"Well, it looks like a dark room, let's go check it out." Feng Yuanqing said.

Everyone walked to the big hole that was smashed out by the red calf.

Hu Bayi shone a flashlight into the hole, and the hole was pitch black and bottomless.

The four men burrowed into the hole one by one and walked all the way down the passage.

Without the pursuit of the red calf, everyone moved forward cautiously without pressure.

At the end, the light of the flashlight shone on the wall, and I saw a red road sign with a row of large characters written "Underground Gnaku of the Black Wind Pass Fortress".

Feng Yuanqing knew that this was indeed an underground fortress of the devil.

Hu Bayi and the fat man glanced at each other: "This is the secret fortress of the Kwantung Army?" "

They also didn't think that the underground passage of the Ghost Fortress was only separated from the back room of the ancient tomb, and if they dug half a meter more, they would have already dug up the ancient tomb." If it hadn't been for the red calf hitting the tomb wall and smashing a big hole, no one would have discovered this military fortress hidden deep underground.

At the end of the passage, there is a large iron gate, the iron door is ajar, it seems that the devils inside are in a hurry to retreat, and the door is not closed.

Several people pushed open the big iron gate and went down the steps.

On the walls, a flat map of the fortress was found.

As you can see from the map, the fortress covers a large area and has numerous rooms.

There are warehouses, dormitories, canteens, weapons storage warehouses, etc., all marked on the map.

"The little devil is really ambitious, this fortress is more than thirty miles deep, and the mountain has been hollowed out!" Hu Bayi said indignantly.

Subsequently, Feng Yuanqing found the power generation room.

"It's dark here, you can't see it clearly by the flashlight alone, this is the power room, let's go and see if the generator can still be used."

Came to the power generation room, Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty, checked the situation of the generator, although it is a little old, but it can still be used.

Just next to it there is gasoline, pour gasoline into the tank.

The fat man started the generator with a hand crank, the buzzing roar sounded, Feng Yuanqing found the electric gate not far away, pushed it up, and

suddenly the lights in the fortress lit up.

Afterwards, several people followed the passage to the area dedicated to storing weapons.

There was a huge space here, several rails were laid on the ground, and as far as the eye could see, several infantry guns were placed.

There are also a large number of long-lever pull-bolt rifles on the shelves, but they have not been maintained for a long time and have rusted.

There are also some wooden boxes next to it, and when you open the wooden box, you can see that the Saka-style rifle inside, commonly known as the three eight big covers, is well preserved.

So one person took a handful on his back, took a few boxes of ammunition, had a gun in his hand, and his courage was a little stronger.

A gun was not enough, the fat man dragged out a box of grenades from the side, and one person picked up a few and put them in his pocket.

Hu Bayi rummaged through the shelves and picked it up, dragged out a wooden box with a plaster flag painted on it, and opened it to see that it turned out to be a submachine gun.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there is such a good thing as a hundred submachine guns, which is much stronger than the tattered three-eight big cover just now!"

Hu Bayi directly picked up one, pulled the bolt, and tried it.

"Don't use rifles either, come and get a submachine gun for self-defense."

Then he also picked a submachine gun and took several magazines of bullets. That's playing with it in your hands.

Although Feng Yuanqing had never used a gun, with the strong physical control he had cultivated, he could easily master it, as long as he practiced a few more times.

After a few people's weapons and equipment, Feng Yuanqing put all the remaining weapons into the carry-on space.

Although there are many weapons here, they are not hiding there, after all, it is just an underground fortress.

But Feng Yuanqing's space is a full 100 cubic meters, which is more than enough to put down this thing.

Under the horrified gazes of Hu Bayi and others, Feng Yuanqing almost emptied the contents of the warehouse.

Except for the decaying guns and cannons, which remained in place.

Suddenly, Yingzi laughed in a terrified tone and said, "Brother Hu, I was like... I saw a small child running behind you.

"What? Yingzi, are you mistaken, how can there be children in this ghost fortress in the deep mountains and old forests? Fatty Wang questioned.

Feng Yuanqing heard Yingzi's words, turned his head and used a flashlight to shine towards the open space behind Hu Banyi.

Hu Bayi and the fat man also turned their flashlights, took pictures around them, and found nothing.

"I really didn't read it wrong, just now there was a child, ran through the passage behind you, it is impossible to see it wrong, I didn't hear the footsteps, I only saw the figure of a child, I ran fast, and I ran over with a swoop... You say, is there a ghost?

"It's all a new era, where are the ghosts?" Fatty Wang still didn't believe it, he still felt that Yingzi, the tiger girl, was dazzled. I forgot that the rice dumplings I encountered earlier were just as unscientific.

But Feng Yuanqing knew that Yingzi was not dazzled, but ghosts are such a thing, people have a natural fear of it, not to mention that there are really ghosts at this time?

In the original plot, the little ghost appeared to ask a few people to take them out for burial, but now it is a real world, and I don't know if there are other things derived.

Completely according to the plot, I'm afraid I don't know how to die!

"Did you forget about the red calf just now? Isn't it normal to have ghosts! Feng Yuanqing spoke.

"Huh? Are there really ghosts? Feng Ye would rather not scare me!" The fat man immediately snorted.

"Then let's go quickly, safety first!" Hu Bayi is also very afraid, the zongzi is good to say, the ghost does not know how to deal with it.

However, according to the map, if you want to go to the exit, you must pass through the passage behind Hu Bayi.

So everyone had to be bold and walk towards the passage.

In front of it was the territory of the pig-faced bat, Feng Yuanqing knew, but he was not afraid at all.

Feng Yuanqing took the lead, opening the way in front, the fat man followed behind, Yingzi was in the middle, and Hu Ba Yi Hall was behind.

At the end, there is a cave, and the construction of the passage came to an abrupt end here.

Feng Yuanqing glanced at the pig-faced big bat above and did not speak.

However, the fat man trembled and asked, "Feng Ye, what should I do about this?" How about we go back?

"Fatty, what's wrong, what's up front?" Hu Ba Yi was at the end of the team, and the situation in front was completely invisible.

But suddenly, Hu Bayi only felt that he was pushed by something, crashed into Yingzi in front, and fell forward with the fat man, crashing into Feng Yuanqing.

However, Feng Yuanqing did not move. A strange feeling was transmitted.

All four of them seemed to have been electrocuted. It was numb, but it was bone-chilling.

The qi and blood in Feng Yuanqing's body were stimulated, and the true air flow turned, and the abnormality was immediately cleared.

"Old Hu, what's going on with you?" The fat man turned his head and asked.

"I don't know, it's like being electrified, I don't know if I touched the wire."

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