The ball of flesh that looked like a giant eye suddenly burst and hundreds of black snakes crawled out.

These snakes are very small, no more than 10 centimeters long, and look like newborn young snakes.

However, it is extremely vicious, the toxicity is violent, and ordinary people will die.

The sarcoma on the top of the head makes it look ugly and hideous.

A ball of snakes quickly dispersed, and from inside crawled out a dense array of small snakes.

Everyone's scalp tingled.

Ye Yixin was usually more timid, and this time he screamed out in fright.


shrunk behind the crowd, forcibly moved to his trembling and stiff legs and feet, and couldn't stop retreating.

"Stay away, turn around and close your eyes and cover your ears! I'm going to throw a flash bomb! "

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang are puzzled, Feng Ye still has flash bombs on him?

Flash grenades don't hurt, what's the use? It's better than a grenade.

However, they knew that Feng Yuanqing was a little capable, and there must be a reason for him to do so.

So he turned his back honestly and closed his eyes.

Feng Yuanqing took out a flash bomb from the space, removed the safety latch, and threw it in the direction of the snakes.

Then he also turned around and closed his eyes and covered his ears.


The flash bomb fell to the ground, exploded with a crisp sound, and landed in front of the snakes.


Flash bombs erupted, and a dazzling white light illuminated the hall as bright as day.

It was also accompanied by a piercing roar, and the listener was distraught and his ears buzzed.

Even if everyone closes their eyes, they can feel that their eyelids are flashed by a bright and blind bright light, shining on the retina through their eyelids, causing a burst of discomfort.

The ears were covered, but it was still barely effective.

After a while, the effect of the flash grenade ended.

The snakes were all killed by the bright light.

However, everyone's ears were still buzzing, and others could not hear clearly, and it took a while to slow down.

The fat man stepped forward to the snake group and provoked one snake after another with a gun to watch carefully.

It was found that the snakes were indeed dead.

"Feng Ye Niu Batch, how did you know that the flash bomb killed these strange snakes?"

Hearing the fat man ask, everyone also became curious

: "When I first saw this strange snake, I felt a little familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere."

"Along the way I was reminiscing, remembering where I had seen the record of this strange snake."

"That strange snake is an ancient snake in the Western Regions, according to the book, this snake is called Jingmi Ahan, it is extremely poisonous, but it is afraid of strong light, and it is said that it is the minions of exotic evil gods."

"I don't know if the evil god's thing is true or false, but I am afraid of strong light but it is very likely, so I gave it a try."

"So that's the case, Xiaofeng is really well-informed and knowledgeable!" Professor Chen praised.

"Since we have discovered the weakness of this strange snake, then it will be much easier for us to deal with it later."

After solving the threat of the snakes, the crowd began to carefully examine the records in the main hall.

The patterns, symbols, etc. on the stone pillars are recorded one by one.

After that, he began to look for clues to the underground tunnel.

"As one of the most important buildings, the temple must have some connection with the royal palace, and there is likely to be a passage leading to the royal palace, so let's look for any clues!"

Feng Yuanqing prompted.

"There must be such a secret passage, but since it is a secret passage, and the scale of this temple is so large, where can we find it for a while?"

Professor Chen said in agreement.

"It depends on Lao Hu, Lao Hu, you are refined in the art of ventilation and water, you come and take a look." Feng Yuanqing looked at Hu Bayi.

Although Feng Yuanqing cultivated immortals, he was still in the entry stage, and he had not learned much about the art of feng shui and public opinion, and he planned to go back to Hu Banyi to learn the sixteen-character yin and yang feng shui secret technique.

"Okay, no problem, I'll try it." Hu Bayi said.

Hu Bayi has learned the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret art since he was a child, and it can be said that the five elements of feng shui in the world's mountains and rivers are all in his chest, and it is still very easy for him to find a secret path.

He circled around the hall and fixed his gaze on the sixteen stone pillars that supported the hall.

"I see that the arrangement of the sixteen stone pillars of this temple is the same as the arrangement of the sixteen dragons of the earth, and this layout is secretly in line with the number of giant gates, and the ancient tombs of the Han Dynasty have used this kind of mechanism arrangement."

"Watching the situation around this ancient city from the Black Tower before, it really took advantage of the location, which shows that the exquisite queen is also a master of metaphysics."

"It seems that the clue of the organ is on these sixteen stone pillars."

Hu Ba Yi walked to the center of the hall and observed the arrangement of these stone pillars around him.

Recalling the content of the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique, Hu Ba Yi thought quietly and launched a brainstorm.

This arrangement of the sixteen dragon pillars through the ground is not too difficult, it is nothing more than a change according to five elements and twenty-four directions, but the location and occasion are different, and there is a slight change.

Hu Bayi walked a few more times between the stone pillars, calculating in his heart.

The sixteen dragons of the earth are actually snakes.

The snake fluttered, suddenly north and south.

Of these sixteen articles, only one that penetrates the earth's veins is a real dragon.

After wasting his mind, Hu Bayi finally targeted the four floor tiles deep in the hall.

It is basically certain that there is a dark passage below.

Knocked it with a small hammer and listened to its sound.

One of the floor tiles is clearly audible, and the underneath is empty.

"Under this floor tile, it must be a secret passage, and the hard pry must not be knocked open, but the organ does not know whether it is still working, after all, it has been more than two thousand years!"

"Right on the nearest stone pillar!"

Hu Bayi said thoughtfully.

There is a hexagonal stone groove under the stone pillar, which can be rotated that way.

"Feng Ye, you have a lot of strength, come and take the handle."


Feng Yuanqing came to the stone pillar.

"Thousands of miles to find the dragon, seek it left and right, five steps of shunyang, yin from one."

"Turn five blocks clockwise, one block in reverse, then eleven blocks clockwise, then two blocks in the opposite direction, no more, no less, otherwise it is difficult to say what will happen."

Hu Bayi said.

"Good, don't worry." Feng Yuanqing said that there was no problem.

The two worked hard and turned the six-square stone troughs in order.

Sure enough, only a buzzing sound was heard.

The floor tile collapsed, revealing an unseen tunnel.

A flashlight shines through, and a stone staircase made of black stone leads diagonally into the ground.

As for the deeper places, the light of the flashlight is missing, and it seems that this tunnel is quite deep.

Finding the tunnel, everyone was one step closer to the palace of the Exquisite Queen.

"Xiao Hu, you have done a great job in our research and investigation of the culture of the Western Regions, and I really found you to be the leader!" Professor Chen said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, this archaeological research, Comrade Xiao Hu should be the first meritorious work!" Hao Aiguo also praised Hu Bayi.

Sadipon was curious and asked, "This is also amazing, right?" How did you find it? Hu

Bayi explained the giant gate formation simply.

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