Too Early

Chapter 1397: The battle of the fairy demon is heavy

Qin Haoxuan Bai Jiji proudly glanced at the Suluo Road: "If you don't see it, people will not say it immediately. What about you? What is it like?"

Ji Ao’s eyes widened: “I...”

Qin Haoxuan did not pay attention to Ji Aozhen, turned his head to Suluo: "You open the gods, I will show you again."

Su Luo looked at Qin Haoxuan with amazement, and he was puzzled: "Do you use God to give me a demonstration?"

Looking at the distrustful eyes in Su’s eyes, Ji Aozhen revealed a head from Qin Haoxuan and said: “His knowledge is amazing, and it is stronger than what we teach.”

The color of surprise on the surface of the Soviet Union was heavier, and he opened his own knowledge without saying anything.

Qin Haoxuan immediately taught the past the first form of the heart.

After feeling the vast and innocent powerful gods, Su Luo’s heart was more skeptical about Qin Haoxuan. How could a young disciple of Xianyejing have the knowledge of a powerful person?

Even with these doubts, Su Luo did not ask for an exit because she knew that everyone had their own secrets.

After comprehending the things I felt in my mind for a few moments, Su Luo suddenly opened his eyes, and the flying sword in his hand suddenly burst into a deep trace in the air, only to make a sword, but the surging Jianguang Filling up the tents, the sword is even more straight!

Ji Aoyu hiding behind Qin Haoxuan has already seen it!

This sword, the Soviet Union at least made the five become the standard!

After Su Luo got this sword, he nodded to Qin Haoxuan, walked out of the tent directly, found a secluded place, and began to ponder the sword.

"No..." Ji Ao looked at the back of Su’s departure and muttered to himself. "So powerful, why am I so stupid... Is it really dull?"

Qin Haoxuan is on the cool side of the interface: "Yes, you know yourself very thoroughly."

Ji Aozhen was ashamed and stunned, and Qin Haoxuan glanced at him: "You taught this powerful sword to this woman, aren't she afraid of killing us? We are not familiar with her, you can't control her!"

Qin Haoxuan shrugged: "Although I am not familiar with her, I can feel that she is not the kind of person who crosses the river to break the bridge."

"You!" Ji Aozhen felt that he had nothing to say, snorted and turned away.

Outside the tent, the sword is a little bit slick, and the arrogance is extraordinary. Ji Aozhen stood on the edge of the window and looked at it. He felt that the gap between people was too big. The same sword, he practiced for more than ten days to make a rough, but that A woman can only make 50% of her strength.

"Hey." Ji Ao sighed with a sigh of relief.

Qin Haoxuan walked past Ji Aozhen and gave her a look: "Don't sigh with it here, you might as well practice your own swordsmanship. It would have been a stupid mind. If you are hardworking than others, you are really saved." ”

Ji Aozhen made a ghost face to Qin Haoxuan who said that the wind was cool. He turned his head and looked at the Soviet Union who began to practice the swordsmanship. He tightened the flying sword on his hand, and his wrists shook. The sword light spread and he cultivated in the tent. .

Qin Haoxuan sideways avoided the sword meaning that the girl had intentionally or unintentionally scattered, and turned a blind eye, and found a corner to sit down and began to close his eyes in the sound of swords.

The most important thing now is to accumulate their own strengths. The infinite assassins will never accept failure. They will only endlessly chase after them.

The failure of tonight's assassination will only lead to more and more mad revenge. This point, Qin Haoxuan understands better than anyone else. If it is the peak of the Taoist period, it may still face it, but now it can only temporarily avoid it. Its edge.

This night has passed very quickly. When the daylight rises and the sun shines through the heavy morning fog, it is time to face the choice.

Packing up the luggage, Qin Haoxuan said to the two people around him: "Continue to hurry."

Su is leaning against a tree, his fingers constantly rubbing his own sword, and he doesn't care where to go.

Ji Aozhen wrinkled his eyebrows: "What keeps on going? Where are we going?"

"Where can I go, of course, continue to go to the destination."

"You are stupid? The group of assassins will be able to catch us!" Ji Ao slammed a little, and said in a hurry. "They are the insiders of your sect. If we follow the established route, we are not self-investing." ?"

Qin Haoxuan reached out and pointed out the forehead of Ji Aozhen: "Is it stupid to say that you are stupid enough to use your brain?"

Ji proud of his forehead, dissatisfied with Qin Haoxuan: "What?"

"If there is no such powerful killer organization, unless we can really go to the ground, they will catch up if they escape to the ends of the earth. It is useless to escape."

Qin Haoxuan picked up his fingertips and flew his sword in front of him. He looked at the attacked Ji Aojun: "Let's go, at least in the days of teaching, there are people who are willing to help me, although it is of little significance, but it can contain a little. There is no means to make them too arrogant."

"Okay." Ji Ao looked at Qin Haoxuan with a sigh of relief and sighed.

Qin Haoxuan and Ji Aozhen jumped together with Feijian, slightly sideways, and Su Luo had already stood side by side with him. The two men looked at each other and did not speak, but they rushed toward the front with a tacit agreement.

