Too Early

Chapter 1396: Never failed ever

"Look at what? Look at the beads of your eyes." Su Luo suddenly turned his head and looked at Ji Ao, coldly.

Ji Aozhen was scared by a beggar and immediately hid behind Qin Haoxuan. She can clearly feel the killing of the Soviet language, and I don't doubt if I continue to look at it, I may really be dug out.

The night faded, and the sun quickly spread from the east to the whole sky. The konjac hall that had already rushed in the middle of the night did not stop and rest, but continued to move forward. Until this day, many young disciples had some support. Live, Huo Knife took everyone to fall in a valley, camped.

In a tent, Jiang Wenxiong kicked the ball out of the ball, and then smashed Li Minyan to the side and gnawed his teeth. "This is the killer I spent on 100,000 Lingshi?! It is just a bunch of waste! Two In the fairyland, a fairy wheel, even the scum of a fairy leaf can't be killed, what is the use for them! Ah?!"

Li Minyan was pointed by Jiang Wenxiong's anger, and his face was somewhat white. He frowned. "Brother, this time it is just that bad boy. You are relieved. You can't stop the task of a single killer. They can't stop. They for sure……"

Li Minyan’s words have not been finished yet. A figure opened the tent and walked in. Seeing the arrival, Jiang Wenxiong and Li Minyan’s face changed.

"What?" Huo Knife looked at the two faintly.

Li Minyan said very quickly: "The disciples are looking for the brothers to ask for exercises. Since the master is looking for a brother, the disciples will retire first."

Carefully looked up and looked at the knives, seeing the other party nodded, Li Minyan quickly left Jiang Wenxiong's tent.

After Li Minyan left, there was a knife and Jiang Wenxiong in the tent, and the atmosphere suddenly became stiff.

Jiang Wenxiong did not know how to come to Huo, and after his salute, he looked more respectful.

Huo Knife held his hand in the tent, and his eyes looked at Jiang Wenxiong without looking at his eyes. He said, "You are really good. I can teach disciples like you, and I am very proud."

Jiang Wenxiong tried to look at the knife, and stunned, saying: "Master, what are you talking about, disciples don't understand."

Huo Knife chuckled: "If you have this attitude, it will be boring."

Jiang Wenxiong was shocked and looked at Huo Knife. The knife was calm, but the look was clear and well known.

Jiang Wenxiong said with a heart, Jiang Wenxiong said: "Yes, this is what the disciples do. I want him to die."

"Well, dare to be dare, this is my disciple's disciple." Huo knife is somewhat pleased.

Jiang Wenxiong arched: "Master, are you not angry?"

"Why should I be angry?"

Jiang Wenxiong’s voice was low and said: "He is a golden fairy, and his qualifications are better than his disciples..."

"We don't look at this and don't look at the process. Only the last winner is qualified to survive." Huo Knife looked at the disciple in front of him and said slowly, "Your heart is enough, and things are enough to be decisive. When the enemy appears, you can immediately make a decision to get rid of him. I appreciate it."

Jiang Wenxiong knees on one knee and bows to the knife. "Thank Master."

Huo Knife sighed: "What will happen to this thing, but also depends on the creation of both of you. He is dead, you are my successor; if he survives, you will prepare your own coffin early." ”

Jiang Wenxiong trembled in his heart and said nothing. Huo Knife had already left his tent.

Going back to your own tent, the devil's house governor's road is already burning.

"Senior brother, how do you deal with this matter?" The road burned face Qingjun, long eyebrows, just a black and white hair, adding a bit of old age.

Huo Knife sat in the chair: "Teacher, this is a matter between children, I will not mix."

After the road burned his brain, he realized that Huo Knife had to choose the successor for himself in advance. He said with some concern: "I am afraid that the big and the strong will be more fierce, and he will face the deadly killer after all, but unfortunately he Seed qualification."

Huo Knock shook his head: "Not necessarily."

The road burned and looked at the knife.

"You didn't notice the sword that the little girl's little girl had thrown?"

Road Burning Road: "Nature has noticed that the power of that sword has still scared me. For many years, that sword has been much stronger than the swordsmanship of many powerful people I have seen."

The eyes of Huo Knife fell in the void: "The sword is very problematic. When she arrested the little girl, she didn't have such a strong fighting power. She was empty and repaired, but it was actually an embroidered pillow."

The road burned: "The meaning of the brother is that the sword is the great servant to the servant?"

Hoo nodded.

"But he is only a fairyland. How can he know such a deep sword? Is it taught by his brother?"

"No, I have never seen such a sword, he has his own adventure."

The road burned the night of the assassination. The amazing sword made by Dao Xiu, whispered: "The power of the sword, the world is rare, brother, why don't we take this set of exercises?"

Huo Knife was silent for a moment, did not speak.

