Too Early

Chapter 1398: The murderous murder in the ruined ridge

The Soviet Union was in a state of arrogance, and the whole body was like a sea. The shot was unrelenting. She stepped over to the group and walked over the past. The fierce pressure made many people have some unbearable!

"Brother!" someone shouted!

For the first person to face condensation, slammed a golden yellow passage from his arms, poured into the aura, and left the air!

The sacred sound of the avenue, such as Hong Zhong, generally sounds from the air, and the golden road is completely spread in the air. The golden rune of the sky will completely cover the people of Su Luo and others!


Ji Aozhen exclaimed an exclamation. The defensive light and shadow that she sacrificed disappeared in the golden verses. The fierce pressure fell like a wave, and Qin Haoxuan and her straight down a few feet!

Su Luo looked up and looked at the gauze that was intertwined by the rune of the sky. The whole body was soaring, and the sword in his hand was overflowing with magic, and when it was empty, it was repeated!

The sharp sword light is like a lightning bolt across the sky, slamming into the void covered by the golden rune!


The void is a shock, the quiet floating verses in the air sway slightly, and the Taoist manipulating this verse is cut off by the sword!

The Soviet offensive continued, her wrists flicked, the sword was light, mixed with harsh guitar sounds, and madly attacking the shocking golden runes!

The attack of the Soviet Union provided Qin Haoxuan and Ji Aojun with the living space under this piece of the sea rune!

When the rune appeared, Qin Haoxuan brows gently, because he smells a familiar power from this verse, which is the power that the Taoist ancestors can have!

Is this rune written by the ancestors?

No, Qin Haoxuan quickly deny this idea. If all of them are the ancestors of the Taoist palace, they will write with the power of the Taoist palace. At the moment of their appearance, the three of them will turn into fly ash, not as violent as it is now. You can also find breathing space under the attack.

The Soviet Union’s offensive was like a wave, and the swords in the hands of the sword were swayed by the swords that pervaded them. They saw that the Taoist repairs could not support it!

Brush it!

At the moment when the Soviet Union was about to smash the scriptures, the three powerful images suddenly came to an end. Seeing the situation that their disciples were struggling to support, the look became very ugly. They stood in the air and spit out in a population. A sigh of relief, sprayed on the verse!

Originally presented in a state of embarrassment, the color of the dim light is extremely radiant! The golden light is as glaring as the sun, and every rune shines like a star. After sweeping the state, the power of the mountain is firmly pressed down, and the swordsmanship of the Soviet Union can no longer produce the previous effect!

Qin Haoxuan's head was slightly biased, and his eyes fell straight on one of the runes. The rareness of the sputum appeared.

That rune is in the east of this rune, like the sun, bright and radiant, the glory of the glory enveloped the whole piece of the void, the amazing power contained in it!

That is the rune of the Taoist ancestors with their own blood!

A rune written by a Taoist ancestor, even if it is only used by a few people in the realm of the realm, can also exert amazing power, only because they can't compete with them now!

Qin Haoxuan raised his head slightly, his eyes skipped from the whole rune, and his brows were slightly tight. He could feel that with the force of the three people who had just arrived, this rune not only had the resistance to the Soviet attack in an instant. The power of defense, now even in the very fast gathering power!

Once these forces are gathered, the power of the ancestors of the Taoist Palace will completely erupt!

No, it must be withdrawn now!

Qin Haoxuan grabbed the arrogance of his side, and his body shape came to the front of Su’s body as a wind brake: “Go away, you can’t deal with this battle!”

Sushang binocular eyes are bloody, her body magic skyrocketing, killing like a sea, suddenly with a sharp sword meaning, has been pulled by Qin Haoxuan to the mountains for more than a dozen miles, she still waved the sword in her hand , Jianguang rushed to the rune, did not stop!

Su Luo even resisted being taken away. This mysterious and powerful rune has completely aroused her war, and she is so angry that she has a battle!

"You must go!" Qin Haoxuan was faster than the meteor, and he left the rune in the blink of an eye, and the Taoist repaired behind him!

Su Luo frowned: "I can fight again!"

"If you fight again, you will lose. The power of the Taoist ancestors is not what you can fight now."

Su Xinxin was unwilling, but she believed in the judgment of the people around her. She looked back at the Taoist repair that had been left behind, licked her lips and stopped struggling, and flew forward with Qin Haoxuan.

"Let me go! I want to go with them!" Ji Aozhen finally saw his own fellow people, very urgently want to join them, and several times want to break the wrist of Qin Haoxuan without fruit, can not help but rush to shout.

Qin Haoxuan looked at Ji Aozhen coldly and said: "You go back from the two demons, and they will be torn into pieces after they have not been close!"

I don't know if I was scared by Qin Haoxuan's words or was scared by his eyes. Ji Ao stunned the gods and dared not to struggle again. He could only follow them and run forward.

