After the baptism of the body-tempering pill, the martial arts qualifications of several people have been greatly enhanced. They have been able to master the essentials of standing still, and the external three-in-one combination has reached the standard. The internal three-in-one combination only needs to be adjusted slowly.

Feng Yuanqing officially began to teach them boxing.

Xingyiquan is mainly divided into five-element boxing and twelve-form boxing.

Five-element boxing is the most basic boxing of Xingyiquan, including chopping fist, drilling fist, collapse fist, cannon fist, and horizontal fist.

It is a boxing named after the five-element theory in traditional culture, and it is combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

It focuses more on boxing.

The twelve-form boxing is composed of the movement characteristics of twelve animals. It is not only a sophisticated attack and defense skill, but also a good way to practice.

Compared with the five-element boxing, the twelve-form boxing has added many hand techniques, body techniques, leg techniques and footwork, with rich images and comprehensive strength. It can not only improve physical fitness and change people's mental temperament, and thus achieve the purpose of prolonging life, but also exercise and master a variety of strengths, and improve the actual combat ability of attack and defense.

Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi both chose the Five Elements Boxing as their main training object, while Yingzi, who was more flexible, chose to practice the Twelve Forms.

Feng Yuanqing's demonstration fascinated the three of them.

With a casual strike, the air would explode, and he looked like a martial arts master.

Under Feng Yuanqing's hands-on instruction, the three of them made rapid progress.......

In a blink of an eye, it has been half a year since they returned to Beijing.

On this day, Feng Yuanqing received a message from Professor Sun, asking him to come to the Institute of Archaeology.

Feng Yuanqing had nothing to do, so he went directly to the institute.

He came to Professor Sun's office.

He was busy.

He was holding a magnifying glass in one hand and looking at an ancient book, and taking notes with the other hand.

After a while, Professor Sun noticed Feng Yuanqing's arrival.

""Yuan Qing, you are here, please sit down." Professor Sun picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I asked you to come here because the project of the Western Region Cultural Expedition Team applied by Professor Chen has been approved. Professor Chen has taken a fancy to you and wants to take you to the Western Region to investigate the ancient civilization of Jingjue, so he found me."

"Oh, so it's this matter. I know. Professor Chen told me about it before, but I didn't expect it would take several months of preparation to get results. Since Professor Chen values it, I definitely have no objection."Feng Yuanqing said

"That's good. You've been very busy these past few months. I was worried that you didn't have time. In that case, go to Professor Chen and submit your information now. Professor Sun said to Feng Yuanqing.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Then Feng Yuanqing left Professor Sun's office and came to Professor Chen's office not far away.

""Knock, knock, knock~" Feng Yuanqing knocked on the door

""Come in!" An old but full-bodied voice came, it was Professor Chen's voice.

Feng Yuanqing pushed the door open and walked in.

At this time, Professor Chen came out of the office, along with a very beautiful woman.

He was wearing a black suit and had a ponytail. He was tall and plump. His mixed-race face had both Eastern and Western beauty, with slightly blue pupils and bright red lips, and he looked like a queen.

"Yuan Qing, you are here." Professor Chen greeted

"Professor Chen"

"And Shirley, long time no see."

Feng Yuanqing and Yang Shirley have known each other for more than a year, and he first met her at Professor Chen's place.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been these past few months? I miss you so much."

Shirley Yang's slightly charming voice sounded.

"I bought a house and have been focusing on the decoration for the past few months. Fortunately, I am very satisfied with the results!"

Feng Yuanqing explained

"Professor Chen, I heard that the Western Region Cultural Expedition Team has arrived. I came to report to you and submit the materials."

"Well, I was worried that you didn't have time. This inspection was approved with great difficulty. It would be a pity if you missed it."Professor Chen said

"I thought so too. It would be a pity if I missed it. I am also very yearning for the ancient civilization of Jingjue. How can I miss this opportunity to go and investigate!"

Then, Professor Chen took out a few lists and handed them to Feng Yuanqing.

"These are the documents you need to fill out. Just fill them out and give them to me. I will take care of the rest."

Feng Yuanqing took the form and filled it out quickly.

Professor Chen took the documents and walked out.

""Yuanqing, you and Shirley have a good chat, I'll be back soon."

Then he went out.

Yang Shirley stared at Feng Yuanqing with her beautiful eyes and asked,"You bought a house in Beijing? This is really not easy!""

"Yes, it cost me a lot of money and time. When will you come to my place for a visit?"Feng Yuanqing also looked at Yang Xueli's delicate face.

"OK, I also want to see what the house you bought is like. How about it tonight?"

"I couldn't ask for more!" Feng Yuanqing smiled when he heard this.

"By the way, how have you been doing recently? I heard that you sponsored this investigation?"

"That's right, I found out that my father's disappearance is likely related to the Jingjue Ancient City. He and Professor Chen are good friends. This time Professor Chen is going to the Jingjue Ancient City for an investigation, and I also want to take this opportunity to find my father."Yang Xueli said

"So are the personnel of this expedition team fully staffed?" Feng Yuanqing asked

"Not yet, we need a guide who is proficient in the art of star and feng shui. There are no mountains, rivers, or trees in the desert, only endless yellow sand, and the only reference is the stars. We can't do without a guide who knows star and feng shui!" Shirley Yang replied.

The two chatted for a while, and Professor Chen came back.

The information had been submitted.

Then the three of them discussed the matters of the expedition.

Feng Yuanqing learned from Yang Xueli that they still needed a guide, so he wanted to recommend Hu Bayi.

"Professor Chen, Shirley, I happen to have a friend who is well versed in Tianxing Feng Shui. How about I bring him over this afternoon to have a look?"

"That's great, Xiao Feng, you are such a lucky guy, now our problem has been solved."Professor Chen said happily.

"Let's meet at the expedition team's base this afternoon."

"Okay, I'll go back and tell him, we'll see you this afternoon."

Feng Yuanqing said goodbye to Professor Chen and Yang Xueli.

After returning to Guanshan Pavilion, Feng Yuanqing asked someone to call Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang over.

"Mr. Feng, are you looking for us?"

"There is a big operation this time, and we need you!"

"What mission? Just tell me, Fatty and I will do it without hesitation!" Hu Bayi patted his chest and said

"Professor Chen, a graduate student of archaeology in Beijing, organized a cultural expedition team to the Western Regions. A man who was proficient in celestial star feng shui thought,"I recommend you, Lao Hu. This time, you two should go with me.""

"The Jingjue Ancient City is a huge treasure. You will find out after you learn more about it."

"In the afternoon, you two will go with me to the expedition base."

"By the way, Fatty, I will return this jade to you as a reward for your work during this period of time.

Feng Yuanqing then handed the jade pendant with the ghost cave characters engraved on it to the fat man.

""Oh, thank you, Mr. Feng, the boss is so generous!" the fat man cheered.

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