The desert is lonely and straight, and the sun sets on the long river.

When the archaeological team sealed the door of the tomb and returned to the ground along the rope in the well, the sun had already set.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang had already built a bonfire and were cooking mutton soup.

Back at the camp, Professor Chen packed up all the materials and records of the prince's tomb, packed them in his bag, and carefully put them away.

The sky is getting dark, the cool evening breeze is blowing, and the stars on the sky are beginning to shine.

Everyone sat around the campfire, discussing the harvest of Prince Gumo's tomb.

"The Gumo Kingdom is a relatively powerful one among all the vassal countries of the Jingjie Kingdom, and the tomb of Prince Gumo that we found today has extremely high archaeological value."

"It is of breakthrough significance to the study of exquisite culture and that period of history."

"Thanks to Comrade Xiao Hu, we were able to discover the sacrificial hall under the well and the prince's tomb under the highness."

Later, Professor Chen thanked Amway again, without his leadership, everyone would not have come here.

Professor Chen decided to rest for the night and leave early tomorrow morning to continue to the Exquisite Ancient City.

According to historical research, the geographical location of Gumo Kingdom and Jingjue Country is relatively close, and the mural paintings of the prince's tomb and Yang Xueli's notebook are the best help for their research.

"Yes, so we have to ride on." Hao Aiguo agreed.

Amliman, who was drinking mare's milk wine next to him, heard that everyone was going to continue to go deep into the desert, and he couldn't help but worry.

"What? Are you going to keep going? It's the windy season, the windy season! It's too dangerous to die! When

Professor Chen heard Amliman say this, he was immediately anxious.

"Old brother, you're not joking! We have worked hard and are about to find the exquisite ancient city, we must not give up!

"We didn't encounter any major dangers along the way!" The black sandstorm didn't do anything to us, besides, our car has enough supplies, nothing will happen!

Amlimand, still a little reluctant, continued.

"Alas, now that we have reached the depths of the black desert, there is no road further on, there is no place to drink water, how long can these things in your car last?"

"Besides, I don't know any exquisite ancient city at all, I've only heard of it, and I don't know where it is!" How to find it? "

Hu Bayi came out and played a round.

"Yes, the materials on our car are limited, so we can't go blindly next!"

Since eating, Yang Xueli has been studying his adventure notebook, which was purchased by his father at a large price, the notebook of the famous explorer Mr. Walter, which records his detailed road map for finding the exquisite ancient city.

After studying for such a long time, Yang Xueli has already counted the next walking route.

Feng Yuanqing also discussed and studied this adventure note with Yang Xueli many times along the way, and he was basically familiar with the content of the note.

"Don't worry, we are not blind, Shirley's adventure notes have detailed route records, we can find the exquisite ancient city by walking along this route!" Feng Yuanqing said.

"Well, that's great!" Fatty Wang slapped his thigh and said excitedly.

Others are also relieved, if there is a route, it is good, not random walking.

"That's right, as it says in this notebook, they walked all the way along the Zidu Dark River, first to the Zagorama Valley, and then found the exquisite ancient city!"

"And along the way they also found many stone tombs, intending to dig on the way back, so they made detailed maps."

"And Mr. Walter's most famous explorer, drawing this kind of thing is the most basic job for him, and there is no need to worry about the accuracy of the road map."

He showed the road map to Amliman and explained it to him in detail.

Amway compares maps and combines their own experience.

It is indeed very close to the exquisite ancient city.

And the group is driving, not walking, and the speed is also very fast.

As long as the car is okay, find the right direction, you can always drive out of the desert for a few days.

In the end, Amlimand was persuaded and continued to lead the way, following the trail of the Zdu Dark River.

After discussing the next route, everyone went back to the tent to rest.

After a day of archaeological records, everyone in the archaeological team was tired.

Feng Yuanqing also returned to his tent to meditate and cultivate.

In the desert night these days, when he rested, he would meditate and practice.

With his current cultivation, he can already practice meditation instead of sleeping.

After the operation of True Qi, it will make him more energetic.

When he was cultivating in the past few days, he found that the spiritual energy in the desert was much richer than in the capital.

The door may be sparsely populated in the desert, and there is not much red dust. And deep mountains and old forests are a truth.

The system also has a panel function that displays the character's status. Feng Yuanqing opened his panel.

Feng Yuanqing

realm: Later cultivation of qi training

: 11 years

of exercises: "Innate One Flame True Sutra", "Guanshan Qi Training Method"

, skills: golden light spell, small water control technique, Yang Wulei, paper man technique, insect cultivation technique, shape and meaning fist, Guanshan finger magic

equipment: 100 cubic meters of storage space.


Among them, the Guanshan Qi training method is the inheritance of the Guanshan Taibao lineage of the method of qi training, many witchcraft and evil arts need to use true qi to perform, otherwise it will consume essence blood.

The paper man technique and the insect raising technique are both left path spells inherited by Guanshan Mountain.

The golden light spell is an authentic spell of the Daomen, which cultivates innate qi in internal practice, and protects the body and drives away evil spirits externally.

Feng Yuanqing mainly practiced the Innate One Flame True Sutra and the Golden Light Mantra.

The Innate True Sutra has a high threshold and is more powerful, and it is Feng Yuanqing's main cultivation exercise.

In the first half of the night, Feng Yuanqing silently ran the Innate Flame True Sutra, absorbing the thin spiritual energy in the refining desert and transforming it into true qi.

In the second half of the night, he practiced the golden light spell, and the faint golden light attached to the body surface did not cause it.

At present, Feng Yuanqing can achieve golden light protection body and golden light transformation form, but he can't change multiple weapons at once.

The night passed quickly.

Western Xinjiang and Beijing are not in the same time zone, according to Beijing time, it gets dark later and brights later here in Western Xinjiang.

Not long after dawn, the sun had just jumped over the horizon.

The group had already woken up, washing up and preparing breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone packed their things, loaded them into the car, and prepared to go.

Under the guidance of Amliman, the group continued to drive along the trail of the Zidu Dark River.

In the desert during the windy season, there will be gusts of wind at any time, and the strong wind will blow up the sand and dust in the sky, hitting the window glass and making a loud noise.

Under the scorching sun, the convoy dragged long trails thinking about the mountains in the distance.

The flowing wind whips up a wave of heat that flows through the endless desert.

The windows should not be opened too much, otherwise the wind and sand will pour in.

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