After the candle was lit, the fat man couldn't wait to run back to the coffin.

"Open the coffin and see how the fat master's hand is."

The fat man exerted his strength to eat, used a sapper shovel to pry open the coffin nails, and pushed the lid of the golden silk nan coffin open.

Hu Bayi looked at the fat man's way of pushing the coffin board hard, and said with a little jokingly, "This general has been a horse for a lifetime, and this coffin is worth a little money!"

"Indeed, the funeral goods are all worthless weapons and shields, and clay pots, that is, golden silk nan wooden coffins are the most valuable." Feng Yuanqing also quipped.

"Go and go, you don't crow mouth, let the fat master see, what treasures are in the coffin!" After the fat man pushed open the coffin board, he rubbed his hands and said.

The crowd also gathered around, and the light penetrated the inside of the coffin.

I saw that the tomb owner inside was wearing a battle armor and a black mask on his face.

Feng Yuanqing unveiled the mask, revealing a dry and dark red face, the body did not decay into white bones, it seemed that it had done a good antiseptic treatment, and it had not decayed for thousands of years.

In this coffin, there are two valuable things, the mask and the jade bi held in the general's hand. Feng Yuanqing couldn't look at it.

So I took the mask over and looked at it carefully.

And the fat man was still pulling it out in the coffin, and half of his body was leaning in, leaving only a fat big ass and two small short legs pedaling outside.

Hu Bayi looked at it for a while, then turned around to check around the tomb, paying attention to the situation of the candles by the way.

Soon, the fat man took out a pair of jade bi.

The fat man excitedly flipped down the coffin and ran to Feng Yuanqing and Hu Bayi.

"Kung Fu pays off, look, jade." The fat man said excitedly.

The fat man put the jade on the palm of his hand, and the light hit it, and this pair of jade showed a pale yellow color.

Hu Bayi took one and looked at it carefully, thinking that this jade bi was indeed a good object.

Suddenly, a dark wind blew through, blowing out the candle.

Feng Yuanqing's five senses were keen, and he immediately discovered it, and at the same time, the yin qi in this tomb was also gathering, and the target was the corpse of the general.

"The candle is out!" A trace of interest flashed in Feng Yuanqing's eyes.

He really wanted to see zongzi, but he had never seen it before.

It was his first time.

Hu Bayi, Fatty, and Yingzi immediately looked back at the candle, and sure enough, it went out.

Hu Bayi was shocked in his heart, and immediately turned around and shone a flashlight on the coffin, but did not find anything abnormal.

The fat man was also heartbroken at first, but immediately changed his face again, pointed at Hu Bayi in a serious tone and shouted: "Old Hu, do you say you can buy this candle for a few cents?" How can such a bargain be used for such an important thing? When

Hu Banyi heard this, he was a little speechless, is this a question of whether candles are cheap or not?

"Okay, I'll buy imported windproof candles later!" Where it is expensive, I will buy it, but, put the jade back now! Hu Bayi also said in a serious tone.

When the fat man heard Hu Bayi's words, he immediately stopped working.

"Put it back, I wasted the power of nine bulls and tigers, I got it with great difficulty, how can I put it back?"

The fat man was resolutely reluctant to put it back.

This is Feng Yuanqing spoke.

"It's okay to take it, you guys touch the rules of Captain Jin, it's not feasible here in my Guanshan Taibao, the rice dumplings are coming, I'll press it to death

" "Or Feng Ye Niu Batch, Feng Ye, Guanshan Taibao still accept people?" , how do you see me? The fat man said flatteringly.

"Forget it, only our Feng Clan lineage can become the Guanshan Taibao! Don't think about it! Feng Yuanqing responded.

But after talking, Hu Banyi went back helplessly, and the candle was lit again.

This is the gathering of yin qi, and the general Jin Guo in the coffin has already risen to the corpse.

In a few seconds, the flame of the candle turned green, and the oozing green light made people's hearts bristle.

"What's going on, only the candle flame turned green?" Hu Bayi asked strangely.

"Of course, the rice dumplings are dead! All be careful! Feng Yuanqing reminded sharply.

In the coffin, the zongzi put a pair of hands on the side edge of the coffin and slowly sat up.

As soon as the zongzi use case flicked, the coffin board flew out, blocking the door of the tomb.

Fortunately, Hu Bayi reacted in time and pushed you and Yingzi to the ground and escaped a catastrophe.

Everyone came back to their senses, and the rice dumpling had already come out of the coffin, and they were slowly thinking about everyone coming.

It is very tall, more than two meters tall.

The armor on his body had all decayed and fallen, leaving only a tattered sackcloth, covered in blood and flesh. But thick red hairs grew.

It moves very slowly, similar to a zombie, but does not jump.

"This is not ordinary zongzi, it's a red calf!"

Several people were horrified when they saw this scene, and the first time they encountered zongzi was this rare thing, and they were inevitably nervous.

Yingzi screamed in fright.

"Fatty, quick, black donkey hooves."

The fat man quickly turned the black donkey's hooves out of Yingzi's bag.

On the way to the zongzi approaching everyone step by step, Hu Bayi stepped on the fat man's hand ladder, jumped up, and took advantage of the slow movement of the zongzi to stuff the black donkey's hooves into his mouth.

When he boarded, the red calf stood still.

"Haha, the black donkey's hooves are really good, tell you to chase me!" The fat man laughed, but also angrily kicked the red calf a few times, and the red calf was still motionless.

However, Feng Yuanqing knew that the effect of the black donkey's hooves was not strong, and he could only fix the time of the red calf for tens of seconds.

So, Feng Yuanqing used the golden light spell he had just obtained by signing in to try the effect.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong

, Wan Qi's original root

, Guangxiu Billion Tribulation,

Zhengwu Divine Power."

Feng Yuanqing whispered a mantra in his mouth, and suddenly, a rich golden light shone, covering Feng Yuanqing's body, wrapping him into a golden man.

But this golden color is transparent, like a layer of glass.

"Wow, this..." Yingzi and the others were also stunned by the scene, unable to speak.

True air flow, golden photomorphic shape.

A large golden sword that was as transparent as glass floated in front of Feng Yuanqing.

With a one-handed push, the big sword flew out and slammed straight into the red face door.

This blow, the momentum was heavy, and it directly flew out of the red calf, hitting the back wall of the tomb and smashing a big hole.

Looking at the zongzi again, it was directly hit by this blow and exploded its head, and it has been destroyed.

In Feng Yuanqing's perception, the Yin Qi gathered on Zongzi's body was also rapidly dissipating.

After finishing the harvest, the golden light on Feng Yuanqing's body suddenly converged.

"Well, the zongzi have been wiped out!"

"Feng Ye, I didn't expect you to really know how to spell, it's really fucking powerful!" The fat man immediately stepped forward and said flatteringly.

"Yes, I didn't expect that you are a master who is hidden deeply! Thanks to Feng Ye, you, otherwise, we will account here! Hu Bayi was also afraid.

"Brother Feng, you are really powerful!" Yingzi seemed to remember something, and her little face turned red for a while.

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