Too Early

Chapter 131: Fulong Zhenlong

Among the people who besieged the madness, the most powerful ones still reach the twenty leaves, and the power that can appear in this water house is the ultimate!

The worst is the cultivator of the fairy tale of the ten seedlings!

These people have used their own means and skills, some have manipulated the beasts, some have applied spiritual methods, and some people with rich family have frequently used the spirits to launch attacks. They hope that they will grab the things and not give them to the same door. Get rid of it!

"The mouse generation!" Zhang was in the middle of the crowd, exuding a arrogant atmosphere from the inside out, and everyone looked at the ants, raising his hand, 'Fulong' was vacated by his wide-breasted sleeves, the deafening dragon The surrounding buildings were slightly trembling, and all kinds of beasts showed a hint of fear in this instinct. The violent offensive paused in an instant, and several besieged disciples repeatedly urged the spirit to drive the beast.

The impact of the number of beasts on the body of the dragon, it is enough to easily hit a stone house into the power of powder, bombardment on the body of the dragon is like a banyan tree, saying it is almost itchy, huge Fulong The body was hit, but even half of the points were not moved, and the dragon tail was broken, and the beast was broken!

More than a dozen fairy seedlings, more than ten leaves and even twenty leaves of the immortal at the same time siege, even can not get a madness of a fairy seedlings ten leaves, but also from time to time someone was killed by his control of Fulong.

Ye Yiming was also attracted by the picture of Qianli Mirror. When he saw the dragon of Zhang Lian, his face was suddenly stunned and shouted: "This mad dragon! Although this is not a real dragon, but this is not a real dragon, but The worst is also the embarrassment. The weakest dragon is born with the strength of the fairyland. Where did he get the dragon's soul to make Fulong? And he can control the strength of this tyrannical dragon... How deep is this? The beastly surgery!"

The images from the thousands of mirrors are very clear, and the momentum of each person is vividly transmitted, and even the eyes of the mad blood are clearly seen.

"When you look at his eyes, he is so **** red, and he is full of arrogance, killing people and not being soft, how to look like a person who is a fairy seedling!" Ye Yiming said very strangely, When watching the madness waving Fulong, the dozens of people who besieged him were killed by cutting vegetables and chopping vegetables one by one, and they were surprised to be confused.

"Is it really a fairy tales?" Ye Yiming said: "I see him like this, suspecting that he is possessed by the demon, or controlled by the demon lord!"

Ye Yiming’s words have not yet been lost. Zhang Yang, who has killed all of the more than 10 people, suddenly opened his arms and looked up at the sky. He greeted the **** rain of the sky and said: “By you also want to kill me to win the treasure? I am crazy, the son of heaven, no On the purple species! I am not obeying the rules of the beginning, the friendship of the same door!

After Zhang’s screaming, there was a burst of weather on his body. This kind of momentum is familiar to both Qin Haoxuan and Ye Yiming – Zhang Ye is in the battle for a long leaf!

"Long leaves in battle!? This is really terrible..." Ye Yiming and Qin Haoxuan face each other, and they dare not look at the slaughter of more than a dozen people, but they grow out of the madness of Xianye!

Don't say that they haven't seen each other. The entire early teaching, including the teaching, has never seen or even heard of it. Someone can advance to the long leaves in battle!

After Zhang was promoted to the 11th leaf environment, he continued to sway in the water house. Qin Haoxuan looked at the strange scene over there. He suspected that he was still far away from himself. He continued to push the mirror and search for other people.

Looking for a long time, another familiar figure appeared in the mirror, purple species Li Jing.

Li Jing was in a beautifully decorated room. He found a ban in this room. The ban was floating in the air, protecting a long-eyed dark red medicinal herb and a dark yellow color. The book scroll, this banned light red light curtain sparkling.

After Li Jing discovered this medicinal herb and the ancient book, he immediately felt very unusual. The medicinal medicine in the ban was lingering, and the scent of medicine that escaped from the ban was ruthless, and it smelled refreshing. The spirit is multiplied, and the ancient books in it are more unusual. The silk is smothered from the ancient books, and the yellow light is turned into a golden dragon, surrounded by the ancient books.

Li Jing, who has been studying with Junjie for three months, has made great progress in the discovery of medicinal herbs. He recognized the unusualness of this unknown medicinal drug at a glance, and was also protected by an artificial ban. the value of.

And that ancient book roll is even more!

A younger brother who is good at seeing and seeing the eyes sees the light that Li Jing reveals in his eyes. He immediately volunteered himself and tried his best to attack the ban, but even the light curtain of this ban was not shaken.

Several other younger brothers saw each other and took turns one by one, but the outcome failed without exception.

At this time, a younger brother took out a magical symbol of the fairy seedlings from his arms. This is the life-saving charm that he bought when he spent a large amount of money. As long as he can break the ban, he will take this medicinal medicine and get it. Li Jing is happy, the future is boundless!

He urged the spiritual power to inject into the charm, and after the spirits were broken, the majestic spirits poured out and swiftly attacked the ban.

The banned light curtain attacked by Xian Miaojing Shiye Lingfu was only slightly trembled. After shaking, it still firmly guarded the medicinal herb and the book.

