Too Early

Chapter 1302: Heavy treasure is now touching

"Then what do you mean by telling Qin Haoxuan's whereabouts to Puguang?" Yang Xiu looked at Lin Xue. "Would you like to say that women's hair is long and short? What do you tell him about the use of Supreme Master?" It’s better to secretly accept Qin Haoxuan. He was so fierce at first. If he could take advantage of him to leave the Taichu exercises, it would be a real benefit for our sects."

Lin Xueqi's little face is white, she bite her teeth: "Yang Yangtang master can bear, you are so confident to leave Qin Haoxuan? Do not steal the chickens and not eclipse the rice, if it is known by the Supreme Master, we Don't be the second early education!"

"As long as the people in the sects have a good tooth, how can they know if they are supreme?" Yang Xiu immediately retorted.

The two have been watching each other for a long time in the spirits. It is basically noisy at every meeting. I must oppose your support. I will support you if you oppose it.

The smell of gunpowder in the entire hall was ignited again. The people in Lingtong closed their eyes with some headaches, and they heard a low-pitched sound: "Are you going to do something other than the noise?"

Xie Jun opened his mouth, and Lin Xue and Yang Xiu both had a tacit understanding of closing their mouths.

Lingtong people looked at their younger brother, and some of them asked: "What do you say about the teacher?"

Xie Jun looked at the people who passed through the tunnel: "Take the people first, look at the situation and say, it’s just boring."

Xu Feng, who has not spoken, immediately said: "I agree."

Lin Xue and Yang Xiu did not need to speak. The Lingtong adults directly sang to the disciples outside the door: "Go and invite Qin Haoxuan."

Qin Haoxuan waited for a long time outside, but his face was calm and not half-hearted. After all, he came to borrow the treasures of others.

Stepping into the hall, Qin Haoxuan saw the spirit passage people on the main seat and the other people sitting on both sides, and gathered the emotions at the bottom of the eyes. Qin Haoxuan Chaoling Passer slightly shook hands: "Teaching Qin Haoxuan in the early Taichu, today harassed."

From the moment when Qin Haoxuan entered the door, the five powers in the hall of the Temple were looking at him.

This person is coming directly from the battlefield? Full of blood, the robes are broken, and the hair is not too thin!

Lin Xue slightly frowned, she felt that the killing of this person is really too heavy, but the posture is tall and tall, the face is also deep and calm, the eyebrows also carry a sense of overbearing self-confidence, this man, not simple .

He seems to be brisk, but he can still see some things that are not right. It seems that the battle of the early teachings is not a complete retreat. It must have been seriously injured. Yang Xiu’s eyes are shining and the injury is good. Easy to control.

Although Qin Haoxuan is awkward and murderous, it does not seem to be as fierce and murderous as the legendary savage. The eyebrows of the Ling channel are soothing a lot.

Xie Jun and Xu Feng looked up and looked at Qin Haoxuan, and they also had a plan in mind.

Everyone and Qin Haoxuan saw the ceremony, and Lingtong people smiled and asked: "I don't know if Qin Daoyou came here. What do you need to help? You said that if you can help us, we must do our best."

A few people naturally ignore the things that Pu Guangge had destroyed at the beginning, and went directly to the theme.

Qin Haoxuan is also unambiguous. At the moment, he said: "I want to use the spiritual wood of your teaching."

The spirit channel smiles on the face: "...ah?"

"I don't care about it. My brother is very hurt, but the soul is not scattered. I want to protect him from his life, but now his soul is not stable, so I want to use it to raise souls." Qin Haoxuan serious Said, "But you can rest assured that I will never use it. I would like to exchange other things to exchange soul trees."

Rehabilitation of the soul wood, that is the treasure of the spirit of the church, this Qin Haoxuan is crazy, and it is necessary to come up! Why didn't he grab it?

Some people in Lingdao couldn’t get up to see Xie Jun, and Xie Jun said: "Qin Daoyou knows that raising soul wood is the treasure of the church we teach?"

Qin Haoxuan clasped his fist and bent over and made a long ceremony, indicating that he understood it very well.

Xie Jun sighed, it seems that the other party knows, so it can be said that it is a bit strong, is it difficult for him to use it?

Xie Jun adjusted his mentality and said: "Since Qin Daoyou knows, he dares to say that he can take things out and exchange. Is this a little too big?"

After Xie Jun finished, several people in the hall looked at him with some admiration. He said that he was polite, but the content was not at all polite. The translation was the deputy teaching of a ruined Taichu, now Difficult to protect, can you come up with something good to change a sect baby?

The people of Lingtong also laughed: "Yes, yeah, this spiritual tree protects us for thousands of years, it is easy to see people."

Yang Xiu, Lin Xue, and Xu Feng, who listened to this story, turned their eyes on the eyes. Although the soul-keeping wood listened to the monks, its use was too tasteless, that is, in the dark spirits, there is no such thing as noble and mysterious. This is not the case, Lin Xue went to the Treasure Pavilion a few days ago and also looked at his own town to teach treasure.

Qin Haoxuan knew that it would not be so easy, and he thought about how to give the other party a feeling worthy of exchange, and would not let the other party feel that he is a fat sheep, and it is not good for the other party to see the money.

"You, I was hit hard at the beginning, and there are not many things today. Can you see if this is the case?"

