Too Early

Chapter 1301: Looking for a rescue for Hao Xuan

On the contrary, mortals are too ordinary, their souls are incomparably weak, and they basically can't look down on any wind and waves. The rules of heaven and earth are not so harsh. Therefore, if you are too deep in your life, you may stay in the soul after death. Between heaven and earth, it can't be lost for a long time. If you have a long time, you can cultivate into a ghost repair if you can meet any adventures.

However, the monks are different, usually they are dead and soulless, and it is impossible to have a soul to stay, so the monks are paying attention to this life, no afterlife.

But now, the temperature here is too low and too low, and the soul of the punishment can't be completely dissipated. It is frozen in the body, and one is three years.

The strong joy made Qin Haoxuan instantly red-eyed: "It is the soul of punishment, really!"

"I have seen the reincarnation of the reincarnation and the reincarnation of the king of the king. If their theory is correct, with this remnant, maybe I can really make the punishment come alive in another way!"

Various ideas flashed in the brain. Qin Haoxuan still didn't want to understand how to resurrect the sentence. He felt that the ice on the body of the sentence was slowly dissolved, and the soul sealed in the body dissolved with the ice. , just want to move, come out!

How is this going? ! Qin Haoxuan's cold sweat brush suddenly flowed down!

Once the seal is loose, the soul will leave the body of the penalty, and it will be broken up in an instant!

No! I am not allowed!

Qin Haoxuan threw the corpse of the punishment into the shadow and wanted to re-ice it!

However, Qin Haoxuan found that even if the body of the punishment was thrown out, the ice on the top was re-covered, but the ice in the body was no longer cohesive, and the soul was still in an unstable state.

How could this be? !

Qin Haoxuan was shocked. In desperation, he could only force the body of the sentence to come back again.

Trying to use his own ice power to seal the sentence, but found that it still does not help.

"What to do..." Strongly endured the pain in the body. Qin Haoxuan wrapped the sentence with a layer of ice, but found that it was impossible to re-enforce the soul in the body of the sentence. If left to do so, After a month, the soul will completely dissipate.

"No, you must find a way to keep the soul of the punishment, you must..." Qin Haoxuan whispered a little flustered, "the way to save the soul..."

"Resist the soul wood!" Qin Haoxuan eyes suddenly brightened!

After Qin Haoxuan became a deputy teacher, Huang Long once mentioned the sects in his hand to them. In the early Western years, about a thousand miles away, there was a sect of less than five thousand years.

The reason why this sect is specially proposed is because the characteristic of this sect is the sorcerer's sorcerer. This is a very left-handed practice in the cultivating of the celestial world. It is cruel to accept the soul refining for its own use. But as long as it does not involve the interests of other great religions, they will not be cruel.

However, Qin Haoxuan thought of this sect, not because of his sorcerer's spirit, but because of the spiritual teaching of the spirits.

It is rumored that the spiritual spirit of the spirits can nourish the soul, and keep the soul for hundreds of years.

It is just such a thing that is against the sky. In the cultivation of the immortal world, it is a chicken-like existence. Under normal circumstances, it is simply not used, so there is no enlistment.

Now, what Qin Haoxuan needs is this soul-keeping wood.

Originally, Qin Haoxuan wanted to recuperate in this shadow, and raised all the wounds of the whole body before going out, but now the punishment can not wait.

"I will protect you, I want you to come back to life." Qin Haoxuan with expectations.

In advance of the plan, Qin Haoxuan seized the time in the shadow of the snow demon to repair the wounds, while optimistic about all opportunities to run to the outside of the beginning, until the tenth day, Qin Haoxuan finally waited for an opportunity, turned over and left the beginning.

When he fell heavily from the air to the ground, Qin Haoxuan was even frozen on the half, and it took a while to slow down.

Looking up and looking around, quiet, unguarded, Qin Haoxuan was a little relieved, and then looked at the direction, using the bandit technique did not enter the ground, rushing away.

When Qin Haoxuan came to the front of the temple to worship the temple, ten days later, his trauma was good, seven or eighty-eight, but his body was too wolf, and his red robe was ragged, dirty and full of hair. Very messy.

However, Qin Haoxuan did not care about this at all. The wounds of his remnant soul, with a **** flesh, directly rang the door of the Confucianism.

The address of the Church is not a mountain, but a dense forest. The tall buildings occasionally cross the lush trees, but most of the houses are hidden in the forest, winds over the forest, and occasionally there is a mother-in-law. sound.

"It is a bit strange." Qin Haoxuan looked at the teachings of the Holy Spirit in front of him and spit out a sentence.

To say that it is a teaching door, in fact, it is very simple to use a gantry frame that does not know how many years of giant tree trunks have been living.

Qin Haoxuan just came to the front of the church, there is a little disciple who seems to be only fifteen or six years old, and he emerged from behind the door. When he saw Qin Haoxuan’s moment, he was obviously shocked and watched him alertly: “You who is it?"

Qin Haoxuan paused, and said: "Teacher Qin Haoxuan at the beginning, I want to ask your party to help."

