Too Early

Chapter 1346: Lonely person

Ali is very neat, but within a quarter of an hour, the empty house is arranged in some way, the expensive but not eye-catching tables and chairs, China Resources but the quaint tea set, also moved two blooming peaches in the yard. It adds a bit of spring to this small yard.

"I want to retreat. These days, there is no big deal, don't let people bother me." Qin Haoxuan sat on the calamus and smiled at the little boy.

Ari nodded and reverently retired and closed the door of the yard.

Qin Haoxuan took out the "Magic Sutra" in his arms and read it carefully.

There is still a subtle difference between the introduction of the Magic Road and the tempering of the time when he first entered the immortal world. Qin Haoxuan is a real beginner and studies it earnestly.

He has no magic species, so after successfully introducing the magical power of this demon world into his body, the Taoist genius Dafa spontaneously works, turning the magic gas into the income that he can absorb.

At the moment when the magic gas entered the body, Qin Haoxuan discovered that the body of the Shinto who had been hidden in the body moved slightly in the body of the hungry ghost road, and absorbed all the magical powers.

"You want to practice and practice on your own." Qin Haoxuan said with a sigh of relief.

The voice has not yet fallen, and the two virtual shadows come out of his body. The body of the Shinto is still a silent look. I have found a place, and I have gone to practice. The body of the hungry ghost is not so honest. First, I searched the room again and found that there was nothing to eat. I was not willing to go out and see that the yard was empty. There were only two peach trees.

Standing under the peach tree, I looked at the body of the hungry ghost road and turned a blind eye. I learned the body of Shinto and meditated.

Qin Haoxuan did not care about them. Anyway, the three body consciousnesses were the same. Once something was wrong, he could stop it immediately.

A little bit past, Qin Haoxuan's study of the "Magic Sutra" has become more sophisticated, completely mastered, as if a door that has been closed for a long time, opened up loudly, after the foundation of the magic repair, he found that many places that were previously occluded It was passed.

The reincarnation of life and death and the reincarnation of magical powers have also intensified a certain strength. He not only combines his own magical skills, but even combines the magic and the Taoism with the help of the Taoist and Dafa. Your body has reached a perfect balance.

The sound of roaring sounds from his body, the magic and the aura are the opposite of the water and fire, but in the body of Qin Haoxuan, there is no slight rejection, but complement each other, turned into a wave of waves and waves hit the pulse of Qin Haoxuan .

The body is subject to scrubbing, and Qin Haoxuan’s thoughts are caught in a mysterious and mysterious realm. It seems like a white fog rolling over the sea. I don’t know why, but like a lonely road between heaven and earth, Qin Haoxuan walks alone on it, the sky is white and dark. Alternating, this is a mutual engulfing, and finally a strange integration.

The white mist receded, the Haitang River was clear, the heavens and the earth were wide, and the night slipped away like a sea of ​​water. There was a brilliance of whiteness, but Qin Haoxuan’s thoughts turned, and the twilight was overturned, alternating day and night, and finally reincarnation.

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes slowly opened, and he took a sigh of relief from his feelings. After he woke up, he maintained his position for a long time, motionless, until all his thoughts returned, and his body was completely classified. Slowly blinked.

"Half a year..." Qin Haoxuan counted his time for retreat, saying to himself.

He sat on the calamus, less than a foot in front of him, covered with layers of dust, and the sun poured in from the wide open window, with a touch of peach blossom.

Qin Haoxuan stood up, his fingers moved gently, the door in front of him opened wide, and a large expanse of light came in, but the yard was empty, and no one was there. The wind fluttered in and rolled around and scattered him on his shoulders. The hair blew up and licked his awkward face.

It is not too early, it is not his natural hall.

Qin Haoxuan laughed at himself. When he closed his door and closed the door, he had a moment of embarrassment. He felt that the disciples of the natural church would cheer up and there would be many people who couldn’t wait to tell him what happened recently. Everyone is smiling.

The feeling of being surrounded by family and laughing with my family, how I didn’t feel it at the time, was very incomprehensible at the moment.

A kind of nostalgia that emerged from the bone marrow made Qin Haoxuan hold his heart, where it hurts.

Standing alone in the yard, lonely and boundless pain came from all directions, Qin Haoxuan clenched his fists.


The door opened.

Qin Haoxuan looked up and looked at Ali’s eyes with a surprise: “Qin Xiaoxian Wang, is your retreat finished?”

The tone is careful and the title is strange.

Qin Haoxuan converges on the mind and nods. "You tell me to tell the demons. I will open the lectures after seven days."


Until the little waiter left, Qin Haoxuan took a sigh of relief. He walked slowly out of this small yard and walked to the edge of the rock. He saw the strange mountain, stranger, and no familiar place.

