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Tải ảnh: 0.066s Scan: 0.035sA dark golden object was revealed in the cracked trunk of the huge couple tree.

The object was rectangular, with two rounded edges on the top, emitting a faint purple halo.

Everyone looked intently, and saw that in the middle of the old banyan tree, most of a transparent coffin that looked like jade and crystal was exposed. It was extremely shiny and translucent, with a layer of milky white as thin as a cicada's wing on the outside. The inside gradually turned golden, and the color became darker as it went deeper, as if it was filled with golden liquid.

Most of the coffin was wrapped in various parasitic plants, making it difficult to see its full picture.

A coffin hidden in the tree?

Everyone was shocked, only Qin Yan was relatively calm, he knew that the coffin in the tree recorded by Hu Bayi in Ghost Blowing Out the Light had appeared.

Everyone gathered around the coffin-like object that emerged from the tree, and the fat man said:

"This is really a coffin, is it made of jade or crystal? Why is it such a strange color? I think it looks a bit like the chicken blood stones I traded in Panjiayuan."

Everyone looked at it intently, but couldn't tell what it was made of.

Qin Yan had amazing eyesight and took a closer look and found that it was made of a translucent jade with a layer of crystal inside. There was also a lot of golden liquid inside, which looked like liquid gold.

Qin Yan said to everyone:"From the appearance alone, this is a rare jade coffin."

The fat man looked at this strange jade coffin and couldn't help but wonder:

"This is clearly a coffin for the deceased. The material is Tibetan jade, not Burmese jade from Yunnan. could there be such a large jade coffin in the tree? Oh, right...behind Zhalong Mountain is the area of King Xian's tomb. This coffin is probably a companion tomb to the main tomb. But why did the coffin grow in the tree?"

Shirley Yang smiled and said,"You have to ask Lao Hu about this. Doesn't he always brag that there is nothing he doesn't know about the coffins in all the cemeteries in China? Let him explain."

Hu Ba frowned, as if he felt something was wrong. He touched his chin and said,

"That's not right. Since ancient times, tombs have always been built with trees. Trees are the symbol of the tomb. They are built in front of the mound, making the tomb layout look like it will bless descendants. But I have never seen anyone put the coffin in the tree. This is not decent."

463 The"Sixteen-Character Yin Feng Shui Secret Art" clearly states in the Dragon Hunting Secret: Dragons are afraid of loneliness and caves are afraid of cold. If there is no one around, it is really dangerous. A lone dragon on a mountain cannot be settled. It will be difficult to settle it."

"You see, although the top of Zhalong Mountain is shrouded in clouds and fog, and the direction of the mountain range is not clear, it can be seen from the map that this mountain has only a single ridge and a solitary peak, and although the terrain here is high in the east and low in the west, it is too isolated and has a bottomless valley, so this area is definitely not a suitable place for a mausoleum."

Zhang Qiling was also puzzled and nodded and said,"China has had Feng Shui theory since the Shang and Zhou dynasties. The burial of the dead has always been about"carrying the sun and embracing the moon, relying on mountains and water". How can it be reasonable to bury in a tree?"

"Old trees are the first of the five harms to a cemetery.

If there are old trees, solitary mountains, broken streams, bald hills, and rocks near the burial room, they are all bad and must not be used for burial: old trees will snatch away the wind and energy; solitary mountains will have less protection, and the main body will not be integrated and the yin and yang will inevitably clash; broken streams will cause the main veins to be bitter and dry, and once the water veins are cut off, the vitality will also be cut off; if there are rocks and rugged rocks, the main body will be full of evil spirits, and there will be many disasters caused by the evil spirits of the earth; bald hills are called a place without vitality.


Everyone present felt that the problem of the coffin in the tree was very serious. It did not conform to their Feng Shui theory at all. It could be said that it completely violated the theory of Feng Shui situation. What Qi veins, Mingtang, water mouth, dragon, cave, sand, water, direction, etc. were all out of the question.

At this time, Qin Yan said to the puzzled people:

"This jade coffin doesn't look like a common item.

Maybe the person buried inside is a Taoist.

Those outsiders think that they are not in the five elements and don't need to follow the way of choosing a tomb in the world.

There is a welcoming and sending in the coffin.

If it is locked tightly, the qi will gather in the wall.

Maybe he did it on purpose.

These two old trees are the coffin of this jade coffin, and the person inside is a wizard, or a person who cultivates immortality and seeks Taoism.

So we can't just judge it by the situation around these old trees.


Yan is familiar with the plot and naturally knows more than them, but he didn't dare to tell too much.

First, he can't be sure whether the current situation is still the same as the original.

Second, he doesn't want his identity as a time traveler to be exposed. After all, the identity of a time traveler is his biggest secret.

After hearing what Qin Yan said, everyone in the chat group felt that it made sense.

Shirley Yang did a lot of homework before coming, so she studied King Xian very deeply, so she added:

"King Xian worshipped witchcraft and cultivated immortality, so most of his important officials were sorcerers. It seems that the coffin in the mausoleum is an immortal coffin, but I don't know if the owner inside is an immortal. If there are immortals in the world, this jade coffin should be empty now, and the body inside should be immortal."

It's another story of immortality, which everyone thinks is a bit mysterious. After digging deeper, everyone present knows very little, so there is no point in talking about it anymore, and the topic returns to the current jade coffin.

"This transparent jade coffin is really, what is the liquid inside? Is it really golden blood? Whose blood is it? Is this the source of the gold? In other words, the golden nematodes on the American pilot came from here?"

Hu Bayi couldn't help but raise a series of questions, which were both questions and conjectures, and almost what everyone thought.

