Too Early

Chapter 1395: Nothing 2 words

The last blow, the person who repaired as a high knife, can clearly perceive that it is a full blow to the master of the fairy wheel!

It is a big deal to send out two big fairy sects in the big fairyland to kill a disciple who is cultivated by the twenty leaves.

Jiang Wenxiong was shocked in the same place. Until this moment, he realized why it was so expensive, why he had never been assassinated. He has never lost his hand since ancient times.

The Lingshi I spent was not big enough to compare. Jiang Wenxiong looked at the bodies of the two masters of the fairy tree. His heart was complicated and his face was difficult to distinguish.

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes looked straight at the low woods. He only knew that the crisis had not been lifted, and the last fairy wheel master did not show up at all.


An extremely cold voice came from behind Qin Haoxuan, and the richness of the inside was almost turned into substance.

Then, a gray shadow swayed from the eyes of Qin Haoxuan. He looked at it slightly and looked at the collapse of the low-lying woods in front of him.

The speed of the Soviet Union was extremely fast, and the figure was almost completely integrated into the night. Even Qin Haoxuan could not see her movements. However, everyone present was obviously feeling the heavy pressure of the mountain from the Soviet Union. Out!

Huo's brows were wrinkled, and several elders accompanying the sorcerer's temple looked at each other. They had a tacit understanding of building a simple array around the crowd, effectively blocking the pressure of the Soviet Union.

Su Lu’s face was always cold and snowy. For the first time, there was an expression other than indifference. It was a kind of distortion caused by a mixture of extreme anger and hatred. She spread her knowledge and was in the vicinity of dozens of places. Do the search, but did not find a trace of the killer!

After the search failed, Su Li stood in the woods, and the thin figure looked even more intense than the surrounding night. Qin Haoxuan moved slightly, just want to say something, and saw Su Luo suddenly headed, a shout from her mouth!


The sorrow and anger of the master of Xianying’s realm rushed into the air and it was shocking! This calm area, between the moments blowing up the wind and the wind, mixed with stunned thunder!

Even with the method of Huo Kou and others as a cover, the disciples who were repaired as low disciples were still severely shocked by the eardrums, and the spirits trembled. There were more than a dozen people on the spot.

Waiting for the long wave of the past, some people in the place are not very good-looking, and the knives of the knives are broken and traced, and eventually they are completely broken.

Standing in an empty land, the Soviet Union’s tall and straight posture is a stubborn gesture. The short forest around her has been completely turned into fly ash, and the wind is rolling with broken leaves floating down, deep sadness. With a deep hate lingering around her.

Qin Haoxuan regained his gaze from Su Luo, although he did not understand why, but he could feel the hatred of Su Luo on the killer.

The word "infernal" is also in the heart of his heart like a mountain. Qin Haoxuan did not think that he came to chase himself, and even the entire Xiu Xianjie was frightened by the murderous killer.

"what happened?"

"I don't know, how come someone will assassinate?"

"The things that just happened are terrible..."

"Who is the coming person?"


After the extreme shock, the disciples who had returned to God whispered.

It’s too mysterious, even though it’s like a nightmare in the high-level eyes, but the low-level disciples at the beginning of the game don’t even know his existence.

"The owner, what the **** is going on?" A disciple ran over and asked Huo.

The expression on the knives was not easy. He looked at Qin Haoxuan with a dull look. He was silent for a moment, then said to the disciples around him: "Notify everyone to prepare for the collection. Continue to hurry after half an hour, the next time. Will stop again."

The people present are full of doubts, why are you so anxious?

After the knife was ordered, he looked at Qin Haoxuan: "You must hurry."

"I want him to hurry?"

"Don't go with us? Why?"

"If you come back and kill, he will die..."

"Where can you get people?"

The disciples of the disciples were full of incomprehensible arguments.

Huo's brows were slightly wrinkled, and the eagle-like sharp eyes swept away, and all the disciples trembled, and then dared not talk, and ran to pack things.

Came to Qin Haoxuan, Huo Knife handed a piece of jade Jane and a map to him, whispered: "This is the map you need to hurry, and the voids left by the veteran ancestors, you use."

Qin Haoxuan took over the things, the expression on the face did not change much, but the heart was surprised at the behavior of the knife.

The knives must know the name of the world, so they will make a decision so quickly, give up on themselves, and walk with the people who teach Tianyan.

To be honest, Qin Haoxuan is very impressed with Huo Kn’s decision. He is not like some hypocritical people in the world. When he abandons his disciples and saves himself, he finds the reasons for the grandiose, but decides decisively without any slight hesitation.

Very real person, this is Qin Haoxuan's evaluation of Huo Knife.

