Calamity of Tomorrow

Vol 8 Chapter 922: Madman Stance

Where Jian Guang passed, everything collapsed, and even the dust in the air was smashed layer by layer to become the most basic atomic structure.

It seems that all the substance of the entire third treasure house will be transformed into the purest light and heat.

Looking at the sword that was falling apart, Beidou Tianjun gritted his teeth, manipulated the star map of the outer space, rolled up the starry sky and smashed towards Jianguang.

At the same time, the tactics in his hands changed, and a series of eighteen Taoism told Shi to unfold, turning into a series of starlight dragons blasting towards the galaxy.

However, the strength of the two sides collided slightly, and Beidou Tianjun changed his face. He felt that his Taoism instantly collapsed, and the power of the radiating stars was steadily declining. Almost in a blink of an eye, he would be blasted into ordinary light and heat. .

With a sigh, knowing that he couldn't take on Zhou's move, Beidou Tianjun had to pull Zuo Lu back into Luo Tianjie together.

The next moment, Jianguang tore the starry sky, and the stars of the nine-day star chart were shattered, just like the endless universe starry sky ushered in another big explosion, which shattered the entire starry sky.

As Jianguang finally dissipated, Zuo Da widened his eyes and found that he and Zhou Bai had recovered the blue space of the third treasure house.

'Won? ’A flash of joy flashed on Zuo Dao ’s face:‘ Zhou Bai ’s sword just hit Fairy God with no power to fight back. ’

But before the joy on his face was fully revealed, silver-white flying swords had already taken the light of the sword, and severely chopped on the crown of the void. The sword ring collided, and immediately sparkled the sky.


Each silver light was like a shooting star, turning into a sword array, strangling towards Zhou Bai and Zuodao.

Zuodao was surprised: "They hid in Luo Tianjie?"

With a frown, Zhou Bai controlled the crown of the void to block out the sword lights, and felt the sword lights sharp and unparalleled, the power surging, and the starlight radiating with a sense of death.

This is the Wanhua Falling Star Sword Formation of the Douban Department, but it is the scene of the meteor shower in the universe. Each bit of Feijian in the Sword Formation is made by collecting extraterrestrial meteorites and sacrificing the traces of meteor ideas.

In particular, the Wanhua Falling Star Sword Formation and Tianhen Feijian are sword arrays and flying swords that have been cultivated by all the gods in the fighting department. One Zhengshen can cast, and multiple Zhengshen can also cast together. The larger the number, The power will increase geometrically multiples.

The sword array in front of him was obviously cast by Beidou Tianjun, Deng Zhenjun and ** Zhenjun together.

In Luo Tianjie, Beidou Tianjun looked coldly at the light in front of him. It was the scene that Zhou Bai was being besieged by the sword array, and he sighed in his heart: 'Good for a week, just relying on this hand Tianhe Xing burst sword, you The destructive power is enough to rival any Tianjun. ’

‘But it ’s not an immortal god. The degree of Taoism does not exceed 140%. After all, it ’s just ants. ’

The killing in his eyes is pervasive, as if condensed into a substance: ‘But it will not allow him to continue to grow, otherwise he will continue to cultivate with this talent, and all the positive gods may become the appearance of Xiang Tian enemies in the future. ’

Daodao Feijian fiercely rubbed against the void crown, bursting with a surging air wave and spark.

Deng Zhenjun was shocked and said, "This magic weapon has amazing defense power, and it has completely surpassed the magic weapon of the Nine Realms. Is it a distorted weapon?"


Under the piercing of numerous flying swords, a void crown burst into cracks, and the defense force continued to weaken.

** Jun Jun: "This magic weapon's defense ability is not perfect, he can't carry it."

As soon as Zhou Bai spit out, another void crown was spit out, and it started and changed instantly, covering their bodies.

Beidou Tianjun said coldly: "It is impossible for him to have too many such powerful magic weapons. If he keeps besieging him, he will not last long."

Zuo Lu, watching this scene, sighed in his heart, knowing that all three gods had returned to Luo Tianjie and stood invincible. At the same time, the Douban Sword Array was released together, and it was necessary to join forces of the three to surround Zhou Bai.

‘Luo Tianjie ... does not succeed in immortal gods, does not master Luotian Taoism, no matter how powerful his talents are, no matter how powerful the magic weapon and armor in his hand, facing the immortal gods, that is, the stronger ants, he has no qualification to fight back. ’

Combining the power of the three great gods and performing the Wanhua Falling Star Sword Array, under this meteor-like flying sword strangulation, the white void crown exploded one after another and was cut open one by one by the sword light.

Watching one after another the void crowns were broken open, the left channel was also anxious: "Zhou Bai! What should we do? They hid in Luo Tianjie and were already invincible, let's escape!"

"Not in a hurry." The Emperor Sword in Zhou Bai's hand floated slowly: "Let the sword fly for a while."

Kristina said with excitement: "White! What next move! Will he be able to kill him?"

Zhou Bai: "It's almost the same. I already know about the standard of immortal gods now."

With the passage of time, the power of the Wanhua Falling Star Sword Array manipulated by the three major gods has become more and more powerful, and the elemental power of the three major gods has continued to bless into the sword array.

