

On the other side of the gate, there is also a garage door, which is obviously not a configuration of the courtyard house.

The fat man knocked on the door hard.

Soon, an old man at the gate opened the door and welcomed several people in.

After entering the courtyard, everyone found that this was simply a building with the outer shell of a courtyard house, and the interior was obviously not in the style of a courtyard house.

Feng Yuanqing also came out at this time

"Welcome, welcome. How do you think my new home is?"

"In one word, absolutely! I have never seen such a luxurious house! How much does it cost?"The fat man sighed as he toured the courtyard like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Feng Yuanqing led everyone to walk around the courtyard and tour it.

The first courtyard after entering the gate was designed as a southern garden.

The corridors and bridges are connected to each other. In the middle of the courtyard is a pond, rockery, and a small bridge.

The gurgling artificial stream shuttles through it.

The original south wing has now become a semi-open tea room, where you can drink tea with friends and enjoy the beauty of the garden.

The wing separated by a wall next to it was opened up and made into a garage.

The entrance is hidden behind the garden and isolated from the scenery in the courtyard, so that modern cars and other factors will not destroy the artistic conception of the small bridge and flowing water.

Go along the rain corridor and through a door to the second courtyard.

It has been built into a large modern compartment.

There are living rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, audio-visual rooms, activity rooms, etc.

The original courtyard, It was changed into an indoor space, and the central patio was also paved with transparent glass.

All the designs were based on the advanced design concepts and aesthetics of later generations.

With such luxurious decoration, even the best five-star hotels are not as luxurious as here.

Along the way, Hu Bayi and the other two were amazed again and again.

Yingzi had never thought that a house where people lived could be so beautiful.

The third entrance back restored the layout of the quadrangle.

There is a maple tree planted in the middle of the yard, and there are several bamboo chairs under the tree.

On the south side is Feng Yuanqing's bedroom, and next door is the study.

It looks like a leisurely courtyard at home.

The two courtyards behind were transformed into a garden, a warehouse, and some guest rooms.

Such a quadrangle that is full of oriental architectural beauty and modern advanced concepts is simply a fairyland for Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Yingzi.

It completely exceeded their imagination.......

Back in the living room, several people sat on the sofa

"My goodness, Mr. Feng, this is simply a paradise on earth. Fatty, I never thought that a house could be made like this!"The fat man's eyes were full of envy.

How much money would it cost to transform it into this.

After the greetings, Feng Yuanqing asked about Yingzi's studies.

At this time, the things taught in school were not as many and as complicated as they would be more than ten years later.

Yingzi herself is also very smart. After studying for a few months, she has made great progress. A lot of knowledge has been mastered. After studying for a period of time, she can be arranged to enter university.

Schools start in September, and there is still more than half a year.

At lunch time, the chef had already cooked the food, and the servants brought it to the restaurant and set it up.

Everyone came to the restaurant and a table of various delicacies was set.

They were all carefully prepared by the chefs of the big hotel and were very expensive.

Several people devoured them, their mouths full of oil, and they ate the dishes on the table cleanly. Fatty even didn't let go of the plate and licked it.

After the meal. Feng Yuanqing said to Hu Bayi and the other two

"I said before that I would teach you some Kung Fu. I have some free time now, so I will teach you."

"However, you have to be mentally prepared, because martial arts training is very hard!"

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi all expressed their opinions, saying that they were not afraid of hardship and would definitely be able to persevere.

"Well, let's start from tomorrow. Come here every morning."......

The next morning, the three of them came to Feng Yuanqing's backyard.

The most open place here is a garden.

A large piece of cement flat ground was built.

Feng Yuanqing first taught the three people to stand in a pile.

Standing in a pile is the first step in martial arts training. Practicing martial arts starts with practicing the pile.

The basic pile of Xingyiquan is the three-body posture. Only when the pile is well stood can the six-in-one round and complete strength be formed.

First, Feng Yuanqing demonstrated the key points of the movements, and let Hu Bayi and the other two observe the details.

Then they carefully learned to stand in a pile posture.

Then Feng Yuanqing guided and adjusted.

Among the three, Yingzi was the youngest and got started the fastest.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi were a little older and got started later.

Martial arts training should be done while you are young. The younger you are, the greater the advantage, and the higher the upper limit of your future achievements will be.

The three of them came to Feng Yuanqing's place to stand in a pile every morning.

They knew how to adjust their posture to the most correct way.

At this time, the time for standing in a pile is very particular.

It cannot be too long, otherwise it will damage the foundation of the body.

The process of standing in a pile is a process of mobilizing the body's energy and strengthening the body.

At the beginning, everyone could only stand for more than ten minutes at a time.

Later, as they became more proficient in practice and their bodies were strengthened, the standing time was gradually extended.

After everyone got started with standing, Feng Yuanqing took out three body-tempering pills, which were one of the rewards for signing in.

Although it was of no use to himself, it was still very effective for ordinary people.

"This is a body-tempering pill, it will be very helpful to you. After eating it, remember to go to the bathroom and take a shower!"

"There are such good things? Thank you, Mr. Feng!"Hu Bayi said.

Then he took Fatty and Yingzi to the bathroom.

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