Several people came to the cave entrance and shone the flashlight into the cave.

However, the cave was still dark, and no one knew how deep it was.

And from the marks on the cave wall, it could be seen that this hole was definitely not made by humans, but by some kind of animal with claws, and the claws were very sharp.

"There may be other cave entrances nearby. Everyone should take turns to keep watch at night. If there is any situation, wake everyone up immediately!"Feng Yuanqing said.

The Wild Man Valley seems peaceful and beautiful, but it is dangerous. It was late at night, and the four of them took turns to keep watch and rest.

At dawn, the night passed peacefully without any attacks by wild beasts.

After relighting the bonfire, the few of them had a simple breakfast and then split into two groups.

Yingzi went hunting with the hounds and prepared ingredients for lunch.

Feng Yuanqing, Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi went to look for tombs in the Wild Man Valley.

Hu Bayi had determined the approximate location last night based on the Dragon Hunting Technique he learned. He went down to the valley and chose a place to dig directly.

The three of them took turns to fight, with shovels flying up and down,���A lot of rotten leaves and dirt were brought out at once.

As a cultivator, Feng Yuanqing's physique was much stronger than Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi.

The two were sweating and panting, but Feng Yuanqing was still like nothing had happened. He breathed evenly and slowly, his face was not red, and he was not panting. He did not look tired at all.

""Huh~~, Master Feng, I didn't expect you to be so amazing. Fatty and I are exhausted, but you are still fine." Hu Bayi panted and said admiringly.

Feng Yuanqing stopped shoveling and walked over to sit next to the two of them.

"This is also closely related to the lack of your tomb-robbing inheritance. Just like Lao Hu, your book of sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secrets only has half of the Feng Shui technique, and the other half of the Yin-Yang technique is missing. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so weak."

"The sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique passed down in my family is indeed only half a volume, which only talks about Feng Shui. It is said that the author Zhang Sanlianzi felt that it was not in harmony with the heavens, so the orphan took the volume of Yin-Yang and only left the volume of Feng Shui."Hu Bayi said

"The theory of luck has existed since ancient times. Zhang Sanlianzi's actions did work, otherwise, the tomb-grabbing lieutenant would have been buried in history long ago."Feng Yuanqing sighed.

In the world of cultivating immortals, luck really does play a role, and it is also very important.

"Just like my Guanshan Taibao inheritance, which includes the Qi Refining Technique, but it has long been lost. I also had another opportunity to get a book on the Qi Refining Technique. The Yin-Yang Volume of the Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique may also have a Qi Refining Technique, but it has long been destroyed."

"However, the strengthening of the body by Qi training is not that significant. It is mainly because I have been practicing martial arts for a long time."

"You two are too weak, with your little arms and legs. What if you encounter a Zongzi in the tomb and can't beat it? I'll teach you a few moves later."

Feng Yuanqing said

"Thank you so much, Mr. Feng. We two brothers will follow you from now on." Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang said in unison.

"But you are too old, it is too late to practice martial arts, it is difficult to achieve anything, at least it can strengthen your body. If there is a chance, it is not impossible to go further."

With martial arts, he will be more confident and safer when he encounters zongzi in the tomb in the future.

He and Fatty only learned some superficial military boxing in the army, which was not good enough to deal with ordinary people who were a little bit fierce, let alone fierce zongzi.

After resting, Fatty continued to dig down.

After a few diggings, Fatty felt that the shovel hit something, which did not look like stone. He dug the soil with his hands and saw that it turned out to be a layer of emerald green glazed tiles.

""Master Feng, Lao Hu, look, I'm digging!"

The fat man climbed out of the hole and made way.

"This is the Dragon Fire Glazed Roof. Fortunately, Fatty, you didn't dig it down with a shovel, otherwise the treasure in this tomb would be destroyed!" Feng Yuanqing said thankfully.

"And it's not just the tomb that will be sprayed by the dragon fire. Then we'll be in big trouble, either dead or disabled!"

"My goodness, so cruel, this damn tomb owner is so insidious, fortunately I didn't do anything!" The fat man also looked scared

"Now you know, don't do anything you are not sure about, or you may lose your life!" Hu Bayi said to the fat man.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will pay attention, please guide me, big brothers!" said the fat man flatteringly.

"It seems that digging a hole from the top to enter the tomb is not feasible. Let's look at other places and try to find a way to enter from the side."Feng Yuanqing brought the topic back to the tomb.

"Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from a distance.

""Oh no! Something happened to Yingzi!" Hu Bayi said anxiously,"Let's go and check!"

The three of them quickly rushed over in the direction of the gunshot.

No one knew what happened to Yingzi. From the original plot, there was no danger, but this is a real world. What if the butterfly effect caused by Feng Yuanqing really caused Yingzi to be in danger?

Feng Yuanqing couldn't have completely believed in the original plot. With Feng Yuanqing's intervention, the plot has changed a lot.

Yingzi was also running back with the hunting dog.

Everyone was relieved to see Yingzi was safe and sound.

"Yingzi, what happened? Why did you shoot?"

Yingzi's face turned pale and she ran out of breath:"Oh my God, I was so scared. There were a few shacks in the corner ahead. I went over and saw them. I was scared to death. They were all dead. They were black and rotten. I couldn't see clearly and thought they were wild people, so I fired a shot. I didn't see what I hit clearly."

Although Yingzi was a bit brave, she was also afraid of dead bodies.

But it was abnormal to have shacks in this deep forest.

""Let's go and have a look, maybe we can find something?" Feng Yuanqing suggested.

So Yingzi led the three back to the shack he had just found.

The shack was made very crudely, with a small amount of wood as a support, and covered with mud and straw. It was quite hidden.

Looking closer, the corpses inside had rotted and shriveled, and maggots and ants were crawling in and out of them, which looked very creepy.

The fat man thought it was a wild man:"Lao Hu, Brother Feng, this is the wild man, right? I was wondering why there were no wild men in this wild man valley. It turns out they are all dead of old age."

"They are not savages. Look at the logo on the clothes they wear. They are military uniforms for daily life!" Feng Yuanqing said firmly.

"Xiao Rizi?"Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi heard this and looked carefully at the clothes of the corpse. They were actually Xiao Rizi's military uniform.

Then Pangzi found a Japanese officer's sword in the corner.

Pangzi pulled it out with great effort. The steel edge of the sword was very good. After so many years, it was still shiny. It seemed that Xiao Rizi took good care of this sword and maintained it very well.

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