Qin Haoxuan shakes the dragon scale sword, the sword sounds like a dragon, the waves wave out, a trace of cracks opens, Qin Haoxuan feels a move, a huge huge furnace dings emerge!

This tripod was obtained by Qin Haoxuan in the sacred sands of Wanjiaxian. At that time, it was seen by several teams and it was valuable.

Da Ding has three ears and three feet, and the ancient nature is full of charm. At the moment of appearance, the dazzling Huaguang pours out, and the Ding body depicts the road, like the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

At the moment when Dading appeared, Xu Feng’s eyes were straight, and anyone could see how much it was!

Qin Haoxuan did not stop, and then took out two other things from the dragon scale sword, a set of nine days and eight battles, a practice that Xianying can practice. These three things are in order, and all five people in the hall are shocked. If you can't say anything, it's Xie Jun. When you see the practice, you can't maintain the calmness!

Qin Haoxuan looked at them, but found that these few people still did not express their attitude, slightly frowning, thinking that the things they took out were not enough weight. They thought about opening the dragon scale sword again and took out a set of seven-star swords.

There are only three swords, but there are a little bit of streamer, and occasionally the light flashes, even in the body of the sword into a seven-star array, the sharp swordsman is restrained, but still can make people feel the meaning of killing.

Yang Xiu, who loves swords the most, couldn’t sit still anymore, and even his breathing was rushing.

“How?” Qin Haoxuan asked calmly.

A few people present, only the baby in front of Qin Haoxuan is left in the eyes, revealing the color of greed, and can’t wait to grab these things now.

The spirit channel people were dazzled by these babies, and they opened their mouths slightly and couldn’t say anything.

It was Xie Jun, who looked at Qin Haoxuan with his eyes, but saw Qin Haoxuan’s look indifferent. He didn’t even look at the baby in front of him, as if these things were just a pile of scrap iron for him, and it’s not worth it.

This is a bit interesting...

Xie Jun’s eyes were stunned and his flash of light flashed, making him look particularly cloudy.

Qin Haoxuan felt the breath of everyone, and knew that the mentality of this group of people has changed! Calculate your own mistakes! I only thought that the other party would value their own housekeeping baby. I didn’t expect this group of people to be so shallow.

When the Lingtong people came over, Xie Jun pretended to be a very difficult opening: "Qin Daoyou also knows that the soul-raising wood is the guardian of the town that teaches me for thousands of years. It is reasonable to say that Qin Daoyou has asked us to help, but we are really Need to discuss it."

Qin Haoxuan nodded gently, and his heart secretly made a warning. Today... I’m afraid it’s not easy to get it... but I have to wait, if the other party doesn’t give it or grabs her own baby, then I’ll be less able to grab it.

Xie Jun took the lead to get up and rushed to Qin Haoxuan and said: "Without."

The spirit channel people also strive to maintain their own style of teaching, others are also trying to naturally look away, step by step into the inner hall.

Xie Jun saw everyone coming, and this raised his hand and set a barrier for this partial hall.

Lin Xue had already gone crazy and had no scruples. He screamed loudly: "So many treasures! Let's change it!"

Yang Xiu also supported the change, but after listening to Lin Xue’s words, he was almost smothered by his own saliva. He coughed for a while and said: “Cough, I think, I have to look again.”

The spirit channel people directly ignored them and looked at Xie Jun.

Xie Jun’s look was unpredictable. He hooked his lips and said: “Are you really observing that person?”

Xu Feng blinked his eyes: "This person is indeed Qin Haoxuan, and I see, he must have been hurt."

"Do you think he has something to take out?"

"Okay!" Lin Xue first opened his mouth and swallowed his throat and continued. "I don't know what to say. Any one of Qin Haoxuan's baby is enough to change our souls! Not to mention the four." Four pieces!"

Xie Jun laughed again, or Xu Feng understood immediately: "We think these things are baby, but you see Qin Haoxuan baby these things?"

Lin Xue was embarrassed, and the Ling Passage did not speak. Instead, Yang Xiu said with some hesitation: "Do you mean that these things are not worth mentioning for Qin Haoxuan?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xue did not respond.

The Ling channel people suddenly understood: "Stupid ~ That means Qin Haoxuan has more baby!"

As soon as this statement came out, several people were quiet and then smiled tacitly.

"It’s a fat sheep." Xu Feng started, his eyes said, "At the beginning, it was destroyed, Huanglong died, and other people disappeared completely. Qin Haoxuan is now alone, with injuries and no Going to the Great Teacher... Hahahaha, what else is he terrible?"

Lin Xue suddenly realized: "What do you mean, don't you change, but grab?"

Xie Jun glanced at Lin Xue, but he smiled in the middle of the picture: "What do you say? We are only revenge for the disciples who have died in the Wanjiao immortal, and by the way, the orders issued by the Supreme Masters are executed."

Others have admired the look of Xie Jun, it is worthy of the old fox, even the ability to kill people to make money is so grandiose!

"Cough!" The spirit channel person coughed deliberately, then whispered, "How to grab?"

Lin Xue thought for a moment: "Open a big battle and kill him!"

Yang Xiu turned a blind eye: "Open the sect of the big squad? Lose what you want! Do you know how long it takes to open the big squad? And it's so big, if Qin Haoxuan finds out, he hasn't waited for the big lap to open. What should I do?"

The Spirit Channel people went on to say: "And ah, it is a consuming vein to open the big lap, and the cost of opening it once is too great!"


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