The fat man was a little confused. Didn't the Japanese surrender and leave after the defeat? Why are there still some Japanese here?

Hu Bayi took the opportunity to insult the fat man:"This is not surprising. You know too little about historical events, which exposes your ignorant nature."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on." said the fat man.

"I guess that before the Japanese surrendered, this group of Xiao Rizi was dispersed by the Mao Bear's army, hid in the deep mountains and old forests, got lost, and lost contact with the outside world. They didn't know that their hometown had surrendered, and they hid here until they died of old age."Hu Bayi found a diary and made guesses based on it.

The writing of Xiao Rizi is still relatively close to Chinese, and part of it can be understood. By guessing, it can be roughly deciphered.

The records in the diary are similar to the results of Hu Bayi's guess.

The main force of Xiao Rizi was defeated, leaving only a colonel, who fled with a small force to a secret underground fortress in Heifengkou, preparing to meet up with the Japanese troops in the fortress and fight a decisive battle with Mao Bear.

As a result, in the deep mountains and old forests, the only person who knew the location of the secret fortress stepped on a big bubble, fell down and drowned.

The rest of the people went around in the forest again and again, but they never found the fortress.

Instead, they got lost and were trapped in the forest.

They were trapped in the mountains and forests for several years, and later met a group of tomb robbers.

They caught The tomb was occupied by tomb robbers.

As a result, they learned from the tomb robbers that the little people had been defeated and surrendered, so they killed them all in a rage.

This group of little people stayed in the mountains for too long without any supplies. After so many years, their clothes were tattered. They happened to be met by hunters who went into the mountains and were mistaken for wild people. Therefore, the saying of Wild Man Valley was spread. The mystery of the wild people was solved. Everyone was not interested in continuing to see dead people here, so they decided to go back to the ancient tomb and continue looking for the entrance.

Back to the big pit that was dug before, at the bottom of the pit, there was a layer of dragon fire glazed roof, which was a common anti-theft technology for aristocratic tombs in the Northern Song Dynasty.

Although this technology is good, its disadvantages are also too obvious.

It can only prevent tomb robbers from digging into the tomb from above, but not from the sides.

Therefore, as long as we find the side of the tomb, we will be fine.

"Xiao Ri's notebook recorded that a group of tomb robbers had come here before. Since they were killed, it means that the tomb has not been robbed, but they may have dug a hole. Let's look for clues separately."Feng Yuanqing said to the three people.

With the previously dug pit as the center, the four people scattered in all directions and searched separately.

According to the original book, Feng Yuanqing remembered that it was in a tree hole under a big tree.

Feng Yuanqing focused on the roots of the tree along the direction, but found nothing.

The scope of the tomb chamber could not be too large. After searching for a while, Feng Yuanqing returned without finding anything.

Suddenly, a dog barked.

Accompanied by Yingzi's shouting

""Brother Feng~, Brother Hu~"

Feng Yuanqing followed the voice and was found by Yingzi.

It was a cave under a thick red pine tree, covered by vines and bushes.

There were many broken marks on the vines and bushes, which were broken by Yingzi when he fell down.

"Yingzi, are you down there?" Feng Yuanqing shouted into the cave.

"Brother Feng, I'm downstairs. Yingzi replied.

"How are you? Are you okay?"Feng Yuanqing asked

"I'm fine, I just twisted my foot and can't climb up." Yingzi's voice was filled with pain.

Hu Bayi and Fatty, who were coming from a distance, saw Feng Yuanqing squatting next to a big tree and ran over quickly.

"How is Yingzi? Is she okay? Hu Bayi asked

"It's nothing serious. She fell into a tree hole and twisted her ankle. I'll go down and carry her up."Feng Yuanqing said

"You are right. By the way, how could there be such a big hole here? Could it be a hole dug by tomb robbers?"Hu Bayi suddenly remembered

"It's very likely. Fatty, go get the things, don't forget the rope, I'll go down and check the situation first."Feng Yuanqing said to the fat man

""Okay." Upon hearing this, the fat man immediately trotted back to the pit to get his things.

"Old Hu, you stay up there and watch. When Fatty comes, lower the rope and I'll bring Yingzi up first." Feng Yuanqing said to Hu Bayi.

""Okay." Hu Bayi nodded.

Then Feng Yuanqing climbed up the hole and carefully went in.

The hole was not deep and the diameter was not small, but the slope was quite steep. If you slipped down accidentally, you might get hurt.

Going down the tunnel to the bottom of the cave, Feng Yuanqing saw Yingzi in the light from the hole.

She was sitting not far away.

"How are you? Are you okay?"Feng Yuanqing immediately came to Yingzi's side and squatted down to check Yingzi's injuries.

"Just a sprain, no big deal."

""Let me see." Feng Yuanqing took off Yingzi's shoes and socks.

Although Yingzi was a big girl from Northeast China and a bit fierce, she was just an adult girl.

Her face suddenly became a little shy.

This was the first time that a man of the same age touched her feet.

Her ankles were a little red and swollen, but not serious, and there was not much bruise.

Feng Yuanqing held the true energy in his palm and rubbed Yingzi's ankles a few times.

Under the stimulation of the true energy, the bruises and blood were quickly evacuated.

The injured tendons and veins were also restored to almost nothing under the nourishment of the true energy, and they would recover after a rest.

"Ah, it doesn't hurt anymore, Brother Feng, you are so awesome!" Yingzi's big eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars.

"Okay, stand up and take a few steps." Feng Yuanqing retracted his hand and put Yingzi's shoes and socks back on.

"Ah, oh." Yingzi was awakened by Feng Yuanqing's voice. She got up from the ground and walked back and forth a few steps.

"It's really good, Brother Feng, you are really amazing." Yingzi blushed and said to Feng Yuanqing in admiration.

"It's all right." Before Feng Yuanqing finished speaking, the fat man's voice came from the cave entrance.

"Get out of the way! I'm coming down." The fat man slid down from the hole and sat on the ground.

"Ouch!" The fat man rubbed his butt.

"Yingzi, you twisted your ankle, why are you standing there?" The fat man got up and asked in confusion.

"Brother Feng cured me, and I'm fine now." Yingzi replied.

Then, Hu Bayi also came down from the cave.

The four of them gathered together and looked around. It turned out that there was a corridor to the tomb.

The tomb robbers were quite capable and actually dug through the corridor from the side.

At the end of one side of the corridor, there was a stone door with a slight crack.

""Master Feng, Lao Hu, is this a tomb?" the fat man asked, looking at the stone door.

"That's right, this is it, that's the main door to the tomb." Feng Yuanqing said.

Take the things and go over to take a look.

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