The road burned strangely to him: "Sister?"

"Teacher, do you know the origins of our martial art?"

"Not very clear..." The road burned a little bit, and did not understand why the brothers suddenly asked this.

Huodao stood up from the seat and came to the window of the tent. He looked at the deep night sky in the distance and said slowly: "A long time ago, Tianyan was originally a space that was enveloped by powerful methods. The sect. I sent my ancestors into the law and found this sect. He saw countless sects and pavilions in the temple, and the aura was pure and rich, the terrain was broad and clear, but there was no one... ”

The road burned and nodded: "So the ancestors settled here and set up Tianyanjiao?"

"Yes. Since the beginning of my sect, there have been rumors that there are disciples in the sect who see people who are not in our sects walking around at will, and those who have seen them will always have all kinds of adventures." Knife whispered, "These masters who have had a strange disciple have thought about taking disciples, but they died without exception."

"I have heard of some rumors, and I remember that in our history, some people have proposed relocation, but in the end it is gone."

"Yeah." Huo Knife sighed. "Many of the teachers have had the idea of ​​relocation before taking over the Tianyan, but when they became teachers, they never mentioned the relocation of the sect. ""

"But this is..." The road suddenly burst into a brow: "Senior brother, do you suspect that Da Zhuang also has these adventures?"

"There is this suspicion." Huo Knife looked awkward, and he said again, "Do you know the younger brother? Those disciples who have been recorded in history have become the teachings of our Tianyan teaching."

The road was burned and looked at the knives with a shock.

"These disciples who have been acquainted, as if they have been worshipped by Heaven since then, they have gone through the experience, experienced all kinds of life and death, but they all survived, and they became more and more sturdy, and eventually became the master." With the wisdom of his own master telling himself, he was full of emotion. "And they have always taken great care of these disciples who have encountered in the sects. Once they appear, they will treat him as a successor to the church."

The road burned and frowned: "So, if Da Zhuang is known to have encountered an adventure, he is likely to be met and protected by the teacher? Then he is likely to survive."

"Yes, he is likely to survive, and what I am worried about is that the church is going to protect him and fight with him." Huo brows his face slightly.

The tent was silent for a moment.

"But he may die too," Hodge said with a sigh. "Because it is infinite, its assassination mission has never failed."

The road burned and thought: "I seem to hear people say that there has been no failure..."

"That's all rumors, the inaction of the assassinations, never been dead, there have never been exceptions."

The road burned and looked at the resolute brother, and did not know what to say.


In the tent, Ji Aoyu sat on the futon and looked at Qin Haoxuan with both hands: "Let's sit here? Why not run?"

Qin Haoxuan blinked at her: "Can you run through the deadlocks? Even if they hide in the ends of the earth, they will catch up."

Ji proud snorted: "Then I will take you to our sect, Master will be able to protect us."

"Are you stupid or do you think I am stupid? If you sect your master will protect you, I don't know, I only know that they will kill me." Qin Haoxuan said with no anger.

Ji Aozhen: "..."

"And, who let you sit, and quickly practice the sword." Qin Haoxuan looked at her and gave her a look.

"Hey, what's your eyes? I saved your life..." Ji proudly jumped.

After the words have not been finished, the Soviet Union wearing the gray magic slave clothes came in, and Ji Ao was shocked. He immediately closed his mouth and quietly leaned against Qin Haoxuan's position.

Qin Haoxuan looked at the Soviet Union with a puzzled look and asked what was going on.

Su Luo looked straight at Qin Haoxuan and said, "What happened to her sword last night?"

Qin Haoxuan and Ji Aozhen are both at a glance.

Qin Haoxuan soon returned to God, and all kinds of thoughts were in his mind.

According to their own understanding of the killer, they will not be able to stop the assassination. The next assassination will surely send even more powerful people.

Ji Aozhen’s girl is too stupid. It’s hard to say if he can deal with it. He really needs the protection of a stronger person.

The eyes fell on the Su Luo body, Qin Haoxuan secretly, this witch is acting strangely but the repair has reached the fairy baby, and from that night's performance, the combat power is good, and the killer There is a festival, if she is willing to protect herself, it is appropriate.

Qin Haoxuan smiled slightly: "Want to learn?"

Su Luo nodded: "I want to learn."

Ji Ao blinked his eyes and had not had time to ventilate with Qin Haoxuan. He heard this magic repair saying, "Okay, I will teach you."

Ji Aozhen: "..."

He took the flying sword in the hands of Ji Aozhen, and Qin Haoxuan showed the first style of the heart-sword in the tent.

Su Xiaomei eyebrows: "I didn't understand."

Ji Ao, who was hiding behind Qin Haoxuan, stood up and gave Qin Haoxuan a look. Look, she doesn't understand.

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