Qin Haoxuan was surprised that before the departure of Huo Knife, he would give himself to the Voids, and there were very few monks who studied the Void. He could make fewer achievements in this respect, and the ancestors dared to call themselves old. The ancestors must have reached a certain level.

Rubbing the jade in his hand, Qin Haoxuan can feel the power of the space inside.

"Thank Master." Qin Haoxuan bowed his head to Huo Dao.

Huo took a shot of Qin Haoxuan’s arm and then looked at the Soviet Union: "Go."

Su Luo came from a blew, her face was cold, her expression was awe-inspiring, and the anger of hatred remained in her eyes. When she passed the knives, she said indifferently: "I will not leave."

Huo Knife looked at her sideways: "Some things are still let go."

Su Luo stopped and stood in the darkness, as if he was blended with the night, and did not speak.

"You are not easy to climb out of the abyss, do you want to go back?" Huo Kn turned around and looked straight at the Soviet Union. "The sect took a lot of effort to save you."

Su Luo did not speak, and did not respond to the eyes of Huo Knife. She stood silently and made a decision.

Huo Knife sighed in his heart, and he said that he said that since Su’s mind has been decided, it is meaningless to stay dead again.

"Let's do it yourself." The sound of Ho's knife fell into this night, and soon disappeared.

The people who watched the Devil's Hall have already gone to the Flying Sword and are ready to leave. They have been in a state of sorrow. They simply don't understand what happened to Ji Aozhen. Finally, there was a reaction. She licked Qin Haoxuan's arm: "What is going on? He left us alone?"

Qin Haoxuan looked at the jade in his hand and nodded.

Ji Aozhen looked at the magicians who had already left the sword, and tightened their brows: "The magic repair is so ignorant, who is attacking you?"

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes swept across the two beaches of the ground, whispering: “It’s a tissueless person.”

"Who?" Ji Aozhen couldn't touch his mind. "Who is that?"

Qin Haoxuan was also seen in the bookstore of the Lord of the Lord. He recalled it and said: "It is said to be a very mysterious killer organization. Since its establishment, no matter what kind of assassination mission, no mistake has been lost."

Ji Ao snorted: "This time it didn't work."

Qin Haoxuan sighed: "So they won't stop."

"Just your master knows what a killer organization is going to kill you. Why don't the disciples ask everyone? Now they are running." Ji Ao snorted.

Qin Haoxuan said: "That is because the assassination of this time has failed. If he tells everyone who is shooting, once things are revealed, the infinite people will not only kill me, but also destroy the entire konjac insider."

"This kind of troublesome thing, he won't do it."

Ji Aozhen is still a little incomprehensible. Looking at the figure of the sorrowful hall, he frowned. "If we do the Taoist repair, we will never abandon our disciples."

Qin Haoxuan looked at her and chuckled. Ji Aozhen was still young, and the channel was repaired.

Because of the face, the Taoist society will do a lot of things beautifully and will not leave a handle on itself. But if you really face the situation like this, facing a big killer organization like this, when the danger involves their own interests or their lives, Tao Xiu is likely to abandon his disciples as well, even when he abandons his disciples. A matter of appearance.

Huo Knife will not have these moral concerns. If he wants to go, he will leave. This is a decisive decision. It is much stronger than those who are hypocritical.

Qin Haoxuan did not tell Ji Aozhen these words, but looked up at the route when Jiang Wenxiong left, his eyes were cold.

"Then what do we do." Ji Aozhen asked with some concerns.

Qin Haoxuan suddenly smiled: "Unknown is the most terrible, but now we know that the enemy is easy to do, kill them."

Ji Ao looked suspiciously at Qin Haoxuan. She thought about it and asked: "But you are not saying that the killer organization is very powerful?"

Qin Haoxuan moved his arm and nodded: "It is very powerful. The assassination mission has never been a miss, so the price of each single mission is extremely high. My brother can invite such a killer to kill ~ It should be a ruin."

Ji Aozhen suddenly stunned his face: "Then we are not finished, so a powerful killer, how to kill."

Qin Haoxuan took a look at Ji Aozhen: "Do you think I will be killed by the group of killers?"

Ji Aozhen suddenly remembered that although this magical repair was low, but knowing how much is so much, the expression of despair has become hesitant.

"Oh, even then, it is too embarrassing..." Ji Aozhen sighed, his eyes fell to the side of the standing body, and Ji Ao slammed Qin Haoxuan carefully. "Hey, look, why didn't she go?"

Qin Haoxuan shook his head: "How do I know?"

Ji Ao stunned Qin Haoxuan, curiously looked at the Soviet Union. The more he saw, the more he felt that this witch was not simple.

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