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【Option 1: Resolve the Golden Body Arhat Corpse and receive a Corpse-Setting Bead】

【Option 2: There is danger ahead, leave quickly, and you will be rewarded with a Hundred-Year-Old Black Donkey Hoof】

【Option three, stay still and be devoured by the golden body Arhat corpse, and you will be rewarded with a super whirlwind shovel. 】

Needless to say, the black donkey hoof and whirlwind shovel are almost essential for tomb robbing, but this corpse-fixing bead has some origins.

Legend has it that it was made by the old Taoist priests of Laoshan School, which is specially used to restrain the corpse. The refining process of this thing is extremely difficult, so it is also very rare.

And option one just fits Qin Yan's style of doing things.

So Qin Yan naturally chose option one without hesitation...

At this time, in the wreckage of the plane.

The male corpse that suddenly jumped out made everyone's soles of feet swell with cold air, rushing straight to the forehead.

I saw that the male corpse was no longer in human form, and his body was full of golden blood.

Take a closer look.

The golden blood is not blood at all, or it is not completely blood, but the blood is full of golden small insects, as big as rice grains.

Layer after layer, sticky, crawling all over the male corpse.

Very disgusting and terrifying.

The eyes of the male corpse were all black, and it was obvious that the eyeballs had been eaten.

From the outside, the whole body did not look missing, but it was strangely bulging like a balloon, the face was completely distorted, and the body was swollen.

It felt like the whole human skin was about to break, but you could still see something wriggling under the human skin, which was obviously the golden nematode.

It can be seen that the pilot's entire body has been hollowed out, leaving only a human skin bag.

There is no doubt that the human skin must be full of these golden nematodes, because there are dense golden nematodes coming out from between his mouth and nose.

Everyone felt nauseous when they saw it, and the surrounding cool air was sucked up by them.

Even Qin Yan, who was used to seeing horror after coming to the world of tomb raiders, felt his scalp tingling.

He was a little confused. Since the pilot had been completely devoured by the golden nematodes and only a piece of human skin was left, how did he communicate with him just now?

He didn't believe that these golden nematodes had human wisdom, but he didn't rule out this possibility.

Qin Yan thought about it and thought that the most likely possibility was that something with intelligence was controlling these golden nematodes.

The animals with golden blood that they encountered at the beginning might have this kind of golden nematodes in their blood, and thus they were controlled.


The legendary terrifying golden arhat on the mural that Kong Que mentioned in the ancient tomb might also be this kind of thing.

Everyone was scared, especially Hubayi and Fatty. They couldn't imagine the scene of thousands of golden nematodes densely wrapping them up if they rashly got into the cabin.

The male corpse seemed to be controlled by the golden nematodes, and his movements were not fast. He walked towards everyone step by step.

Everyone's scalp was tingling, and they hurriedly rolled and crawled to escape under the tree...

Once the golden nematodes exploded, it would be as difficult to deal with as the knife-toothed viperfish, and it might be even more difficult to deal with, because the worms were smaller and might be infectious, and it was not easy to guard against them at all.

At this time, the people who were escaping had to sigh that King Xian was indeed a ruthless scum, with unparalleled witchcraft and witchcraft. After more than two thousand years, the power was still so terrifying.

Fortunately, everyone was agile and quickly got under the tree.

However, facing the terrifying male corpse that was about to fall from the tree, everyone didn't have a good solution.

Qin Yan suddenly thought of something and said to everyone.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang understood instantly, and the fat man was a little puzzled, why did Qin Yan suddenly say this?

Seeing the fat man's confused face, Hubayi still understood that according to the current situation, the munitions inside should not have exploded in the plane crash."

The fat man said"oh", still with a confused look on his face, Hu Bayi couldn't help but give the fat man a blank look:

"Master Qin is going to blow it up!"

The fat man was stunned, and his eyes suddenly lit up...

