Too Early

Chapter 132: Palm River Stream

The average person is practicing such a high and powerful method, and often puts a ban on the law to prevent others from peeking, but Li Jing does not have a ban on the sneak peek, and his strength is not enough to ban the law. The magic weapon of Thousand Miles has been very rare. Li Jing did not expect anyone to have it.

After taking the real dragon madness, Li Jing once again took out the Dan who was in the arms.

He picked it up and opened the cork. The clear smell of a medicinal herb came out. It turned out to be a bottle of remedy, and the light could be known from the appearance and smell. This medicinal medicine is not ordinary.

A few of the younger brothers around Li Jing suddenly made a big slap in the face: "Li Shixiong is really the pride of the sky. If you just stroll around, you can get precious medicinal herbs. With the qualification of Master Li, eating these medicinal herbs will definitely be stronger!"

"There is also this cheat, it is really the creation of the heavens and the earth. It is so amazing that the momentum from the book is so amazing. After the practice of Master Li, how terrible it is!"

"Yes, the luck of Master Li is what we envy. There are still some time. I hope that I can get the legendary fairy treasure. When I say a Xu Yu in the district, I will even get a little madness. I’m sure I can’t catch up with you!”

"The fairy tales of Shuifu are definitely set for Master Li. Otherwise, after so many years have passed, how can anyone still get it?"

"When I was alone, I still didn't feel any scent. Since I met with Master Li, I followed Brother Lee. I felt a burst of temperament from time to time. It must be that Li brother is getting closer to the fairy tales. This feeling will be so strong."

"Lee brother, you said that this god, and this cheat, is it the legendary treasure of the water house?"

Li Jing slightly meditated and shook his head to: "No, this water palace is so amazing, the two treasures I got, compared with the biggest hidden fairy treasure hidden by it, certainly not worth mentioning!"

At this time, a younger brother shouted at the right time: "With the talent of Li’s brother, great luck, you will surely get the fairy treasure that envy many people!"

"Yes, Master Li is a genius who has been taken care of by heaven!"

Li Jingwei smiled and did not return, put this medicinal medicine into his arms, and took his one-vote younger brother and continued to wander around the water house. He secretly thought: This water house is so magical, it is already very good. No, the real fairy treasures should be so powerful!


Qin Haoxuan also urged Qianli Mirror and continued to search. This time he searched for a long time, and he finally saw a familiar person, Zhang Yang.

This Yang is using the [Kai Tian Yu] and a few secluded springs to fight, although a little embarrassed, but still slap in the face, not long after these souls are killed and vanished. Just when Zhang Yang just killed these ghosts, suddenly there was a **** and white crack in the bowl, and a black body with a length of two feet and a bucket-like black python was said to be a giant python. It was dark and not a little bit stunned, and the head was covered with dense eyes, sharp teeth, and a green saliva, which looked very disgusting.

As soon as it came out, Zhang Yang felt the pressure. This should be a meditation equivalent to the strength of the ten leaves of Xian Miao. After seeing it, Zhang Yang quickly jumped back and took out the charm from his arms. Throw away.

The filth was very agile, and when it was dodging, it spit out the green poisonous water. When it was hoisted several times, it was almost impossible to dodge by poisonous water. After the fake mountain boulder was sprayed with poisonous water, it was eroded out of a big hole.

"Good guy!" Zhang Yang lost four of the magical symbols of the fifteen leaves of the fairy seedlings. When he finally retired, he suddenly stood in the same place, avoiding the two poisonous waters spit out of the filth, and the hands were buckled. The magical symbol of the twenty leaves of the sacred seedlings was motivated.

The spiritual power burst open, condensed into a spear, pierced into the mouth of the corpse, and suddenly opened it to the intestines, and this imposing filth fell on the spot.

After Zhang Yang killed it, he continued to move forward. Although he used five charms, he didn't even look at his brows. Obviously, his family is very rich!

Qin Haoxuan looked at it, secretly, these special fairy disciples have their own cards, and they will be able to show up in the water house. He suddenly thought, what kind of cards will Xu Yu’s sister have?

Qin Haoxuan had the interest to flip the mirror, but the spiritual power needed to motivate the same magic weapon is too great, not to mention the search and toss that he turned over and over again. It didn’t take long for Qin Haoxuan to feel that the body was ineffective, in order to guarantee this dangerous water house. I am always at the peak state, enough to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations, so Qin Haoxuan immediately meditation after exhausting some spiritual power.

After restoring the spiritual power, Qin Haoxuan continued to search. After thousands of mirrors changed the countless scenes, Xu Yu’s familiar face finally appeared.

Xu Yu and Luo Jinhua also held hands when they came in, so they stayed together. They were in a relatively empty yard. At this time, Luo Jinhua and Xu Yuzheng were dignified and surrounded by nearly twenty ghosts. I played very hard while playing and fighting.

It took about one time for the main fragrance, and the two of them filled the souls.

"Sister, there are three waves of ghosts and a phantom in the vicinity. I think it is very unusual." Xu Yu frowned, said to Luo Jinhua: "I vaguely felt an inexplicable traction, want to guide me away." go there."

Xu Yu pointed to a large waterhole in front, the sky above the water pool, the lotus pond was blooming in the water pool, and a fountain with a high height was sprayed in the pool. From time to time, several unknown fish jumped out of the water and appeared in the warm sunshine. Leisurely and contented.

Luo Jinhua said without hesitation: "Since there is such a strange traction, then we will go and see, maybe it is a fairy tales!"

