Too Early

Chapter 1347: Little fairy and big devil

“Oh?” Qin Haoxuan was really a little surprised at this time. The self-defeating master really has a lot of people in the fairy tales? Or do these people are also doing things for the self-defeating Lord?

Lotte flew to a valley in the east with Qin Haoxuan. At the same time, he said: "We have almost a dozen people. When there is nothing wrong, we will gather together at the Gongsun Mengdao Friends of Luoyang Valley."

“Gongsun Meng?” Qin Haoxuan was slightly surprised. “But the Beiyuan Gongsun’s family disappeared one night ago?”

Lotte nodded: "Exactly."

"Historically, the Gongsun family was completely degraded in that big battle, and there was no survivor. I did not expect that the most outstanding one of the generations was still alive, and in this free magic palace." Qin Haoxuan said with amazement.

Lotte smiled softly: "It’s not a fate, are we not all such people?"

Qin Haoxuan thought, really.

At this time, a white figure flew from the sky. Qin Haoxuan could feel the temperament of the man. He just wanted to speak to Lotte and say that he was the same person. The woman dressed in white is like a wind. I swept past the two people, and the speed was extremely fast. I passed by and did not look at Qin Haoxuan, leaving only a chilly atmosphere.

Qin Haoxuan was a little curious in his heart. He looked at the woman and looked at it. He found that although the woman was beautiful, but the face was like a frost, the eyes were dark and the fluctuations were not seen. The coldness of the body was obvious. There is a feeling of discomfort.

However, it is indeed a cultivator. Qin Haoxuan frowned slightly, and couldn’t figure out the body of a monk, how could there be such a feeling of evil.

Feeling that Qin Haoxuan’s eyes were on the far-sighted female repair, Lotte sighed and voiced to Qin Haoxuan: “She is the abandonment of Chulofang.”

Qin Haoxuan suddenly stopped and looked at Lotte unbelievably: "Is it a self-clear fairy?"

Lotte looked at Qin Haoxuan with a weird look: "Do you even know? I thought that your generation of monks would no longer know that An Ziqing."

Qin Haoxuan couldn’t help but look at Chao’an Ziqing again. He said with sigh: “It was when we were teaching and chatting.”

An Ziqing is a genius who shocked the world more than 500 years ago. She is a golden fairy, so talented, and she is a teacher of the sect of Qiu Luofang. Although Qiu Luofang is only a great mission, it is already a nine. The sect of the 10,000-year-old sect, once surpassed the 100,000-year-old sect, is a new Supreme Master.

Rumors at the time, the entire Chulofang was devoted to the education of An Ziqing, and she was regarded as an important bargaining chip for the door.

At that time, An Ziqing had the supreme glory and was the first person to be strong in the entire Xiuxian world.

The rumors of the world, as well as the Taoist monks of An Ziqing, Lu Li, the reason why the two people are highly regarded, except for the surprise of An Ziqing, but also because of Lu Yi, has not appeared on the mainland of Xiu Xian for many years. Heterogeneous.

Heterogeneous, talented gods, repairing progress, but unfortunately, live for a hundred years.

In order to extend the life of the land, An Ziqing and the land have almost traveled to every inch of the land on the mainland, and all the methods recorded in the ancient books have been tried, but nothing has been achieved.

"Then, they misunderstood a place. It is said that there is a place where there is no great religion. Although they have not been martyrdom, they have met a disciple of the Supreme Master. Fang Yi began to hide himself. The identity of the disciples of the great religions, while traveling with the two at the same time, was hard to extricate themselves from the self-sacrifice of the self-sacrifice. After learning about the alien identity, Fang Wei was more straightforward to express his love for An Ziqing and then refused. The three-person friendship broke."

Lotte’s voice is cold, and the words of the dusty history are spoken without a trace of affection, but the event that will be engraved in history will gradually reveal its embarrassing side.

One of the things that is hard to understand, it is really crazy.

If Fang Wei is just an ordinary Supreme Master disciple, perhaps everything that happens later will not be so fierce.

It is a pity that Fang Zhen is not. His identity, even in this era, can shock most of the people who cultivated the immortals. He is the only son of Supreme Masters. What is even more rare is that he is superb and intelligent.

Smart, affectionate, and stronger.

After the confession was rejected, Fang Biao asked his father to personally go to Qiu Luofang to raise a relative. I wanted to use the power of the supreme teachings and forced him to promise. Whoever thought that An Ziqing’s temper was just to the point, it was In the face of dozens of big sects, I refused again.

This time, the refusal can be different from the two privately. It is the face of the sect of the great religion, and the entire cultivating world is shaken.

This is no longer a matter between An Ziqing and Fang Yi. The Supreme Master is angry and the world is shaking.

Qiu Luofang’s teachings angered An Ziqing on the spot. An Ziqing and Lu were out of anger and left. They did not expect that the next one was from the whole world.

Fang Wei and others did not even speak. Several great teachers, such as Qiuluofang, sent the dead to kill and leave. The killing lasted for three years, until the two seriously injured people were forced into a relic.

"After entering the ruins, the two of them will destroy the law. As a result, the people who chase and kill outside can't enter, but they can't get out of it." Lotte said.

