The desert is filled with smoke and the sun is setting over the long river.

When the archaeological team sealed the tomb door and returned to the surface along the rope in the well, the sun had already set.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang had already built a bonfire and were cooking mutton soup.

Back at the camp, Professor Chen packed up all the information and records about the prince's tomb, put them in his bag, and carefully put them away.

The sky gradually darkened, the cool evening breeze blew, and the stars in the sky began to shine.

Everyone sat around the bonfire, discussing the gains from the Gumo Prince's Tomb this time.

"Among all the vassal states of Jingjue State, Gumo State was a relatively powerful one. The tomb of Prince Gumo we discovered today has extremely high archaeological value."

"It has groundbreaking significance for the study of Jingjue culture and that period of history."

"Thanks to Comrade Xiao Hu, we were able to discover the sacrificial hall under the well and the prince's tomb under the hall."

Afterwards, Professor Chen thanked An Liman again. Without his leadership, everyone would not have come here.

Professor Chen decided to rest for a night and set off early tomorrow morning to continue heading towards the ancient city of Jingjue.

According to historical research, the geographical locations of Gumo Kingdom and Jingjue Kingdom are relatively close. The murals at the prince's tomb and Yang Xueli's notebook are the best help for their research.

"Yes, so we must press on with our victory." Hao Aiguo agreed.

An Liman, who was drinking kumis nearby, heard that everyone was going to go deeper into the desert, and he couldn't help but worry.

"What? Are you still going to go forward? It’s the typhoon season now! It’s too dangerous, people will die!"

Professor Chen was immediately anxious when he heard An Liman say this.

"Brother, you are kidding! We have worked so hard to find the Jingjue Ancient City, we can't give up!"

"We didn't encounter any major danger along the way! The black sandstorm didn't do anything to us, and we have enough supplies in our car, so nothing will happen!"

An Liman was still a little reluctant and continued

"Oh, now we are deep in the black desert. There is no road ahead and no place to drink water. How long can these things in your car last?"

"Besides, I don’t know what Jingjue Ancient City is. I’ve only heard of it, but I don’t know where it is! How can I find it?"

Hu Bayi came out to smooth things over.

"Yes, the supplies in our car are limited, so we can't move forward blindly next time!"

Since finishing her meal, Yang Xueli has been studying her exploration notebook, which was purchased by her father at a high price. It was the notebook of the famous explorer Mr. Walter. It records his detailed route map for finding the ancient city of Jingjue, and the pictures and texts are very detailed.

After studying for such a long time, Yang Xueli already has an idea of the next walking route.

Feng Yuanqing also discussed and studied this exploration notebook with Yang Xueli many times along the way, and basically knew the contents of the notebook by heart.

"Don't worry, we are not moving forward blindly. Shirley's adventure notebook has a detailed record of the route. We can find the Jingjue Ancient City by following this route!" Feng Yuanqing said

"So that's great!"Fatty Wang slapped his thigh and said excitedly.

The others also breathed a sigh of relief. It was good to have a route, not to walk around randomly.

"That’s right, the notebook said that they walked along the Zidu Dark River, first to the Zagorama Valley, and then found the ancient city of Jingjue!"

"They also found many stone tombs along the way and planned to dig them up on the way back, so they drew a detailed map."

"Mr. Walter is a famous explorer. Drawing is the most basic job for him. He does not need to worry about whether the route map is accurate."He showed the route map to Anliman and explained it in detail.

Anliman compared the map with his own experience.

This place is indeed very close to the ancient city of Jingjue.

Moreover, the group drove instead of walking, so the speed of travel was very fast.

As long as the car is fine and the direction is found, they can always drive out of the desert in a few days.

In the end, Anliman was convinced and continued to lead the way, following the traces of the Zidu Dark River.

After discussing the next route, everyone went back to the tent to rest.

After a day of archaeological records, the archaeological team Everyone was very tired.

Feng Yuanqing also returned to his tent to meditate and practice.

In the past few days, he would meditate and practice during the nights in the desert.

With his current cultivation, he can already meditate instead of sleeping.

After the true qi circulates, he will be more energetic.

During the past few days of practice, he found that the spiritual energy in the desert is much richer than in the capital.

It may be that the desert is sparsely populated and there is not much worldly air. It is the same as in the deep mountains and old forests.

The system also has a panel function to display the status of the character. Feng Yuanqing opened his own panel.

Feng Yuanqing

Realm: Late stage of Qi training

Cultivation: 11 years

Kung Fu:"The True Scripture of the Innate One Qi"》,《Guanshan Qigong, skills: Golden Light Mantra, Small Water Controlling Technique, Yang Wulei, Paper Figure Technique, Insect Breeding Technique, Xingyi Quan, Guanshan Zhimi Technique

Equipment: 100 cubic storage space

Among them, the Guanshan Qigong method is the inherited Qigong method of Guanshan Taibao. Many witchcraft and evil arts require true Qi to perform, otherwise it will consume blood.

Paper figurine technique and insect breeding technique are both left-handed magic techniques inherited by Guanshan.

The Golden Light Mantra is an authentic Taoist magic technique, which can cultivate the innate Qi internally and protect the body and expel evil spirits externally.

Feng Yuanqing mainly practices the Innate Qi Sutra and the Golden Light Mantra.

The Innate Qi Sutra is a skill with a high threshold and is more powerful. It is Feng Yuanqing's main skill.

In the first half of the night, Feng Yuanqing silently practiced the Innate Qi Sutra, absorbing and refining the rare spiritual energy in the desert and transforming it into true Qi.

In the second half of the night, he practiced the Golden Light Mantra, with a faint golden light attached to the body surface, which was not released.

At present, Feng Yuanqing can achieve golden light protection and golden light transformation, but he cannot change multiple weapons at one time.

One night passed quickly.

Xijiang and Beijing are not in the same time zone. According to Beijing time, it gets dark later and bright later in Xijiang.

It was not long after dawn and the sun had just jumped out of the horizon.

Everyone in the group had woken up and was washing and preparing breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone packed up their things, loaded them into the car, and prepared to set off.

Under the guidance of An Liman, everyone continued to drive along the traces of the Zidu Dark River. In the windy season, the desert will blow gusts of wind at any time. The strong wind blows up the sky full of sand and dust, hitting the car windows and making bursts of noise.

Under the scorching sun, the convoy dragged a long trace and headed towards the distant mountains.

The flowing wind set off waves of heat, flowing in the endless desert.

The car windows cannot be opened too wide, otherwise the wind and sand will pour in.

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