Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 917: Nine Realms

Watching Christine's fun after wearing the mechanical armor, Zhou reminded: "Well, stop playing, go back and practice the original Dao Zang 07, this time has not reached the seventh level, Your qualifications are too bad, but I broke through to seventh place in a few minutes. "

Kristina pinched her lips, cursed in the wall, and finally could only go back silently to the original Dao Zang.

After a long while, she could not help but explain in her mouth: "My qualifications are already very strong. It is impossible for a monk to break into the seventh realm. It is impossible in a few years and a few years. How long will I cultivate? "

Zhou Bai said: "Look at the left, how much have you been gone before? Now it's the eighth state, and you can break through to the ninth state anytime, anywhere, leaving you far behind."

Christina refused to be convinced: "It's not because you gave him pressure, and it gave me the ability to lie down like a sea? Why should I have such a high defense force? I might as well upgrade my qualifications."

Zhou Bai: "Isn't it to protect you. With the ability to lie down like the sea, your life-saving ability is greatly enhanced. Don't say this, when can you break through the 70%?

Kristina raised her face: "I don't know why. It's like a bottleneck. I can't always get the last 1%, and the degree of Taoism has always been stuck at 69%."

Zhou Bai: "You have to practice hard every day like me, and you have already practiced it. There is still more than a week to get married, and the situation will be very complicated. We need more strength."

"Next, until the day of the big wedding, you are not allowed to stop practicing until the realm breaks through to the seventh realm."

After educating Christina well, and sending the other party to continue to practice, Zhou began to practice hard again.

Just then, Xuan Nu suddenly said, "Zhou Bai, Zuo Dao called you, and he said that he had entered the ninth state."

Zhou Bai opened his eyes violently, and in the middle of his eyes, the thunder exploded, and he laughed: "Okay! Zuo Dao entered the ninth state, which means that I can finally open the treasure house of Zuo Jia and get the original Dao Zang 08!" "

When Zhou Bai was breathing a sigh of relief and wanted to improve his strength, the fastest way was the original Dao Zang 08, but because this requires the cultivation of the ninth realm on the left, he can only wait for the other side to cultivate , And he practiced martial arts in secret behind closed doors.

At this moment when he heard that Zuo Dao stepped into the ninth state, he stood up and planned to take Zuo Dao to the left treasure house immediately.


Just when Zhou Bai and Zuo Dao started their actions, in the distant heavenly courts, they belonged to the Wanxing Tiangong of Doube.

A fairy wearing a white robe sits in the air, surrounded by stars, and can see various astrological manifestations from time to time.

This man is Deng Zhenjun of the Ministry of Fighting. At the moment he is practicing Daoist, and hastened his time to resume his cultivation.

In the past two months, most of the immortals in the heavenly courts have been seizing the time to practice retreat, and they have recovered their cultivation through the algorithm of Taiji Jiuyi.

After more than a hundred years of distorting the heavenly path, the cultivation of a well-known fairy **** finally began to recover by leaps and bounds. More and more fairy gods have entered the 130% degree of Taoism and reopened their own Luo heaven.

And some powerful immortals have even impacted 140% or more than 150% of Taoism.

Although Deng Zhenjun does not belong to the most powerful group of immortals, at the moment, the degree of Taoism has also reached 139%, which is impacting the realm of 140%.

Then he saw faint black figures appearing behind him. These black figures struggled hard and screamed as if they were trying to get out of his body.

With the vision on his body, Deng Zhenjun's face kept changing, as if crying and laughing, as if another person was fighting for control of his body.

After a long time, Deng Zhenjun's eyes suddenly burst out, and the light in the entire practice room suddenly distorted, but his breath disappeared completely.

With the disappearance of the breath, Deng Zhenjun's body also disappeared, and appeared ten meters away after a while.

Just such a process of disappearing and reappearing, but can not see the slightest fireworks, everything is so natural, as if he just took a step.

"Finally, the degree of Taoism has been restored to 140%. Luo Tian moved without trace. Without opening the gate, he can directly hit the physical world in Luo Tianjie, and there are no flaws."

Deng Zhenjun breathed out a sigh of relief. After the degree of Taoism was 140%, the gap between the immortal **** and other weak people was further widened, just like the nature.

With the ability to fight the physical world in Luo Tianjie, this level of immortal **** has an absolute advantage against any life below 140%.

‘From now on, no one can threaten me, except for the fairy gods who are above 140% Taoism. ’

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a smile of satisfaction, Deng Zhenjun has started to cultivate again, consolidating his current state.

Five hours later, he suddenly frowned, and slowly opened his eyes: "The left is moving? Is he planning to go to the left treasure house?"

Regardless of whether it was Zuo Dao or his brother Zuo Lu, Deng Tianjun personally arranged in the bucket.

The reason why he did this naturally is not to train the two left family children, but to purely for the left family treasure house.

Therefore, regardless of Zuo Dao or Zuo Lu's body, all were planted by Deng Zhenjun without notice, a Taoist technique that allows him to sense the position of the two at all times.

When Zuo left before, he also felt that the other party had left, but he did not shoot at that time.

On the one hand, it was because Zuodao went to Donghua City at the time, and it didn't seem to go to Zuojia Treasury.

According to Deng Zhenjun's knowledge, the Zuojia Treasury was not located in Donghua City, but somewhere deep underground.

On the other hand, it was because Deng Tianjun had not repaired much at that time, whether it was escorting the left moon Mingren, or the bright and bright of Donghua City, or even the whites that might be hidden in Donghua City, he had no confidence to win. .

At this moment, Deng Zhenjun sensed the change in the position of the left lane, and found that the other party went north after leaving Donghua City, and the direction to go was not the direction of any city.

"Huh? Is Zuodao going to open the treasure house of Zuojia? But isn't this treasure house to be opened only in the ninth realm of Zuojia descendants?"

Deng Zhenjun frowned slightly, some could not guess the intention of the left, and he decided to report the matter up.

After a while, Deng Zhenjun came to one of the Douban Tianjun, Beidou Tianjun.

It was the prince of the fighting department who ordered Deng Zhenjun to interfere with the growth of Zuo Lu and Zuo Dao, and had a deep interest in Zuo Jiabao.

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