Under the layered sword light strangulation, one void crown after another burst into pieces, and pieces of debris were scattered in every corner of the third treasure house.

In just ten minutes, Zhou Bai consumed more than fifty void crowns, beating metal fragments everywhere on the ground.

Beidou Tianjun, Deng Zhenjun, and ** Zhenjun all looked at this scene inconceivably. There was only one idea in their hearts.

‘How many magic weapons have been created this week? ’

Beidou Tianjun said: "Continue! Zhou Bai must rely on the power of the demon to find a lot of materials from the ruins of mankind to make magic weapons, so that he can create so many, but in any case, this magic weapon is never infinite. endless."

The man in front of Zhou Bai looked at this scene, his heart secretly anxious: "Come on! You must win the big devil in Zhou Bai!"

When he arrived in the tenth minute, Zhou Bai's eyes flashed lightly: ‘the stored-charge mode has reached its maximum value, and the power of my next strike will increase five times. ’

‘Next, as long as you can hit the fairy gods in Luo Tianjie. ’

‘The power that I am best at now is…’

Zhou Bai breathed out a sigh of breath, and a black gas diffused all over his body. At the same time, along with the bubbling sound of grunts, a large piece of black mud poured out from Zhou Bai's body surface. , Constantly spreading out in all directions.

Zealot posture opens!

The endless series of Guihai Heixa continually poured out from Zhou Bai's body, polluting everything in the material world.

Zhou Bai's pupils gradually disappeared, and her eyes became dark.

His hair also turned into a black flame, and the air around him seemed to be opened one by one, accompanied by the sound of grunting, a large number of Heihai Hesha emerged out of thin air.

It was as if the spring eyes of Guihai Heisha had been opened in the air.

At the same time, two void cracks spread across the back of Zhou Bai, like a black cross, floating behind Zhou Bai. Endless void power is constantly flowing out of it and poured into the physical world. in.

At this moment, Zhou Bai directly has unlimited physical strength, unlimited energy, unlimited pollution, and an upper limit for unlimited pollution.

Every second passed, the black flame on his head burned more vigorously, the void cracks and crosses behind him spread more, and the Heihaiquan eyes in Guihai also generated more.

If, after a hundred seconds, Zhou Bai does not withdraw from the madman's posture, he will become a permanent source of pollution, and the piece of material world will be forever a part of the void.

And with this amazing change in Zhou Bai, the three major gods present can feel the sharp changes in the scene environment, and the pulse of the void rises wildly.

Even in Luo Tianjie, they all felt like they were facing Daozang every second.

If I come to Zhou Bai, I'm afraid every second is equivalent to reading a volume of Daozang.

The power of the void is crazily corrupting their hearts.

"Hold on!" Beidou Tianjun drank: "He can't attack us in Luo Tianjie! As long as we stick to our heart and our hearts are not corrupted, there is no danger ..."

But the next moment, I saw Zhou Bai's eyes pierced through the Wanhua Falling Star Sword array in the attitude of the madman. It seemed that he had seen the changes in the formation method and saw the primal power carried on the mouth of Feijian.

‘These gods are also using their own Yuanshen power to manipulate the flying sword and bless the sword array, and the Yuanshen power is connected to the Yuanshen. ’

Then I saw Zhou Bai said indifferently: "In front of me, there is no absolutely safe place, and your Luo Tianjie is the same."

Immediately after that, Zhou Bai reached out and grabbed, and his sturdy palm had slammed a flying sword into his hand.

Forced to materialize!


Then I saw the invisible mass of Yuanshen power on Feijian trembled suddenly, turned into a piece of metal-like material, was caught by Zhou Bai in his hand, all the way into the air.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, didn't understand what this capability was, and what it meant.

"The man is as dead-hearted as he is, looking at the test hands, making up for the cracks in the sky."

The next moment I saw Zhou Bai exhaling, and the wind blew up and down all over the body, setting off a shockwave in the sky, like the legendary ancient giant demon who attacked the heavenly courts, exuding violent unparalleled momentum and breaking through the clouds.

At the same time, the breath of twenty-one acupuncture points soared into the sky, his bones and muscles exploded, pushing his physical condition to the peak.

Immediately after the explosion of Tianhe Xingjian Sword, the Emperor Sword in his hand tore the atmosphere and made a howling cry like a ghost crying. This sword fell like Jiutian Yinhe, and struck fiercely on the physical elemental power.

Forced knockback! Forced penetration! launch!


I saw that the location of the entity's elemental power was smashed, and then the remaining part was trembling all the way. It shook all the way along the entity's elemental power and passed quickly, submerged into the air.

In Luo Tianjie, Beidou Tianjun flashed a horror and screamed. He only felt a terrible horror, difficult to calculate, difficult to resist, and the indescribable power passed along with his elemental power, directly at him. Blasted among the gods.


Zuo Lu's eyes widened violently, and the Beidou Tianjun in front of him exploded with blood from the sky. The whole person seemed to be run over by an invisible mountain, and his body retreated back and forth, his body blurred with blood. The breath quickly fell down.

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