Seeing this scene, Qin Haoxuan was a little surprised. Although the intensity of this ban is not as good as the ban on the stalactites last night, it is obviously not broken by ordinary people. He is very much looking forward to how Li Jing will break this ban. .

Li Jing took an exquisite compass from his arms. After a careful look, he called these little brothers together, let them stand a strange formation, and quickly took out more than ten Lingshi and one from their arms. Put the yellow symbol on the ground regularly. When he puts it all together, he takes out the compass from his arms and calculates whether the orientation is correct. He also adjusted the position of several Lingshi.

"Remember, don't move in the same place!" After Li Jingbu had a good battle, he did not explain more to them. He began to run the spiritual power directly and began to drive the array.

When the spirit of Li Jing pinched the law, Li Jing escaped from him and was pure and pure.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the posture of this formation and seemed to be somewhat similar to the gathering of Wuyi placed on the bright side last night. Ye Yiming, who was watching together, already recognized the formation. He said with amazement: "This name is called Polyphagous and Gathering are similar, but they are more powerful than Gathering. It can bring together the spiritual power of these people and gain the bonus under the influence of the formation. However, Li Jing’s current strength is weak and complete. He can't make a polyphasic array, and his polyphasic array is simplified, and the effect is still slightly different from the real poly-fat."

After Qin Haoxuan listened, he was secretly shocked. This time, Li Jing was not white for three months. He actually learned to arrange, and the array is not as simple as it seems on the surface. The number of the five elements is the foundation, and the knowledge of gossip must be proficient. According to the topography of the site, etc., if it is not arranged, it is a great fortune to be ineffective, and it is unfortunate that it is countered by the heavens and the earth...

Although Li Jing was careful when he was in the lineup, he was skillful and accurate. Although this polyphasic array was simplified, it was not simple to lay.

Closing the polyphasic array, Li Jing's proficient driving method, watching his pure gestures, knows that he has worked hard in the battle.

An obscure character floats from the ground and quickly absorbs the spiritual power of the cultivator. After the excessive use of the stone and the yellow paper, the spiritual power suddenly becomes several times. These spiritual powers follow the hand of Li Jing. Change and turn into a huge hammer.

About the time of the main incense, Li Jing, who stood at the core of the line of eyes, had already condensed a strong and powerful force. He snorted and waved these spiritual forces to slam the light red forbidden light curtain.

The light curtains that were attacked flashed in a flash of light, and the ban of the ban was almost broken, but after all, it was still a little worse. Li Jing was not discouraged. If the ban was opened so easily, the things inside would be too worthless. After working hard three times, I finally broke the ban when the younger brothers were exhausted.

"It's so powerful! It's a supreme purple!" Ye Yiming, who was also watching, couldn't help but sigh. With the spiritual power of Li Jing's younger brothers, it was impossible to support it for so long, but Li Jing changed the formation in the end. Strengthening the power of the cluster, this is a success! In order to make changes in the operation of the formation, not only do you need to be afraid of the resentful courage, very confident, but also have considerable luck.

Broken the ban, the medicinal medicinal scent is even more intense, and it will be filled in this spacious room for a moment. The smell of this medicinal scent will make the younger brothers who have consumed too much spiritual power in the body feel refreshed and feel The spirits of the gods have recovered a lot, and the ancient books with nine golden dragons fluttering around are even more unbearable. A powerful imperial mastery exudes from it, even if it is a royal Li Jing, he can’t help but give birth. The urge to worship.

In front of this ancient book, the younger brothers all fell asleep in the face of awe. They were the first to learn the immortals, and the realm of strength was too shallow to stand the momentum of this ancient book.

In the same awe and excitement, Li Jing carefully carefully removed the medicinal medicine that was still floating in the air, using the best jade bottle in his body, so as not to damage the potency of the medicinal medicine, and his hand just touched the ancient book. It was a trembling and the hands were shaking.

There are five hot stamping characters on the ancient book scroll.

[Overbearing true dragon 诀]!

Li Jingxin suddenly trembled He used to listen to his brother before the fairy magic war, there is a small scattered fairy even [hegemony true dragon decision] became the world's Yulong real person, but also established the royal The dragon teaches the Quartet, the world, the rare enemy!

It is rumored that this practice method has been cultivated to the highest level, and nine spiritual dragons can be condensed with spiritual power.

Looking at Li Jing's getting this practice, Ye Yiming also praised: "He is really lucky. If you want to rely on yourself to practice, I don't know how long it will take, but the predecessors who left this secret law have left a Really crazy!"

"The nine golden dragons are the golden dragons?"

"Yeah." Ye Yiming nodded and continued to observe Li Jing: "As long as he inhales the nine small golden dragons into the body, he can have a real dragon madness and then he can practice [hegemonic dragons]."

After Li Jing got the "Overbearing Real Dragonfly", he sent several younger brothers out to let them protect themselves for themselves, and they slowly started [hegemony dragons].

The nine golden dragons that had been entangled in the ancient books stopped to tumbling. After Li Jing opened the ancient books, a brain poured into Li Jing.


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