Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 916: Results of Penance

These dozens of days of hard work, relying on the various blessings of Heaven and Man, the companionship of Xuan Nu, and Zhou Bai have been promoted again and again. His cultivation of Taoist martial arts can be described as a rapid progress.

Since leaving Dao School, Zhou Bai has fought around all the time. He has been running against various powerful enemies. He has hardly any time to work hard, consolidate the foundation, and explode all kinds of accumulated knowledge.

Until this time, he was finally able to retreat and practice hard, digest his various accumulations, and promote his hard power again.

"The five supernatural powers are indeed the supernatural powers that no one has been able to practice for hundreds of years after the heavens are distorted. The difficulty of cultivation is really too great."

"Even with my qualifications, it took me more than a month to cultivate it to the highest level and follow the elders' accomplishments on the five supernatural powers."

"If you want to go further, you must continue to improve the degree of Taoism."

Listening to Zhou Bai's self-confidence, the people on the side of Huang Jian also followed the point of the sword body and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "You have such a terrible talent. For so many years, I have never seen any human being capable of Have the speed of cultivation like you. "

Chu Zhi sighed: ‘how did this lunatic cultivate? Why in just one month, it was worth the hard work of ordinary monks for decades. If he wanted to continue to practice like this, for another ten years or eight years, maybe he could really win the deity and emperor. ’

‘Abominable, what the fairy **** in heaven is doing! Come hit him, if this madman really rules the world in the future ... ’

Just thinking about her treatment over the past few months, Ren Huangjian shuddered, especially in the past few decades. She often heard the process of Xuannv and Zhou Bai discussing the expansion of teaching, which made her feel more. Evil, Zhou Bai in her eyes has become a downright devil in her eyes.

At the same time, the violent thunder was brewing in the holes in Zhou Bai's body. During this period of hard work, his Tai Xuan Shen Thunder Breath has opened up to the 21st hole, and the Thunder contained in each hole is It can be converted into Yuanshen power at any time, which is equivalent to his current strength of 9,000 Yuans.

In other words, his Yuanshen power reserve has reached 21 times, and it can be used up 21 times to truly deplete the Yuanshen power.

You can also release these 21 Yuan Divine Power in one breath, which is equivalent to 21 shots at the same time.

However, this kind of simple elemental power stacking has no more power. It is far less powerful than the top Taoist martial arts. The greater effect of Taixuan Shen's thunder and breath is to increase the practitioner's energy reserve. Spent extravagant power.

In addition to Tai Xuanshen Thunder Breath, the other five supernatural powers Zhou Bai also worked hard and did not let go.

After his daily hard training, his aura of frozen phosgene has been able to freeze his range within a hundred meters for one second. Within this second, he is almost the master of this 100-meter circle, everything. To him it seemed like a pause.

‘One second may be too short for others, but it ’s enough for me. I have hundreds of tricks to play dead people in one second. ’

And Zhou Bai ’s **** flame fire dragon pattern can also condense eighteen black dragons, and the eighteen black dragons spit out flames, which can bring everything in the world to decay and chaos, even if it is based on the defense ability of white If sprayed like this for a long time, it will gradually begin to age, and even eventually die.

‘Every spray of these eighteen black dragons is -1-1-1. ’

The thought of others hitting their own blood and killing others by themselves, Zhou Bai felt that it was really cost-effective to practice this **** flame dragon pattern.

Just these eighteen black dragons, it is estimated that there is no immortal **** who knows the details and will be willing to resist.

As a holy method for healing, Zhou Bai has not been deeply cultivated because he has always been lazy and healed.

But this time, in order to balance the five supernatural powers, and to prepare for the single-player cast of mixed stars, Zhou Bai also worked **** the rebirth method.

This healing sacred law is to summon one's physical information from the void, and then reconstitute the material with energy to reproduce the peak state of the past. No matter how severe the injury is, as long as the energy reserve is sufficient, it can be recovered.

When it comes to energy reserves, it is the strength of Tai Xuanshen Thunder Breath.

The two supernatural powers cooperate with each other, allowing Zhou Bai to recover immediately even if his body is severely damaged, and relying on Tai Xuan Shen's thunderous power reserve, it is enough for Zhou Bai to recover from a serious injury to his peak state more than ten times.

As for the Tianhe Starburst Sword that Zhou Bai used most smoothly, it is becoming more and more sophisticated, one thousand miles away.

With one sword, it is enough to reverse the gravitational change of several kilometers, can turn the mountains into valleys, and turn the sea into plains, which has the power to truly move from mountain to sea.

The Tianhe Xinghe Sword ’s unique skill in the creation of the Xinghe collapse is even more powerful. If the power of Zhou Bai ’s collapse was equivalent to a small nuclear warhead, then the blast of this sword by Zhou Bai now can cause tens of millions. The effect of a ton-equivalent nuclear bomb explosion really turned a city into ruins in one blow.

If you use the mad map to fully bless before the move, the power will be even more shocking, but even Zhou has not tried it carefully, because it is likely to cause a magnitude 8 earthquake or even a tsunami and volcanic eruption. It not only destroys the environment, but also easily attracts the attention of other forces.

In addition to the five supernatural powers, other Qihaiwanbing have invisible evil spirits, Jiutiandang magic thunder tactics, purple Qi casting lightsaber, Tianjian swordsmanship and other martial arts skills have been practiced hard by Bai Bai, pushing it to immortal God level.

Just then, a few dark shadows flew into the room, and Zhou Bai smiled with delight: "Kristina, your equipment is here."

Kristina, who was lying on Primitive Dojo 07, raised her head curiously, and saw several cat-sized steel mechas appearing in front of them.

These are all armor-type mechanical dependents that Zhou Bai made exclusively for Christina, all of whom have been shared the ability to lie like a sea, and have amazing defensive power.

When Kristin saw the armor, she jumped up happily: "Give me?"

Zhou Bai nodded: "Well, in the future battles with Heaven, you may also want to make a shot, so I want to make an armor for you in case you don't need it."

Kristina put on the armor, but found that the entire cat shrank into a ball, like a ball: "Is the shape of this armor a little strange! Why can't I stand up straight?"

"Not surprising, not surprising at all, this is the armor form that is best suited for battle after my careful calculation."

When Zhou Bai thought, the ubiquitous gravity pulled the armor up and down, watching the metal ball-shaped armor move freely as his mind changed, Zhou Bai secretly said: 'Kristina shared my Lie like sea power, after putting on the armor, the defense is almost the same as when I was in the sixth state. ’

‘In this way, it can usually be used as a floating gun that will launch the five supernatural powers. It can also be used as a shield at critical moments to block attacks for me. ’

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