"The giant gate formation, the reason why it is called the giant gate is because this formation is mostly used on the passage portal of the ancient road."

"And these numbers are all evolved according to Luo Shu and the law of the arrangement of stars in the sky."

After explaining the giant gate formation, Hu Bayi said again: "Professor Chen, the road inside may be relatively long, let's hurry down, everyone must pay attention to safety!"

"Okay, then let's go down quickly." Professor Chen nodded.

Feng Yuanqing, Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty took the lead.

Others followed.

Carefully follow the steps of the cave entrance.

Below is a stone path more than a meter wide, and the walls are carved with various patterns and murals.

There are also on the ground and on the top. The most common of these is the pattern of the eyes.

In addition, there are some mysterious sacrificial rituals, some depicting a jade eyeball emitting light, and a black hole appears in the sky, and a giant eye-like flesh egg falls out of the hole.

Some depict black snakes crawling out of their eggs and devouring and biting tied slaves.

Others depict black peaks covered with black snakes.

The content of the first painting is exactly the same as the jade eye in the temple, and the situation of the flesh egg.

Until the last fresco.

Above is a huge cave, a slender staircase that spirals down the cave wall.

This should be the ghost cave, and the name of the ghost cave tribe comes from this.

Professor Chen asked the students to make detailed records again.

Then he continued to move forward

, and everyone moved forward step by step in the dark tunnel, illuminated by flashlights.

The trend of the tunnel is still downward, with several steps at intervals.

As soon as he entered the cave, Feng Yuanqing felt the damp moisture inside.

After advancing for a while, Feng Yuanqing found that water marks appeared on the walls, and the air became more moist.

"The humidity is getting heavier, and it seems that the water source is not far ahead!" Feng Yuanqing said.

"I feel it too." Hu Bayi said.

The crowd walked along the passage.

The sound of underground river flowing became more and more clearly audible.

"We're almost to the underground river." Hu Bayi said.

"Good, let's go ahead and take a look."

After advancing some way again, the original four-sided tunnel came to an abrupt end, leaving only an irregularly shaped cave.

Everyone continued along the cave and finally came to an underground river.

The underground river crosses and crosses ahead.

At this point, there is no longer a straight way forward.

The dark river is not small, and it also churns a few times from time to time.

"It should be the Zidu Dark River flowing underground."

Along the way, everyone had enough fresh water to use, so there were no monkeys rushing to the river to drink.

It's just fat, something went wrong again.

If you don't drink the water with you, you have to taste the water in the underground river.

Lie on the bank of the river, lie on the ground, dip your head into the water and drink directly from the cow.

"Alas, don't say his mother, the groundwater is cold and sweet, it's so comfortable!" The fat man drank a few large gulps and lay on the ground.

"Fatty, it's delicious, isn't it? Where do you look? The light of Feng Yuanqing's flashlight shone on a raised stone in the water in the distance.

Everyone followed the light and looked over.

I saw that there was a layer of cyan mayflies crawling densely, and I couldn't count how many there were.

Their bodies gradually turn gray-white and crawl out of their shells.

There was an extra layer of fluorescence on the body, and in the dark, it was as brilliant as the stars in the sky, stretching its wings, and after a while, it flapped its wings and flew into the sky. It looks very good.

At this moment, countless huge rats rushed into the cave from all directions, not afraid of the people standing, or even ignoring them, jumping into the water and scrambling to swim towards the raised stone.

One by one, the rats who landed greedily grabbed the newly retreated insects and stuffed them into their mouths and ate them, like windswept clouds, and ate them in a moment.

The fat man who saw this scene, his face suddenly looked difficult, one couldn't hold it, and vomited.

"These rats seem to be bathing and eating here a lot, otherwise how can they be so skillful, you say?" Fatso. Feng Yuanqing said with a smile.

"Don't say it, it's disgusting, it's killing me, those few mouthfuls just now, I don't know how much rat poop and urine I drank!" gag ~~". The fat man scolded.

"Let's take a break here, let's explore the road first and see how we go next." Feng Yuanqing said.

Then took Hu Bayi and Wang Fatty and continued along the riverbank.

After walking not far away, Feng Yuanqing found that there was a black stone bridge on the river in front of him, which seemed to be built with black stones on Zagorama Mountain, flying on the raging water.

At the other end of the bridge, there is a large cave with a huge jack gate, which is half hoisted by chains the thickness of an adult's arm. There is also a large stone underneath.

The three immediately went back and told everyone about the discovery.

Everyone rested and came to the bridge together.

Professor Chen was taken aback: "With the stone gate so thick and deep underground, it may be the resting place of the Exquisite Queen." "

Let's go, the queen's mausoleum is in front of us, let's go in and take a look." Feng Yuanqing said.

"No, don't go in!"

"If my old bone is buried inside, it can be considered dead, I am so old that I don't care about anything, but you are still young, you are going to go in and adventure, I can go in alone."

Professor Chen suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, Hao Aiguo and several students were reluctant.

"How can this work, we also want to go in and see the queen's mausoleum, all at the door."

"Yes, we have experienced black sandstorms, marching ants, and hardships and dangers all the way to the Exquisite Ancient City, how can we not enter the gate?"

Yang Xueli came to solve her own curse, and it was impossible not to go in.

"Otherwise, Lao Hu and I will explore the road first, see the situation, and call everyone back if there is no problem, with my skills, there is no need to worry about any danger." Feng Yuanqing said.

Professor Chen knew the situation of several people in his archaeological team, and the work of exploring the road was definitely not competent. I had to agree.

Yang Xueli had seen Feng Yuanqing's skills, magical spells, and should be able to deal with any danger easily, and agreed.

The fat man shouted that he would also go together, but was persuaded back by Hu Bayi.

I stepped over the stone bridge and got under the boulder gate.

There were also traces of explosives on the gate, probably the work of Mr. Walter's expedition.

Behind the gate, there is another narrow ramp that slopes down.

Feng Yuanqing threw the cold fireworks all the way down, and rolled all the way down for a long time before stopping, and the light was not very clear.

The two went down the ramp and reached the end.

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