Too Early

Chapter 133: Hit you but I surrender

"This is a personal fairy, others are envious." Luo Jinhua feels a bit jealous, but also like to say to Xu Yu, but also like to comfort himself to talk to himself.

Xu Yu got the magic weapon of the fairy tales, Qin Haoxuan was happy for her, and worried that she and Luo Jinhua were weak in the water house, so she said to Ye Yiming: "Senior brother, let's infer the position, how about going to meet with Xu Shimei?"

Ye Yiming nodded undecidedly and said: "You first infer, I will study this ban."

After all, Ye Yiming squatted on the ground and carefully studied the ban on the martial law that was broken by Wuyi last night.

Qin Haoxuan was puzzled and said: "Senior brother, what is the use of this ban? Can it be studied through this remnant?"

Ye Yiming said: "It is not easy to infer that it is made. It requires great insights. The prohibition of the law is extremely complicated and cumbersome. A subtle change may lead to a very different function, so I want to study the ban according to it. It is very difficult to arrange the techniques. However, I have seen many similar books before and studied the composition of the ban. If it is restored on this basis and then controlled by me, it is still feasible."

"What is the use of restoring this ban?"

Ye Yiming smiled and said: "This year, the water house is very strange. If we encounter any danger in the next road, we can't beat it. We can run back here in the same way and hide in this prohibition, as long as this prohibition. Without being broken, it will automatically teleport if it is attacked by any attack, so that we can save ourselves."

Qin Haoxuan heard the truth and praised: "The stiffness is still old and spicy, and Ye’s brother is very good at it!"

Ye Yiming continued to bury his head to study and repair the ban, while Qin Haoxuan continued to drum up the mirror, studying the path to where Xu Yu was located, and detecting the danger on the road.

When Qin Haoxuan was watching the road, he accidentally saw the secluded spring corpse that he had let go of himself.

Qin Haoxuan observed it for a while and saw a lot of interesting things.

He found that after the punishment of the immortal, he will not only be attacked by the immortal, but even the same kind of the spring will attack it, and will attack it first.

The punishment is ambushing behind a rockery, with green saliva flowing in his mouth, greedily looking at the few immortals who are coming far away. It seems that he is very hungry and wants to eat human flesh.

There are a total of seven people in the group of immortals. The strongest is the 20th leaf of Xian Miaojing. The weakest one is also the 15th leaf of Xian Miao. After seeing this group of people, the punishment shows a bit of hesitation. But then he sighed a few words in his mouth: "I am a high-level demon in the secluded spring, talent is different, but also a few humans in the district!" Under its self-consolation and self-defense, wait for those who cultivate When they approached, they suddenly smashed out.

Through Qianli Mirror, Qin Haoxuan also clearly heard that his stomach was already screaming. This guy is really too hungry. He had to eat the cultivator several times before. The result is that there are other cultivators who come out to help, that is time and space. The crack suddenly split, and the filth that was thrown out inside not only did not play the cultivator, but chased a penguin and chased it. Under the rare combination of the cultivator and the corpse, the punishment was once again and again. Hunger is too expensive to consume, can the stomach not be hungry?

The punishment had just been smashed out, and I wanted to throw out the weakest cultivator. I didn’t expect the cultivator to be quick-moving and more agile. He lay on the ground and rolled, and he slid to the side. The punishment for plotting for a long time only tore off one of his clothes, and even the fresh flesh and blood were not tasted.

It is not willing to catch up. At this time, other cultivators have also reacted, and they have jumped open, and they have picked up a low-level spiritual law that is short in preparation time. These low-level spiritual methods can not hurt the strong and strong punishment. However, it also made it painful, and the offensive of the penalty was slowed down. The sneak attacked immortal escaped to a safe range.

At this time, the immortal of the 20th leaf of the fairy seedlings began to pinch the coffin, and the nearby aura quickly accumulated on him. The other hand clasped the magical symbol simultaneously, and the two-pronged approach was prepared to deal with the punishment at the same time.

The strength of the punishment is only equal to the 20th leaf of the fairy seedlings. At this time, it is necessary to fight with a beggar and to fight against the same level of immortals who are far away from each other. It is also a bit too much to eat, let alone six. The strengths are all helped by the immortals in the fifteen leaves of Xianmiaojing, and it is difficult to punish them.

Just when it couldn’t hold it, in the back of the immortality of the 20-leaf cultivator, there was suddenly a crack in time and space, and the strength of the three heads was also drilled in the sacred material of the 20th leaf of Xianmiao. It was very close to the group of immortals, so they were shocked by the seven people, and they all dispersed, and they all took out their most satisfying charms, beasts, etc., and prepared for a life and death struggle.

