Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 921: Star radiation

Feeling the aftermath of the stars' radiation escaping and being blocked by the overlapping of his robe and magic weapon, Deng Zhenjun was shocked in his heart: "The power of the aftermath alone is equivalent to a volcanic eruption every second."

"And in the center ..." Deng Zhenjun slightly sensed, there was a feeling that the Yuanshen power was disintegrated, and his heart was even more shocked: "I am afraid that every minute and every second is equivalent to walking on the sun and receiving thousands. Thousands of big Japanese flames. "

"Unless this kind of destructive power is hidden in Luo Tianjie, otherwise few people can stop it today."

"And White ..."

Looking at Zhou Bai, which was gradually engulfed and disappeared under the radiation of stars, Deng Zhenjun secretly said, "... will never be here."

Zuo Lu behind Beidou Tianjun sighed and looked at the sound of Zhou Bai and Zuo Dao engulfed by the starlight, a sorrow flashed in his eyes.

He closed his eyes slowly: ‘From now on, I ’m the only one left in the Zuo family. ’

But at the next moment, along with the star radiation slowly dissipating, two figures emerged slowly in the endless starlight.

Zhou Bai patted the invisible dust on the Nether Dragon Armor, crooked his head and said, "That's it?"

Seeing the appearance of Zhou Bai, the other four people were surprised.

In particular, Deng Zhenjun and ** Zhenjun, they are very aware of the terrifying power of the extraterrestrial star map. Even if they were so bombarded by the star radiation in the position just white, they would be seriously injured even if they did not die.

But now Zhou Bai looks unscathed?

After seeing the left path unharmed, they were even more shocked.

Deng Zhenjun's face was inconceivable: "It's not just Zhou Bai himself ... he even saved the left?"

His gaze was constantly on the crown of the void, and similar things appeared on the sky, but it was definitely not as scary as the defense shown today.

‘What magic weapon is this, and what is it? Why have I never heard of it? ’

Beidou Tianjun raised his eyebrows, folded his hands and turned into a formula, countless starlights circulated on the tips of his two fingers.

"Hum, see how long you can last."

The next moment, the radiating stars spread again, and turned directly into a beam of light, engulfing the figures of Zhou Bai and Zuo Dao again.

This time the star radiation lasted for a full three minutes. The hot starlight was enough to blind people's eyes, and even the scattered light was extremely destructive, making everyone present had to retreat and retreat directly. At the boundary of the third treasure house.

boom! A jade pendant on Deng Zhenjun could not withstand this terrible star radiation, and burst suddenly. He quickly started another magic weapon, his face was shocked: "Good terrible star radiation, this distortion weapon seems to be more powerful than in the past. Strong. "

Three minutes later, when the radiation of the stars slowly dissipated again, Deng Zhenjun felt that the horoscopes around the nine-day star map all faded slightly.

No one at the scene felt that anyone could survive such a terrorist attack.

But after the star radiation completely dissipated, Zhou Bai and Zuo Dao continued to appear unharmed in front of everyone.

Beidou Tianjun's eyes couldn't help flashing a tinge of astonishment. For three minutes, the stars radiated, even a mountain range was ashes.

'……how is this possible? Eating star radiation for three minutes like this, can it still be harmless? ’

Zuo Dao faced the rest of his life, and the horror radiated by the stars was almost contaminated by Yuan Shen's power. Fortunately, Zhou Bai stopped him.

There is also this armor on him. Originally he already knew that this armor was very strong in defense, but he did not expect it to be so strong.

Under the impact of the continuous star radiation, the void crown could not be resisted in full, and there would always be scattered attacks sweeping his body, but they were blocked by the armor on him, and almost did not hurt him.

Zhou Bai's side was not as easy as he showed. The opponent's move was really powerful. He replaced a total of twelve in the void crown alone.

‘Good Taoism, if it ’s not for me with more than a hundred void crowns, I ’m afraid I can only resist with my body. ’

'Daoshu with such powerful power, an ordinary fairy **** like Yan Zhenjun is estimated to be killed by a few times if I can't support it. If I use my body to resist it ... I'm afraid it will burn out the hair on the whole body and the body surface is serious. Sunburn and become a black man. ’

‘This technique is too powerful to keep him attacking. ’

Feeling terrible when you think about it, the power of Yuan Shen on Zhou Bai's body twitched fiercely.

Kristina snorted: "Why don't you just kill him with all your energy!"

Zhou Bai: "I haven't played with fairy gods for two months. I rarely meet them. I have to play them a bit and familiarize myself with the current level of strength of the gods, so that I won't lose money when I fight a group of gods."

So in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Zhou Bai sighed loudly. The Emperor's sword in his hand had flashed a dazzling sword light, like the sun rising from his sword.

"A sword has been sharpened in ten years, and Frost Blade has never tried it. Whoever is wrong with Shijun today?"

Number of attacks +3

Attack Power * 3

Mind oppression bonus!

Attack pain bonus!

Fear effect bonus!

Continuous attack increase!


This is the first time that Zhou Bai launched the Genesis Galaxy collapse in the stored-energy mode. Under a series of **** map bonuses, the power of this sword continued to break through the peak, and momentum surged after wave, void. A large number of forces are constantly flowing, accumulating, and compressing.

Jian Guang continued to spread, and in a blink of an eye he had completely engulfed Bai's body, and then continued to expand! expansion! expansion!

It looks like the last burst before the star was dying.

This sword reached a state that Zhou Bai had never reached.

Everyone at the scene looked at the dazzling sword light, instinctively raising a deep bone marrow fear in their hearts.

It was the fear of the end for all life, the fear of the sun bursting.

The boiling light and heat continued to radiate without a sword. Along with the boiling of imagination and the power of the void, the body of Deng Zhenjun and ** Zhenjun was a series of explosive sounds. Each magic weapon exploded directly into the air and became powder.

The two great gods exclaimed, and then they retreated, hiding in Luo Tianjie.

On the other side, Beidou Tianjun looked at Zhou Bai in an incredible way, and his heart was also shocked: ‘Tianhe Xing burst sword? Can Tianhe Starburst Sword be pushed to this level? This sword is ten times more powerful than the Tianhe Starburst Sword that Jiao Jiao casts? ’

‘This is the Taoism that a person who practices for two years can perform? ’

The next moment, with the fall of Zhou Bai, Mantian Jianguang began to burst, a devastating breath permeated in the third treasure house, just like smashing a sun in his hand.

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