"How come you are missing?"

The people who are chasing are looking at the mountains, and they are violent and angry: "The people who killed us still want to run, dream!"

A few figures were scattered, but unfortunately, there were no people found in the hundreds of miles. After returning, the anger in the heart was even better. At the moment, the law was set up and I wanted to use the power of the world to calculate where they went.

"Does this need to be arranged?" A figure came from afar. This person was white, and it was like a silver snow. A blue robe was mopping the floor. The momentum of the whole body was amazing. One step came out and came to everyone instantly. In front of you.

"See Qingyi ancestors." See the arrival of the people, the three fairy-hearted strong people are kneeling and show respect.

The Qing ancestors did not look at them, and the large sleeves were smashed, and the six people in the squatting ground were completely enveloped. The speed was so fast that his speed was so scary that he crossed several hills in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, I was able to see the three rushing figures in front.

"Catch up." Su Luo did not look back and felt the amazing power behind him.

Qin Haoxuan speeded up again, pulling the two people rushing toward the mountains on the ground!

When they escaped, they went out for thousands of miles in a very short period of time. They have already deviated far from the area of ​​the Wing Ting Pavilion and entered the Northern Region of the Devil!

The fog in front of the black ink tumbling, nine days down, the rocks are standing, surrounded by red land, the grass is not born, the fierce atmosphere like the waves hit the sky, the distance is far away to feel the danger, it is heart-rending meaning!

"Destroy the silence!" Sustained in the stunned color, her silver teeth bite: "My master once said, into the silence of the ridge, nine deaths and one death! I will try again!"

Before Qin Haoxuan responded, her body twisted and she slashed her sword. The Jianguang, which was full of coldness and anger, became the only color in this gray world. The rolling clouds above the low sky were led by Jianguang. And then spurt out!


The sword is arrogant, sweeping the thunder, and it is almost the same as the Qing ancestors!

In the Qing dynasty, there was a strange color in the ancestral ancestors, and it was a retreat from the sword. The anger on the face flashed. He snorted, and the road behind it flashed, and the fierce pressure filled the whole world!

The blood on the face of Su’s face is retreating. Just the sword is the most serious and sharpest sword she has ever thrown. She thinks that she has already made the eight points of Qin Haoxuan’s sword, but she still can’t shake the old. Half of the ancestors!

Is this the gap?

The peak of the Xianying Road and the Taoist Palace are not the same, but it is reflected in the strength of the monk!

Qingyi's ancestors went straight to the side, and they became hurricane. When they came to the front of Su’s body, he had a big hand, and the invisible killings rushed out. The wind was raging, the mountains were broken, and the mighty war was like anger. The sea rushed out of the sea, directly dumping the Su Luo, and the phantom of the heavy hand slammed it!

The horror of death makes the Soviet Union cold, like an ice cave!


Su Luo turned back and came to Qin Haoxuan. She showed extreme hot and spicy colors on her delicate and cold face. She whispered: "Go, enter the silenced ridge, even if it is dead, there is a Taoist back."

Qin Haoxuan did not hesitate to grasp the wrist of the Soviet Union, and the speed rushed to the extreme, and suddenly entered the murderous land of the Silent Hill!

Once in the silence of the ridge, the two heavens and the dead, the heavens and the earth are covered with a layer of gray without life, the emptiness of the sky, the hurricane of the swaying, and completely isolated from the outside world, the breath of death and defeat, can Instantly evoke the lowest mood in the mind of the monk!

After the three people fell to the ground, they surrounded them with a completely different atmosphere. Qin Haoxuan looked up and rolled over the clouds. Numerous lights and shadows shrouded, and a dangerous and mysterious atmosphere poured out.

In the distant sky, the bronze squad of the captain stood upright, and a long knife stood on it. The knife was more than six feet long. The knife was thick and the blade was like ice. It was chilling, and the hegemony was from the blade. On top of it, the layers of white mist are paved around, bronze and long knives, both of which stand tall and empty, with the king of thousands of surrenders. 睥睨方方天地.

Feeling the shocking power, Qin Haoxuan whispered: "Where is this?"

Ji Aowei, like a frightened little white rabbit, was reddened by the fierce boundary of this fierce land. Both hands clung to Qin Haoxuan’s robes and looked at the Quartet with trepidation.

"Here is called the demise of the silence." Su sighed, "is one of the seven murderous places of the demon domain, dangerous, and not very powerful."

“Greater?” Ji Ao opened his mouth and said with a sigh of relief. “That’s not to say that we will fall here.”

Qin Haoxuan’s eyes were removed from the bronze table, and he discovered that many people’s names were branded on the ground from the ground to the bronze platform.

The ancestors of the fire, the ancestors, the cold ancestors...

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