At this time, after the few wrath of the wrath screamed at them, they turned their heads and screamed at the other side. The screaming screamed, and while running, the mouth whispered a strange spell, and soon it flashed a black body. The smoke, the huge body turned into a leopard with a beautiful fur and a good shape.

After becoming a leopard, the target of the punishment was much smaller, and the dodge was no longer as embarrassing as before.

The cultivators were completely dumbfounded. They thought that these corpses would join forces to attack them. The four heads are equivalent to the sacred objects of the 20th leaf of Xian Miao, but not a few of them can deal with them. The mortal plan is to prepare to pull one or two ruins before the death, but I did not expect them to look at themselves after they came out, and rushed directly to the first ruins, as if they had deep hatred between them; What surprised them the most was that the original corpse would change.

After the leopard became a punishment, although the attack power was greatly reduced, but three or two times resolved the crisis of several deaths, and directly evaded after knowing that it was invincible, and the three heads that appeared later did not catch up.

"Between the corpses, there is still an infighting!" A cultivator said, his cold sweat has been wet, and the happiness of a dead escape is born.

After being chased by the ruins of the three hunts, he recovered his original appearance and gasped with a big mouth. Even if he was born in a secluded spring, his strong and strong punishment also shouted: "The group The bastard, wait for the seat to raise your injuries, be sure to beat you into a meat sauce!"

The words of the sentence just fell, and vaguely heard the roar of the three hunts catching up, suddenly scared to smash out again, ran for a while, it turned into a black hound, the speed is faster than the body A few points, just the dog-like dog, it looks really funny! In particular, it seems to be awkward to escape, and there is still a little bit of ambition, and it disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this, Qin Haoxuan couldn't help laughing.

In the process of escaping from chasing, the penalty becomes an animal at regular intervals. After a short time, the prototype will be automatically restored, and the time of transformation will be short.

Soon Qin Haoxuan discovered that the first three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred objects were still chasing after each other, and the people who saw the people playing and the magic chasing after the road had already followed. A group of phantoms, although the strength is between the 10th and the 18th leaves of the fairy seedlings, but the number is quite large, and there is no other way to escape from the crime.

There are many times, when the punishment is in front of the immortal encirclement, and after a large group of hunters chase, how to see is a mortal ending, but it can often be dangerous, there are many good things, every dangerous moment Can throw a charm to lift the crisis, or use the eccentric inexplicable spiritual method, can always be put to death and then born.

Being chased by the helpless punishment while escaping, he loudly warned: "You should not chase again. This seat has tolerate you again and again. The real dragon does not show up. You treat me as a scorpion! If this seat is angry, don't blame me for ignoring it!" ”

The threat of punishment is not half-functional, but it makes those filds more cheerful.

Seeing this scene, Qin Haoxuan also smiled very cheerfully. This filth is really interesting. It has to be annoying. It is so chased by his own kind! The cultivators along the way saw this group of fierce savage snarls, all of them scared their legs and feet, and when they found out that these filths did not attack themselves, they looked at each other inexplicably.

When Qin Haoxuan was watching joy, he suddenly found a problem, the route of escape, and how familiar is the surrounding landscape?

"I rely!" Qin Haoxuan exclaimed, isn't the direction of this damned punishment escape to the courtyard of his own? And quite close to himself, Qin Haoxuan looked up, you can see the punishment with a group of roaring filth, rushed over.

The punishment far saw Qin As if I saw the reborn parents, the eyes shone with light, and shouted loudly: "Hey, hey, big brother, we met again, it’s really rare, since I have been with you. After that, I will think about it. The friends who are so tolerant and generous like you are too few. I really can’t bear you! We are extremely dignified. We surrendered to a person and we I have to think about it for a long time to be his slave. I have thought for a long time. Since I surrendered you, I have regretted it after I let you go. I should be with you and play for you, so that I can stand up to my own conscience!"

The punishment quickly ran to Qin Haoxuan, hiding behind Qin Haoxuan, continued to be brazen, and said: "These wretched and despicable guys, I heard that I want to surrender a human being, I have been chasing me for so long, I am not satisfied, I must find a big brother. You, I have only been with you in my life!"

When confronted with such a shameless filth, Qin Haoxuan did not know how to evaluate the thickness of the other's face, especially in the face of the group of corpses brought by it, which made him a headache.

This group of phantoms is a step forward in the strength of the 20th leaf of the fairy seedlings. It seems that it should be the leader of this group of phantoms. It sounds sullenly: "Human, if you don't want to die, Just get out of me!"


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