"I speculate that these stone statues represent the different class status of the Ghost Cave Clan, the first layer is livestock, the second layer is ordinary people, including all the Hu people in the Western Regions, the third layer is this giant pupil stone statue, and the stone ball at the top of the tower is also the shape of an eye, representing the worship of eyes by the elite civilization."

"There are other stone statues on it, let's go up and see what they are?"

"I bet it's a statue of the queen." Fatty Wang said resolutely.

Up to the fourth floor, what appeared in front of everyone was a statue with a human head and a snake body, with thick limbs, the hind limbs were beast-shaped, and the forelimbs were humanoid, holding swords and shields, and had a hideous face.

There is also a black ball on the back of the head, similar to the black snake encountered in the Zagorama Valley.

"This should be the guardian saint of the Peerless Kingdom, and the eyeball sarcoma on the top of the head indicates that they believe that the eye is the source of strength. This guardian status is still under the queen, and the exquisite queen has indeed been deified! Feng Yuanqing said.

"That's right, what Xiaofeng said makes sense, and I think so too." Professor Chen agreed with Feng Yuanqing's statement.

Then everyone went up to the fifth floor, but found that this floor was empty, not even the base of the stone statue, but the writing on the wall was denser.

This layer was not found, and everyone went up to the sixth and last layer.

Ascending the steps to the top floor, the highest tower stands a black throne with a statue of a woman dressed richly and her face carved into a veil.

However, this statue is specially made and obvious, and it can be seen at a glance that this is the exquisite queen painted in the tomb of Prince Gumo.

"This sixth layer is indeed the Exquisite Queen!" Hu Bayi spoke.

"But why is the fifth level empty?" Fatty Wang wondered.

Seeing that everyone pondered hard and did not come up with an answer, Feng Yuanqing directly revealed the answer.

"It's imaginary space!"

"The Queen of Essence has a power that can make people disappear at a glance, and the disappeared person may be sent to the imaginary space, and the source of this power is her eyes."

"So the fifth layer is empty, representing the void space, and the Queen of Perfection controls this power, so she is above it."

The hearts of the people listened.

But fortunately, the Queen of Perfection is dead, so don't worry.

Go up to the top of the tower and overlook the city, where the ruins of the ancient city and the yellow sand are mixed together.

And the silhouette of the entire exquisite city is also an eye shape.

Eye worship everywhere.

No clues were found, and everyone had to go down to the Black Tower of the Temple.

Searching along the street, I finally found a building that was taller than an ordinary house.

It covers a large amount of yellow sand, and if you don't look carefully, it is really difficult to find.

Upon closer inspection, it appears to be a temple.

Dig open the yellow sand at the door and open the temple gate.

Everyone put on gas masks, turned on flashlights, and entered one by one.

The space of the main hall is huge, and if you count carefully, there are sixteen stone pillars inside.

Deep into the main hall, the ground at the end is dedicated to the offering of jade eyeballs.

The natural red silk on it is like a blood vessel on the eyeball, and there are blue pupils. Layered and lifelike.

This thing, at a glance, you can know that it is worth a lot, and as soon as Fatty Wang saw him, his eyes lit up.

The fat man couldn't hold it back, and immediately stepped forward, holding down his eyeballs, wanting to break him off and stuff him into his bag.

But after several efforts, they did not move.

Professor Chen saw that the fat man was so rude and brutal and damaged this ancient fetish, and quickly beckoned Hao Aiguo to step forward and pull him away.

"Comrade Wang, this is a fetish from two thousand years ago, a treasure of the country, how can you be so rude, if you break it, can you afford this responsibility? Get up!

Hao Aiguo tightly grabbed Fatty Wang's hand and said in a stern tone.

Feng Yuanqing and Yang Xueli also came closer.

There was indeed a groove on the jade eyeball, with a strange shape.

Exactly the same as the fat man's jade pei.

So, they also pulled the fat man's hand away.

Then take the jade pei and put it in the groove of the jade.

The jade eyeball pupils are facing upwards, facing the ceiling.

After pressing Yupei in, he only listened to the "click", so the eyeballs rolled away from the place, leaving only a look at the smooth and flat ground.

The fat man looked at the ground with a puzzled expression.

How is this jade fixed there and can't be moved?

Feng Yuanqing picked it up and showed it to Professor Chen.

Professor Chen took out the magnifying glass, flipped it over and over for a few minutes, shook his head and said: "I can't see what this is, but this jade eye has such a big head, it is completely natural, and there are no traces of artificial artificial, and it can even be said that two thousand years ago, artificial technology could not have been created."

Yang Xueli also took it and studied it for a while, and then returned it to Feng Yuanqing.

Fatty Wang didn't touch a few handfuls, and the treasure he was thinking about in his heart came to his eyes, but unfortunately in front of everyone's eyes, he couldn't take it for himself. Very depressed, finally ran into a baby.

Seeing this, Feng Yuanqing said to the fat man and Feng Hu Bayi.

"Don't be discouraged, the real treasure is still behind, remember the treasure of the Exquisite Queen, it is all in her tomb!"

As soon as Fatty Wang heard this, his eyes were about to glow green, and his spirit, which was originally a little weak, was excited.

The same goes for Hu Bayi.

Taking back the jade eye, it seemed to be put into the backpack, but in fact, he quietly took it into the system space.

Suddenly, there was a burst of malice above his head, and Feng Yuanqing remembered that there were still many sleeping black snakes hidden on the ceiling, and after this effort, he was about to wake up and fall.

The flashlight shines upwards.

The light seemed to be engulfed.

On the ceiling, I don't know when a huge eyeball appeared, flashing with a strange light, as if looking at everyone.

Yang Xueli and Hu Bayi saw Feng Yuanqing looking towards the ceiling above his head, a little strange, and also followed Feng Yuanqing's line of sight.

This does not look at the unknown, look at the frightened.

"Groove, when did this fucking come out?" Hu Bayi opened his mouth to greet the national essence.

Others also discovered the giant eyes above their heads later.

"So, why didn't you see it when you came in just now?"

At this time, the giant eye changed again and began to squirm. Looks like it's going to fall.

"Back off!"

Feng Yuanqing drank loudly.

When everyone heard this, they immediately quickly retreated in the direction of the gate.

Soon, the giant eye fell to the ground.

The flashlight shone on the giant eye, and everyone finally saw clearly.

Although this thing looks like an eyeball, it is actually a translucent ball of flesh, with a blue-white substance on the outside, and a large black thing wrapped in the middle.

The fat man panicked in his heart and wanted to shoot, but was stopped by Hu Bayi.

Suddenly, the mass cracked with a "pop".

Hundreds of black monster snakes crawled out of it, which were the black sarcoma monster snakes in Zagorama Valley.

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