The sun is setting.

The weather is not as hot as it was at noon.

When the wind blows, there is a cool feeling.

The convoy has been traveling for about half a day and is very close to the Zagorama Mountains.

Due to the long driving, people are beginning to feel a little tired.

The whole road is a monotonous yellow sand scenery, except for the blue sky.

Looking around, there is only blue and yellow in sight.

Finally, after the car city drove up a sand dune, the scene in front of it changed.

At the end of the sight, where the blue sky and the yellow sand meet, there is a touch of black.

This change made Yang Xueli's heart surge.

So she gave a signal and slowly stopped the car.

Use the walkie-talkie to tell the people behind that the Zagorama Mountains are finally coming.

Hearing the news, all the members of the archaeological team were very excited.

"Great, great! We are finally arriving at the ancient city of Jingjue."

After getting off the car, Professor Chen took out a telescope to check.

Sure enough, there stood a long, narrow black mountain range in the distance, most of which was buried under the yellow sand, and the exposed part was not high.

The long, narrow mountain range was like a black dragon, stretching across the vast yellow sand of the Gobi Desert.

The middle of the mountain range was cut off in the middle, and a valley was carved out.

Consistent with the records in Walter's expedition notes,

Feng Yuanqing took out a compass. Sure enough, the compass had failed at this time, and it no longer pointed to the north and south, but always pointed to the mountain range in the distance.

That mountain range was indeed the Zagorama Mountains, a magnetic mountain.

So Feng Yuanqing spoke

"Shirley's adventure notebook records that Mount Zagorama is a magnetic mountain. Once you get close to it, compasses, compasses, mechanical watches and other equipment will malfunction, and the magnetic field will also affect precision electronic instruments, so don't trust electronic instruments too much."

"Fortunately, technology is very advanced now, and the magnetic field has not caused any impact on the car, so it can still be driven normally."

Yang Xueli looked at her watch, which was no longer running normally, and the time was no longer accurate.

Hu Bayi took out his compass, and saw that the compass needle always pointed to the direction of the magnetic mountain, no matter which direction it was facing.

The same was true for the compasses in the hands of other people.

""Hey, that's true. It seems we are in the right place, not in the wrong place!" Fatty Wang said loudly.

The target was not far away, so everyone got in the car immediately and continued to move forward, heading straight for the gap in the magnetic mountain, where the Zagorama Valley was.

The convoy moved forward for another 2 hours, and finally arrived at the valley in Professor Chen's expectant eyes.

Yang Xueli planned to lead the convoy to drive directly through the Zagorama Valley and continue to move forward, heading straight for the Jingjue Ancient City.

However, the car had just entered the valley not far away.

Yang Xueli found several figures lying by the stone not far away, which was very strange.

So she stopped the car immediately and told the people in the convoy behind to be careful.

Feng Yuanqing and Yang Xueli got out of the car and went forward to check.

They walked closer with caution.

The person in front of him leaned against the stone, motionless, wrapped tightly, with a headscarf on his head, covering his face.

After taking off the turban, the man was already dead, but his eyes were still wide open, as if he had died with his eyes open. He must have died not too long ago, maybe within a few days. His exposed skin was only slightly dry, and the strangest thing was that his flesh was blue, and under the sunlight, it glowed with a hint of blue.

Looking around, there were several people lying on the ground not far away.

They were all wearing the same clothes, so they should be in the same group.

Carefully taking off the turban, he saw that they were all foreigners, and their deaths were all in the same strange way.

Unexpectedly, he drove here many days earlier than the original plot time, but he still encountered this group of foreign tomb robbers, and they still died in the valley.

Feng Yuanqing's keen intuition could sense that there was a malicious intent lurking around, like a poisonous snake, always Staring at them.

This should be the guardian of the Jingjue Kingdom, the black-scaled monster snake, which has another name, Jingjian Agama.

It is a strange snake with extremely venom and is very aggressive. Once bitten, the person will die within a few seconds and it will be too late to save him.

These people all have guns in their hands. They look like people from some small countries in the Middle East.

The guns in their hands are also pure handmade AK-47s produced by small workshops there. There are some brass shells scattered on the ground.

Feng Yuanqing took away all the guns in their hands, but did not move the bodies.

Because there may be poisonous snakes hidden under the bodies, if they are bitten, it will be more trouble than gain.

The other members of the archaeological team wanted to come closer to take a look, but were stopped in time by Feng Yuanqing.

Hu Bayi and Yang Xueli also advised everyone not to approach blindly to prevent danger..

The cause of death of these people is a mystery, and their deaths are strange, so it is better not to get close.

Especially Hao Aiguo. Feng Yuanqing kept a close eye on him and didn't let him get close.

In the original plot, he just ignored the dissuasion and insisted on turning over the corpses. He was bitten by a poisonous snake hidden underneath and died suddenly.

Hao Aiguo promised not to get close, but he didn't care in his heart.

Instead, he thought to himself that these young people were too young. He had been doing archaeological work for so many years and had experienced all kinds of storms. What was there to be afraid of with just a few dead bodies?

While everyone was not paying attention, he secretly ran to the nearest corpse and wanted to look through his backpack to see if he could find anything useful.

Fortunately, Feng Yuanqing had been focusing on him. When he saw him sneaking up to the corpse, he immediately ran over and pulled Hao Aiguo back.

"Professor Hao, didn’t I tell you that it was dangerous? Why did you still get close to these corpses?"

"Look at these people, their bodies are blue, obviously they died of poisoning. There must be highly toxic substances hidden nearby, so be careful."

Just after pulling Hao Aiguo away, Feng Yuanqing sensed a strong malice coming from his side.

Feng Yuanqing quickly turned his head, swung the engineer shovel in his hand, and slapped it behind him.

A strange snake with a black body and a tumor on its head crawled out of the corpse, spitting out bright red tongue.

With a ricochet, it flew from behind the corpse to Feng Yuanqing's neck.

Everything happened in just a few seconds. In a flash, Feng Yuanqing's shovel hit the head of the strange snake directly. The snake's head was smashed to pieces, and the smelly snake blood splattered all over the sand, and a piece of black and red popped out.

"so close!"

"Professor Hao, you saw it, right? If you had encountered this strange snake just now, you would have died here! Get back quickly, be careful of other poisonous snakes!"

Hao Aiguo was still in shock, and immediately returned to the team not far away, not getting closer.

Hu Bayi and others also saw the scene just now, it was too dangerous. If they were bitten, they would have to keep company with these foreign tomb robbers.

Fortunately, Feng Yuanqing was very strong, and these people knew it.

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