Yang Xueli came to the wall picture.

She continued with her full level of ability to read pictures and write essays.

"This Exquisite Queen is a banshee!"

Hearing Yang Xueli's words, Professor Chen became interested.

"Xiao Yang, you continue."

So Yang Xueli continued.

"This painting is the most difficult of all the murals to understand."

"The queen lifted her veil and looked at the person opposite, and he became a dotted line."

"He may be a slave, wielding an assassin or something, it was the queen who wanted to get rid of the enemy, so he was seen by the queen's gaze, so he disappeared."

"So you decided that this queen was a banshee?" Hu Bayi asked.

"Yes, the queen glanced at the man, and the person disappeared!" Yang Xueli affirmed.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are still a little hard to believe, a big living person, who disappeared after being looked at, which is also too unbelievable.

Yang Xueli knew that everyone also didn't believe it, so she talked about the allusions in the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty.

There is a legend of the Queen of the Desert in it, which impresses her very deeply.

Sadipeng and Ye Yixin and others were also very interested in this.

"Deep in the desert there is a city, inhabited by a people from the underground, who rule over all the small countries around it."

"After hundreds of years, the throne passed into the hands of the last queen, and legend has it that this queen's eyes are the passage to the underworld, and she only needs to look at the enemy, and the enemy will disappear out of thin air."

"As for where the disappeared people went, no one ever knew!"

"The queen adopted a high-pressure rule, ordering all the small countries around her to worship her like a true god, and those who resisted were put to death."

"It was also her actions that angered the gods, and within a few years, the queen fell ill with a strange illness and died."

"After her death, slaves and several nations oppressed by the queen formed an alliance and washed the queen's royal city in blood."

"In the end, the coalition forces prepared to destroy the queen's mausoleum, and as a result, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the terrible sandstorm engulfed the coalition forces along with the queen's royal city, buried under the wind and sand."

"The Queen's tomb and the treasure she looted were buried in the sand, and after hundreds of years, some travelers who passed by, if they took a piece of the Queen's treasure at will, would cause a sandstorm, and they would never be able to leave the desert."

"It's just that this queen, the mysterious royal city, and the age background are not recorded."

This story and the records on the mural have many similarities with the Exquisite Queen.

Yang Xueli continued.

"The next few murals record that Prince Gumo's assassination was unsuccessful."

"After returning to his country, he continued to plan how to get rid of the queen, when he met a soothsayer from a distant place."

"He asked the prince to put a special chronic poison into the golden lamb meat offered to the queen, and it didn't take long for the queen to die violently!"

But the prince also died of overwork, and he and his wife were buried together. The soothsayer helped him design a mausoleum, just under the altar.

At this point, Yang Xueli finished interpreting all the strokes.

"Well, it's great that you analyzed." Professor Chen couldn't help but praise.

This is much better than his own interpretation, and it is more comprehensive and reasonable.

"My father, like Professor Chen, has been studying Western Regions culture all his life, especially the exquisite culture, and I have also learned a lot since I was a child."

When Professor Chen heard this, he couldn't help but be a little stunned when he thought of Yang Xueli's father.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Professor Hao asked.

"Oh, nothing." Professor Chen waved his hand.

"I just remembered a lot of things about her father back then, see laughter, see laughter."

After speaking, Professor Chen wiped a handful of moist eyes.

Seeing Professor Chen like this, Yang Xueli also comforted.

"Uncle Chen, if we can successfully find the Exquisite Ancient City, my father's spirit in the sky will definitely be blind."

Professor Chen sighed slightly.

Seeing this, Hao Aiguo also comforted: "Teacher, you take care of your body, don't get excited, we have received a lot of goods this time, and our understanding of the exquisite ruins has also made breakthroughs, I believe, we will be able to find the exquisite ancient city." The

group of archaeology team said that the passion was surging, and the pride was great, and several people seemed to have beaten chicken blood, and their fighting spirit was high.

"However, according to what I just said, if the Exquisite Queen is a banshee, do we still need to find her tomb?" Hu Bayi interrupted everyone's passionate self-encouragement.

"Yes, in that case, let's go to her grave, aren't we going to die?" Fatty Wang also echoed.

"It's not that scary, after all, it's just a legend, and it's normal to have exaggerated elements." Feng Yuanqing said.

"Moreover, as archaeologists, we should use scientific methods to find answers to those mysteries!"

... If it is still scientific, you are quite unscientific.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang complained in their hearts.

When Professor Chen heard Feng Yuanqing's words, he immediately agreed.

"That's great, we archaeologists should be like this!"

Professor Chen then continued to study the murals.

Suddenly, he saw the murals that recorded the entire picture of the exquisite ancient city, and the Zagorama Valley that guarded the ancient city.

Summoned Yang Xueli, compared the notes and photos, and compared his own.

"Zagorama Valley, this is the exquisite ancient city, he is not far away!"

Professor Chen looked at everyone excitedly and said.

Every detail of the mural has been photographed.

"Next, we should open the coffin, right?" Fatty Wang asked.

"No, this kind of joint burial tomb of husband and wife with the same coffin is very rare, it is a national treasure!" We do not have the conditions to open the coffin now, and once it is opened, it will destroy the sealed coffin and the funeral goods inside!

"Professor Hao, you take the students to make records, and after I go back, I will personally write a report, submit it to the above for excavation, or take corresponding protection measures, these are precious civilization heritage!"

Feng Yuanqing didn't matter, a prince of a small country in the Western Regions was not worth much, but he was dispensable.

And the queen of the essence is the big head, all kinds of gold and silver treasures are piled up, and there is his goal.

"That's right, the conditions are not suitable for opening the coffin now, if the coffin and the funeral goods inside are damaged, it will not be worth the loss."

He made eye contact with Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang. Seeing this, the two did not insist on opening the coffin.

So he said that he could not help if he stayed here, and went back to the ground to rest.

Next is the cleaning and photographic recording of the surface of the coffin of Prince Gumo and his wife.

Do a good job of preserving the data, so that you can apply for protection and excavation after you go back.

After doing all this, everyone covered the iron cover again, closed the tomb door, and put the animal skin on again to prevent the intrusion of water vapor, and returned to the camp on the ground.

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