The two of them walked toward the waterhole, but they were only a hundred feet away. However, on the way to the Baizhang Road, they encountered two groups of ghosts that suddenly came out from the cracks in time and space. Luo Jinhua was excited while fighting. Maybe Xu Yu would touch It’s not a legendary treasure in the water house, but it’s quite a bad thing.

They killed the last Wraith, and then they went to the water pool. Luo Jinhua was seriously stunned and there was no abnormality, but Xu Yu closed his eyes and carefully felt for a while, and said to Luo Jinhua: "Sister, in the fountain There is something on it."

Luo Jinhua was secretly surprised. He looked carefully at the top of the pool and found that in the mist, there was a glimpse of a black shadow. If it was not like Xu Yu, it could not be found by the naked eye.

"Sister, I went to take a sputum." Xu Yu said to Luo Jinhua, while concentrating the spirit, ready to use the light body Lingbo microsteps to step on the surface of the water, to take the thing to see.

Luo Jinhua quickly stopped: "No, this water house is extraordinarily weird this year. There may be a conspiracy trap, or a monster beast. You can't take a risk. My combat experience is higher than you. The strength is also stronger than you, I will help you to pick it up."

Xu Yu looked at Luo Jinhua’s face with a firm and determined look. He had to say, "Well, there is a teacher."

Luo Jinhua condenses spiritual power and applies light body technique. Lingbo microsteps step on the water, as if it is a fairy goddess.

This light body technique is an upgraded version of the martial arts martial arts. It is a low-level spiritual method that can make you become lighter and swift, speeding up the walking speed. Generally, the cultivator will use it because it consumes a lot of energy, short-term walking or use. It is ok to cross the river and cross the river, but it is not suitable for long journeys.

Luo Jinhua was just close to the fountain. The calm water pool suddenly turned into a wave. The fountain with the thickness of the adult arm turned into the thickness of the bucket. Then the water column was like a living, turning into a huge otter, facing Luo Jinhua. Biting away, Luo Jinhua was shocked and stunned. He immediately condensed [opening the sky], blocked the water from biting and was not injured, but the body was broken back to the shore like a broken kite.

"Sister, sister, you are fine..." Xu Yu walked over and smashed the water, and coughed, and was obviously helped by some minor injuries.

Luo Jinhua shook his head and said: "I am fine, but this pool is inexplicably eccentric, dangerous and dangerous..."

Xu Yu said: "When you were attacked, the sensor that appeared in my heart seemed to be stronger."

"Xu Shimei, you must not be in danger, just now I am a living example."

"No, my sister, I decided to take a trip." Xu Yu refused steadily: "This feeling has just become stronger, and maybe there is a big secret hidden."

The resoluteness revealed by Xu Yu’s eyes made Luo Jinhua helpless. He said, “That’s your own care. If it’s not right, come back immediately.”

Xu Yu nodded and responded. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and he picked up the light body and approached the pool.

In fact, it’s not Xu Yu’s greed. At this time, Xu Yu is thinking, if there is any fairy tales hidden here, I will gain strength afterwards, and I can help and protect Hao Xuan’s brother more in the future. Everyone is afraid to bully him!

Xu Yu is alone in danger. Here, Qin Haoxuan, who is clearly seen from Qianli Mirror, all mentions the eyes of the scorpion. With the strength of the 20-leaf of Luo Jinhuaxian Miaojing, just close to the fountain, the fountain turns into a puddle. Attacking her, even she was injured, Xu Yu is only the fairy seedlings of the eight leaves, how to resist the power of the water.

Including Luo Jinhua, they all stood by the water pool and looked at them. They were ready to rush to support.

Surprisingly, Xu Yu has been stepping on the water wave and coming to the fountain. He can touch the fountain when he reaches out, but the fountain still does not turn into a water hammer to attack Xu Yu.

At this time, Xu Yu is in the middle of the pool, surrounded by lotus flowers in all directions. The sun in the sky is warm and shining on the water. The water from the fountain is like a transparent pearl. It looks pleasing to the eye. Xu Yu does not endure. Staying out of the hand and picking up a few drops of water on the fountain, then strange things happened.

Above the water pool, the mist was quickly gathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the fountain that was originally a foot high was gradually weakened. The black shadow above the fountain gradually became clear. This is a picture, Surprisingly, this is a blank picture with nothing in it.

This picture automatically falls on Xu Yu's hand. Xu Yu just touched the silky picture of this texture, and even more strange things happened.

I saw a rockery and a rockery next to the water pool, and the rockery is shrinking finally shrinks into the size of the scroll and is printed in the scroll of Xu Yu.

Originally not a huge pool and rockery, into this painting, it became a magnificent lake and a real high mountain. If you carefully look at the painting, you can hear the sound of the waves and the majestic water. Unreachable mountains, imposing!

The position where Xu Yu stood was turned into a land of green grass.

This magical scene fell in the eyes of Luo Jinhua, Qin Haoxuan, and Ye Yiming, and they were surprised to know what they said.

Luo Jinhua enviously took a look at this picture and studied it carefully. Congratulations: "Xu Shimei, this picture is obviously a magic weapon, but I don't know it. I have collected it and waited for the water. Let's go to Master and ask for it!"

magic weapon? Xu Yu nodded excitedly, she could be clear about the value of the magic weapon. There were very few people who had magic weapons in the martial art. I didn't expect to have one in the first half of the year, and it is obvious that this magic weapon is not low.


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