Qin Haoxuan nodded. Lotte’s narrative was exactly the same as what he heard in Huanglong. He frowned and asked, “What happened in the end...”

Lotte shook his head gently: "No one knows what happened in the past seven years. I only know that when the formation is opened again, only An Ziqing is out of it, and the land is gone."

An Ziqing, who came out of the formation, seemed to have changed a person, and the ice was cold and sorrowful. It was a ghost. She was cultivated as a great advance, and her strength was soaring. The whole person was like a resurrection, and the people who would stay outside. , killing a fine light, the cruel means, chilling.

Among those who died, they also included the son of Supreme Master of Education.

In addition, the genus of An Ziqing turned into half purple and half gold!

The world was shocked and rumors came out. All the people in the world said that she, An Ziqing, had eaten her own Taoist priests in that relic and evolved into what it is today.

The son of the deputy teacher was killed, and the great teacher was furious. The second time Qiuluofang issued a essay, the extinction of the human daughter, and the sect of the sect. It is a dead or alive, and has nothing to do with the Qiuluofang.

"Before there was a big school to chase and kill, after the world's people crusade, An Ziqing came out from the ruins, killing nearly a thousand people before and after, and then suddenly disappeared." Qin Haoxuan said back to Huang Long told him Those past events, said, "The teacher also said that she is dead, and some people say that she was caught by the Supreme Master. I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, such a character is actually in this free magic palace.

"In the future, you should not have too much contact with her." Lotte suddenly said.

Qin Haoxuan turned to look at him: "Why?"

"You didn't think the smell on her was strange?"

Qin Haoxuan nodded.

Lotte looked at the place where An Ziqing disappeared, and twitched his mouth. He said: "She is already in the devil, but she has not retired from this layer of fairy clothes."

Qin Haoxuan silently, to this day, Naqiu Luofang is still a 10,000-year-old great education, but it is close to the sacred sect of the Supreme Master. However, the sects are not optimistic that they can spend because they once owned and robbed A fight chip, no more.

"Let's go." Lotte flew again to the Luoyang Valley, followed by Qin Haoxuan.

Luoyang Valley is not particularly large, but the courtyard is elegant, Qushuiyu, and the layout is generous. After the arrival of Lotte, Qin Haoxuan can feel a pure fragrance of immortality.

There was no accompanying boy here. Lotte was walking in front of a big house and knocked at the door. He did not wait for someone to answer, and took Qin Haoxuan into it.

This is a very ordinary house. There is no extra decoration. It is very simple. There are already five people in it, sitting or standing, and having a relaxed attitude. However, there is no laughter when the average friend is together. It is very quiet.

When Qin Haoxuan entered the hall, he glanced at it. The five people in the room looked different, but they all had a similar atmosphere. Like Lotte, they seemed to have a cold and awesomeness from the bones, even though they were around. They are all fellow travelers who are not familiar with each other, but they still have nowhere to be solved.

Lotte helped Qin Haoxuan to introduce one by one, and did not point out that these people came from Hemen Hepai, only said the name, not talking about the past.

"This is Gongsun Meng."

For the first person, the body is slender and the face is clear, but the hair is already half white, and the corner of the eye is a little wrinkled, adding a touch of vicissitude to him.

"This is Xiao Heng."

Qin Haoxuan looked up and silently recalled that Qin Shuige Xiao Heng, who killed the founder, was not allowed to be righteous. It was said that he had been shackled in the Western Region, but he did not expect that this person was not dead, but he was still in this free magic palace. seen.

Xiao Heng in front of him is very different from the rumored big villain. He is born with a baby face and his lips are red and white. It makes him look like a big boy who just grew up, but his look is faint. .

"This is Su Qiteng."

Su Qiteng, the elite disciple of the Supreme Masters of the Great Education, was found to have colluded with the demon and attempted to kill the disciples. The propaganda group sent out a swearing slogan for abandonment. For a long time, the blood of the celestial world will be stirred up. The rainy wind, in fact, is only two hundred years.

However, Qin Qixuan’s Su a scholarly appearance, mild facial features, if not the pair of scorpions are too cold, who can think of this person, once broke the three hundred people sent by the Supreme Masters Array, will the flesh and blood of those people not stay?

"This is Lin Zihua, this is Wang Ruo-zhao."

With the five people in the room greet each other, Qin Haoxuan secretly screams, these people, no matter which one is a layer of names to repair the fairyland, I did not expect, even gathered here.

Moreover, he found that although these people were indifferent and indifferent, they were really not half hostile to themselves, and certainly did not show any enthusiasm.

When Qin Haoxuan looked at them, Gong Sunmeng and others were also observing Qin Haoxuan. The face of Gongsun Meng’s cold face showed a thoughtful look. He asked: “Are you a little fairy king who was rumored in the fairyland recently?”

Qin Haoxuan said with a smile of self-deprecating: "The rumor is now a big grind..."

Suddenly, several people in the room had been indifferently looking at them, and they all brought a little bit of strength. Everyone’s face has a little more smile, yeah... Once the little fairy king, now the name of the cultivating world has already become The big devil is gone.

Gong Sunmeng looked at Qin Haoxuan, his mouth moved, and he had not said anything before, he heard an extraordinarily scornful voice coming from the outside: "Why, now the immortal, even the minimum courtesy is not talked about?"


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