Due to Feng Yuanqing's intervention, Hao Aiguo was not killed by the plot.

A normal person, knowing that there is danger, still has to go to die. Such things are more common abroad.

Most people in China cherish their lives very much. To put it bluntly, they are afraid of death. There are only a few who are really not afraid of death.

As a professor of archaeology, Hao Aiguo, although a bit old-fashioned, has made great contributions to the country's archaeological development. He has a very high level of ideological awareness, and many of his things and ideas are for the public.

Although it may not be pleasing to some people, he is not a bad person.

In addition, Feng Yuanqing usually gets along well with him, and can't bear to see him die in this Gobi Desert.

Therefore, he paid special attention to him and saved him from the attack of the black snake.

When checking the bodies of several other foreigners, another black snake that was hiding showed its traces and was flattened by Feng Yuanqing with a shovel.

Both venomous snakes were beaten to death, and the malice disappeared in Feng Yuanqing's perception.

Drive through the Zagorama Valley and enter the other side of the mountain.

The ancient city of Jingjue was built not far away.

When the vehicle arrived in front of the ruins of the ancient city, everyone got off the car.

Going further, it was impossible to drive forward.

The ruins of the ancient city were scattered all over the ground, and vehicles could not pass.

So everyone put on their backpacks, took their own equipment, brought food and water, as well as guns and ammunition, and walked through the ruins.

But Anliman had no intention of entering the ancient city of Jingjue. He insisted on not going in, saying that anyone who went in would be cursed.

So Anliman and several mechanics were left to watch the vehicles and luggage. The archaeological team went in to investigate.

The streets in the city are still very spacious, but many places on the streets have collapsed, forming large pits.

In the center of the city in the distance, there is a huge black tower that stands tall.

At the top is a huge spherical object with traces of carvings on it, like a huge eyeball, staring at the land of the ancient city.

Although the black tower is slightly tilted, it is strong and does not fall.

"I didn't expect that after 2,000 years, we would find the remains of the ancient city of Jingjue!"

Professor Chen said with emotion.

Yang Xueli approached Feng Yuanqing and said as she walked.

"I had the same dream a few nights ago. A person was walking on a dark road. At the end was a bottomless hole with a big coffin hanging above the hole!"

"Are you dreaming again? Don't worry, we have already arrived at the ancient city of Jingjue. As long as we find the queen's mausoleum, everything will be clear."

"Besides, I'm here, you'll be fine,"

Feng Yuanqing consoled.

"Well, I believe you."

Yang Xueli's nervousness and uneasiness gradually dissipated.

Everything in the Jingjue Ancient City is unknown to everyone.

Mr. Walter's adventure notes came to an abrupt end when he arrived at the Jingjue Ancient City. There is a blank record about what happened after arriving at the Jingjue Ancient City, and they have no idea what they encountered inside.

And the situation of Yang Xueli's father is also unclear.

The Jingjue Ancient City is built on an underground river. Water is the most important resource in the desert, so the most important buildings are also built in the place closest to the water source.

So Feng Yuanqing reminded:"The palace of the Queen of Jingjue is built underground. So if you want to find the palace, you must first find the underground entrance."

"The Queen of Jingjue asked her subjects to worship her as a god. Let's find the temple first."

"Look over there, there is still a black tower, it is probably the temple, let's go and take a look"

"Yes, Xiao Feng's words reminded me, let's go over and take a look."

Professor Chen showed a look of realization.

So, with the support of Hao Aiguo, he headed towards the black tower in the center of the city.

When he reached a raised sand dune, Feng Yuanqing looked at the black tower from a distance.

This was facing the direction of the eyeball at the top of the black tower.

And by chance, from this angle, the black tower and the eyeball at the top were located in the Zagorama Valley, and the three points formed a line.

"You didn't see it!" Feng Yuanqing stood on the sand dune and pointed at the black tower.

Then he took out his camera and took a picture of the scene.

This is a very shocking photo.

The wisdom of the ancients is really amazing.

"It's amazing."Fatty Wang also discovered that the black tower was facing the Zagorama Valley, so he sighed.

The others were also stunned, and were impressed by the magic of the Jingjue civilization.

Hu Bayi was proficient in feng shui, and he was also moved when he saw this scene.

"Mount Zagorama, this black mountain range is like a black dragon in the desert. Ancient emperors began to prepare to build their own mausoleums as soon as they ascended the throne."

"If there is a water vein under this ancient city, it will form a static and dynamic situation with the Zaglama Mountain."

"I think the Queen of Jingjue must be a very talented and wise person. She knew that the black dragon was very dangerous, so she mobilized human power to cut the black dragon in half and turned it into two black snakes to guard this place forever. This place has become an excellent treasure cave."

"So the tomb of the Queen of Jingjue is really underground in the ancient city?" Yang Xueli asked

"Yes, it is very likely!"

Everyone came to the bottom of the black tower.

The base and most of the arched stone door under the tower were buried in the sand. The black tower was carved entirely from large stones from Mount Zagrama. It was six stories high and slightly tilted, but still very solid.

In addition to the very rare building materials, there was a black olive-shaped stone ball at the top of the tower, which looked like an eyeball looking down at the earth.

After opening the tower door, everyone entered the temple.

Looking around, the walls of the temple were densely engraved with many strange ghost cave characters.

There was a black stone statue on each floor of the tower.

"My goodness, why do these stone statues look so eerie?"

"These stone statues are carved from black stones brought from Mount Zagrama. It's no wonder you feel eerie."

Feng Yuanqing said.

Professor Chen came to the stone statue on the first floor and looked at it carefully.

"After two thousand years, these stone statues still look lifelike, which shows that the craftsmanship of the craftsmen at that time was quite amazing!"

There should be six layers of such stone statues corresponding to the tower body.

The first layer is a stone sheep, which is nothing special. The second layer is a stone statue, the same size as an ordinary person, with a high nose and deep eyes, half kneeling. The third layer turned out to be a stone statue with huge pupils that we dug out in an unknown town when we were avoiding the sandstorm.

Professor Chen stopped and said to everyone:"It seems that my speculation is correct. The source of those stone statues with huge pupils unearthed in various places in Western Xinjiang is the Jingjue Kingdom, and the material is the black stone of Nazagrama."

Sadipeng asked with a puzzled look on his face:"Professor, why is there a statue on each floor of this tower, what is it used for!"

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