Seeing Qin Haoxuan talking and doing things is polite, the young disciple put a little bit of caution, but still staring at him: "You are waiting here, I have to go in to inform."

Too early education? Qin Haoxuan?

It seems to have heard it...

The young disciple passed through the winding forest and a small river and came to a spacious and rich palace. Lang said: "Teaching, Qin Haoxuan asked for advice at the beginning."

"Well... um?!" It was just a faint sigh. After a pause, it was suddenly raised. "Who?"

The young disciple repeated: "Teacher Qin Haoxuan at the beginning."

A ping-pong jingle, a man wearing a white robe, the sleek old man ran out of the palace, staring at a pair of bronze bells and eyes: "Who are you going to say again?"

The younger disciple frowned, and the teacher had heard it clearly, but he still said awkwardly: "Teach a young man outside, it looks like twenty-six, six, it’s quite awkward, like who has a fight with him. He claimed to teach Qin Haoxuan at the beginning, saying that we have something to ask for help."

The spiritual channel of the cult of the gods opened his mouth and then closed it. After thinking about it, he asked, "What does that look like?"


"Is the state watching?"

The younger disciple recalled: "The state... looks pale, like a rush, and the whole body is bloody, the hair is messy, but the momentum is quite good. He stands there, and the disciples feel a little uncomfortable in the door."

The Ling Passer walked back and forth two times in front of the palace, and muttered in his mouth: "Don't you say that Qin Haoxuan is dead? This person is really fake... The key is what does he come to our sect?"

"Teaching?" The younger disciple looked at the spiritual passage.

The spirit channel people thought for a moment and said: "You first go to the deputy teaching and the three church owners, and say that there is an urgent matter to discuss."


The spirit channel people frowned, and did not know what to do.

If the door is really Qin Haoxuan, what should I do? if not……

But now in this situation, who is free to pretend that he is Qin Haoxuan!


"What? Qin Haoxuan?"

Yang Xiu, one of the masters of the Church of the Holy Spirit, exaggerated his small eyes. The already crowded facial features were all open, but the nose was still falling, and the lips were still turned outwards. The ugly ones were terrible.

The only woman in the field, Lin Xuexue, couldn’t bear to look at her eyes: "I said, Lord Yang, you can’t change your appearance?"

The monks in the Xiuxian world have always been the beauty of a man's handsome woman. I have never seen anyone who can maintain such an original ecological appearance. It has not changed for a few hundred years. Lin Xue as a female repairer is really enough. .

"Why should I change, this appearance is given by my parents, I look very good!" Yang Xiu sinks his face, and his eyes are dark and watching Lin Xue.

There are only three churches in the meditation, and the three halls have always been Yang Xiu’s most popular. Although Yang Xiu is ugly, he can’t stand him to be high and the point is deep. It’s that he is very respectful to him. .

Lin Xue is white and beautiful, especially the body is even more graceful. It was a bit unreasonable to upgrade to one of the three halls of the Confucianism with her cultivation, but who made her the deed of Xie Jun What about?

Seeing that it was going to quarrel again, the spirits taught the people to teach the spirit channel. The people patted the table and the flesh of the face shook: "When is this, you are still noisy!"

The deputy director Xie Jun slanted and looked at Lin Xue, Lin Xue snorted and stopped talking.

Xie Jun is more than eight feet long, no need for white face, wide nose and high nose. He is always very quiet, and there are not many words, but each sentence is full of weight, and it is bigger than the power of teaching in the spiritual teaching.

The hall finally calmed down, but the people of the Ling Pass felt that it was too quiet. The eyes swept over the four people sitting in front of them, and finally fell on the seat. There was no such thing as the main body Xu Feng: "Xu Tang Lord, what do you think?"

Xu Feng is thin and long, with a long face and a hawk nose. His eyes are very long and narrow, and he has a strong sigh. He looks up at the Ling Pass people. "Don't you say that Qin Haoxuan is dead? How come a Qin Haoxuan at the door?" Are you sure?"

Yang Xiu frowns: "There is no big education Pu Guangge iron heart to destroy the beginning of the early How can there be people who are stupid to fake the early education? A little bit of benefit is not a little careless will be killed, I see The people at the entrance to Yumenkou are really Qin Haoxuan."

"That's weird. We don't have much to do with the early teachings on weekdays. You said that since he escaped, why don't he run and come to the sect?" Xu Feng said his chin.

Lin Xue blinked: "Isn't just listening to the disciple saying that he is asking us to teach?"

"It's even more strange here. We have something worthy of his request, and it is impossible for him to offend the great teachings." Lingtong people sighed. "I am jealous, if the door is really Qin Haoxuan, then how to arrange it."

"What are you teaching you?" Yang Xiu asked.

Ling channel people: "That is the deputy teaching of the early teaching, the little fairy on the road of Xiaoxian."

"Cut." Lin Xueyan laughed. "It was destroyed three years ago. Although there are still a group of people left behind, I can hardly find a climate. I can’t watch the Puguang Pavilion." After the words are spoken, those who see the early teachings will kill them. If other sects have the news of these people, tell them that they can still benefit."


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