Where is this day, where is this? Even the wind around me has a trace of sadness.

Qin Haoxuan had to admit that he was homesick and wanted to be too early. He wanted someone who was too early.

Missing this kind of thing, you don't touch it, it will not turn the wind and waves honestly, but a little lovesickness, thousands of thoughts will be overwhelming, so that you have nowhere to hide.

A figure passed by the sky and went straight to Qin Haoxuan.

It is Lotte.

Lotte, standing behind Qin Haoxuan, was in the dust, but also with the blood of the dead, but Qin Haoxuan suddenly felt familiar, as if the strangers met the fellow countrymen, the original cold heart also poured a layer of warmth. meaning.

"I have been here a few times, you are retreating. I didn't expect that I just came back this time, you have already gone out." Lotte's cold face has also eased.

Qin Haoxuan smiled at him and said something without thinking: "Would you like to go in for a cup of tea?"

Lotte glimpsed a little, he did not expect Qin Haoxuan to invite himself, but it was only a moment, Lotte smiled softly, like spring water melting, nodded, said: "but it is disrespectful."

Qin Haoxuan looked at the smile that Lotte’s mouth had not disappeared, and gave a slight glimpse.

Lotte is born to be extremely handsome, the eyebrows of the eyebrows, the high nose and thin lips, the five senses seem to be carefully carved, but in the eyes of everyone, he has never been ridiculous, a cold air, a big free magic palace, for hundreds of years However, no one has ever seen his smile. Naturally, no one knows. When Lotte laughed, it was so warm and even a little childish.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly felt that this person was suitable for laughing. He made a request for action, and the two went to the small yard of Qin Haoxuan.

Ali’s work was done, Qin Haoxuan only went out soon, the room had been cleaned and cleaned, and the jade bottle on the living room table was inserted with a peach flower to be placed.

Qin Haoxuan took the teapot to his side, and then took out a copper box from the Qiankun bag. Just opened the lid and a tea fragrance came out.

Lotte’s expression softened at once, and he enjoyed the light smell, then sighed: “Good tea.”

Qin Haoxuan looked at the tea in his hand for a long time: "This is the year... we are new tea at the beginning."

Hearing the ambiguity in Qin Haoxuan’s discourse, Lotte also became silent.

The wrist is slightly moving, a pot of water is already hot, boiling hot water is poured into the tea, the turquoise is scattered in the cup, and the hot air is wrapped in the tea, and it seems that this strange place has also become It’s warm.

Qin Haoxuan just put the tea in front of Lotte, and Lotte took it up and drank it.

Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly, but it was just boiling hot water, this person...

Lotte slammed down the teacup in his hand, and the indifference on his face faded. His shoulders shivered slightly, his lips moved, and he finally said with a hoarse voice: "I really envy you, really..."

Qin Haoxuan lifted the kettle on his hand and slowly added a cup of tea to Lotte, then put it down and stared at his own cup in front of him, without speaking.

Lotte took a deep breath and was relieved of grief and grief. He said: "I envy you, you are still there, I envy you and tea at the beginning, I envy you..."

Spreading his hands, Lotte pulled his lips and made a laugh that was more ugly than crying. He was like a question and a grief: "And me? What do I have?"

Slowly take out the sword wrapped in a layer of golden swords, and Lotte seems to hold the weight that cannot be tolerated in Hold this sword tightly: "I only have left It is, it is called the day, there is still a month of the moon, but now in this world, there is only a day of whistling."

Qin Haoxuan looked at Lotte, who could hardly break free from pain. He closed his eyes and couldn’t say anything.

Lotte put the sword in his hand back to the original place and straightened his back. The grief of the moment seemed to spread from him, but it was like condensed into the blood marrow, and the tea on the table was picked up by one hand. Then, one word and one sentence: "I will go back, I will restore the glory of our sects in the past, my master, Master, uncle, my brothers and sisters are watching, I will not let them down. ”

Qin Haoxuan looked at Lotte, and Lotte said that he was determined and decisive, and that Qin Haoxuan also brought out his blood and nodded: "You will do it."

Lotte licked his lips and then stood up and said to Qin Haoxuan: "You come with me, I will bring you a few friends. You are too lonely here. Lonely is a knife that kills people without blood. It will let You are ashamed, you will be left unreliable, and then you will be crazy. You can't always be alone."

Qin Haoxuan beats in the chest, and he exerts extra force. He followed Lotte and nodded. He asked, "Is there other people?"

Lotte walked outside: "Yes, there are a few cultivators like you and me. We may experience different things, but they are all forced to go through the immortality of the immortal world."


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