Crossing this plain, it is very close to the boundary of the Lie Pavilion. Occasionally there will be buzzing and bursting sounds along the gust of wind. The battle between the demons is more intense than imagined.

"I was caught in the vicinity." Seeing some familiar scenery, Ji Ao’s eyes are bright. Maybe, maybe the people who are at the teacher’s door are also there?


An attack with a strong killing slammed down from the air!

Qin Haoxuan kept the panic of the arrogant, the aura of the body surging, and immediately stabilized the flying sword that almost fell.

The five figures are exposed from the air like a blast. When they see Qin Haoxuan, they don't say anything, they do it directly!

It is the way to repair them!

Seeing the people who cultivated the world, Ji Ao’s eyes are bright, but before she says anything, the five roads with murderous attacks have been attacked in several directions, and there are four or five behind them. The figure is coming quickly!

The original calm land murders, the mad wind volume anime Tiansha stone **** head, the small area, has been filled with fierce wind blade, leaving no room for Qin Haoxuan they cut the past, if they are hit, they will be directly Cut into meat!

Looking at the fierce look of the coming, Ji Ao's face was white, and the flying sword at the foot was almost uncontrollable in the panic, let alone mobilizing the whole body to resist the murder of the sky!

How could this be?

Ji Aozhen looked at the Taoist repaired by the sword in front of him. There was a moment of blankness in his mind. They were full of faces, and the facial features were distorted and killed.

She remembered her former self, and was this the same when facing the magic repair? When I saw the magic repair, I didn’t say that I would cut the sword...

It turned out that in the eyes of Mo Xiu, Tao Xiu is like this...

"The demon war is really fierce." Qin Haoxuan sneered a coldly sneer, yelling at the predecessor in front of him, "What? Control the flying sword, don't panic."

Ji Ao's lips smashed into a straight line, took a deep breath, tried to control the flying sword in the wind, while the left hand waved, a light and shadow flashed from her palm, completely shrouded himself and Qin Haoxuan, temporarily isolated the attack outside. .

Just in the moment when Ji Aozhen defended the light and shadow, the five-way method was played from all sides and twisted into a fire dragon with a length of several dozen feet. The direct attack came from fierce anomalies and huge powers, which made the void tremble slightly! Each road method contains a full blow of the peak of the fairy tree, and the synthetic Dao torrent can completely eliminate a strong person in the realm!

Ji Ao's face was pale, just about to take Qin Haoxuan to abandon the sword and fall into the ground, avoiding the attack of these people, and seeing a sharp and sharp sword light from the side of the body, with the power of the monks to the fire dragon!

The fierce fire dragon was split into sporadic pieces in an instant, and the glittering point disappeared into the air!

Su Lu from the back, the clear eyes covered with snow and ice, chilly, she flew to Qin Haoxuan in front of them, the index finger a little eyebrows, blood light burst from the fingertips, a short and rapid curse in the mouth came out, The whole body has changed instantly, and the coldness is abnormal!

Qin Haoxuan was surprised to see that it seemed to have changed like a person. She was cold and frosty, and her sorrow was stunned. The strong magic enveloped her whole body, and the **** brilliance loomed between the thick fog!

"Magic damn, kill!"

The five Taoist divisions occupy five orientations, and the complementary Taoism is formed by the continuous condensation of their palms, and the power is strong, making the four winds tremble!

Su fell in the air and did not move, a pair of blood-colored eyes coldly looking at the attacking person, killing the impression, the body of the magical dissipating moment, the side of the regenerative arms, looking shocked inexplicable!

A black guqin appeared out of thin air. The Soviet Union held the bottom of the hand with one hand, and the other hand bounced back. The sound of the piano was like a blade, and it broke away and instantly destroyed two attacking methods.

She has another pair of arms, a pair of swords, a sword tumbling, and a wrist between the flips is a fierce sword rain, which hurts!

One Qin and one sword in the hands of the Soviet Union turned into a butcher's knife for harvesting life, the magic gas tumbling, condensing the power of the heavens and the earth, turning into a sea of ​​madness, and rushing to the five Taoist repairs without mercy!

This is an amazing battle of killing one person alone and nine people are firmly in the upper hand, she is sizzling, recruiting, drilling, attacking, such as showers and blasts, overwhelming, all It is a move that requires human life, but within a few moments, this piece of heaven and earth has been completely swept by sharp piano sounds, sharp swords and powerful methods. The five Taoist repairs can no longer be shackled. But it is a matter of time!

Qin Haoxuan saw all the changes in the attack of Su Luo in his eyes, and his heart was secretly surprised. This set of demon **** Shura’s physical exercises was just fierce. I did not expect that she would choose this Taoist method to practice, and she also practiced so purely. Spicy, let alone a few monks in the fairyland, even if there are a few more peaks in the realm, she can't bargain in her hands.

It is rumored that this set of exercises has been practiced to the extreme, and it is possible to regenerate three heads and six arms on its own. Those who have the chance to get the strength of the ancient Shura demon **** can punch through the world!


The three Taoist repairs were hit by the attacking method of the Soviet Union, and they were instantly smashed into blood.

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