In general, this jade coffin in the tree is too weird and too unconventional.

Qin Yan walked directly to the coffin in the tree and touched the jade coffin with his fingers.���The tentacles were cool and smooth.

Seeing this, the others also came closer to check. Hu Ba opened his mouth wide and exclaimed:

"It is really a rare piece of beautiful jade, and what is even rarer is that it is flawless and so big. It is not easy to find such a good piece of jade even in the imperial palace."

The others also sighed repeatedly, and the fat man's eyes were wide open.

After a careful inspection, everyone found that the jade coffin was placed horizontally in the trunk of the old banyan tree.

Due to the compression of the entangled growth of the tree trunk, and the fracture of a part of the tree trunk that supported it, the jade coffin that was originally placed flat in the tree was slightly tilted.

There were several small cracks on the downward tilted coffin lid and coffin body.

The golden liquid in the coffin slowly seeped out along the cracks and dripped onto the jade tomb bed under the jade coffin.

When everyone saw this, they suddenly realized

"It turns out that the Morse code we heard before came from here. The infected creatures in the dense forest and the American pilots are probably also infected by this blood, so everyone be careful and don't touch the blood."

After understanding these situations, the fat man couldn't wait. He used a paratrooper knife to peel off the plant roots on the lid of the jade coffin, put on gloves, and swept the coffin lid a few times.

Surprisingly, there was an unexpected discovery.

I saw that the top of the jade coffin immediately revealed a lot of finely carved patterns.

The whole layer was engraved with mandarin ducks, wild geese, foxes, rabbits, deer, deer, elephants and other rare birds and animals that symbolize auspiciousness and spirituality.

There were also flower and grass patterns of various shapes arranged symmetrically on the four corners.

The jade coffin was surrounded by lotus petals and decorated with diamond-shaped honeysuckle reliefs.

In the middle of each side, there was a lifelike little parrot with a Ganoderma lucidum in its mouth.

After Hu Ba took a look, he said to everyone:

"The reliefs on these jade coffins are peaceful and gentle in shape. Although their expressions are a little dull, the knife techniques are simple and bright, gorgeous and profound. This form of expression with a high degree of artistic coverage is very close to the ancient style of the Qin and Han Dynasties. This should be the accompanying mausoleum of King Xian's tomb, there is no mistake."

At this point, the fat man was even more impatient, rubbing his palms and said,"Master Hu, do you think we can open the coffin now? After opening the coffin, everything will be clear, and now it's day, and we are not afraid of any corpse changes inside."

Hu Ba stopped the fat man and said,"Don't be impatient. This jade coffin is not a search. It is impossible for it to grow into the tree trunk for no reason. And there is so much golden liquid in it. Who dares to guarantee that nothing will happen if it is opened."

Zhang Qiling also nodded. He took out a short knife, dipped a little of the golden liquid that seeped out of the jade coffin, put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and said to everyone:

"There is no bloody smell, but there is a strong smell... like Chinese medicine. I think the jade coffin itself is not too special. The strange thing is that there are countless golden nematodes in these golden liquids, and these nematodes seem very strange."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

Since nothing is clear, should we open the coffin?

The fat man's opinion is:"If we encounter a coffin that is not opened, then why are we here? It doesn't matter whether it is a fairy or a demon. Let's see what is in this coffin."

Hu Bayi also nodded and said:"Maybe we will find some secrets related to the tomb of King Xian. Those information and clues will be of great help to us."

Zhang Qiling looked indifferent and did not comment.

Qin Yan also nodded. Although there is a high possibility of unknown dangers in it, this coffin must be opened because it contains the Zen staff key necessary for the next journey.

Everyone decided to open the coffin, but at this time...

Peacock, who has never expressed his opinion, stood up:"This... There is a great horror in it!"

Peacock's words stunned everyone, because Peacock had sensed the danger that everyone could not see along the way.

After hearing what Peacock said, Shirley Yang became a little worried. She was about to speak when she was interrupted by Hu Ba:

"It is broad daylight now, so there is no need to be afraid even if there are evil spirits."

"The rules of tomb raiders are to start at nightfall and stop at cockcrow. Now it was already daybreak, so according to the rules, the tomb objects could not be moved, but it was still possible to open the coffin and investigate."

As he said this, he took out the Yin-detecting claws and Yin-Yang mirror used by the tomb raider to open the coffin, as well as some other tools. He also took out a mirror and raised it in front of everyone:

"To open the coffin during the day, you need the Yin-Yang Mirror. This is an ancient artifact handed down from the middle of the Tang Dynasty. It is the relic of Elder Liaochen. It symbolizes the three talents of heaven, earth and man. The positive is yang and the negative is yin. There are four seal characters on the back: Shengguan Facai."

As he spoke, he was suspended in the air with a red rope, facing the sun, and the seal characters on the back were facing the coffin.

Seeing that the people were determined to open the coffin, Kongque didn't dare to say anything, but subconsciously leaned towards Qin Yan...

As soon as Hu Ba hung up the Yin-Yang Mirror, he was ready to use the Yin-Exploring Claw to open the coffin nails. Only then did he find that this jade coffin had no coffin nails, but a drawer-type. The jade plate that served as the coffin cover had extremely tight slots on both sides.

So everyone found the coffin mouth and prepared to pull the jade cover out of the coffin.

But just as everyone was about to start, the dark clouds in the sky became darker, as if a large bowl of thick ink was poured into the sky, and the light around them immediately dimmed, just like night.

In an instant, the sky was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the few people without night eyes couldn't see anyone clearly all of a sudden.


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and everyone was startled by the sudden thunder.

Then, dazzling lightning flashed in the black sky, and the thunder was louder than the other.......

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