While the terrifying male corpse did not fall off the tree, everyone quickly moved away from this huge couple tree.

"This distance should be enough. The ammunition in the wreckage of the plane may not explode here."

Hu Ba estimated the distance, but he found a problem, that is, the distance seemed a bit far, and the detonator in his hand might not be able to hit the wreckage of the plane.

However, the fat man boasted that he was the best at throwing grenades, and snatched the detonator from Hu Ba's hand.

After pulling it apart.

The fat man quickly threw the detonator out, only to see the detonator draw a long arc in the air, and did not hit the wreckage of the plane.

Instead, it fell on the edge of the outer periphery of the wreckage of the plane.


The detonator made a loud noise, and a burst of fire and thick smoke suddenly emerged.

A large area of branches around the wreckage of the plane were blown away, and even the holes in the wreckage of the plane were torn open, exposing the scene inside.

Unfortunately, the explosion of the grenade did not successfully detonate the munitions in the wreckage of the plane.

However, this also exposed the situation inside the wreckage of the plane.

Hu Bayi, who was observing with a telescope, couldn't help but shudder. He saw that it was full of dense golden nematodes, layer after layer.

As if startled by the bomb, the golden nematodes shook their chubby bodies and crawled out frantically.

The golden nematodes were sticky and covered with unknown liquids. They were connected one by one and fled out quickly. Some even fell from the trees, like snot, one after another, falling to the ground or on the tree trunks, but quickly spreading...

This horrible scene made Hu Bayi feel nauseous.

"King Xian is such a fucking idiot. He just likes to fiddle with these bugs all day long. It's so fucking disgusting. I don't know what's going on in his tomb. It's probably a fucking insect nest."

The others who grabbed the telescope to watch were also shocked. They hadn't even entered the tomb of King Xian, but they had already encountered so many strange bugs.

These bugs are much harder to deal with than zongzi, because zongzi can be broken by force, but bugs are not. There are all kinds of them, and there are huge numbers, which are extremely difficult to deal with.

It's no wonder that Shirley Yang said before that insects are the most powerful creatures in the world.

At this time, the golden nematodes in the wreckage of the plane had obviously sensed the crisis due to the fat man's detonator, and all of them went crazy.

In addition to fleeing frantically, the American pilot's body was full of golden nematodes and actually wanted to control the human skin as a carrier and jump directly from the tree.

Hu Ba quickly handed a detonator to Qin Yan and blurted out:"..Master Qin, blow him up!……"

Before he finished speaking, Qin Yan had already thrown the grenade in his hand.

Everyone's eyes fell on the detonator flying towards the wreckage of the plane, and their hearts were in their throats. They were afraid that if they missed this time, the bug would rush over, and then it would be difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, the detonator fell into the plane through the gap in the wreckage of the plane.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a loud bang from the grenade, and a thick smoke came out of the wreckage of the plane.

Before they could react, a huge explosion occurred.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

The ammunition in the wreckage of the plane was detonated, and there were continuous explosions. An extremely violent explosion occurred on the top of the huge husband and wife tree.

Flames shot up into the sky and thick smoke billowed.

Not to mention the husband and wife tree, even Qin Yan and others who were standing far away could feel the shaking of the earth. The

C-type transporter made a huge and tragic sound and was directly blown to pieces.

Countless golden nematodes were blown to ashes, leaving no trace.

Everyone was refreshed.

Hu Bayi, who had been a soldier, sighed:

"Although you Americans don't care about burying loyal bones everywhere in the green mountains, and I don't know your name, but you can die in the war without being controlled by those disgusting insects. If you have a spirit in heaven, you can rest in peace."


A second explosion occurred at the wreckage of the plane, which not only blew the wreckage into pieces, but also blew up the huge couple tree.

Everyone could see the cracked inside of the old tree, and they were all stunned.

After a while, the fat man said stupidly:"Lao Hu, what is this? It seems to be very valuable... I think this time... we are really... really rich!"_

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